The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 13, 1937, Image 9

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    * Swank Uniforms at George VFs Coronation
Officers of the British army shown wearing special "niforms in honor of the coronation of King George
VI. Left to right, the uniforms are of the Scots Greys, the West Yorkshires, the Royal Soots Fusiliers, the Sea
forth Highlanders, and the King’s Royal Rifles.
Bridge Builders Drive Golden Rivet
The last rivet was recently driven in the Golden Gate bridge at San
Francisco. With many notables witnessing the ceremonies, a crew of
iron-hatted riveters drove a golden rivet into the span, signalizing com
pletion of the structural steelwork. Mayor Rossi (right) of San Fran
cisco aided by riveter Edward Stanley drives the last rivet.
AViAV,’,..* . wmmwmnrn'v.v . *.• • «vwvr ... .r.
Miss Frances McLaughlin, twenty
one, assistant dean of women at the
University of Pittsburgh, is one of
the youngest deans in American col
leges. Two years ago, a leader In
many campus activities, she was
Alma Mater Queen. She has charge
of the women’s placement bureau
and women’s fraternities. She joined
the faculty a year and a half ago.
John C. Lewis, mine union mem
ber, of Iowa, oqe of seven men ap
pointed by President Roosevelt as a
commission to administer the sec
ond Guffey coal control act.
They Have Twenty Varsity “Mothers”
• mm* — : : ■■■:• vc.^a»: r4ce>»^.
Left motherless one month after their birth, these two babies now
have 20 “mothers”—each one a coed at Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y.
The babies, Rose Ann (left) and Mary Alice, were borrowed by the New
York State College of Home Economics in order to provide subjects for
students of the fapnily life courses to “practice” with.
Congressmen Inspect Heavy Artillery Trains
During a recent visit of 220 congressmen and senators to For: Monroe, Va., they inspected the artillery
\ railway trains of the Fifty-second coast artillery as shown above. On the gun car in civilian clothes is
I chairman of the house military affairs committee, Representative Lister Hill of Alabama, accompanied by
commanding officers of the Fifty-second railway coast artillery.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Agreement settling the recent General Motors strike at Oshawa, Ont., Is signed in Toronto. Left to
right, H. J. Carmichael, vice president of the company. Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario and C. H. Mil
lard, union local president. 2—Neville Chamberlain, English lord chancellor, whose recently announced
budget calls for the highest taxes in Britain’s history. 3—Scene in Pittsburgh, where spring rains recently
swelled the banks of the Allegheny river to overflowing and thieatened flood conditions for a time.
Glorifying the American gadget,
the National Inventors’ congress in
Chicago recently presented a full
line of ingenious oddities. Miss
Betty Barrie is shown wearing
transparent drapes to be worn over
stockings for protection against mos
quito bites.
Hawaiian Church Has Centennial
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View of the first Christian church ever erected in Hawaii, which
reaches its century mark this year. Known as the “old stone church”
the edifice was built in the tiny coffee-trading village of Kailua by Ameri
can missionaries in 1827. It was at Kailua President Roosevelt first saw
Hawaii when he visited mid-Pacific American territory several years ago.
Spring Breezes Lure Fair Bathers
Unusually warm spring weather drew these young ladies to a Chicago
beach recently. Left to right are Ruth Kurth, Dorothy Bentler, and Rosa
Dillon. The girls liked the breeze but declared the water was too cold
for a real dip.
Dr. William J. Kerr, professor of
medicine at the University of Cali
fornia, San Francisco, recently cho
sen president-elect of the American
College of Physicians. Dr. Kerr will
serve in 1938 to 1939, following Dr.
James H. Means of Harvard uni
versity, the present incumbent.
Amelia Prepares for World Flight Again
mmk. vmz ** ...
Amelia Earhart, famous aviatrix, as she examined her plane at the Lockheed factory in Burbank, Calif.,
where it was being repaired in preparation for a new start of a round-the-v'orld flight. A previous attempt
ended when the landing gear of her plane collapsed during a take-off at Luke field, in the Hawaiian islands.
Sunbonnet Girls to
Applique on a Quilt
So quaint, so colorful—these
adorable “Sunbonnet” maidens
with their bobbing balloons—you
won’t be able to wait to applique
them on a quilt! The block meas
ures 9 inches. Here's a long-Iooked
for opportunity to utilize those gay
scraps you’ve been saving. You
can use the same design on scarfs
Pattern 5724
and pillows and so complete a
bedroom ensemble. The patches
are simple in form—you’ll find the <
work goes quickly. In pattern 5724
you will find the Block Chart, an
illustration for cutting, sewing and
finishing, together with yardage
chart, diagram of quilt to help
arrange the blocks for single and
double bed size, and a diagram of
block which serves as a guide
for placing the patches and sug
gests contrasting materials.
To obtain this pattern send 15
cents in stamps or coins (coin*
preferred) to The Sewing Circle
Household Arts Dept., 259 W. 14th
Street, New York, N. Y.
Write plainly your name, address
and pattern number.
[the housewife
With Fancywork—Before start
ing to draw the threads on linen
for hemstitching, wet a small
brush, rub it over a bar of soap
until a lather is produced, scrub
the threads of linen that you wish
to draw, and they will pull out
• * *
Boiled Whitefish—Clean a white
fish. To sufficient water to cover
add salt and vinegar and a bunch
of parsley and a quartered onion.
Cook until the flesh separates eas
ily from the bones. Drain and
place on a hot platter, garnished
with parsley and serve with a
* • •
Tomato and Lima Bean Casse
role—Drain the liquid from a Hb.
2 can of green baby lima boot)*
and combine the beans with a can
of tomatoes. Add a little butter
and seasoning, then mix. Place
in buttered casserole. Cover.
* * *
Removing Mustard Stains —
Mustard stains can be removed
from table linen by washing in hot
water and soap and rinsing in
warm water.
WNU Service.
m ■ 14 I m I I I
Finds Relief
Safe, All
e had given up hope
— anything but partial
relief until she learned
of famous all-vegetable
NR Tablets (Nature’s
Hemerly). Hut now alter years ot chronic consti
pation and biliousness—what a change! New pep
—new color and vitality—freedom from bowel
sluggishness and intestinal poisons. This all
vegetable laxative gently stimulates the entire
bowel, givescom
plvte, thorough
elimination. Get Jill l*J tiH*1il ^
n 25c box. All
That’s Respect
A man can differ from us in his
opinions as much as he pleases if
he thinks a lot of us.
I Demand original sealed
1 bottles, from your dealer
levy ■■■■■■■■■
A Sure Index of Value
I ... is knowledge of a
| manufacturer'snameand
1 what it stands for. It is
1 the most certain method,
£ except that of actual
» use, for judging the
I value of any manufac
I tured goods. Here is the
■■■■ll only guarantee against
careless workmanship or
Buy use of shoddy materials.