The Frontier T - D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postoffice at O'Neill. Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25 Minutes of Meetings of the County Hoard O’Neill. Nebraska. August 10. 1937, 5:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Superiv ors met at the call of the clerk. All members present except Carson. Meeting called to order by Chair man. Motion by Reimer, seconded by Sullivan, that the County Attorney be, and he hereby is instructed to start legal proceedings for the Con demnation of the following d« scribed land, to-wit: A tract of land containing 0.31 Acres, beginning at a point 253.15 feet north and 33.0 feet west of the Southeast corner of Section 32, Township 29 N, Range 14 W, thence 450.0 in a southwesterly di rection around a 20 degre curvej (Radius 286.5 feet) to a point 296.51 feet west and 33.0 feet north of J said section corner, thence east 253.5 feet, thence north 253.5 feet to the point of beginning. Motion carried. 6:00 P. M. On motion, Board adjourned until August 24, 1937, 10:00 A. M., unless called at an earlier date by the clerk. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, August 24, 1937. 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Sueprivs ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. The following salary claims were audited and approved and on mo tion were allowed and warrants ordered drawm on the General fund in payment of same: Esther Cole Harris $126.00 Lurec Abart 70.00 C. J. Malone 188.38 Ira H. Moss _ . 166.66 Loretto Phalin . 104.17 John P. Sullivan 50.00 Francis Sullivan 70.00 Both S 1 n i en C. C. Bergstrom 70.00 Harry Bowen 100.00 Elja McCullough 158.33 Ed Hancock 85.00 Geo. Shoemaker _ — 104.17 B. T. Winchell 166.66 Inex O’Connell 83.33 Catherine Carney 70.00 Peter W. Duffy 160.00 Marjorie Dickson 70.00 Helen Sullivan 70.00 Teresa Connnelly 70.00 Julius D. Cronin 108,33 Harry Bowen 10.00 John C. Gallagher 166.66 On -motion the following claims were allowed on the Administrative Expense fund: Roberta Arbuthnot $ 49.00: Margaret Joyce 70.00 j Geraldine Cronin 70.00 12:00 noon. On motion, Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, August 24, 11(37. 1:00 f\ M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Mr. Schaaf appeared before the Board in regard to a claim filed by him for damages to his car which he claimed was caused, by defect in the Conuty Road. ' \ Board agreed to make an inspec tion of the Road where damage occurred before tuking a»iy action on this claim. The following claims yere aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the General fnud in pay ment of same: Esther Cole Harris $ 2.50 C. C. Bergstrom 05.00 Elja McCullough t J 17.50 What Is A Trifle— A loose thread a lost minute, a penny more or less? Any oi these things may lead to unexpected but important consequences. }ust how important is the penny? The ads in this paper give you a good illustration. The pennies you save, multi plied by the minutes you gain, will become savings that mount into the dollars. These are trifles worth while. Aditorial by John C. Gallagher_ 6.88 B. T. Winchell _ 55.41 Elja McCullough___ 200.00 John C. Gallagher . 1.90 W. Duffy _ 125.41 On motion, the following claims j were allowed on the Unemploy ment relief fund: Clyde Keller_L_ -$ 4.50 Roberta Arbuthnot . 31.60 | Council Oak_—_36.00 'Council Oak. Atkinson . 44.50 ! Ernest Harris.._.. 8.00 ! Fair Store _„__i___ 25.50 Ben J. Grady 89.00 Linder Store _. 10.00 Minnie Hough Tasler- 16.75 Harold A. Gill . 5.00 Yantzi & Son 5.00 John Wrede _ 18.00 Western Hotel .... 21.25 Gh Iden Rule 13.52 Standards Store ... 11.00 Dr. J. P. Brown ... 81.00 Midway Store _ 5.00 O. P. BigUn . 65.00 George Syfie .... 5.00 Mrs. Frank Griffith .2.50 O’Neill Food Center .. 32.50 Joe Daas ..—- 2.50 Dr, 0. W. French .. 3.00 Dr. A. T. O’Leary 3,00 Dr. W. J. Douglas_1_ 67.60 Farmers Union Store- 8.00 Mrs. Mary Wilson . 20.001 Harry Cowles 22.50 W’m. Clark & Son .10.00 Chace and Chaee ... 10.00 J.* H. Wunner _!-13.15 J. C. Penney 34.28 Hoskinson Merc. Co. 30.94 Musil Brothers ...._ 50.00 J. P. Protivinsky 34.00 Darlene Thompson - 18.00 Lewis A. Miller 18.00 Lewis A. Miller 2.951 On motion the following claims were allowed on the County Relief fund: J. I. Gray .$ 15.00 Willium Clark . 10.00 Reardon Brothers __ 1.65 J. P. Protivinsky 22.00 Arbuthnot A Reka 2.40 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on Road fund in payment of same: Chris Judge .. $ 80.00 John Sullivan 25.00 3, C, Stein _ 26.00 Fred Richardson 14.00 Oliver Jenkins . 8.00 Leo S. Tomjack . 21.00 John B. Friday . 7.20 Richard Minton . 84.00 John Sullivan 6.60 J. H. Gibson . 30.00 J, H. Gibson . 37.00 John Sullivan .. 22.00 Ed J. Matousek 35.00 Clinton McKim 44.00 Walter K. Smith 47.50 L. W. Reimer 7.50 Sid Faulhaber _ 12.00 Win. J. Thramer 40.00 Elmer Ernst 84.00 John A. Carson.40.00 J. II. Gibson 38.00 5:0: P. M. On motion, Board adjourned until August 25, 1937, 9:00 A. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, August 25, 1937, 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present except Carson and Gibson. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on Road Dragging fund in payment of same: J. W. Nickel $ 12.50 C. E. Linn . 2.40 Laverne Finley .. 5.00 R. A. Bartak . 9.00 Job Thramer 19.20 Emial Utah .— 4.40 John Jansen 4.40 Gerald Graham . 3.00 C. I. Linn 1.80 Paul Nelson 12.00 Arthur Fleming _ 9.00 Stanley Bartak 3.60 James Fleming _ 7.20 Herb Jansen . 3.20 L. W. Ulrich 36.00 Albert Finley 3.00 The following claims were aud ited and apprawed and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General fund in payment of same: John Sullivan _ $ 35.00 Louis W. Reimer _ 15.50 Walter K. Smith 29.00 John Sullivan 23.00 Ed J. Matousek 26.45 Louis W. Remier 15.50 12:00 noon. On motion, Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O Neill, Nebraska, August 25, 1937, 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present except Carson and Gibson. Meeting called to order by Chairman. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road fund in payment of same: Texas Service Station — $ 10.11 Donald Luben 32.00 Charles Luben — 16.00 Dept of Roads and Irrigation _ _ 245.88 Oscar Peterson — 23.75 Stanley E. Kutscher — 10.75 Robert Ford Sr. - 2.50 Leo Framer 16.50 Mike Bonenberger 1.05 Smith Motor Co..10.77 Len Kaiser 14.40 O. B. Stuart 4.80 Jack Gallagher 8.75 Leslie Caster ... 9.75 Waiter Rouse 11.25 F. S. Brittell . 25,00 Stuart iHartigan _ — 15.00 PPeter Hansen 6.50 -TlVUMP NO ONE RUNS DOWN . WHITE ROSE GASOLINE Since the day of the first automobile this finer gasoline has been the leader in the quality field. PURE - POWERFUL - KNOCK PROOF Costs no more than Regular Gasoline MELLOR MOTOR CO. Fifth & Douglas Sts. O’Neill, Nebr. Horace Walpole, Earl of Oxford, said: “The chief object of Ameri cans is to make money. And, in truth,money IS freedom. % t \ oneilJnational BANK Capital, Surplus and This Bank Carries No Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Officers $125,000.00 or Stockholders. MEMBER FEDERAL DEP6SIT INSURANCE CORPORATION f - James Mlnarik .. 14.00 Arbuthnot & Reka . 128.27 William Luben 32.00 Melvin Luben . 32.00 Evans Stover ___ 3.75 Bernard J. Cavanaugh .. 20.75 John R. Ruther ._ 31.75 Int Machinery Co. 151.09 Continental Oil Co. 14.95 Miller Hasselblach Co. ___ 500.00 Standard Oil Co. 38.02 W. A. Smith ,. 27.20 Henry Kruger Jr. _ 12.00 Elemr Crosser ... . 18.75 Marvin Young ... 8.75 V. A. Kivett 8.75 Geo. Sobotka . 3.50 F. E. Skrdla ...... 112.50 Chas. Boies Jr. . 10.00 Sinclair Refining Co. 21.24 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General fund in payment of same: Mrs, Laura Mitchell _$ .30.00 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. _ 21.94 Interstate Power Co. _ 17.33 Gamble Store .78 Roberta Arbuthnot _ 6.00 D. H. Cronin ...... 96.55 Uhl Transfer _ 2.00 Crabb Oil Co_ -3.60 Joe Fernholz . 24.00 J. C. Penney Co. _ 3.96 Gamble Stores ... .42 Ed Jones .... 68.10 Elmer Ernst .. 12.00 F. O. Clyde . 2.00 Chas. L. Beebe 77.45 Int. Power Co. _ 52.44 Int. Power Co. _ 74.63 Int. Power Co.. 39.96 Int Power Co. 39.07 Albert Carson 32.40 Hugo Mittelstaedt 51.20 Holt County Pub. Ass’n. 144.02 J. W. McDermott_20.00 Dowe Dickson . 4.00 Margaret Howard_ 19.20 Joe Fernholz_ 5.00 D. H. Cronin_ 87.50 Matousek Bros.__ 1.60 E. E. Sanford_25.00 A. S. Henry__—_ 5.25 Tillie Wernke_ 3.00 T. A. Quilty ___ 5.00 E. E. Stevens_ 2.00 Richard Minton_12.00 Chas. L. Beebe_ 92.63 Int. Power Co._ 26.55 Int. Power Co__55.38 Int. Power Co._ 3.41 Int. Power Co.__ 13.00 Int. Power Co._ 15.73 Ronald Carson —. 28.80 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on Eemergency Bridge fund in payment of same: Interstate Machinery Co_$ 14.63 Wm. J. Thramer _ 24.80 On motion, the following official bonds were approved: Fred R. Mack, Clerk, Sheridan. William J. Meusch, Justice of the Peace, Dustin. The application of Mike Mullen for License to operate Rural Dance Hall on SW!4 25-30-13 was read at this meeting. Motion by Sullivan, Seconded by Reimer, that September 28, 1937, 2 p. m., be set as a date for hearing on this application. Motion by Reimer, seconded by Matousek that Holt County Inde pendent, Ewing Advocate and Stu art Advocate be designated to pub lish the 1936 Delinquent Tax List. Carried. 5:00 P. M. On motion, Board adjourned until September 28, 1937, 10:00 A. M., unless called at an 1 earlier date by the clerk. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. The ©Id fashioned orator used to say that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither are the WPA pro jects. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever — especially to the beauty parlors. It may be true that the meek will inherit the earth because we don’t believe it will be possible to give it to a hard boiled person when it has so many mortgages* on it. According to the newspapers President Roosevejt is talking about balancing the budget again— or rather we should say, he is again talking about balancing the budget. A local man who is happy though married states that he has found the proper formula. He says, “She goes her way and I go hers.” The Lord made the world in six days but it is to be remembered that this was be&re the era of the fcrty-hour week. 4 Three Koala bear cubs have been born in the Sydney, Australia, zoo. We presume one of them will be named Coca. One remark which the average woman makes but never expects you to agree with is: “I look like a wreck today.” —__ -i DANCE TO ALYCE E. LEE In The New Spencer Auditorium Spencer, Nebr. Thursday, Sept. 23 GALENA LUMBER COMPANYPhone 74 The Use of 0 Highways by Pedestrians KEEP TO THE RIGHT is a rule which does not,apply to the pedestrian using the highways. When walking along a high way or road, always stay on the left side, so as to face oncoming traffic. The person who walks on the right with vehicular traffic must constantly look to the rear to see if a car is approaching. As the man, No. 3, in the above illustration, he cannot see car No. 1 and if it is making very little noise he will not hear it. This is doubly dangerous at night, as a pedes trian cannot be easily seen by a driver when he is facing the lights of cars coming from the opposite direction. Walk as pedestrian No. 4 in the illustration. He is facing vehicle No. 2, and can easily see how much room he must give to avoid the danger of accident. The person who walks with traffic on the right side of a highway places his life in great danger, as well as the lives of those in automobiles, as striking a person could easily cause a car to be turned over, inflicting serious injury or even death to its occupants. If you must walk on a public road, KEEP TO THE LEFT! (Copyright, 1937. P. L. Cummings, Des Moines, la.) Traffic Violations are increasing daily—motor vehicle accidents also are greater as the speed mania grips the nation and carelessness in driving remains unchecked. A comprehensive study of this ever-present problem is being sponsored by this group of O’Neill merchants who are present ing this “Drive With Safety” Campaign. • HD «i#r O. F. BIGLIN Furniture and Undertaking BROWN-McDONALD CO. % Golden Rule Store COYNE HARDWARE Hardware Paints, Oils and Varnishes MELLOR MOTOR CO. Ford Sales and Service MILLER BROS. CHEVROLET CO. -JBL-g JgnJigjjy “Chevrolet Dealers Over .22 Years” O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $140,000.00 JOHNSON DRUGS GALENA LUMBER CO. Building Material and Coal * / SETH NOBLE Lumber, Coal and Paint L. G. GILLESPIE City, Farm and Auto Insurance Real Estate Dealer CORNER DRUG STORE C. E. Stout, Prop. HARTY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING Rugs Cleaned Hats Cleaned and Blocked