SUCH IS LIFE—Birth of Ambition % CHARLES SUGHROE 3^ 1 ff l SVPPOSE \ l you wAA/r ro [ J0EAM ACH f AMP PEF04D / I YOUR ) i GouiYTRY /K1 / k-nAAE OF / ^"a/o^rTT jerr (TWou£H4r rr^/ouL-P V Be tuaj to prop j—pombs* k A?«/ ow TU’ j&Lt \ school / V^SCW*****// American Legion to Hold Record Meeting in Fall New York Get* Ready for 600,000 Veteran*. New York.—For the first time ■ince the World war, Fifth avenue will resound to the beat of march ing feet of more than a half million war veterans, amid the blare of martial music. The parade will mark the second day of the Amer ican Legion’s 1937 national conven tion—and this city’s first conclave in Legion history. During the four-day Legion cau cus, September 20-23, it is estimated, conservatively, that 600,000 ex-serv ice men plus their wives and chil dren—who are represented in aux iliary units such as Women’s Aux iliary and the Sons of the American Legion—will attend the meeting. The high lights of the convention will include the opening session Monday, September 20, in Madison Square garden); the Drum and Bugle corps contest, in which 621 individ ual musical units will compete later at the Polo grounds, and the gigan ALL-AROUND FROCK , For business, for shopping, for school—a trimly tailored frock of ribbed alpaca comes in navy or black. Studs fasten it down the front, collars and cuffs of men’s striped shirting add a new note in trimming. tic convention parade on Fifth ave nue. Tuesday, September 21. Twentieth Anniversary. The forthcoming annual gathering h, planned to eclipse by far all its previous efforts and officials of the American Legion describe the 1937 affair as "the largest ever held on earth by any organization.” This year's great convention, marking the twentieth anniversary of America’s entry into the World war, will have as its slogan, "Peace through preparedness.” In a Un denominational religious and patri otic service, a thanksgiving for peace since the World war will be offered. The press, radio and Legion peri odicals are being used by the pro moters to induce the members to defer their vacation to coincide with the Legionnaires' convention. From the convention offices here reports indicate more than 100 vet erans' societies and associations plan to hold reunions at the same time. Major-Gen. John F. O’Ryan, New York’s ex-police commission er, will head the reunions commit tee. 40 and 8 Reuniort. One of the outstanding reunions, for color and interest, at the 1937 convention, will be that of the fa mous 40 and 8. Because this re union plays an integral part in the convention proceedings, there is a 40 and 8 committee, of which the chairman is Pelham St. George Bis sell, president justice of the Munic ipal court. Justice Bissell is chief chemin de fer passe of the 40 and 8, and ex officio of a number of Legion offices. He served with the Seventy-seventh division in France. Simultaneously with the conven tion is the annual assembly of the American Legion auxiliary, headed by Mrs. William N. Corwith, present national radio chairman of the or ganization and past president of the New York Department auxiliary. My Neighbor Says ;= An old automobile rim makes an excellent reel on which to wind the garden hose when putting it away for the winter. • • • Have the gutters of your house cleaned out before the winter sets in. Dry leaves blow In and block them up, thus preventing water flowing through. • • • A paste made from bicarbonate of soda and water applied to sunburn gives a cooling sensation almost im mediately. When the moisture has been absorbed from the paste the fire of the burn will have disap peared and the danger of blisterin* is lessened. © Associated Newspapers.—WNU Servic* AMAZE A M 1NUTE SCIENT1FACTS ~ BY ARNOLD Food prom a roman road/ Unemployed English work ers EXCAVATED AND RESTORED FOR ARCHAEOLOGISTS An ANCIENT Roman road in return for FOOD AND TRANSPORTATION. 1 Bund light fish - Many op tmE lumin ous DEEP SEA PlSMES ARE totally bund. \ ^ Death from di phtheria The U S DIPHTHERIA DEATH RATE IS NOW 70 TIMES HIGHER than Smallpox I-t, n. mi trWMM. to. I- ■ — WNU Service. THE GREAT STONE FACE By LEONARD A. BARRETT Nathaniel Hawthorne relates a story in his “Great Stone Face’’ which should he read frequently for its philosophy of idealism as a molding factor in life. In the mountains of New Hampshire, nature "in her mood of majestic pla y f u 1 n e s s, formed on the side of a moun tain by some im mense rocks which had been thrown together in a certain position, me ieatures oi a human countenance”—the great stone face. According to tradition, some day to the little town there would come a man whose face would be the perfect image of the face of stone, and with him he would bring great and abiding bless ings. In one of the mountain homes there lived a boy named Ernest, who, from his early life, accepted the tradition and looked steadfastly for the arrival of this great and NEW HEAD OF ELKS Major Charles Spencer Hart of New York was elected Grand Ex alted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at its con vention in Denver. He succeeds David Scholtz of Jacksonville, for mer Florida governor. Mr. Hart, a veteran of the World war, has had several stories and books pub lished and is the former managing editor of the Elks magazine. good man. Daily, Ernest would gaze for hours at the great stone face, so that he might be able to recognize the man when he arrived. Many men visited the village, but none fully satisfied Ernest. Mr. Gather gold, representing great wealth, ar rived. "Old Blood and Thunder.” the symbol of militarism, also came. Other men came, but all failed to reproduce in identical like ness, the features of th egreat stone face. After many years, a poet came to the village, and Ernest felt sure that at last, here was the man who was to save the people from their calamities. But not so, for the poet discovered in the face of Ernest the perfect resemblance for which the people had been wait ing. By gazing daily at the image on the mountain side. Ernest had unconsciously fashioned his own face after its likeness. The humble mountain boy had become in reality a character strong as the mountain image. His ideals were higher far than those of Mr. Gathergold, or "Old lood and Thunder.” He had fixed his mind upon the eternal strength of that beloved face. He had inspired his soul with the ideal ism of unchanging values. He him self had become like the face he admired, studied, and adored. In every life there should be a “Great Stone Face”—a command ing and inspiring ideal. We are mastered by our ideals which may be thoughts, objects, or persons. The currents of many a life have been changed for nobler purposes by the influence of a great book, or a majestic scene in nature, or bet ter still, by contact with a person ality who gives the strength of sin cerity bought with the price of sac rifice for character. We grow to be like those whom we admire. Bea trice inspired the soul of Dante and herself "led him through Paradise.” Browning is never more noble than THEY’RE an outdoor family— great on hiking, camping, ex ploring and roughing it. So when they built their new home and started in to plan its decorations, they decided to use leaf greens as the color theme for the entire house, because that’s the tone they like best. Their place isn’t big and it’s all on one floor, so there’s a lot to be said for a unified color theme throughout the house. For one thing, it makes the place seem more spa cious and tranquil. But this house wasn’t to be rustic or camp-ish, not at all. They liked to come home from their outings to a very civil ized establishment with its own in dividual charm. So they achieved a very smart effect with beige and white combinations with green. The living room of this small house was to have some new furni ture so that their old things could be relegated to other rooms. The new pieces selected were in blond wood —a secretary, end tables and a cof fee table, a console table and a pair of small chests. The old up holstered furniture got new covers in tones of beige. The new living room rug was a brilliant leaf green, the walls white, the ceilings a paler green and the draperies were white ground chintz with a flower design with lots of green leaves and pet als of peppermint pink. White lamps and white porcelain vases for fresh leaves made dramatic accents. Pic tures were framed in blond wood frames. The dining room adjoining had the same walls, floors, ceilings and draperies, but the old maple fur niture was retained here. The mas ter bedroom was the grand ges ture . . . the walls here were paint ed a very brilliant leaf green, the ceilings, beige, the rug was an all over floral carpet on a beige ground and the walnut furniture was re freshed by combination with spreads and curtains of permanent finish organdie, made with billowy white ruffles ten inches wide. • • • A Miniature Appropriation. “I’m like the rest of the world—1 haven’t much money to spend!” writes a lady who lives in a little white house on a pleasant but un pretentious street. “But I do think it’s awfully important to make my home as attractive as I can and keep it pleasant. Maybe you can help me with my present problems. I’m hoping to do things to my bed room on a miniature appropriation. The furniture is maple—g o o d enough, though not up to any fancy when he confesses his debt to Eliza beth Barrett. Chaucer awoke the soul of John Masefield, the English poet. Robert Louis Stevenson writes, “Few friends have had upon me an influence so strong for good as Hamlet or Rosalind.” Find some book, some thought, some personality which will be to you what the Great Stone Face was to Ernest, a spiritual presence which etherealizes and enobles the highest aspirations of your souls. There are truly sermons in rocks if we will but heed them. “True in fluence comes not from a moment’s eloquence, but from the accumula tion of a lifetime’s thoughts stored up in the eyes.” Let us find an inspiration bigger than ourselves. © Western Newspaper Union. decorative scheme. We’re buying a new rug and planning to have the room repapered. I’ll get new spread, curtains and lamps if pos sible. Since we use this room a lot for sitting—it’s large for a bedroom —we keep two old easy chairs here. “These I’d like to slip-cover so they would add rather than detract from the effect of the room. But as the room is used by both my husband and myself, I don’t want it to be too feminine. Anything you suggest will be appreciated and fol lowed out if it’s not too expensive.” With maple furniture, we’d like yellow wall paper with little sprigs Doing Over a Bedroom. or dots in white, then brown and white checked gingham for spread and curtains. Make the spread with pleated flounce and you might have a pleated valance for the windows. If you have a skirted dressing table, have the skirt of starched dotted swiss in yellow with narrow brown ribbon bows at intervals around the yoke. The easy chairs might be effective in matching slip covers of a very gayly flowered chintz with quite a bit of yellow in the design, and it would be interesting to arrange them under a wide win dow, facing each other with a low table between. What a nice place for light refreshments or a late snack on a tray! Be sure to pro vide good lamps nearby for read ing light. The rug we’d have in old blue . . . repeat this color in lamp bases, accessories and picture frames. Or you could have a flash of blue in the material chosen for chair covers, too. © By Betty Wells.—WNU Service. CHAMPION TROTTER Greyhound. America’s champion trotter, set a new wotld’s record for the mile of one minute and 59% seconds during the Grand Circuit meeting at Goshen, N. Y. Prominent Figure in Sian Coup General Yang Hu-Cheng, outstanding figure in the recent Sian coup, arrived in San Francisco recently. He is a member of the Chinese commission of military affairs. After several months sojourn in the United States the general, who is here to investigate military affairs, will tour the principal countries of Europe. Accompanying the genera are his wife and small son. 'Jhtmhd about Japs Killing Chinamen. SANTA MONICA, CALIF. —The formula still holds good. A Jap kills a China man. That’s another dead Chinaman. A Chinaman kills a Jap. That’s a war. But before we get too busy de ploring Japan’s little way of disre garding pledges so as to gobble more Chinese territory let us look at some rec ords closer home. Since the republic was formed we have deliberately broken 264 separate treaties with the original Red owners of this land. From these viola tions of our solemn promises border wars frequently en Irvin S. Cobb sued. When the Indians started fighting we called it an uprising. When we sent troops forth to slaugh ter the Indians it was a punitive ex pedition to restore law and order. If the white soldiers wiped out the Indians, that was a battle. If the Indians wiped out the soldiers, that was a massacre. Those who make history rarely get a square deal from those who write history. • * • Keeping Undercover. THIS is the land where, in self protection, you hide your place of residence and have your tele phone privately listed. The result is, if your aged grandmother hap pens along and doesn’t know your address, she can never reach you, but any smart stranger may ap proach the right party—let us call —him a ’phone-legger—and, by pay ment of a small fee, get the number instantly. So, in about two calls out of three, you answer the ring to find at the other end of the line somebody with a neat little scheme, because here in movieland neat little schemes grow on every bush and gentlemen promoting them are equally numer ous. Through long suffering. I’ve be come hardened to this, but today over the wire came a winning voice saying the speaker desired to give me, as he put it, “a checking over for white termites.” I admit to a touch of dandruff'and there have been times when I sus pected fleas—we excel in fleas on this coast—but I resent the idea of also being infested with white ter mites. I’ve about decided that, to mod ern civilization, telephones are what cooties are tp a war—nobody likes ’em, but everybody has ’em. * ♦ * Camera Sniping. Snapshooting of famous folks from ambush may be upsetting to the victims of the sniping, but the subscribing public certainly gets an illuminating eyeful every time one of the photographic magazines appears. I’ve just laid aside the current copy of a periodical which could be called either “The Weekly Expose” or “Stop, Look and Laugh.” Among other fascinating, not to say illusion ing, illustrations, I note the follow ing: A reigning movie queen with her mouth so wide open that her face looked like a “gates ajar” design. If I had tonsils like hers, I’d have ’em right out. A political idol taken in a brief one-piece bathing suit. Next time they snap him, he would be well advised to wear more than a mere g-string. A Mother Hubbard would be better. Or, anyhow, a toga. A statesman is greatly handicapped when he suggests a barrel of leaf lard with the staves knocked off. A close-up of Mr. John L. Lewis with the lips pouting out and a con gested expression. Would not this tend to confirm the impression that lately Mr. Lewis bit off more than he could chew? This candid camera stuff is trans lating into the pictorial fact the nightmare all of us have had—that horrid dream of being caught out doors with practically nothing on. * • • Field Days for Reds. UNDER the warming suns of tol erance and indifference and even tacit encouragement in cer tain quarters, many of our hot | house Communists are changing from the pallid, timorous flowerlets of discontent into full-blown advo cates of the glad new age when Lenin will take over Lincoln’s niche in the gallery of the immortals and government everywhere will be of the Trotskys, by the Trotskys, for the Trotskys. True, there still remain some wavering souls who are so pink they’d be red if they weren’t so yel low! But these quivering aspens shrink in number as their bolder comrades openly profess the blessed doctrine which is doing so much for the un dertaking business in Russia. IRVIN S. COBB. Copyright.—WNU Sorvloo. A Crocheted Rug ^ Is a Lifetime Joy This rug that you can so eas'ly crochet yourself will be a lifetime joy. See if it isn’t! Do the stunning medallions separately — they’re just 8Va inch squares—and keep joining them till you’ve a rug the desired size. If you like, make Pattern 5855 each flower center a different col or, keeping the background uni form. Rug wool or candlewicking make for a sturdy durable rug, or otherwise useless rags will also serve the purpose. In pattern 5855 you will find instructions for mak ing the rug shown; an illustration of it and of all stitches used; ma terial requirements; color sugges tions, a photograph of the actual square. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle Household Arts Dept., 259 W. Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y. Please write your name, ad dress and pattern number plainly. What You Seek i Have you ever thought how many objects you pass without even noticing them; how many voices and sounds fail to register with you? It seems that one usually sees what he is looking for and hears that to which his ears are attuned. Perhaps this is what Emerson had in mind when he said that no one brings back from Europe any thing which he did not take over with him. (Excluding merchan dise of course.)—Ohio Farmer. To Get Rid of Acid and Poisonous Waste Your kidneys help to keep you well by constantly filtering waste matter from the blood. If your kidneys get functionally disordered and fail to remove excess impurities, there may be ! poisoning of the whole system and body-wide distress. Burning, scanty or too frequent uri nation may be a warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes—feel weak, nervous,' all played out. In such cases it is better to rely on a medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something less favor ably known. Use Doan’s Pills. A multi tude of grateful people recommend Doan's. Ask your neighborl WNU—U 34—37 GET RID OF BIG UGLY PORES PLENTY OF DATES NOW...DENTON’S FACIAL MAGNESIA MADE HER SKIN FRESH, YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL Romance hasn't a chance when big ugly pores spoil skin-texture. Men love the soft smoothness of a fresh young complexion. Denton's Facial Magnesia does miracles for unsightly skin. Ugly pores disappear, skin becomes firm and smooth. Watch your complexion take on new beauty Evan the first few treatment* with Denton'a Facial Magnesia make a remarkable difference. With the Denton Magic Mirror you can actually see the texture of your skin become amoother day by day. Imperfection* are waehed clean Wrinkles gradually disappear. Before you know it Denton • has brought you entirely new skin lovslinesa. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER —Saves You Money Ton caa try Denton's Facial Magnesia on the moat liberal offer we have ever made—good for a few weeka only We will send you a full 12 ox. bottle (retail price $1) plus a regular sixed box of famous Munesia Wafers (known throughout the country aa ths original Milk of Magnesia tablets), plus the Denton Magic MirTor (show* you what your akin specialist sees) . , . all for only $1! Don't miss out on this remarkable offer. Write today DENTON’S Facial Magnesia SELECT ■ PRODUCTS,Inc. ■ 4402 — 23rd SL. \ Long Island City, N. Y. | Enclosed find $1 ■ (oash or stamps) ■ for which send me your ■ special introductory ■ combination. g ■ ■ ■ 2 NamSL. 2 2 Street Addrese........* J City.State... ■