The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 06, 1937, Image 2

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around the
By Carter Field ^
Washington.—In refusing even to
admit that there is a possibility of
more new taxes, despite thi obvious
necessity for either more revenue
or less spending, senators and rep
resentatives, not to say administra
tion officials, are not as stupid as
some critics seem to think.
There is a reason as big as a
house for what they are doing, and
It has nothing to do with the mental
processes that are supposed to in
duce an ostrich to bury its head in
the sand in the presence of danger.
The men who have the Anal say
on this know perfectly well that
the next revenue bill, if it is going
to provide anything like the amount
of money needed, must hit the
smaller incomes. As predicted at
the time, the new revenue law now
on the books has made tax evasion
a fine art. Also, there is a law
of diminishing returns, even in taxes
on wealth.
For example, a very high income
tax on the upper brackets is re
markably effective in discouraging
gambling, even business gambling.
It has restricted gambling in stocks
and commodities far more probably
than all the securities and exchange
commission's restrictions, effective
as they have been.
Which may be a fine thing, but
that is not the point. The point is
that a man with a substantial for
tune, while he still retains the na
tural human desire to increase it,
looks at any new venture more
coldly than in the olden days. If
he loses, the government has noth
ing to say, but if he wins he has
tr give up more than half his profits
tt the Treasury. So he takes fewer
chances, plays more sure-things, is
satisfied with a much smaller re
turn on his money, and puts more
and more of his money in tax ex
empt bonds. Then to balance the
danger that inflation would hurt him
in that direction, he is apt to buy
some land, not looking for immedi
ate return, but just ns a hedge
against the possibility of his dollars
being worth less.
Tax Return* Disappoint
All of which is part of the explana
tion of why, with business tremen
dously better last year, and with
a wonderful crop of dividends, the
Income tax returns of March 15
were so disappointing.
The other port of the explana
tion, congress and the administra
tion realize, is that considerably
more the total crop of dividends
goes to small income people than
had been thought. Treasury experts
knew this from previous figures,
but their comments on the tax plan
last year were ignored, for the most
part, though attention was called
to them while the bill was under
So to get the money that the
Treasury must have, unless spend
ing is to be curtailed more drastical
ly than any one familiar with the
political situation really expects,
tougher levies must be made on
the little incomes. Exemptions must
b«> reduced and rates on the little
fellows must be boosted.
But that Is terrible politics and
every one knows it. Senator Robert
M. LaFollette of Wisconsin is one
of the few who have had the political
courage to advocate it.
So—if it can be postponed in one
way or another until after the 1938
election—or at least so that the re
turns will not have to be made un
til after that election—it might pre
vent quite a few defeats of house
members and of the senators who
then come up for re-election. Actual
prospects are, however, that the
wolf Just won’t stay away from the
door as long as that.
Third Terni Talk
There is more and more talk about
• third term for Franklin D. Roose
velt More and more, the talk about
other Democrats, such as Governor
George H. Earle of Pennsylvania,
Paul V. McNutt of Indiana and Sec
retary of Agriculture Henry A. Wal
lace is subsiding.
There is no real question in any
one’s mind that popular prejudice
against a third term is not of suffi
cient importance to interfere If Mr.
Roosevelt decides not to run it will
not be because of any objection to
violating that old tradition. It will
be for some other reason or reasons.
It Just co happens that he rather
enjoys breaking tradition.,.
Nor is there any doubt that the
President could easily be renominat
ed and re-elected, if the election
were this fall instead of in 1940
There is not the slightest evidence
of any diminution of his popular
strength. Most senators are of the
opinion that if the Supreme court
enlargement plan were merely a
device originating on Capitol hill,
and on which the Presiden had said
publicly that he considered this a
matter for congress to work out,
there would not be a handful of
public sentiment for it
They contend that it Js the enor
mous popularity of the President
that is going to put the court plan
over, if it is put over, despite ob
jections so strong as to have
smashed party lines.
As a matter of fact It did not
take a Franklin D. Roosevelt to
topple the third term tradition over.
Calvin Coolidge today does not have
the prestige he enjoyed during hia
lifetime, but no one who remem
bers the state of affairs when the
Republicans held their convention
at Kansas City in 1928, and in the
months preceding that gathering,
when delegates were being selected,
doubts that Coolidge could have had
that nomination by crooking his
Watch Reactions
The third term tradition began to
wither back in the Theodore Roose
velt administration. Few now be
lieve it had anything to do with
the fact that Woodrow Wilson de
feated Roosevelt and William How
ard Taft in the 1912 election. There
was some talk about it, naturally,
from the Taft orators, but Taft's
prestige with the voters was at a
very low ebb, and many Republi
cans who supported Taft regretted
afterwards that they had not all
united behind Roosevelt to defeat
The interesting thing to watch now
is the reactions of those Democrats,
particularly in the South, who in
their hearts have not agreed with
the New Deal, but who have gone
along largely because of party reg
ularity. Many of them have had
very definite ideas about changing
some of the economic slants of the
Democratic party at the next na
tional convention, and nominating
some one more in sympathy with
their own ideas.
It is rather obvious that 1944 is
too far off for most of them to wait.
Naturally there is nothing for them
to do right now, so long as party
regularity retains its present im
portance in their minds. And there
is not much ground for suspecting
any change in that direction.
But it is well within the realm of
possibility that they may make up
their minds shortly that they will
fight against a third term for the
New Deal. Which may lead to more
of the sort of insurgence that has
characterized the actions of such
senators as Carter Glass and Harry
F. Byrd of Virginia, Josiah W.
Bailey of North Carolina, Millard
E. Tydings of Maryland, and Walter
F. George of Georgia.
Russia for Peace
While eager for any disarmament
conference that the United States
may propose, or that any other na
tion may suggest for that matter,
the Soviet Republic, Secretary of
State Cordell Hull has been unoffi
cially informed, believes for the mo
ment that the best guarantee of
peace in the eastern hemisphere is
the strength of the fighting forces
of the U. S. S. R.
As every one interested in world
diplomacy knows, much of the talk
of the "next war" centers around
the idea of Japan and Germany
fighting Russia. Soviet officials be
lieve that as long as their country
remains strong enough so that Ger
man and Japanese spies continue
to report its resisting qualities, just
so long may "Der Tag” be post
"The question of speed and fight
ing ability of planes alone is a good
illustration,” one friend of Moscow
said to Secretary Hull the other
day: "Any German expert, with
the material the Hitler secret serv
ice has been able to obtain, can
figure out very quickly that there
just might be considerable danger
in any move against the Soviet. It
might not be over quickly and vic
toriously, which of course is the
only kind of war any country
Officials here are smiling, dis
creetly, over a retort made by a
friend of the Soviet at a recent re
ception in London, which was quick
ly relayed to this country by grape
The Easterner wao asked b7 a
distinguished attache of the British
Foreign office why his government
had concentrated such a huge force
in its maritime provinces.
*'My government is anxious to
preserve peace," saiu the Russian.
"We are willing to go to great
lengths in that direction—even to
removing temptation from possible
victims. We realize fully the weak
ness of the Japanese for invading
any unprotected territory. They
don’t seem to be able to resist it.
So we thought if we put a powerful
force out there we would be con
tributing to the cause of peace on
French Not rooted
Incidentally the French do not
t.’ke seriously all the recent pro- j
paganda — since the rout of the
Franco forces at Guadalajara —
about the Italian soldiers’ lack of
fighting ability. They have been
chuckling about it, naturally, es
pecially since the flight of the Italian
regiments has been played up so in
the newspapers. One cartoon showed
an Italian officer protesting to II
Duce saying that it was not “fair"
to put them up against an opposing
army which also had planes and
tanks. All of which shows that Italy
did not win as much prestige by
her Ethiopian victory as she prob
ably believed.
But the French make the point
that this behavior of Italian soldiers
in Spain does not mean anything.
They insist that many of the Italians
did not want to go to Spain, that
many did not even know they were
going to Spain until they were land
ed there. The French claim to have
reports that the Italians in many
instances are eager to surrender,
not having any heart in the fight.
C Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service
Touring Accommodations.
For the sake of com
parison, two of us, out lately
on a little trip, stayed one
night at a wayside motor
camp and the next night at
the most expensive tourist
hotel in three states, rates
$25 per day per sucker.
At the tourist camp, the company
was mixed but neighborly and, for
the most part, pleas
ant. The only really
discordant note was
a lady in the ad
joining cabin who, at
all hours, kept wak
ing her husband up,
apparently for the
purpose of telling
him another thing
about him that she
didn't like.
At the exclusive
establishment were ,rvln s Cobb
many guests who
seemed to be suffering from severe
attacks of nervous culture, being
fearful, I’d say, that, if ever they
behaved naturally, they'd give them
selves away. Mainly they were dull.
Waxworks, even when animated,
usually are dull.
But stopping at a $25 a day hotel
has one advantage, I And. After
ward, you can go around bragging
that once you stopped at a $25-a
day hotel. This should be a great
help socially.
Dealing With Snakes.
A CONNECTICUT congressman
is pushing an act to prohibit
importation of venomous serpents
from other countries for exhibition
purposes. His fear is that an earth
quake or something might shake the
zoo apart and liberate a lot of dead
ly reptiles that would start multi
plying and constitute a new menace
to the lives of such of the populace
as have thus far escaped being
killed by automobiles.
Without presuming to assume that
the gentleman h a bit of an alarm
ist, I’d like to point out that he can
obtain millions of adherents for this
measure among old-fashioned Amer
icans by tacking in an anhendmcnt
to his bill providing that the bars
likewise shall be put up against for
eign-born communists. .
* • *
How Times Change.
I JUST read what I once knew for
myself but had forgotten in the
rush and bustle of these latter days.
It related to the attitude which
America, considerably less than half
a century ago, held toward unescort
ed woman. For instance, as recently
as 1890 not many respectable hotels
would permit one of them to regis
Some time after 1900—in fact, as
I remember, it was about 1910—a
prominent lady was asked to leave
one of the smartest hotels in New
York city because she dared to light
a cigarette in the public lounge.
As for women drinking at a bar—
well, not even the most forward
looking liberal could conceive of so
incredible a sight as that.
And now just look at the darned
Hardships dc Luxe.
WHEN our plutocratic classes
decide to go simple, they go
simple, regardless of what it costs
A rich couple have just completed
a trip out here, following the ancient
trails of the early pathfinders. Like
true pioneer stock, they roughed it
in specially built twin trailers, each
about the size of a pullman but
much more complete, and were
towed by a couple of Rolls-Royces.
The servants, only six in number,
had to put up with two much cheap
er cars.
During the entire trip there was
no dressing for dinner and thus,
with true democratic spirit, was
the primitive plan of the expedition
carried out. Every hardship en
countered enroute—such as the
champagne getting all jolted up and
the caviar coming unglued in the
can — was cheerfully endured. An
armed guard was maintained a t
night to repel kidnapers and hostile
Indian tribes.
I wonder how Jim Bridger and Kit
Carson ever stood it with no butler
along—In fact, not even a second
©—WNU Service.
How Time Flies
When it is considered that a watch
is made up of approximately 178
parts. 50 of which undergo motion,
and that the total number of the
manufacturing operations involved
is at least 1.500, some idea of the
design problems that accompan>
watchmaking becomes apparent.
Many of the parts are so small that
a powerful magnifying glass is nec
essary to examine them in detail.
Every available ten-thousandth of
an inch must be utilized in the
watch to attain the compactness
that characterizes the new mode.
For instance, the balance wheel
swings between the third and fourth
wheels with a clearance of only
0.006 inch. Screws for the balance
wheels are also striking examples
of minuteness. A thimble can hold
j 7.800 screws.
»V ‘ * . IvftkhrZ
Picking Cucumbers Out of the Air at Terre Haute.
Prepared by National Geographic Society,
Washington, D, C.—W'NU Service.
INDIANA is the sum of its rarts.
Yet how they differ! Streams
of planes, txains, motorcars,
trucks, and buses whizzing
back and forth across its north and
central narts; yet how little travel,
by comparison, in the south.
In that industrial region on Lake
Michigan which is not Indiana at
all but a prolongation of Chicago,
nothing but smoko, noise, and mov
ing crowds.
In the south, a serene, unhurried
people whose ancestors floated down
the Ohio in flatboats, came from the
Carolinas and Kentucky on horse
back bringing rifles, axes, spinning
Look down, in fancy, from a drift
ing blimp; imagine that here and
there, painted on the grounds in
huge, white letters, are signboards
on which you may read about the
audacious men whose adventures
made Indiana.
Near South Bend, La Salle
campe ' in 1679. At Vincennes, a
century later, George Rogers Clark
gained for us the whole Northwest
That tall shaft of Pigeon Roost
Memorial shows where, in 1812,
Indians slew a whole white settle
East of Evans dlle, at Lincoln
City, is the monument to Lincoln’s
mother, Nancy Hanks, and the boy
hood home where her son Abe split
Along the Wabash—the Ouabache
of old—are strewn the sites of
French fur-trade posts, built in the
early 1700’s. North of Lafayette,
the Tippecanoe battlefield, where
Harrison defeated Tecumseh’s
brother; and, just out of Kokomo,
a monument to Elwood Haynes, who
in 1894 launched one of America’s
first “horseless carriages” on the
now historic "Pumpkinvine Pike.”
In fact and fancy you may see
still other markers, showing the
homes of such famous Hoosiers as
James Whitcomb Riley, Benjamin
Harrison, John Hay, Lew Wallace,
Joaquin Miller, Booth Tarkington,
Albert J. Beveridge, George Ade,
Theodora Dreiser, Charles Major,
John T. McCutcheon, Meredith
Nicholson, and Wilbur Wright; and,
up among the scenic lakes of north
east Indiana, in the "Limberlost”
region, that rustic, tree-shaded log
house home of Gene Stratton Porter.
Story Is Shown on Carter's Map.
It sounds fantastic, the idea of
floating over a state and reading its
life story on giant signboards. Yet,
in a vicarious way you can do it,
for there exists a pictorial map,
drawn by Lee Carter and published
by the state conservation depart
ment, which shows in graphic de
tail much that has happened here
since Father Marquette saw north
ern Indiana in the 1600’s. This map
was our guide over some 6,500 miles
of Hoosier highways and byways.
"On the Banks of thr Wabash” is
the state song. It ought to be; down
the Wabash came the French, first
whites to settle in Indiana; this
stream formed part of their long
route from Quebec to Louisiana.
At Terre Haute you see a street
crowd watching a tricky machine
turn dough into doughnuts, instan
taneously. It is har i to believe that
in the pioneer days country folks
didn't even have matches; if they
let their fires go out, they had to
ride over to the neighbors' and bor
row some live coals.
The sight of girls picking long,
green, warty cucumbers out of the
air lures you into a 35-acre steam
heated glass house. Inside it smells
and feels just like Manila in the
rainy season, hot and sticky. A
bug's paradise! Swarms of bees
are kept, purposely, to pollinate the
cucumber blossoms. Not on the
ground, but high up overhead like
grapes on a trellis hung the cucum
bers Perspiring blonds and bru
nettes reached up with long-handled
tools and clipped them off.
Elks’ Country Club house, facing
the Wabash, stands where Zachary
Taylor whipped the Indians in 1812.
Parallel with the river is the aban
doned Wabash and Erie canal, its
grass-grown towpath still visible.
An Englishman—a bout 1848—
wrote of a canal trip from here to
Oho. It was hot, he said. All dby
passengers sat on top the boat,
many under umbrellas. Some fid
dled or sang; others read, or
watched the scenery go whizzing
by as towpath horses pulled the boat
at four miles an hour! This Eng
lishman was disturbed that Amer
cans should eat squirrels!
Through pioneer Terre Haute
came the old National Road. Over
it swarmed the cheering legions—
soldiers, settlers, pairie schooners,
freighters, live stock, boys and dogs
—off to conquer the West. Today
this early wagon trail, long but a
line of ruts dodging stumps and
mudholes, is U. S. 40. At Terre
Haute it intersects U. S. 41 to form
one of America’s busiest cross
South of the city hovers the popu
lation center of the United States.
For the past 45 years it has been
slowly wandering across Indiana.
Historic Four-Cornered Track.
Trotting horses, harnessed to light
sulkies, set world records at Terre
Haute. Nancy Hanks, Maud S., Dan
Patch, Mascot, Hal Pointer, and
Axtell raced here on the historic
“four cornered” track in the days
of Bud Doble, greatest reinsman of
his age. Now a stadium, with night
ball games by electric light, rises
where crowds used to cheer gog
gled drivers holding tight reins to
keep their sweating trotters from
“breaking” into a gallop.
Spirits, gunpowder, glass, this
town makes them all. You see piles
of sand, soda, and limestone fed to
big furnaces; then gobs of red-hot
glass dropping into a magic ma
chine that shapes the bottles—one
every two seconds.
Some men are piling tall bottles
into a box car.
“Where for?” you ask.
“Down to Key West, across on the
car ferry to Havana, then east by
rail to where Cubans make Bacardi
Oddly self-contained, this region,
aiocal straw makes packing cases;
printers make labels, farmers grow
vegetables, and canners do the rest.
Out at Rose Polytechnic boys
build toy bridges. Some day, when
they’re full-fledged engineers, they
may build big ones in Bolivia or the
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is one of
America’s exclusive schools for
girls. You see groups riding, clad
in smartest saddle-club togs, the
horses groomed slick and shiny,
their hoofs oiled. Perhaps some of
these girls have descended from
women who also rode horses—from
Virginia or the Carolinas, over the
wilderness trials, carrying babies,
dreading panthers and Indians.
Old Timers on the Wabash.
Glimpses of the Wabash as you
ride south to Vincennes make you
think of the French voyageurs, and
the wild, half-naked coureurs de
The voyaguer had a license to
trade. But the "bush loper” was an
outlaw in that long war for fur be
tween French and English. Like the
honest traders, the renegade offered
knives, beads, axes, guns, and
blankets for the red man’s pelts,
but cheated when he could.
Traders and boats of all kinds
used to swarm on the Wabash. John
Parsons, a young Virginian who
came here in 1840 to buy land,
wrote: “In the fall, 1,000 flatboats
will pass down the river, the ma
jority loaded with flour, pork. . . .
lard, cattle, horses, oats, cornmeal,
and corn on the ear. . . . They told
me of a flatboat. . . carrying a load
of hickory nuts, walnuts and veni
son hams.”
You can’t ride along the Wabash,
with gll its traditions, historic sites,
old graveyards and monuments,
without thinking of its part in mak
ing America.
On a Wabash tributary near Peru
is the grave of Frances Slocum,
stolen by the Indians as a girl in
1778. She spent her whole life with
them, refusing, when finally visited
by her own white relatives, to leave
the tribe. Pioneer John Parrett
of Whitley county advertised that he
had paid Indians $2.50 to release a
six-year-old white boy, and that he
would keep the boy “till his par
ents, if living, and chance to see
, this notice, may find him.”
Test for Spine
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
HEN there is the possi
bility of the back being
injured in an accident of any
kind, it is not considered wise
to have the patient move in
any way until an X-ray ex
amination can be made. A
break or dislocation along the
spinal column anywhere from
the neck down to the hip
bones may cause paralysis or
death if movement occurs;
the most careful handling of
the patient is therefore abso
lutely necessary to prevent
any movement.
There are times however when it
is necessary and saves considerable
time and expense
and possible court
action to learn as
soon as possible if
there is actually any
injury to the spine.
For several years
Drs. R. DeSoto and
K. O. Haldeman,
San Francisco, have
employed a method
that is extremely
helpful in locating
Dr. Barton sPinal in3uries
describe it in “Sur
gery, Gynecology and Obstetrics,”
Simple and Easy Method.
“The patient is placed flat on his
back without pillows and the ex
aminer places one hand on the
breast bone of the patient with a
slight pressure so that no bending
can take place at the upper or low
er back. At the same time the ex
aminer’s other hand is placed un
der the back of the patient’s head
and the head very gently bent
slightly forward so that the head
(chin) is on the breast bone. This
bending of the head forward pulls
on the ligaments attached to the
bones of the spine (the little knobs
felt when you run your hand down
the spine) until it reaches the bone
that is injured. This immediately
causes pain which the patient can
locate very easily.”
The usefulness of this sign rests
on the following facts:
1. It gives the exact location of
recent fractures (broken bones)
without moving or disturbing the pa
2. It guides the X-ray operator to
the right level to obtain his picture.
3. It shows whether the injury is
in the spine (bony part of the back)
or just in the soft muscle tissues of
the back.
4. When it may be a “court case”
(medico-legal) the patient is not
aware of what the test is for and
the true facts will be brought out.
5. If the patient doesn’t complain
of pain anywhere down the spine it
is not likely that a spine injury has
recently occurred.
Are the Glands to Blame?
You can really hardly be blamed
when you find yourself eating less
food in the 24 hours—not simply at
meal time—than others, and yet are
much overweight, if you begin to
wonder if your overweight is really
due to overeating. Why should it
not be due to some gland disturb
ance in the body—the thyroid gland
in the neck or perhaps the pituitary
gland situated on the floor of the
Now there is one way you can
find out whether either or both of
these glands may not be manufac
turing enough juice and yqpr doctor
can arrange to have the tests made.
If the thyroid gland is suspected,
and in this case the excess fat is
distributed over the entire body, a
metabolism test is made. Before
breakfast some morning you lie
down quietly in the doctor’s office
or at the hospital and the rate at
which your body processes are
working is discovered by a machine
which measures the amount of oxy
gen your tissues are using and the
amount of waste that is being
thrown off when you are doing no
work, and no food i£ being digested.
If your processes are not work
ing as fast as normal, are more
than 20 per cent below normal—
registering 80 instead of 100—then
your thyroid gland is not active
enough, and your doctor will pre
scribe thyroid extract to make the
processes work faster and use or
burn up the fat.
If it is the pituitary gland that
is at fault the excess weight will
be on shoulders, breasts, hips and
abdomen, with forearm and lower
leg free of excess fat, and the X
ray of the skull will show changes
in the little hollow in the bone in
which the pituitary gland rests, a
growth, or other changed condi
tions about the gland. In this case
pituitary extract will be prescribed
by your physician.
However whether your overweight
is due to too much food or to a
deficiency of a gland or glands,
what is called a basic diet is now
prescribed by physicians doing spe
cial work in obesity or overweight.
More exercise and less sleep is of
course part of the treatment. Ex
ercise consumes some of the accu
mulated energy, stimulates bowel
movement, and causes deep breath
Star Center Doilies
In 3 Useful Sizes
There's an added thrill to lunch
eon or dinner when the tableset
ting’s of luxurious-looking doilies!
Three practical sizes—6, 11, and
15 inch circles—comprise this ex
quisite buffet or lunch ensemble.
And guests will exclaim over the
Pattern 5768
loveliness of the “star” centei
pattern. You'll be astonished at
the ease with which these charm
ing “dainties” are crocheted. Use
mercerized cotton or string. In
pattern 5768 you will find com
plete instructions for making the
doilies shown; an illustration of
them and of the stitches used;
material requirements.
To obtain this pattern send 15
cents in stamps or coins (coins
preferred) to The Sewing Circle
Household Arts Dept., 259 W.
Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y.
Write plainly your name, ad
dress and pattern number.
Unde Phil §
So With All of 'Em
Running a farm and running a
newspaper consist i(i infinite at
tention to details. But isn’t run
ning any business that?
Indignation is only another form
of anger, and a great deal of an
ger isn’t good for anybody.
Somebody always discovers how
to be chummy with the un
approachable man; and it is
pretty sure to be one who isn’t
afraid of him.
Getting a Child's Confidence
You don’t need to “teach” a
child a great deal, if you admit
him into your conversation on the
plane of equality.
How many people do you know
who, you know, will be glad to
see you? Isn’t it a restful feeling!
In the old Indian scalping days,
how exasperated an Indian must
have been to come across a vic
tim who was bald.
Demand original sealed I
bottles, from your dealer I
First a Student
He who proposes to be an au
thor,' should first be a student.—
The Coleman is a gen- I W Q Kl
nine lastsnt Lighting Iron.
p Ail yoa have to do i« turn e valve, strike a match
'* and it lights instantly. You don't nave to insert
the match Inside the iron—no barned fingers.
The Coleman heats In a jiffy; Is quickly readr
l for use. Entire Ironing surface is heated with
point the hottest. Maintains its heat even for
i the fast worker. Entirely self-heating. Operate*
for hC an hour. You do your ironing with less
effort, in one-third less time. Be sure your nest
iron is the genuine Instant-Lighting Coleman.
It's the iron every woman wants. It’s a wonder
I ful time and labor saver—nothing like It. The
Coleman fa the easy way to iron.
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-v —
The thing you want is always
somewhere else!—Mrs. Frunklin IK
Wages should be reckoned not in
numbers of pounds or dollars, but
in purchasing power of good tilings
—of beauty as well as bread, of a
pleasant social intercourse as well as
bathrooms, cheap forms of pleasure
as well as cheap goods.—Sir Philip
I have never attached much value
to any education 1 was subjected to,
but only to the education 1 volun
tarily sought.—Havelock Ellis.
I have never been able to see why
a Vanderbilt or a French was inher
ently any better than a Jones.—
Francis O. French.