The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 20, 1937, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    The Frontier
Dl H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor
Batered at the Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter.
Okie Year, in Nebraska-— $2.00
One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25
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an open account. The names of
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moved from our mailing list at ex
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Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want ads
10c per line, first insertion, sub
sequent insertions, 5c per line.
Work of Unicameral
Brings Heavy Efforts
Against One House
By the Lowell Service
Lincoln, Nebr.— With adjourn
ment sine die, an attack on the uni
cameral was unmasked and is now
in full swing. Heading the move
ment are most of the leaders of the
republican and democratic parties
in the state who are usually classed
as conservative. Opposed to this
viewpoint and supporting the one
-house are the progressive factions.
One drive will be made to restore
the partisan brand to the legisla
tor*. Then the conservatives hope
that the membership can be in
creased to one hundred, to make
more places to be filled at elections.
While the last campaign was a
presidential one, both parties real
ized that important spokes had
been blasted from the drive-wheels
of campaign committees. The sup
port to party organizations given
by 266 legislative candidates was
formidable. When the state chair
man tried to contact the local can
didates, he found even the nom
inees for county offices reluctant to
aid in the state campaign because
of uncertainty as to local senti
ment. So the state committees
surged in on the legislature and
defeated a bill to take county can
didates off the partisan ballot. The
attempt to restore the convention
system was also presented but
failed. Another development alarm
ed the party bosses. The unicam
eral s betrayed fondness for their
“home” papers. This was appar
ent when they first arrived on the
scene and became u disease as the
session advanced. More than a
dozen legislators wrote letters to
the papers in their districts. It
became apparent to the lobby and
to the partisan managers that the
so called “country press” really
was the dominant factor in creat
ing legislative sentiment. To over
come this unexpected tendency, the
lobby started some special drives
along the lines of “putting stuff
across.” Outstate publicity, how
ever, could not be controlled. In
most instances, the members waited
until they couldohoa* from home
before taking definite' action.
Chairman Brady and the commit*
tee on appropriation naturally
will come in for arAfeidertble crit
icism. It must by admitted, how
ever, that the mpipbi*rs did really
study the needs of. the state. Too
much time was given to useless
hearings and vague discussions;
valuable days passed while the
committee marked time. The re
sult was a tremenduous budget in
troduced in the twilight hours of
the session.
Analysis of appropriations bill
reveals few errors as to expendi
tures for state institutions and ac
tivities. During the last four years
too many bureaus and boards and
commissions have been created.
Chairman Brady, as a legislator,
has always favored these govern
mental sinkholes that consume in
an insidious manner the money
of the taxpayers. In the creation
of a bureau, the plea is made that
the federal government desires a
coordinating activity, merely a
temporary agency. When the bu
reau is set up, it is impossible to
separate it from the budget. One
of the anomalies of the situation
is that the taxpayers’ leagues re
main indifferent. At the session
just closed, representatives of tax
payers’ organizations were sym
pathetic to the creation of jobs.
Their activities seemed to be di
rected against any improvements
or inovations in the educational
system of the state.
Anyhow, the committee on ap-'
propriations caused the unicameral
to wander forty days in the legis
lative wilderness.
Proponents of the unicameral,
according to reports, will seek to
divest the next legislative session
of all bicameral trappings. They
will urge simplification of the
rules, the passage of an anti-enter
tainment bill, and the surrounding
of legislation with the same sanc
tity that now obtains in the courts.
They will seek to make it improper
to discuss legislation with legisla
tors, except at committee hearings
or on open hearing before the leg
islature. It is expected that the
legislative council will plug up
many of the minor holes in pro
One feature of the unicameral
has been successful. There is piti
less publicity on all records of
members. The one attempt to
dodge—the failure to make a rec
ord on the first vote on child labor
—created so much outcry that it
was not tried again. Records of
the members are being compiled.
The state assistance program has
been transferred from the board of
educational lands and funds to the
board of control by a bill passed
Thursday by the legislature. The
child welfare bureau is also placed
under the board of control. The
governor must appoint a state as
sistance director, the appointment
to be confirmed by the legislature.
The salary of the director, who is
to serve a two-year term, is in
creased from $.‘1,000 to $.'1,600.
The post of clerk in the legisla
ture is made a permanent job, with
a salary of $3,600 per year by the
passage of LB 389. The vote was
32 to 2.
Plans for flood lighting the cap
itol tower must be submitted to
architects before being put into
effect, by the provisions of LB 579,
passed unanimously, with the emer
gency clause.
The legislature has passed the
highway bill, which adds to the
state highway system about 500
miles of road, but it is a question
as to whether Governor Cochran
will sign it. He has opposed the
bill, as he thinks that roads already
begun should be completed before
new ones are charted. Most of the
proposed 500 miles could not be
built for ubout ten years.
Another bill passed is LB 431,
which provides for the optional
formation of recreation districts
and authorises organized districts
to levy a one-fourth mill tax for
financing, the purpose of the meas
ure being to provide some definite
method of formation of well di
rected playgrounds.
By the provision of LB 415,
passed Thursday, the governor is
given power to appoint a nine
member advisory committee to help
with crippled work under the state
assistance program. No pay will
be received by members of this
Nebraska will be represented at
the Swedish tercentenary exposi
tion planned at Wilmington and
Philadelphia in 1!>38 by a 15-mem
ber, non-paid commission, to be
appointed by the governor, accord
ing to the provisions of a resolution
adopted by the legislature.
Immediately after the signature
by Governor Cochran of the state
highway patrol bill, State Engineer
Tilley announced his appointment
of H. C. Culwell, who has served
the state highway department for
the last sixteen years as an engin
eer in charge of the compensation
department, as chief of the new
division which the bill creates, at
a salary of $250 per month. His
duty will be to administer the col
lection of the revenue from the is
suance of drivers’ licenses. Mrs.
M. G. Tracy, who for years has been
in charge of the registration and
licensing of motor vehicles, will be
chief clerk. The patrol is financed
by a biennial drivers’ license fee of
75 cents each, or $1 for a new driv
ers who must take an examination.
By September 1, when the new law
goes into effect, 40 uniformed
patrolmen will be patroling the
highways of Nebraska.
The state legislature by a viva
voce vote adopted the report of a
special committee headed by Amos
Thomas of Omaha, recommending
the expenditure of from $11,1(00 up
to $15,000 to make alterations in
the former senate chamber so that
it will accommodate the 43 mem
bers of the unicameral legislature
at the next sesison. Dr. Miller of
Kimball, in opposing the measure,
declared that the expenditure “isn’t
worth it.’’
The American Society of Auth
ors, Composers and Publishers in
Nebraska is outlawed by a bill
passed by the legislature Thursday
by a vote of 32 to 7. The bill which
makes unlawful an association of
copyright holders who have organ
ized to create a monopoly in re
straint of trade, says also that the
existence of such an association
shall be prima facie evidence that
the organization was formed to fix
prices and create a monopoly. The
bill has met considerable opposi
tion from radio companies.
Watches Once Small Clocks
Watches originally were small
clocks and were worn hung from
the girdle because they were too
large for the pocket.
First Plows of Tree Branches
The first farm plows were made
of crooked tree branches and
worked by man power.
I*' AS SliS SV
Feature Japanese Fish
The best grocery stores in Wash
ington are featuring canned tuna
fish, salmon and crab meat, all of
which are packed in Japan,
A clerk in one fancy store shakes
his head and says he doesn’t know
what the country is coming to when
he is forced to feature Japanese
fish. This man is 74 years old and
has lived here for over forty years.
He says he was surprised when he
read in the newspapers recently
that Uncle Sam is giving the fish
ermen a million dollars to subsidize
fish because we have too many fish
and at the same time allowing the
importation of so much Japanese
With the cocktail parties so pop
ular now and society people featur
ing these cocktail parties with a lot
of fancy foods to eat with their
drinks, especially fish, fish eggs and
smoked fish, the Japanese send
over boat loads of these fish packed
in fancy tins covered with unusual
ly attractive labels. This old groc
ery clerk doesn’t like the name
“Armour” on tins of cornbeef
which are packed in Argentine, but
its difficult now days to buy a can
of cornbeef in this town that isn’t
packed in some foreign country.
Contrasts in Spending
Talking about the amazing in
crease in the cost of government,
when Washington run this business
lor a while he had a standing army
of eight men and no navy. This
administration is spending nearly a
billion dollars a year for the army
and navy in peacetime. Ben Frank
lin, the first postmaster general,
ran the department for fifty thous
and a year. Today, that depart
ment costs about seven hundred
million dollars a year. Members
talk about this daily. They know,
however, that we can’t go back to
Washington’s or Franklin’s time.
They do know, however, that when
the administration introduces nine
billion dollars a year budget that
this represents a lot of taxpayers’
money and representatives of those
taxpayers must be ever on the alert
to see that the taxpayers get their
money’s worth from those who are
spending those fabulous sums.
Nebraskans Note Waste
There is plenty of waste in our
Government. People who live here
in Washington all the time don’t
notice it so much, but people who
come here from Nebraska quickly
see how easy it is to spend taxpay
er’s money in this nation’s capitol.
Racketeers made millions of dol
lars during the past few years by
getting hold of Uncle Sam's list of
people who made $15,000 or more
a year. The House the other day
repealed the so-called “sucker-list.”
/he repeal of the law which made
public this list was aimed at kid
nappers, swindlers and other rack
ets. It was claimed that the law
was a Godsend to crooks and crim
inals. It enabled them, to get the
addresses of subjects for exploita
tion. Those with other resources
did not come under its provisions.
The sucker-list is now out. But the
list of incomes is still public and the
government gets all the informa
tion it wants without handing the
information out to the crooks. It
is felt that the present law is strict
enough to give Uncle Sam all the
information he wants about how
much money any citizen makes
each year.
Judge Putney Visits Capitol
Judge F. L. Putney of Tilden,
came to Washington the other day
to see the nation’s capitol for the
first time in his life and also to
see his cousin, Worthy Sterns,
whom he has not seen since both
men were seven years old. Judge
Putney is accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. Whitney of Chicago,
who is doing some research work.
Judge Putney has been visiting
nearly all of the places of historic
interest here and also had talks
with some of the prominent mem
bers of the House and Senate.
Without a record vote, the House
passed the army appropriation bill
which gives the army nearly anoth
er half billion dollars for the fiscal
year 1938. Every effort to lop off
a few millions of dollars in this bill
failed. Several members showed
the House where some of this mon
ey could be saved but on the belief
that all of this money was being
spent for “national defense,” the
membership showed no opposition
to the bill and the handful who
thought some of the money was be
ing spent uselessly failed in their
annual fight.
Those who fought against the
bill are strong advocates of ade
quate national defense but many of
them have studied the appropria
tions carefully and find many pla
ces where some of the money could
be saved. The army lobby, how
ever, is very strong and appropria
tion committees must depend upon
the advice from the regular army
experts when steering an army ap
propriation bill through the House.
No opposition was shown against
appropriations in the bill for the
reserve officers or national guard
but some members feel that the so
called professional army people are
not much interested in economizing
taxpayers’ money. Other appro
priations for money which will
eventually go to the army are
scheduled soon. All of the relief
money does not go for actual re
lief. Debates showed that millions
of dollars of relief funds are ex
pended through the army and navy.
t _
Police Racket
The Washington police have a
great racket on strangers who
don’t know the parking rules. Just
leave your car parked somewhere
along the streets and “if” it is a
prohibited space you will come
back to find your car missing.
Somebody removed the “no park
ing” sign from the curb the other
morning and a stranger who had
been driving around town an hour
trying to find a parking space,
spotted his car there. Only a few
moments later a police wrecker
car came along, jacked up the front
wheels of the car and towed it to
the parking lot at the police station.
It cost the owner five dollars to get
the car back. The police wrecking
crew have a unique idea for getting
into locked cars. This particular
car had windows all pulled up
tight and the doors locked. That
made no difference to the police.
They have a steel gadget with
which they pry open the front win
dow, reach the gadget down to the
window lever and down goes the
window and the car is unlocked.
The steel gadget has a fitting es
pecially made for this. In Chicago
some of the car thieves have the
same kind of gadgets so it doesn’t
pay to keep valuables in parked
cars even though they are locked.
A. J. May, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a. m.
11 a. m.—Sermon by the pastor.
Special music by the choir.
7 p. m.—Epworth League.
8 p. m.—Union service at the M. E.
church. Baccalaurate Sermon.
Sunday School 10:00—Mr. C. E.
Yantzi, superintendent. Depart
ments for all ages.
Morning Worship 11:00—“The
Four Ways” will be the subject of
the sermon. The choir will furnish
special music. Many want to know
the way of life. These services will
There will be no evening service,
the congregation will attend the
Baccalaurate service at the M. E.
H. D. Johnson, Pastor.
Minutes of Meetings
of the County Board
O’Neill, Nebraska,
April 20, 1937,
10:00 A. M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present except Carson.
Meeting called to order by Chair
At this meeting a large delega
tion from Dustin precinct was pre
sent for purpose of having some
roads opened in the precinct and
also protesting against the instal
lation of auto gates and fencing
off of some of the section lines.
A petition praying for the re
location of a Road commencing at a
point where Road No. 358 inter
sects Township 33, Range 15 and
running straight east and connect
ing with Road No. 266 a distance of
approximately 60 rods was present
ed at this meeting.
This petition not being signed by
the land owners along the proposed
road, the Board took no action on
same, and at 12:00 noon, adjourned
until 1:00 P. M.
J. C STEIN, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
April 20. 1937,
1:00 P. M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman. Board
again took up the discussion of
fencing off some section lines and
the installation of auto gates in
Dustin precinct. A petition pray
ing that the following roads be
opened and platted was read at this
Mr. Adams, Mr. Pohn and Char
ley Peterson, land owners along the
proposed road were present at this
Attorney Mounts was present at
this meeting representing Mr. Pet
erson. After the reading of the
petition Attorney Mounts offered
the following objection: Mr. Peter
son objects to the form of, the suf
ficiency of and the legality of the
petition presented to the Board.
After another lengthy discussion
on the petition, it was moved by
Sullivan, seconded by Carson, that
this meeting be adjourned and this
matter laid over until the County
Attorney can be consulted with on
the question and also present at the
This motion was declared car
ried and the Board adjourned until
April 27, 1937, 10:00 A. M.
J. C. STEIN, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
April 27, 1937,
10:00 A. M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by chairman Minutes of
previous meeting were read and on
motion were approved as read.
Motion by Sullivan, seconded by
Carson that warrant be drawn on
the 1937 Estimate of General fund
in the amount of $100.50 payable to
Ira H. Moss, Clerk of the District
Court, for Court costs, as shown on
claim No. 400.
Delegation from Atkinson and
Sand Creek precincts appeared be
fore the Board requesting the des
ignation of a feeder road in Atkin
son precinct, under the new Federal
road program to be established in
the near future.
Motion by Matousek, seconded by
Reimer that this road be given fav
orable consideration by the Board
at the time this program is worked
out, subject to the approval of the
State Engineer.
12:00 noon, on motion, Board ad
journed until 1:00 P. M.
J. C. STEIN, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
April 27, 1937,
1:00 P. M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman.
Dr. Douglas appeared before the
Board in regard to the allowance of
claims for medical and surgical
services rendered in 1934-1935.
Motion by Sullivan, seconded by
Matousek that claims of Dr. W. J.
Douglas amounting to $423.00 for
medical and surgical services per
formed in 1934-1935 be allowed in
the amount of $150.00 and that
warrant for this amount be drawn
on the 1937 Estimate of the Gen
eral fund in payment of same.
Saving is the premium
paid to insure against
future failure and as
sure future success.
Capital, Surplus and This Bank Carries No
Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Officers
$125,000.00 or Stockholders.
Motion by Sullivan, seconded by
Smith that balance of $250.00 due
on claim of Verges Sanitarium be
allowed and warrant drawn on the
1937 Estimate of the General fund
in payment of same.
The following Resolution was
presented at this meeting:
WHEREAS, Carl J. Flanigan
is a mental incompetent and a
legal resident of Jones county,
Iowa, but since 1927 an inmate of
the State Hospital at Mount
Pleasant, Iowa, and
WHEREAS, heretofore, and on
the 27th day of June, A. D., 1927,
Julia Flanigan, the mother of
the said Carl J. Flanigan, was
duly and legally appointed his
guardian by the District Court
of Jones county, Iowa, which said
Court had jurisdiction in such
proceedings and over said incom
petent, and,
WHEREAS, the said Carl J.
Flanigan is the owner of an un
divided one-half interest in and
to the following described real
Pet a t o t A.wit *
North Half’of the Northwest
Quarter, and the Northeast
Quarter and the Southeast
Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter and the Northeast
Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Eleven,
Township Thirty-three,
Range Fourteen, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska,
WHEREAS, his said guardian,
Julia Flanigan, has commenced
an action in the District Court of
HolLcounty, Nebraska to sell the
interest of said incompetent in
and to said real estate for the
purpose of paying the debts ow
ing by said incompetent person
and the charges of managing his
said estate, as set forth in said
petition, and,
WHEREAS, said Carl J. Flan
igan is insane and a mental in
competent and a non-resident of
this state, and written approval
of this said Board authorizing
the sale of his interest in said
real estate is required by Jaw be
fore a license to sell said real
estate may be granted by the
District Court of Holt county,
you, that we, the County Board
of Holt county, Nebraska, do
hereby approve of the sale of
the interest of the said Carl J.
Flanigan in and to the above de
scribed real estajte, and that we
do hereby declare that we deem
such sale necessary for the pur
pose set out in the petition asking
for said sale, and we do hereby
authorize said sale.
John A. Carson,
John Sullivan,
Walter K. Smith,
Louis W. Reimer,
J. H. Gibson,
J. C. Stein.
Ed J. Matousek.
The road petition signed by A.
Wehrly and other praying for the
establishment of a county road
commencing at the NE corner of
the City of Atkinson at the inter
section of Sections 28-29-32-33,
Township 30, Range 14, thence
east nine miles to the intersection
of Sections 25-26-35-36, Township
30, Range 13, w^as presented at this
(Continued on page 5, column 5.)
People don’t get easily excited these days but when they find
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Take advantage of these Friday and Saturday
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New Potatoes Peck 55c
Oranges Per Dozen 16c
Radishes 5 Bunches 10c
Crystal White Soap 5 Bars 19c
Muffets Per Package 8c
Crackers 2 pound Box 17c
Tomato Soup 2 Cans 15c
Gloss Starch 2 Packages 14c
Sweet Corn 3 Cans 25c
Fitted Cherries Called Gallons 69c
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