The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 13, 1937, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    Uncle Sam Was Out Traded
A Nebraska man who has been
in the navy a long time, was in the
congressional office the other day
to talk about the naval appropria
tion bill. lie says that the two
capital battleships which Uncle Sam
is building are absolutely necessary
for national defense even if they do
cost sixty mill ion dollars each to
build. This Nebraska man who
loves the navy admits that if U ncle
Sam had been a good yankee trader
at the time we agreed to cut down
the size of our navy' we wouldn’t
have to be building any of these
expensive ships now. The reason
we have to do it now is that we
actually destroyed and blew' up cap
ital battleships which w'ere just
completed while some of the for
eigners, including Great Britain,
merely destroyed the blue prints.
One of the new ships we blew up
and destroyed was the Washington
—-a brand new ship which was just
finished and cost the taxpayers
over thirty million dollars. But the
Washington was only one of many
ships we destroyed and which we
are now replacing with millions of
new money. Foreign diplomats
who knew they were merely going
to destroy blue prints must feel
greatly satisfied with their end of
the bargain according to some Am
erican naval men who are still
chaffing over destroying what is
now being replaced.
Foreign Rice F«r Beer
One of the biggest breweries in
the country, the Heurich Brewery,
is located near the statue of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan in Potomac
park. A visit to the brewery and
an interview with the brew master
shows that this brewery, like many
others in our country, is now using
rice instead of corn for the manu
facture of beer. This brew master
says that rice is cheaper than corn
and that the rice used here comes
from the seaboard and that origin
of that rice is the orient or some
foreign country.
Government Employees Organize
In answer to questions regarding
organization* of government em
ployees, it can be stated that prac
tically all of the employees of the
government departments are now
in what is known here as the
“AFGE.” This means “American
Federation of Government Employ
ees.” There are so many thousands
of government employees now that
this organization is broken down
into “lodges" or branches with each
branch or lodge having its own
presidents and other officers and
representation in the big or Nation
al organization.
Members usually pay 40 to 50
cents a month for membership and
because of large numbers this mem
bership runs into big sums when
the final total is taken into consid
eration. In reply to “what good
employees get out of such organiz
ations” it can be said that much of
the good is social contact at dances,
Per I'ound . ....
Fresh Ground
2 Pounds
Half or Whole, per lb. AUV
Nice Tender
steak yyc
E’er Pound .... ..AfAfw
Fancy Corn Fed Baby Beef
Aged Steaks Only!
leave yolk orders early
tV firs* It ho*
•r poultry rilsrm to
prrornt this .d to our
•tors will got a Ireo bottlo of
f-O. For Nmu Flu. Worm hi N*|l—Roup.
folds. Worms ts Poultry fust mil wWh food
Costs bills.
teas, parties and outings. They
help the young men and women to
get better acquainted and many
times some of their grievances are
taken care of by their organization.
Government Spends Thousands
For Tolls
A war in Spain or China or any
place on this globe costs the Am
eriinan taxpayer money. That fact
became known in the discussion on
the new appropriation bill for the
state department. Very few people
know it but trouble in Ethopia or
Russia may cost them thousands of
dollars in telegraph tolls alone. Its
going to cost the American taxpay
ers about $252,000 for telegrams in
1938 alone; maybe more, depending
upon how restless or tranquil the
governments of the world will be
during the year.
The department spent $52,290 for
messages to and from Spain. That
big amount for the Spanish trouble
exclusively. Because of difficulties
in Jerusalem recently, Uncle Sam
speivt $12,000 for the first six
months on cables to and from there.
It cost over $8,000 to telegraph to
Geneva for the first six months and
messages going to and from Rome,
Paris, London and Berlin run from
four to eight thousand dollars each,
for the half year. The telegrams
for Tokio, Japan cost about four
thousand dollars and those for
Nanking, China, run around
$6,000. Abnormal conditions in the
foreign countries cost the Amer
ican taxpayers big sums of money.
Broadcast News To Our
Representatives Abroad
Uncle Sam uses the naval radio
for China almost entirely and so
the government doesn’t pay any
thing for a large portion of Chinese
telegrams. The Navy came to the
taxpayers rescue during the Ethio
pian trouble. Uncle Sam had to
reach Ethopia thru the French,
Italian or British cables. The cost
was tremenduous and also there
was danger of interruption. Then
the navy radio operators solved the
problem. They set up an American
radio station at Addis Ababa and
Uncle Sam carried on his own com
munication thru our navy wireless
station in Ethopia,
Uncle San sends out reports
over the naval radio station nighth
and the receiving sets pick these
communications up in most foreign
countries where Uncle Sam has
representatives. The foreign coun
tries allow Uncle Sam to have these
receiving sets to pick up these
messages from home but they will
not give Uncle Sam permission to
install broadcasting stations in the
American foreign embassies. The
matter now _ broadcast by Uncle
Sam over the world from the naval
station is in the form of a news
letter so that American representa
tives can be kept abreast of what is
going on at home.
The State Department has only
one direct cable service and that is
to the American Embassy at Lon
don. For the information of radio
students who have inquired; the
government does send some instruc
tions to China via navy wireless
but so far as code messages and
important messages are concerned,
these are sent either hy cable or
commercial radio except where di
rect communication by naval radio
is available.
Saturday, May 22
Combination Sale
We Sell Everything!
Jim Moore & George t’-olman
John L. Quig, Manager
Take advantage of my Free Clinic and
find out the cause of your illness. It doesn’t
matter what is the cause of your trouble I will
locate it for you without charge.
Tuesday, May 18,1937
Married women must be accompanied by
their husbands.
General Electric
refrigerators ever
built—the value sen
sation of the year and
America is buying
1- save on PRICE!
2- save on CURRENT!
3- save on UPKEEP!
19 Now you can buy
"firstjchoice” in refrig
erators and save three
ways — on purchase
price, on operating
cost and on upkeep.
Automatic Thrift
Unit sealed-tn-steel
in all models.
Judge refrigerator
values any way you
choose—and you’ll find
the new G-E Triple
Thrift Refrigerator is
the biggest buy of 1937.
(Continued from page 5.)
George Davies of Lincoln, was in
Inman Saturday greeting old
friends and looking after business.
Miss Alice Britteil spent Sunday
with friends at Stafford.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colman and
family of Neligh, were here Sun
day visiting at the George Colman
Mr. and Mrs. George Cornish
drove to Creighton Sunday and spent
the day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hladck.
Guests Sunday at the C. P. Cong
er home were their daughter, Mrs.
Verda Neilson of O'Neill, Mr. and
Mra. Roy Conger and son of Elgin,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conger and
family of Sioux City, Iowa, and Mr.
and Mrs. Beryl Conger and son.
Dean, of Atkinson. This was the
first time in several years that
[the entire Conger family hud been
all together.
Guests at the George Kiliinger
home Sunday included Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Gifford and daughter, Glea,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jacques,
of Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Roy W.
Parker and son, Harlan, and daugh
ter, Dorothy, of Page, and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gannon and children of
'Inman. The high point of the day
| was when they received a phone
call from Ft. Collins, Colo., an
nouncing the marriage of Miss Lois
Ua Kiliinger to Frank Parker on
Saturday, May 8. The bride is the
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Georgo Kiliinger and has been em
ployed in Fort Collins the past
eight months. The groom is the
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Parker, and has been specializing
in Forestry at the Ft. Collins agri
cultural college. The happy couple
expect soon to go to northern Mon
tana where he has work for the
summer, after which they will make
their home at Ft, Collins. They
will be at home to their friends
after Nov. 1.
The members of the Inman Work
ers club entertained their husbands
and friends at a “Big Time" party
POSITION for good reliable
local man who can work steady
helping manager take care of
our country business. Livestock
experience desirable. Men make
$75 a month at first. Address
Box 2753, care of this paper.
at the Ladies' Aid parlors of the
M. E. church Friday evening. As
each guest arrived they were
sented with a colorful ba’iy bonnet
which they wore thruout the even
ing. After an evening of games,
lunch was served by the members.
Everybody present agreed that it
was a real “big time party.”
In The New |
Spencer Auditorium I
Spencer, Nebr. §
Thursday, May 20 |
Gamble’s Polish
and Cleaner
A complete car polishing out
fit including 1 can Deluxe
Cleaner, 1 can Deluxe Kotor
wax Polish, M aq. ft. of Kympte
Polishing Cloth and a chem
ically treated dust doth.
Special Sale Price
2 Gallons 100%
Pure Penn. Oil
Comes from the famous
Bradford fielda. Special
sale price incleding Fed
eral tax.
2 gal
Small Charge for Returnable
Container !
I ~~ — »
Spark Plug
Our regular fine quality plug.
Made of good quality French
town porcelain. Special Sale
Price, any size
^ or $|00
25 ft. of substantial,
well-built,all rubber
garden hose. Com
plete with <ouplings.
Pioneer.. 5° *1.00
i£teh. 4 *1.00
Official League
A |1.U mine. Official
and weight —
Sale Price ....
I Introductory
Gamble's |
new, easy j
. lust/e cream J
(Nfurnitnre |
: I polish, ,
I Per Pint I
With I
Thfa ,
Coupon j
i •
Kant Roll I
Clothes Pins I
I Popular type, smooth Bn- •
j isb. AO to a boi.
2 Boxes
: 15* |
With This Coupon
Gamble’s new policy of carrying only one complete line of
tires oar famous CREST—Is bringing us new tire cus
tomers by die thousands. By concentrating on just one
complete line of tires we cut our costs by eliminating lines,
simplifying stock keeping and speeding up turnover. The
savings we make enable us to offer fine quality CREST ,
tires at prices you want to pay. CREST tires have all the /
features that you want in a safe, dependable tire. They *
are manufactured by a factory that has been build- J J
for fine tires for almost 40 years.
Size 4-PIt 4-Ply
4.40 Si.$4.44
4.50 SO. 4JS $ 4.44
4.T5 it. 7.55 S.2S
5.00 if. 8.46 14J0
5.S5 17 . 8.74 14.75
M5 18 . $.04 11-25
Size 4-Ply 4-Ply
•.to to.hji iaw
0 25 II .1M au
HO IT. US 11.70
6.00 14.11.00 13.M
4.t0 IS.12JK 14.70
S.S0 IS.UJt IS.10
One gallon of our fine grade
100% Pure Penn. Motor OU
With The Purchase of Any
Tiger Battery Listed Below.
45 Plate for Ford, Chevrolet.
Plymouth and $ {*£9
Ezell. Price.... mmmm
67 Plate Reverse Assembly
for Ford V8, Terraplane and
others. SC >■ C
Rich. Price *0-^9
61 Plate Tiger, Super Active.
Exchange $ry «
Coronado DeLuxe Car Radio
Has 6 tubes Automatic Volume Control 6-in.
Dynamic Speaker High Sensitivity and Selec
tivlty Mellow Tone—Cash
Price, installed
6 Tube Car Radio,
Cash Price, Installed
Standard House Paint
Gallon . $1.69 6 Gallons,
Per Gal $1.59
Flat Wall Paint
Quart.... 49c Gallon. $1.59
Eggshell Gloss Interior Finish
Quart ... 59c Gallon. .$1.79
Standard Barn Paint
Gallon.. $1.10 S Gallons,
Per Gal.. $ .96
One Gallon off Linseed Oil For
Only 19c With 5 Gallons of the
Paint Listed Below. Here Is A
Real Money-Saving Offer:
Super House Paint, finest quality white
only. Per Gallon in CA HA
B Gallon Lot*. 6. 1 9
Home Guard House Point. AH popular
shades. Per Gallou in CA A A
B Gallon Lola .<rNaD9
GradefA Born Paint. Our very best bril
liant red born point. A ww
Per GaUon to B Gallon Lots. .. 'Lv«l
Slight charge (or returnable oil container.
UpTo*15 Allowance
For Your Old Bike On a
New Gamble “Eagle."
That's a real sale oItr.e||a
Special Sale Price Y
As Low Aa. Km if—
Leas trade-in allowance.
{US Per Week, Payable Monthly
We will give you a liberal allowance lor your old
ice box on the purchase of a new 1MT Coronado.
Examine theae outstanding features:
• Revolving Tray
• Utility Storage Bin
• Sliding Food nie
a Sliding Shelf
a New Pros to Tray
a Now Rubber Grids
a Cold Control—13 Points
• Custom-built Thorawnuta
• Twin Compressor
a Porcelain Hy dr at or Pan
a Now Latex Crisper
e Interior Light 5 YEAR
e Ice Trey. 3 Guarantee
a Ice Capacity -9 Mm. _
Model G67,
8 cu. ft.
Cash Price.
Model GTT, T cu. ft. Cash Price .$159M
Model 097 Std., 8.35 cu. ft. Cash Price 8114.5#
Model G4T Std., 4 cu. ft. Cash Price. ... 49.50
At Low as $1.50 For Week, Payable Monthly
Drain Tubs Free
With the Purchase of a
Coronado Model MX
Gasoline Power Washer
Washer has adjustable pressure
wt mger, safety release, porcelain
tub, I-orell balloon type wringer
rolls and many other features.
With the purchase of any of the outstanding
Coronado Radios listed below.
Coronado 8 Tube Battery Operated Console, Illustrated
right. Cash Price, complete with SCO QC
all tubes and batteries.T9ut99
Coronado 11 Tube AC Conaole, C A A AC
Cash Price. Twauu
Coronado 6 Tube Battery Operated Console, Cash Price,
complote with all SSi ,1 AP
tubes and batteries. .T““e^wP
$1.25 Per Week, Payable Monthly... Dish Sot Tree!
19 PIECE 3
U popular aixed, S paint
aoeketa, 1 L handle*, ratahat
aad acraw a j «■» ja
driver adapter. T§ OSS
Sale Price_ JL»”
Paatena to center at fraat
bumper. Pro- a, ^ aaa,
uci. gnu. $100
Sale Price. ^aBaJb
This offer i* made right at tha
peak of the paint teaaon. Para*
cornea in all popular floor
colors. A $1.31 value. Special
Price. $1Q0
I Quarts.
Screen Paint
and Brush
1 quarts of black screen
paint and one S-in. panel
brush. A It 35 value.
& $100
Drip Coffee
Maker and Coffee
An unbeatable combination.
1 lbs. of Gamble’s Dolose
Coffee and a fine quality Up
coffee maker.
Steering Wheel I
Control *
■ Makes parkiny and sharp J
• turns easy. A Me value. |
| OQC 7£ !
I Coupon j
| Driving Goggles |
J Newest sport type. A 35c ■
I to 50c value. Sale Price
Managing Partner
Agencies at—Martin, S. I)., Valentine, Ainsworth, Atkinson, Long Pine, Bassett,
Spalding, Chambers, Butte, Spencer, Plainview, Springview and Bristow.
Douglas St.