The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 20, 1937, Image 2

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    King George VI.
Queen Elizabeth.
5,000,000 Line London Streets
to View Coronation Procession
■ — V
London, England. — (Spe
cial)—A full day of mortal
toil for the principals con
cerned, and a day and night
of heroic vigil for thousands
of spectators were required
before George VI and Eliza
beth, his queen, returned to
Buckingham palace, full
fledged ruler and consort of
Britain by virtue of one of
the most splendid and spec
tacular coronations the world
has ever seen.
Five million persons, it was esti
mated, lined the processional route,
over which the King and Queen in
the ancient coronation coach rolled
solemnly the six and one-half miles
from the palace to Westminster ab
bey in mid-morning and back again
In the early evening.
The solemnity of the occasion
was observed by the crowd, even
by the 300,000, mostly non-Britons,
who had come from across the seas
to witness it. But the cheers were
Heir presumptive to the most im
portant throne on earth Is charming,
ten-year-old Princess Elizabeth,
hale and hearty and the attitude
was one of celebration as the roar
of the guns in the historic Tower
of London split the air of the spring
afternoon. It was the signal that
George VI had worn upon his head
for the first time the Crown of St.
Edward, or Crown of England, and
called for the cry from 5,000,000
throats as one, “God Save the
Hotels Sold Out.
This was probably the most im
portant point in the entire corona
tion ceremony, which was heavily
religious throughout and extremely
burdensome to the principals as
well as to the 9,000 peers and their
ladies who gathered in old West
minster abbey to do homage to their
king and to display for one day
jewels and trappings the cost of
which ran far into the millions.
It was the climax of the occasion
for which souvenir manufacturers
had been planning for many
months; for which every hotel and
boarding house room in London and
its environs was sold out; for which
apartments rented up to $3,000 for
a single day; for which the govern
ment had spent $2,600,000, with a
prospect of getting back perhaps
$400,000 from the sale of seats along
the processional route at $2 to $250
a head.
bouvemr manufacturers, distract- I
ed at first over the abdication of
King Edward VIII—for they had
struck his likeness off on millions
of medals, spoons, plates and other
articles—later became jubilant. For
the souvenir collectors were so anx
ious to obtain the mistaken souve
nirs that the latter sold at a pre
That the sentiment for the crown,
which is the chief bond holding the
Empire together, lives healthy and
strong was apparent from the thou
sands who, not being able to afford
reserved seats, took their stand
along the curbs long before the
setting of the sun on May 11. All
night they had to stick to their
watch and all the next day. Yet
they did not even see the coronation
ceremony itself. They witnessed
only the procession as it passed up
the Mall.
Queen Precedes King.
The ceremony at the abbey was
only for the peerage, the persons
of royal blood and the king’s repre
sentatives. With the clergy, they
were waiting at the west door of the
handsome Gothic edifice, taking
their places inside as the approach
of the coronation coach, an ornate
vehicle made for Queen Anne in
1761, was noted. Once inside they
were doomed to sit for seven hours
in their heavy trappings of crimson
or purple velvet and ermine, never
moving from the 19-inch seat spaces
allotted them until the end of the
day, after the King and Queen had
When the coach pulled up, Queen
Elizabeth proceeded ahead to the
recognition chairs, there to await
her lord. When King George en
tered, to the sound of anthems and
prayers, he was introduced to the
four sides of the assemblage by
the archbishop of Canterbury, who
assumed the mastery of the ceremo
nies from that point on.
It was the archbishop who, a few
minutes later, was to ask the king:
’’Sir, is your Majesty willing to
take the oath?” The king answered,
according to the ritual, “I am will
ing,” and the Archbishop questioned
“Will you solemnly promise and
swear to govern the peoples of
Great Britain, Ireland, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and the Un
ion of South Africa, of your posses
sions and the other territories to
any of them belonging or pertain
ing, and of your Empire of India,
according to their respective laws
and customs?”
“I solemnly promise to do so,"
the king replied.
“Will you to your power cause
law and justice, in mercy, to be exe
cuted in all your judgments?” the
archbishop asked. And the king re
plied, "I will.” He promised further
to uphold the clergy and the Church
of England.
King Given His Vestments.
There followed a long drawn out
communion service during which
the king was presented with the
various jewels with which the of
fice vests him, and was anointed
upon the hands, breast and face
with the holy oil. Among the jew
els presented him were the staff
and sceptre, with the cross and
golden spurs, handed down from
the time of St. Edward; the three
jeweled swords signifying mercy,
temporal justice and spiritual jus
tice; the king’s sceptre with the
dove symbolic of mercy and equity;
the sword of state; the king’s gold
and diamond orb, surmounted by
the Christian cross; the crown of
state and the imperial crown of In
dia. The jewels used in the cere
monies are reputed to be worth at
least $25,000,000.
Then as the king kneeled before
the altar, the archbishop placed the
Crown of St. Edward upon his head,
but only for a fleeting moment for
its weight is unbearable. He
God crown you with a crown of
glory and righteousness, that by the
ministry of this our benediction,
having a right faith and manifold
fruit of good works, you may obtain
the crown of an everlasting king
dom by the gift of him whose king
dom endureth forever.”
The choir sang:
"Be strong and play the man;
keep the commandments of the
Lord thy God, and walk in His
Solemn, thought-provoking advice
for the man who must wear the
crown of one of the most impor
tant nations on earth in times when
the seething caldron of the world's
hate threatens hourly to boil over.
ardund the
By Carter Field \
Washington.—When business men
are gathered together, whether
there be only a few at a bridge
party or an annual meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce of the Unit
ed States, there will be few kind
words, privately, for congress. One
would think to hear them that sena
tors and representatives are noth
ing but a lot of cheap quacks or
demagogues, dealing in platitudes
and contradictions.
One might also suspect, if he did
not look too closely, that if this
country could only be run by a
congress of business men—particu
larly successful, shrewd business
men of the character who would be
sent to an annual meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce—it would be
a far better run country. Economy
would be the watchword. Expendi
tures would be cut to the bone.
Taxes could be reduced, individual
initiative encouraged, etc.
But if the same gullible Pollyanna
would just examine all the resolu
tions adopted at the recent meeting
of the United States chamber, he
would be sadly disillusioned. For
the same brand of contradictions
that makes congress what it is—
that brings down criticism on the
head of congress from these suc
cessful business men—runs through
the chamber resolutions in about
the same proportion that it runs
through the acts of congress.
And runs through—strange to say
—without the excuse that senators
and representatives have for doing
the things they are criticized for
doing. For presumably the men
who are sent to chamber meetings
do not have to worry about politics.
They do not have to stop to think
what the electorate back in their
home towns might think of this or
that action. They do not have to
worry about what the Roosevelt
Farley political machine might do
to them in the next primary if they
do not vote “regular.” No—pre
sumably they can vote for just what
they think is right, with nothing in
mind but the best interests of the
country, understanding, of course,
that what is good for business men
is good for the country.
So what did they do, at this re
cent meeting?
What They Did
First of all they were for rock
ribbed, Coolidge type economy.
Business men and organizations
were urged to throw their influence
to obtain reductions in expenditures
and to refrain from requesting new
government expenditures for any
purpose in the interest of budget
Just what one would expect!
But—the chamber in subsequent
resolutions requested congress to
appropriate funds authorized by the
flood control act of 1936 to expedite
work. This might be understood,
but the chamber also urged aid by
the federal government to enable
farm tenants to become owners of
This is the little project which
Senator John H. Bankhead of Ala
bama has been fighting for, and
which he estimates would cost the
federal treasury one billion dollars,
but which others estimate would
cost much more.
Then the chamber, as though this
were not a pretty fair assault on
budget balancing and federal econ
omy, actually voted to approve a
system whereby a liberal percent
age of loans made by local private
institutions should be guaranteed by
the federal government!
Congressmen were not voting for
this. There was no politics in it
They were just hard-headed busi
ness men trying to show the govern
ment how to balance the budget.
Sensitive About Gold
After the disastrous experience in
being the sucker for the world's
silver producers for a couple of
years, the Treasury is rather sen
sitive right now about gold, with a
fair possibility that the rest of the
world is selling us something at a
price which is going to be reduced,
sooner or later.
It is an obvious fact, Lionel D.
Edie, well-known New York econ
omist, told a group at the Cham
ber of Commerce meeting that the
rest of the world has already dis
counted a reduction in the price of
gold from $35. His point was that
such a reduction would make no
particular difference so far as
shocking the financial capitals of
the world is concerned.
It was pointed out to Mr. Edie
that to mark the price of gold down
would play hob with the financial
statements of the Treasury. Re
duction to a price of $30, for ex
ample, would cost the Treasury,
as far as its paper balance is con
cerned, $1,650,000,000 — something
like $13 for every man, woman and
chile in the United States.
Mr. Edie could not agree with
this His point was that the Treas
ury simply would not mark the val
ue of the gold down. Nobody au
dits the Treasury’s books. No bank
examiner can make trouble because
the Treasury carries its silver at
an entirely fictitiously high figure,
* '
If the world price is considered. So
no bank examiner can come snoop
ing around and make unpleasant
reports, or talk about receivers, if
the Treasury chooses to carry its
eleven billion odd dollars of gold
holdings at $35 an ounce, after it
has actually dropped say to $30 an
ounce on the world market.
A shrewd Canadian banker on a
visit to Washington agreed with Mr.
Edie's statement that the specula
tors all over the world have already
discounted a reduction in the dol
lar price of gold, but added that he
did no*, know what step the United
Stales government could take which
would stop the flow of the yellow
metal t9 his country
Would Increase Flow
“If you should reduce the price
to $32 tomorrow,” he said, "I am
sure it would increase rather than
diminish the flow. The speculators
in London and Paris would at once
assume that this was merely the
first step. So they would hurry to
sell their gold to the United States
before the price should be further
“If you follow the other course
suggested, and boost the charge for
handling the gold from nine cents,
the present figure, say to $3.50,
which has been suggested, it would
not stop your imports. The foreign
speculators would assume here also
that this was just the first step, and
would hurry to get under the wire
before any further cut in the net
price they were receiving.
"The handling fee seems the most
satisfactory way out for other rea
sons, however, for that would not
compel the Treasury to mark down
the value of its gold holdings. It
could go on paying $35 an ounce for
gold mined in the United States and
put a heavy handling charge on any
imported gold. Thus the Treasury
could maintain the fiction that its
gold was still worth $35 an ounce.
There would be no test, because un
less the present situation should be
entirely revised there will be no
such thing any more as maintaining
the value of a paper currency by
having gold to pay on demand for
Forty-Hour Week
The administration is definitely
considering the forty-hour week for
industry in the legislation being
planned to take the place of NRA
as soon as the Supreme court en
largement battle has been decided.
The plan is not frozen. It will prob
ably be changed a great many
times before final submission to
congress, but there is such general
agreement on the forty-hour week
idea that this phase is almost cer
tain to remain.
There are several flies in the oint
ment, however. Chief is the ques
tion of constitutional power. Some
of the New Deal lawyers are by no
means certain that even if they
picked an entire new court of fif
teen, instead of just six more jus
tices as President Roosevelt de
mands, or perhaps only four or two
more as congress may decree, they
could get approval of the kind of
legislation they desire.
It would go much further than
the Wagner act, for example. It is
the purpose to apply it to all sorts
of industries and plants which are
definitely not within the scope of the
Wagner act as approved by the Su
preme court.
The New Dealers want to apply
the forty-hour week to all sorts of
plants, which by no stretch of the
imagination could be said to effect
interstate commerce. They want to
apply it to nearly everything ex
cept farm labor, household serv
ants, and perhaps a few other small
Their Big Worry
So what is worrying the New
Dealers now is whether it would
not require a constitutional amend
ment, after all, to effect what they
want. Wild horses could not drag
an admission of this from them at
the moment To admit this public
ly would be equivalent to saying
that the Supreme court enlarge
ment, which is so embarrassing to
so many otherwise loyal Democrat
ic senators and representatives, is
unnecessary—that the administra
tion is putting them “on the spot”
But it is certain of the fundamen
tal soundness of the forty-hour week
idea. Despite the smiles over the
phrase, there is a lot of support, in
actuality, for the old technocracy
theory. With production in the
country way up above most previ
ous levels, there is still plenty of
evidence of millions of unemployed
men who actually want jobs.
President Roosevelt insisted ear
nestly to callers recently that the
government knew exactly how
many men and women who really
want work are applying for jobs.
The only fly in this ointment is that
he admits there may be a good
many men who have applied at a
number of places, thus being count
ed a number of times. Even here,
he said, desperate efforts are being
made to eliminate these “duplica
He said this in opposing an ex
pansive unemployment census, so
frequently demanded. But the im
portant fact in this connection is
that the government knows that de
spite huge industrial production
there is plenty of unemployment.
"Passing the jobs around" seems
to the New Dealers a sure way of
fixing this, and the forty-hour week,
applied to all industry, seems to
them the logical way to pass the
jobs around.
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
Gypsy Girl on a Bucharest Street.
Prepared by National Geographic Society,
Wathington, D. C.—WfiU Service.
IN ROUMANIA, East and West
are so interwoven it is diffi
cult to see where one leaves
off and the other begins.
Perhaps the countless invasions
which have swept her land may
partly account for this strange
blending of Orient and Occident.
Each invader, whether he be Ro
man, Hun, Pole, or Turk, has left
his strong imprint on the nature
of the people.
Though Paris may be France, Bu
charest is hardly Roumania. This
capital has almost nothing in com
mon with the country. It is a gay,
cosmopolitan city, often, if not apt
ly, called the Little Paris of the
Its streets are crowded with
smartly dressed women, officers re
splendent in their colorful uniforms
and gold braid, and men and wom
en of the foreign colonies, who con
trast strikingly with peasants in na
tive dresses and gypsies in rags
and tatters. Its restaurants and
coffeehouses, always famous for
good food, are abuzz with the latest
political rumors and gossip.
The opening, in the autumn, of
parliament by the king is a bril
liant event. For several blocks and
for hours, the palace guards in their
bright blue uniforms, high patent
leather jack boots, shining helmets
with white horsehair plumes, stand
smartly at attention until the mem
bers of parliament, the diplomatic
corps, the army generals, and the
king have passed.
The great moments are the ar
rival and departure of the king, in
an open landau. Footmen in • satin
breeches, long coats of brocade,
and three-cornered hats, and a
ferocious coachman cracking h i s
whip at six milk-white or coal-black
stallions, on whose backs ride pos
tilions in bright red hunting cos
tumes, add to the striking medieval
You find it fun in winter to hire
an open sleigh drawn by horses
bedecked with bells and red rib
bons, and driven by a coachman in
a high fur caciula (cachoula), a tall
astrakhan cap, long velvet coat, and
wide girdle of metal.
The wide avenue leading up to
the Arc de Triomphe, past a pretty
little race course and the golf links
of the Country club is a miniature
suggestion of the Champs Elysees
in the French capital. Many stately
palaces and homes line its streets.
Roumania has gone modern in her
new houses and apartments.
Good Music, Many Churches.
There is much music other than
in the cafes. Bucharest boasts of
rather good opera during the winter
and a really fine symphony fre
quently plays modern music.
The National theater is well pa
tronized and plays by Roumanian
and foreign authors are given. Once
ornate, the building is now shabby,
although an air of faded elegance
still pervades the place.
The Parliament buildings and the
Roumanian Orthodox church stand
on the summit of the only hill in
Bucharest is a city of churches.
From everywhere can be seen ris
ing the rounded domes of the Rou
manian Orthodox church. The peo
ple are religious, but matter-of-fact
about it. Despite the Slavic influ
ence, there is no mysticism here.
Religion is simply a part of every
day life. The church is like a pro
tective father.
Down by the banks of the Dambo
vita, which Eddie Cantor made fa
mous in one of his songs, is the
great market, where flowers, fruit,
food, household goods, and Rou
manian handiwork are sold in the
open booths of peasants and petty
Because so many peasants are
unable to read, signs on many
stores and shops are illustrated with
pictures of the articles for sale
Around Bucharest the country is
not unlike the agricultural state of
Kansas. Here is a tremendous
wheat and corn region. Visitors love
to go through the villages in this
fertile district. Crazy little Rube
Goldberg houses, whose white
washed walls are painted in soft
pastel shades and decorated with
sorders of flowers or animals, pre
sent an amusingly shaky aspect
along the streets. Roumania is one
of the few countries now left in
Europe whose peasants usually
dress in native costume.
The Roumanian peasant is lovable.
Always gracious, courteous, and
goodnatured, he is industrious, yet
somewhat inefficient. He works
hard in his fields and forests, but
always in a primitive manner, us
ing the crude tools of his forefath
Spend a summer in a small cot
tage in Predeal, at the top of the
Carpathian Pass, on the boundary
line between the ‘‘Old Kingdom”
and Transylvania. During your holi
days you have many opportunities
to observe the ancient methods of
work followed by the peasants.
How Peasants Wash Clothes.
You will be particulary im
pressed with the. native manner of
washing clothes. The laundress
builds a fire in the yard beneath a
large iron pot, in which she puts
the clothes to boil. Then, in a large
wooden trough hewn from a log,
she rubs and washes the garments
with her hands, without even the
aid of a washboard. Next, she
wrings out the heavy linen with
her own hands. Backbreaking work
it is, but the clothes emerge spot
lessly white.
With an old-fashioned iron, kept
hot by a small charcoal fire in
side, she presses them. She, no
doubt, would scorn the electric
washing machines and irons so es
sential to American housewives.
Politically, Roumanla traveled to
ward the left after the war, as have
in a degree most of the countries of
the Near East. The large landhold
ings were expropriated and the
acres sold to the peasants on easy
terms, the result of which was to
place the peasant in a more ad
vanced position than he had ever
The land was appraised on a
basis of reasonable value, and the
gentry given Roumanian bonds in
compensation for the land. When
subsequently the nation went off
the gold standard and her money
depreciated, these bonds became al
most worthless. Since 1926, however,
her currency las been among the
most stable.
In the Danube Delta country, dur
ing the spring and summer, many
camps of gypsies are found. They
carve out of wood huge water
troughs, all variety and manner of
cooking utensils, washing equip
ment, etc. With their wild animal
eyes, scraggly black locks, wretch
edly dirty, and clad in rags, gypsies
are a proof of the disillusionment
of reality.
In the Danube Delta Country.
The delta country covers a tre
mendous area spreading between
the three branches of the Danube.
Most important of Danube chan
nels is the Sulina, which carries
most of the river traffic coming
down from far-off Germany, Aus
tria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and
The European Commission of the
Danube, which assures free naviga
tion of the river, struggles constant
ly to keep the silt, washed down
from half of Europe, from clogging
up this artery to the Black sea.
On the Danube’s banks are two
important ports, Galiti and Braila,
which receive vessels of ocean
draft. Principal exports are wheat,,
barley, corn, lumber, and some oil.
The bird life of the delta is won
drous beyond description. Many
rare and beautiful birds are here
for the looking. Hire at fifty cents
for the day, a black, flat-bottom row
boat, and slip silently through the
reeds and narrow channels of he
delta. Suddenly you surprise per
haps 200 pelicans, which, webfotted
and gross, make their get-away
quickly. You may happen on a
flock of wild swans sailing about
in quiet dignity. Among the rarer
varieties of duck is a snow-white
bird with an emerald-green head
and bill. Egrets, flamingos, cormor
ants, wild geese, many kinds of
ducks, herons, and cranes are listed
among the commoner varieties of
bird life.
Constanta, Roumania’s most im
portant port, still bears traces of the
Turkish occupation of Dobruja prov
ince, which is reflected in its shabby
mosque and the red fezzes of many
of its boatmen.
Dinner Cloth of
Crocheted Lace
Dress up your table, when com
pany’s expected, with this stun
ning lace cloth. Crochet either
identical squares, or companion
squares—they're easy fun, and
either way makes a handsome de
Pattern 1410.
sign as shown. Crochet them of
string and they’ll measure 10
inches; in cotton, they are 6%
inches. Join together, for tea or
dinner cloth, spread or scarf.
Pattern 1410 contains directions
and charts for making the squares
shown; illustrations of them and
of all stitches used; material rs
Send 15 cents in stamps or coins
(coins preferred) for this pattern
to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft
Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York,
N. Y. •
Write your name, address and
pattern number plainly.
Ants are hard to kill, but Peterman’s Ant
Food is made especially to get them and get
them fast. Destroys red ants, black ants,
others—kills young and eggs, too. Sprinkle
along windows, doors, any place where ants
come and go. Safe. Effective 24 hours a day.
25^, 3;/ and 6o^ at your druggist's.
There is only one way to get
ready for immortality, and that is
to love this life and live it as
bravely and faithfully and cheer
fully as we can.—Van Dyke.
Don’t Sloop
When Gas
Presses Heart
If you want to really GET RID OF
GAS and terrible bloating, don't expect
to do it by Just doctoring your stomach
with harsh, irritating alkalies and ‘‘gas
tablets.” Most GAS Is lodged In the
stomach and upper intestine and Is
due to old poisonous matter in ths
constipated bowels that are loaded
with ill-causing bacteria.
If your constipation is of long stand
ing, enormous quantities of dangerous
bacteria accumulate. Then your di
gestion is upset. GAS often presses
heart and lungs, making life miserable.
You can’t eat or sleep. Your head
aches. Your back aches. Your com
pie xion is sallow and pimply. Your
breath is foul. You are a sick, grouchy,
wretched unhappy person. YOUR
Thousands of sufferers have found In
Adlerika the quick, scientific way to
rid their systems of harmful bacteria.
Adlerika rids you of gas and cleans
foul poisons out of BOTH upper and
lower bowels. Give your bowels a
REAL cleansing with Adlerika. Get
rid of GAS. Adlerika does not gripe
—is not habit forming. At all Leading
Safe in Silence
Silence is the safest response
for all the contradiction that
arises from impertinence, vulgar
ity, or envy.—Zimmerman.
Demand original tealed
bottle*, from your dealer
Hold to Your Friends
The friends thou hast and their
adoption tried, grapple them to
thy soul with hoops of steel.—Wil
liam Shakespeare.
To Get Rid of Acid
and Poisonous Waste
Your kidneys help to keep you well
by constantly filtering waste matter
from the blood. If your kidneys get
functionally disordered and fail to
remove excess impurities, there may be
poisoning of the whole system and
body-wide distress.
Burning, scanty or too frequent uri
nation may be a warning of some kidney
or bladder disturbance.
You may suffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, pufhness
under the eyes—feel weak, nervous, all
played out.
In such cases It is better to rely on a
medicine that has won country-wide
acclaim than on something lees favor
ably known. Use Doan’s Pills. A multi
tude of grateful people recommend
Doan s. Aik your neighbor!
■ i