The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 20, 1937, Image 7

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    ! Fire Department Creates Manhattan Geysers
Geyser-like streams of water spouted by 19 new fire department pumpers gave New York's skyline the
picturesque scene reflected in the above photograph. This picture was made from the upper bay, looking
toward the Manhattan skyline. _
Rookie Outfielder
Making Good With
Brooklyn Dodgers
Gibby Brack, "freshman” out
fielder of the Brooklyn Dodgers,
whose play during the early part of
the National league season has
earned him a regular job with the
team. Brack has been effective with
the bat and his defensive play has
helped strengthen the Dodgers’ out
Golden Gate Fair Extends Welcome
Standing before a giant facsimile of the great seal of the state of
California at Sacramento, Zoe Dell Lantis, pretty 1939 Golden Gate In
ternational exposition “pirate girl,” extends an all-embracing gesture
of welcome to California visitors and an invitation to walk the gang
plank leading to “Treasure Island,” site of the exposition in San Fran
cisco bay two years hence.
Giant Baby Panda Right at Home
f Su-Lin, the giant baby panda Mrs. William Harkness captured in
southwestern China last November and brought to this country, comes
through the hollow log especially constructed at the Chicago Zoological
park at Brookfield, 111., to resemble his natural habitat and stares wide
eyed at the camera. He is now nine months old and weighs 35 pounds.
Not only is pretty Miss Clara
Jerstad, deputy United States mar
shal of Seattle, Wash., shown above,
one of the few women in the United
States empowered to arrest persons
on federal charges, but she is re
garded as one of the best shots
among federal peace officers.
“Vest Pocket” Boulder Dam Took Year to Build
Built accurately to scale and embodying faithfully every detail of its gigantic prototype, this model of
Builder dam is one of the exhibits at the State Exposition building in Los Angeles. Made of plaster, the
model is 27 feet deep and 15 feet wide. It took one year to construct with the aid of government engineering
charts. Miss Mary Cordfter is admiring it here.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—W. B. Cullen, left, and Charles Lessing, officials of the Federated Motion Picture Crafts, and leaders in
the recent strike against the movie industry in Hollywood. 2—Premier Mussolini of Italy and Chancellor
Kurt Schussnigg of Austria shown during the latter's recent visit with II Duce in Venice. 3—Justice Owen
D. Roberts, youngest member of the United States Supreme court, who celebrated his sixty-second birthday.
Davis of Kansas City
Heads U. S. Chamber
George H. Davis of Kansas City,
who was elected president of the
Chamber of Commerce of the Unit
ed States at its recent annual meet
ing in Washington, D. C. He suc
ceeds Harper Sibley. Mr. Davis is
a banker, a farmer and a merchant.
At its convention the Chamber op
posed President Roosevelt’s propos
al to revamp the Supreme court
and called for amendments to the
Wagner labor act, defining '‘unlaw
ful” labor practices.
Museum Gets “Cy” Young Trophies
Denton Tecumseh (“Cy") Young, who in 22 years of big league base
ball campaigning won 511 of the 873 games he pitched, shown at his
home at Peoli, Ohio, with trophies and loving cups which he will donate
to baseball’s hall of fame at Cooperstown, N. Y.
It’s Hoops My Dear for Seniors at Wellesley
Seniors at Wellesley are lined up for the start of the recent hoop rolling race. According to tradition, the
winner becomes the first bride of the graduating class.
Doe’s Tonsils Out While You Wait
If your dog will not eat as heartily as usually, perhaps he has ton
silitis. The above picture shows Dr. Clifford Wagner, left, and Dr. Harry
D. Roberts, Cleveland veterinarians, as they removed the tonsils of
Fritz, a Great Dane. The doctors assert that tonsilitis in dogs is a
common ailment in some parts of the country.
“Most Efficient Girl”
Is Selected by
Cost Accountants
Miss Ilda Lee, twenty-one-year-old
secretary, who was selected as the
most efficient and most personable
girls among 120 competitors at a re
cent convention of the National As
sociation of Cost Accountants in St.
Curing Stuttering.
> up here in the Indian
country comes a newspaper,
saying some expert at cor
recting human utterance has
turned up with a cure for
But why? By his own admission,
nearly all stutterers can sing and
most of them can
swear fluently, thus
providing superior
emotional outlets in
two directions. One
of the smartest
criminal lawyers I
know deliberately
cultivated a natural
Impediment in his
speech. In court
room debates it
gave him more time
to think up either
the right questions
Irvin S. Cobb
or to figure out the right answers.
And one of the most charming
voices I ever heard belonged to a
Louisiana girl whose soft southern
accents were fascinatingly inter
rupted at intervals by a sudden
stammer—like unexpected ripples
in a gently flowing brook.
• • •
How to Relax.
BEFORE I started out here, feel
ing somewhat jumpy after
wrestling a radio program for six
months, Jimmy Swinnerton, the art
ist, who's one of the most devoted
friends these high mesas ever had,
advised me to try stretching out on
the desert sands as a measure for
health and complete relaxation and
a general toning up.
“Just lie down perfectly flat,” he
said. Then he took another look at
my figure. “Anyway, lie down,”
he said.
So today I tried it. Another friend,
John Kirk, the famous Indian trad
er, helped me pick out a suitable
spot on the Navajo reservation that
was forty miles from the nearest
But the site I chose was already
pre-empted by a scorpion with a
fretful stinger and an Irritable dis
position that seemed to resent be
ing crowded. So I got right up
again. In fact, I got up so swiftly
that Kirk said it was impossible to
follow the movement with the hu
man eye. It was like magic, he
Speed Crazed Drivers.
HY the hurry, Sonny Boy?
I see you almost daily. You’re
roaring through populous streets or
skidding on hairpin turns or whirl
ing at sixty perilous miles an hour
around the kinked and snaky twists
of mountain roads like some de
moniac bug racing along the spine
of a coiled rattler.
If I am one to say, you probably
have primed yourself for this sense
less speeding on that most danger
ous of all mixed tipples—the fear
some combination of alcohol and
gasoline. Or perhaps, like the blind
mule of the folklore tale, you just
naturally don’t care a dern. One
thing is plain: Despite the high per
centage of mortality your breed is
on the increase.
So, again, echoing the question
which the coroner must frequently
ask at the inquest, why the hurry,
Sonny Boy?
It can’t be that anybody wants
you back at the place where you’ve
been or that anybody else will be
glad to see you at the place where
you’re going.
Really now, Sonny Boy, what is
all the hurry about?
• • •
Civilization’s Predicament.
I FEEL it my duty to call atten
tion to the following warning, re
cently published:
“The earth is degenerating in
these latter days. . . bribery and
corruption abound. . . the children
no longer obey their parents. . . it
is evident that the end of the world
is approaching!”
However, it should be added that
this prediction is not, as might be
assumed from its familiar ring,
the utterance of some inspired ob
server of the present moment. It
is a translation from an Assyrian
tablet, dated 2800 B. C.
So, if the fulfillment of the doleful
prophecy has been delayed for 4,
737 years it seems reasonable to
assume that it may be some months
yet before civilization flies all to
Waning States’ Rights.
AS I watch commonwealth after
commonwealth below the Ma
son and Dixon line tumbling over
one another to embrace centralized
authority in exchange for federal
funds for local projects, I’m re
minded of a trip which a friend of
mine out here just made.
He’s a descendant of the Lees and
he decided to pay a pious pilgrim
age to the last remaining strong
hold of the late Southern Confed
eracy. So he went to the only two
states that voted last fall for states’
rights, making his headquarters in
the ghost city of Passamaquoddy
He reports .that, in both Maine
and Vermont, the secession senti
ment is getting stronger all the time
and that there’s a growing tendency
to name boys for Jeff Davis rather
than Ethan Allen or Neal B. Dow.
<2—WNU Service