' _ Over the County ^SOUTHWEST BREEZES By Romaine Saunders George Cuttler went to Atkinson Tuesday, having some cattle in the sale ring. , For assuming agonizing atti tudes, the foot-ball player just about takes the cake. j Frank Williamson and family of \ the Bower ranch were guests at the ample dinner table at the Riley ranch last Sunday. Jack Frost visited the southwest Sunday night, wilting the tender vines but left no preceptible marks on tree foliage. The oil and gas station over on highway 11 has again changed operators. Mr. Shonka, lately of the Carter ranch, is now handling the nozzles. Ernest Hall, who has a ranch in the Beaver valley west of Peters burg, was up this way recently and bought a bunch of black calves of Ernest Young. I could not feature Senator Burke of Nebraska joining a rep rehensible organization which “at heart he did not believe in” for the purpose of sliding into office. Mrs. Farrier and daughter, Miss Alice, of Chambers, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry W'ere also guests there at the same time. A Earl Doolittle was over this way Sunday from the Amelia neighbor hood assisting his brother-in-law, Bernard Kennedy, in the belated harvest of thirteen acres of one of the greatest sorghum crops ever seen in the southwest. Men elevated to high places in government who have become fas Y cinated by the phrase credited to ' Louis XIV, “The State—it is I,” may well remember it wras not long thereafter until royal heads rolled from the bloody guillotine. The dagger-marred body of the great Ceaser would turn in its tomb could it know that a twentieth century pattern of world conquer ors from the Tiber has come to our shores with a cigarette hanging from his lips and will “study the movies.” If the president has made no more diligent effort to ascertain the facts on this western trip than was apparent at White House circles respecting the charges of Black’s Klan connections he is no better informed than wheft the presidential train began the joui-ney. Maintaining jjr twenty-five thous and dollar resi(fencb in mild Vir | ginia with he and members of the Lewis family drawing $23,000 a year in, salaries from laboring men’s assessment**there are strong personal reasons' for the ex-coal miner to continue labor union agitation. About 34 per cent of the world’s i peoples are classed as Christian. [ Probably not more than 1 per cent of these qualify as such under Biblical requii’ements. Have those commissioned to “go into all the world and make desciples” made a failure of it after nearly 2,000 years’ effort? When the old timers were con triving ways to get industries started in Holt county—launching a packing house, chicory factory, flour mills and many other under takings the possibilities from a pickle factory seems not to have been thought of. The southwest is particularly prolific with cucum bers of high quality. Every little garden patch has them by the bushel. General Hugh Johnson, one of the original New Dealers and cus todian of the now defunct Blue Eagle, has become one of the most caustic critics of the leader he started out to follow. “The execu tive,” he asserts, seeks power to in fluence the decisions of the federal courts—of the supreme court by the appointment to it of a majority of puppets of his own choosing— hill-billy, Ku Klux woftl hats from the fol ks of the creek like Senator Black. Under the seduction of ballyhoo, bribery and charm we are moving away from the democracy imagined by the constitution and straight toward as rigid a dictator ship as there is on earth, and we are moving there because we don’t realize what we are doing to our selves*” To the partisan blind worshipper of a political god and the 22-short calibre country editor of democratic persuasion it makes little difference in their loyalty what the president does but the New Deal has brought to light many men with the mental vigor and moral stamina not to be led by a ring in their nose. The chief industry of the south west is raising beeves. This in turn renders the the man on the horse of paramount consequence. Tom Doolittle’s outfit moved a herd from summer range Saturday to the home place. A snappy 400 pound White Face calf got lone some over night and Sunday morn ing headed west for his “home on the range.” A telephone message to this neighborhood asked that he be headed off. When spotted he was traveling like a Hambeltonian trotter. Bernie Kennedy climbed aboard a handsome blue-roan Stal lion and with whirling riatta cut loose in full chase. By fine per formance of rodeo stuff in real life the calf was brought into perman ent captivity. INMAN NEWS Miss Bernedene Holiday, Gordon Brittell and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks and son of Newport, visited relatives here over the week-end. Miss Donna Rae Jaeox spent the week-end with relatives in Omaha. Miss Patty Watson and Marvin Youngs, students at the Univer sity of Nebraska at Lincoln, spent the week-end here with the home folks. • Mrs. J. T. Thompson spent sev eral days of last week visiting at the home of her son, William, at Norfolk. She returned home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Maxcy and sons, Jack and Donald, have gone to Lincoln where they will reside for a few months on account of Mrs. Maxcy's health. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Stover and son of Chambers, were here Sun day visiting her mother, Mrs. Zit ella Kestenholtz. F. H. Outhouse, Harry Kesten holtz and son, Kenneth, and Martin Conard have gone to the potato fields in the western part of the state where they will work in the potato harvest. The I. W. Club met with Mrs. James Coventry Tuesday of this week. This was the first meeting of the season and twenty-two mem bers were registered. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon, after which the lesson for the day was presented. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. F. E. Keyes Nov. 10. W. C. Hancock, who has spent the past two months here at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hancock, returned to his work in Kansas City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Morsbaugh and Mrs. Marvel Crosser drove to Neligh Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Weeces and daughter, Lois Elaine, and her father, A. D. Pond, of Craig, Nebr., came Monday and visited until Tuesday afternoon among old friends. The Ponds were former residents of Inman. About fifty friends and neigh bors gathered at the Louis Kopecky home Sunday afternoon to celeb rate the birthday anniversary of Louis Kopecky, Jr., the occasion being his 26th birthday. After a social afternoon refreshments were served. Louis received a number of excellent gifts. Miss Beth McKee spent the week end visiting her parents at Gre gory, S. D. A high school band was organ ized last Monday evening with thirty members. Supt. Hasek of Page, will come each Monday and Thursday evening to instruct them. The Freshmen of the Inman high school were properly initiated at a party at the high school auditor ium Friday evening, given by the upper classmen. At the close of the party, refreshments were served. MEEK ANI) VICINITY Mrs. E. H. Rouse called on Mrs. Albert Kaezor Wednesday after noon. Mrs. William Hubby visited at the Howard Rouse home Wednes day. Floyd Luber trucked cattle to Sioux City for Virgil Hubby and Albert Kaezor the first of the week. Virgil went with him. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith afid Cecil spent Tuesday evening at the Charlie Linn home. Derrald and Russell Graham called on Laurence and Lloyd Rouse Tuesday evening. At the horse-shoe tournament at Dan Hansen’s Saturday after noon, the championship honors fell to Edward Kaezor. Arthur Rouse spent Saturday evening at the Frank Griffith home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gannon of Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg left Monday morning for Los Angeles, Calif., where they wefe called'by the serious illness of a sister of Mrs. Lindberg’s. They drove thru. Frank Griffith helped Roy Spind ler with the hay last Friday. Albert Kaezor and Walter Stein drove to Norfolk Saturday bring ing back a new Dodge car for Albert. Walter Devall suffered a painful injury when he ran a rusty nail into his foot. He went to the doctor Saturday to have it ex amined, and the injured member is better at last report. Dinner guests Sunday at the Paul Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Borg and Marvel, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby. Arthur and Lloyd Rouse spent Sunday afternoon at the Guy Young home at Opportunity. Fishing seems to be quite a sport at the Devall pond. Anyone wishing to know more about it inquire of Mabel Jones and Walter Devall. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Puckett and daughters, Roxie and Betty, were dinner guests at the Frank Searles home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bay of O’Neill, were dinner guests Sun day at the Virgil Hubby home. Cecil Griffith visited Sunday with Clarence and Walter Devall. Levi Yantzie trucked a load of calves to Sioux City Monday for Rouse Bros. Several from here attended church services at the Mission in Atkinson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Karel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr drove to Car lok S. D., on a fishing trip, and to visit at the Jim Karel home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Devall and daughters, Edith, Hazel and Eve lyn, and sons, Howard, Leonard, Martin and Roy, were guests at the Fred Lindberg home Sunday. John Wonderchek was on the sick list last week. Horace Rouse and Joe Stein called at Will Devall’s Sunday. ASH GROVE PROJECT CLUB The Ash grove Project club met Sept 22 with Mrs. Hendrich with nine members present. The Presi den, Mrs. L. A. Hansen, conducted the business part of the meeting. .-.-M- ■ ■ -- Sell Your Livestock I at O’NEILL | AUCTION EVERY MONDAY 1 O’Neill is conveniently located on highways | 281 and 20, and on the Chicago & Northwestern | and Burlington railroads, thus making a more desirable place from which buyers from Iowa, Illinois, Eastern Nebraska and South Dakota | may ship or truck stock to their home or des- h tination. ll O’Neill has facilities not surpassed in pre- j| senting and offering your livestock for sale. \\ O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2 L. I). PUTNAM, Mgr.—Phone 141 I Tim Preece, Harry Cooper, Jim Moore and Gerald Preece, Auctioneers aks * 22 i Mrs, Hendrich was elected leader B. Mrs. Glen Cary was elected secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. F. P. Hunter was elected ne\ys reporter and social leader. Mrs. C. X. Cole, who is leader A, gave a report on the music part of the club work and she was ap pointed music leader for the club year. Norma Wertz pave an out line of the reading part of the club so that a very interesting meeting was enjoyed as well as part of the officers being elected. A delicious lunch of cookies and lemonade was served. The next meeting is to be held on Sept. 29 at the A. R. Wertz home and the lenders will present the first lesson of the club year to the members. “Under The 4-H Flag” Coming To Holt County One of the most complete and elaborate 4-H club entertainment units ever developed will be made available to the people of this county on Oct. 12, Agricultural Agent F. M. Reece announced this week. The show consists of two hours of talking pictures, the feature of which is the dramatized all-talking version of the famous novel, “Un der the 4-H Flag.” The program will include in addition to the fea ture picture a 4-H news reeT, an educational short called “Hidden Values,” and a cartoon comedy. The show will be held in O’Neill, the hour and place to be an nounced next week. Admission will be free and there will be no collection of any kind taken at the show’. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in the aims and aspirations of the 4-H move ment and to give its members, their families and friends and all others interested in agriculture a real treat in the way of high grade en tertainment. This county’s 4-H organization will have an opportunity to par ticipate in an attendance contest whose awards amount to $2,000. The award of prizes will be made on the basis of the proportion of the county’s rural population that attends the showing. All counties in the country in which the picture ‘ will be shown will participate in the ! contest and the county winning I first prize will get a check for $1,000 which is to be devoted to 4-H activities. In addition ribbons and awards recently won by Holt county mem bers at the state fair will be pre sented. Truckers Must File Application With Ry. Com. Before Oct. 15 The Nebraska State Railway commission, under date of Sept. 28, 1937, issued an order that all motor carriers for hire, subject to the provisions of the Motor Car riers Act, who were in operation on August 16, 1937, the effective date of the Act, must file their applica tions with the commission on or before October 15, 1937, otherwise they will lose all seniority rights. These rights they claim are valu able. Pending determination of their applications, they may oper ate lawfully. All motor carriers may operate lawfully without a certificate or permit for a period of ninety days from the effective date of the act until Nov. 14. 1937. Those with seniority rights, the order de clares, may operate lawfully after November 14, 1937, provided their applications are filed with the com mission on or before Oct. 15, 1937. All others without a certificate or permit must cease operations after November 14, 1937, according to the bulletin which is signed by the chairman of the commission. Some Senators say they wouldn’t have voted for Judge Black’s con firmation had they known he be longed to the Klan. Maybe they should have stayed around and listened to some of Senator Burke’s speeches. The 450 anniversary of the dis ! eovery of America by Columbus comes in 1942 and some thrifty youngsters are already beginning to save their pennies for a ride on the Ferris wheel. New Jersey fruit growers are shaving the fuzz off peaches for finicky purchasers. May be all right but we don’t want any sissy . YOU’LL SAY A MOUTHFUL of praise when you get your first thrill out of WHITE ROSE GASOLINE We know you’ll tell your friends about its snappy, smooth, knock-proof performance! TRY IT TODAY IN YOUR CAR! MELLOR MOTOR CO. Fifth & Douglas Sts. O’Neill, Nebr. MERRI BEVERAGE COMPANY O’NEILL, NEBRASKA PHONE 27fi peaches in ours, at least not that kind of peaches. Things certainly do happeu in American politics. Who would ever have dreamed a month ajfo that the Klan would be a national issue before Thanksgiving? New York City is being invaded by an army of web-worms. Isn't it about time to call out the WPA? WANTED 3000-c alves-3000 FOR Our 2 Big Special Calf Auctions ON Tuesday, October 12 AND Tuesday, October 19 Anyone wishing to consign their calves to either of these auctions—PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH US AT ONCE! OUR AD VERTISING MUST GO OUT NOT LATER THAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th. We will cover the states of Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, South Dakota and Wis consin with publicity. If you are consigning calves on either of these days, phone or write us immediately and we will reserve you a good position in the auction. Phone 89-R2, Atkinson at our expense. 1 ‘ .1 Atkinson Livestock Market “IT TOPS THEM ALL” Friday and Saturday, October 1 & 2 “SUPERB BRAND” Peanut Krush You will be delighted with our new peanut product as a sandwich filler. With every bite you enjoy the toasted bits of crunchy peanuts. Best of all is when 1’eahut Krush is used in making peanut rookies. Try a pound jar at the very special price of '['Jc per jar. Dill Pickles Crisp, brittle dills of uniform size in the big quart jar at the special price of ](jc. I’ut 2 garlic buttons in the jar and replace the cap. Let stand 18 hours. When you open the jar you meet with a happy surprise. Council Oak Cocoa At the start of the fall baking season you should stock up on Council Oak Cocoa at the special price of 2 pounds for J50, The beverage and baking cocoa that contains more delicious chocolate flavor to the pound than most other brands. Cocoanut Taffy Bars Small, crisp vanilla flavored cooky, filled with macaroon cocoa nut. For this sale these fresh baked cookies at a special price of 2 lbs. for 27c Evap. Apricots Not standard quality but they grade “Strictly Choice.” The tart, appetizing flavor of these plump, meaty apricots will add to the enjoyment of other foods on the table. The sale price is only Per pound. Sauerkraut When planning your varied menu% for mid-week meals you must not overlook sauerkraut, either boiled, baked or fried. Buy your sauerkraut this week-end at a reduced price. The No. 2 can for gc or the large No. 2Vi can for JQc. Free Handkerchief Buy 2 pkgs. of Kellogg's Bran Flakes and get a ladies sport handkerchief. Special combination price of ]9C f°r this sal« Honey Krushed The rich, wholesome bread of which you never tire. In many homes it appears on the table at every meal. Genuine Honey Krushed Wheat Bread can be bought only at The Council Oak Stores. Council Oak Coffee Carefully blended for flavor, strength and aroma. Roasted daily. Sold only in the whole berry. Ground fresh to order. The empty hags may he exchanged for fancy china ware. A popular seller at our every day low price of 27c Per P°und or 3 pounds for 79c. Double Dip Matches A regular “Sure Fire” quality match. For this sale we price these dependable matches at 3 boxes for only 9< O/'A \ T) Crystal White Giant "t A ^V-Jx\.JL Laundry O Bars X yC