The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 08, 1937, Image 1

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    N«b. 8ut« liitiriid 8*««%
The Frontier
"Voting Is Light Except In Third
Ward Where Uhl Won Over
Gillespie By 37 Votes.
Last Tuesday was city election
and the. day was very quiet in the
city. The only contest, in which
much interest was manifested, was
that in the Third ward wher Coun
cilman Uhl was opposed for re
election by former Councilman L.
G. Gillespie. In this ward about
half the vote was cast, the number
being 244, of which Uhl received j
138 and Gillespie 101.
Less than a third of the vote was
cast in both the First and Second
Wards. The total vote cast in the
Frst ward was 104, and in the
Second ward 102. In this ward
Councilman Coyne was opposed for
re-election by John Alfs, but neith
er candidate paid much attention
to the election. Coyne won with
a vote of 81 to 19 cast for Alfs.
For members of the school board
Dr. H. L. Bennett and Miss Anna
O’Donnell, present members, were
reelected without opposition.
Following is the vote cast for
the various candidates in the sev
eral wards:
b First Ward:
Protivfrisky .. 94
Second Ward:
Coyne . 81
Alfs . 19
Third Ward:
Uhl 138
Gillespie _ —101
. Total Vote .- .433
f For members of the Board of
First Second Third
Bennett 91 73 190
O’Donnell 94 69 144
i . —i
.Jack Alderson Scores
488 In Angus Judging
Contest At Columbus
Monday, April 5, twenty-five
Holt county 4-H club members and
leaders drove to Columbus to par
ticipate in the Judging contest
sponsored by the Nebraska Aber
deen Angus Breeders association
at their state show and sale. One
hundred eighty club members and
Smith Hughes pupils entered in
the contest which consisted of
judging four classes of Angus
breeding cattle and giving reasons
on two. The members from Holt
county gave a very good account
of themselves ip view of the fact
that very few of thdhi nad had any
actual experience judging contests
i of this size.
The highest number of points
was made by a boy from Johnson
county, with 545. Jack Alderson
of Chambers led the Holt county
group with 488, which was well
above the average of the group.
Other members and leaders from
this county who attended were:
\ Jack Ressel, Boyd Ressel and Floyd
^ Walters of Chambers; Don Medcalf,
Donald Vequist, Joe Curran, Bob
Rees and Donna Fronek of O’Neill;
Stanley Lambert, David Burk and
Alexander Chmiel from southwest
of Ewing; Marvin Yarges, Vernon
Y’arges and Virgil Nelson of Stu
art; Leonard Par shall, Edwin Rent
schler, Calvin Tipton, Lloyd Mar
cellus and Arthur Brinkmen of
Atkinson. Leaders making the
trip were: Mrs. W. J. Fronek of
O’Neill, Henry Vequist of O’Neill,
and Irvin LaRue accompanied by
Kenneth LaRue and Mr. LaRue, Sr.,
from Ewing. Jim Rooney, Harry
Ressel and F. M. Reece drove their
cars down with a load as did Mr.
The group was well pleased with
the show and contest and were en
tertained at noon by the Aberdeen
Angus Breeders association. In
view of their inexperience in such
contests it is felt that the group
made a very good showing. The
group from Holt county was the
largest number from any one
county or school. Donna Fronek
was the only girl in the contest and
took third high in the Holt county
i. *
m -
Soil Conservation
The Holt county committee have
completed their first round of sign
up meetings in the Agricultural
Conservation Program and those
& that are not already signed up are
I urged to stop at the county office
■ in the old court house building in
O’Neill the first time they are in
the county seat.
D. F. Scott, member of the
county committee in charge of the
range program is at Burwell at
tending the schooling on range ap
praisals. Appraisers appointed by
the county committee for range
appraising in Holt county are A. H.
Marquardt, Ewing; Hugh L. James,
Atkinson, and Roy Hipke, Stuart.
Definite plans will be made in re
gard to the range program in the
next few days.
Atkinson Market Has
A Run of Over 1.000
Head of Cattle Tuesday
Atkinson, Nebr., April 6.—With
over 1,000 cattle in the pens, buyers
were able to select just the kinds
they wanted. Minnesota buyers
topped the list with seven carloads,
while Iowa and South Dakota buy
ers took three cai’loads each. Thi'ee
loads went to Northeast Nebraska
feed lots, the balance going to local
or nearby ranchers. Bids and .'feles
on steers looked fully 25 cents to
in some instances 35 cents lower
than a week ago. Best yearlings
brought 7.90 to 8.40; some fancy
2-year-olds at 8.30; best steer
calves at 8.40; bulk of good year
lings at 7.00 to 7.50; reds and roans
at 5.50 to 6.75; bulk of steer calves
at 6.75 to 7.50.
Heifers found the best going
selling largely at steady to strong
prices. Some short feds sold at
8.05 and 8.35, while some heavy
heifers brought 7.80. The bulk of
the yearling heifers sold at 5.50 to
6.50; heifer calves at 5.50 to 6.65;
fat cows at 5.25 to 6.75; canners
and cutters at 3.25 to 4.75; bulls at
5.00 to 5.75.
About 300 hogs sold at stronger
prices on lightweights and feeders.
Fats at 9.65 to 9.80; sows at 9.00
to 9.35; pigs all weights at 8.35
to 9.50.
Scarcely enough horses were on
sale to test the market.
Twenty Youths Named
From County for CCC
The following young men have
been certified from this county for
membership in the CCC camp and
leave this afternoon for Valentine
where they will undego examina
tion for entrance into the CCC.
Those that pass will be sent to some
of the camps already organized for
preliminary training in their line
of work:
They are as follows: Marvin G.
Anderson, O'Neill; Delmer Brew
ster, Page; Stanley F. Elkins,
Chambers; George A. Fernholz,
Leonard Lawyer, Francis Mullen,
Leonard N. Petersen, James F.
Hood and Clinton L. Wolfe, O’Neill;
Raymond D. Gilg, Lyle L. Henifin,
Leonard Parshall and Joseph Wel
ler, Atkinson; James R. Miller, Red
Bird; Dalbert Nelson and Charles
Wilcox, Stuart; Earl Raymond
Rumsey, Butte; Lester R. Race,
Ewingf Billy Vandover, Oportun
ity; Elmin R. Witherwax, Spencer.
New Test Well For
O’Neill To Be Dug
At the regular meeting of the
city council last Tuesday evening
Mike Higgins and Chancey Coxbill
appeared before the council regard
ing the digging of a well to furnish
the city with an additional water
These men agreed to put down
test wells and see if they could
furnish a sufficient supply of water
to fulfill the needs of the city. If
they found the water they would
then make the city a proposition as
to the cost of the well and if they
could not furnish the necessary
amount of water the drilling of the
test wells would cost the city noth
ing. This was acceptable to the
local officials and they are expected
to begin their test wells within a
week or ten days.
Clark-McNary Seedling
Trees Are Being Shipped
Shipment of Clarke-McNary
seedlings and transplants to farm
ers for windbreak and woodlot
planting started this week, accord
ing to word received at the office
of the Holt county farm bureau.
A total of 39,900 are being dis
tributed to local farmers who some
time ago made application for the
Shipping was to have started
early this week. Farmers in eas
tern Nebraska were to get their
trees first with shipments progres
sing from east to west. It was
hoped that all shipments will be
completed by April 15.
Evergreens are being shipped
from the Nebraska National forest
at Halsey where they are grown,
while the broadleaf stock is being
sent out from Fremont where it has
been in storage during the winter.
Farmers getting the trees are be
ing advised to unwrap the bundle
as soon as it arrives and place the
roots of the seedlings in a bucket
of water or thin mud. Planting
should be done directly from the
bucket. The roots should be spread
as much as possible in planting and
dirt should be packed firmly about
If the soil is dry, farmers are
being advised to pour a couple of
gallons of water around each tree
before the hole is completely filled.
Cultivation of the area regularly is
necessary to get the highest sur
vival. Placing of a shingle or a
strip of burlap on stakes on the
southwest side of evergreens im
mediately after planting provides
protection against drying winds
during the first summer.
John Gaddie, Who Died
At Norfolk, Is Buried
Wednesday At Dorsey
John B. Gaddie died at Norfolk,
Nebr., Saturday, A^rril 3, 1937, at
the age of 23 years, 1 month and
17 days. The remains were shipped
to this city Monday night and the
funeral was held Wednesday after
noon from the Methodist church in
this city, Rev. A. J. May officiating
and burial in the cemetery at Dor
sey, his mother having been an old
time resident of that section of
the county.
Deceased was sent to a CCC
camp from this county in the spring
of 1935 and was a member of the
camp at Madison at the time of his
death. In the fall of 1935, while
picking seeds from the trees at
Niobrara, while a member of the
CCC camp there he fell and sus
tained a fracture of his neck. He
put in several months last year in
a hospital at Fort Crook, but had
been at Norfolk for a few months.
He was the son of Mrs. Mina
Gaddie and was a resident of this
city for several years, having been
born on a farm near Dorsey. After
he joined the CCC camp his mother
moved to Omaha, where she had
since made her home.
Five Liquor and Ten
Beer Licenses Granted
The city cuoncil had a meeting
Wednesday evening and granted
liquor and beer applications to all
the applicants, whose petitions
were on file. The following were
granted: Liquor—C. E. Stout,
package; Ralph McElvain, package
and by the drink; Pete Peterson,
package and by the drink; William
Gatz, package and by the drink;
P. B. Harty, package and by the
The following beer licenses were
granted: Ralph McElvain, Pete Pe
terson, Howard Bauman, Stanley
Soukup, M. J. Enright, Ray Os
born, George Fox, Edith Castle
man, Fred Bazelman and Lod Jan
O’Neill Citizens Lend
Cars For Band Trip
Local car owners were very lib
eral in the use of their cars for
the transportation of the members
of the O’Neill high school band and
glee club to Albion last Friday and
Saturday to attend the district
musical contest for Nebraska high
About sixteen cars were needed
for the transportation of the forty
members of the band and eighteen
members of the glee club, and that
number of cars were gladly fur
nished and more could have been
secured if necessary. Some of our
local car owners, unable to attend
themselves, kindly loaned their cars
to members of the faculty in order
that all of the musical students
could be transported to the contest
Will Check Car Licenses
Deputy State Sheriff T. J. Rob
erts of Norfolk, arrived in the city
Wednesday and will remain here
for about two weeks checking up
on auto owners who are delinquent
in the matter of new licenses for
their cars and trucks for the year
1937. So if you have not secured
your license for this year you had
better attend to it before the state
officer picks you up.
\ ppropriation For \ Vocational
School At Broken Bow Is
Before the Legislature.
By the Lowell Service
Lincoln, Nebr.-—The unicameral
legislature is now In the twilight
zone of its career. During the last
week the criticism of the legislature
reached peaks with the critisiem
contained in the “Black Friday”
letter of the Omaha Central Labor
union. Criticising the lack of a
record vote on child labor, the let
ter characterized the legislators as
“the most cowardly group of men
ever elected to represent the people
of Nebraska.”
Amazed at the outburst, the leg
islator promptly made a record vote
on the child labor amendment, only
I seven voting in favor of it. Chair
man Brady of the appropriations
committee made inquiry as to the
origin of the letter. There was no
quibbling about it. Mace Brown,
president of C. L. U. and Ernest
Bowerman, secretary, sent the let
ter. Their action was unanimously
approved by Omaha C. L. U. Labor
Commissioner Kinney stated that
the letters had been typed in his
office and assumed the responsibil
ity of the actions of his employes.
The real test will come during
the next week. If the legislature
approves reform for county gov
ernment, curtails the appropria
tions for useless boards and bureaus
and provides adequate building
plans for the state institutions a
let-down on the criticism may be
expected. But if the legislators
sidestep on these important meas
ures and fail to pass the short bal
lot bill in some form there will be
reinforced outcry.
The educational committee has
placed the teachers’ pension bill on
general file, but it is not the bill
introduced many weeks ago at the
request of the Suite Teachers’ as
sociation; it has suffered many
changes in its complete redrafting
by a sub-committee. Among its
provisions are that teachers shall
contribute 5 per cent of their sal
aries; teachers may retire at 60
and then receive an amount equal
to their contributions plus 3 per
cent, guaranteed by the statd thru
investments. Excluded are those
teachers employed by systems hav
ing other pension plans and those
employed by the University of Ne
braska. It is voluntary for teach
ers, and the plan is to be managed
by the state board of educational
lands and funds. The act is to be
come effective July 1, 1937.
The educational committee killed
Fre^ L. Carsten’s bill for the ap
propriation of funds with which to
pay the tuition of students whose
parents are in the United States
army or navy' service. Advanced
to general file waB the measure for
bidding school boards from inquir
ing into the religious affiliation of
applicants for teaching positions.
Such inquiry may be made in per
sonal interviews, but not by means
of questionaires.
The itinernant truck licensing bill
has been passed by the legislative
vote of 36 to 4 and will become
effective three months after it has
been signed by the governor. By
its provisions itinerant truck opera
tors must pay a $10 occupation tax,
a $25 yearly license fee per vehicle,
and must post a $250 bond with the
state board of agriculture, to assure
honest dealing. A number of ex
emptions are made, such as farm
ers who haul products raised by
themselves, truckers who have an
established place of business, and
those who haul trademarked goods
for retail sale.
The appropriations committee
has advanced to general file a bill
which allows $53,000 for a voca
tional trade school at Broken Bow.
Friends of the bill explain that
Broken Bow was chosen because of
its central location, and that the
idea originated because of the lack
of skilled labor in building trades
in the west>central section of Ne
The state railway commission
wants $25,000 more than the
amount recommended by Governor
Cochran, and the three members
have unanimously asked the ap
propriations committee to increase
the appropriation for the commis
sion by that sum. If approved, the
commission will receive $27,000
more for the next two years than
it did in 1935.
Increased taxes on liquor, wine,
and beer went into effect on April
2, when Governor Cochran signed
the Cady liquor bill, passed by the
legislature, March 31. By its pro
visions the tax on liquor is increas
ed from 50 to 80 cents per gallon;
on wine of 14 per cent or less al
coholic content, the increased tax is
from 5 to 15 cents; on other wine,
from 15 cents to 40 cents; and on
beer from 3 to 3V6 cents. P. L.
Cudy of Fremont, who introduced
the bill, estimates that the increase
will bring into the state treasury
about $700,000. Governor Cochran
thinks the additional revenue will
not be much more than $450,000.
County judges can no longer ask
for fees for the preparation of
copies of records in probate mat
ters. This was decided by the leg
islature by the passage of LB‘202,
which was introduced by H. E.
Gantz of Alliance.
The unemployment insurance bill
has been advanced to general file.
The measure, which has been
planned to give Nebraska set-up
with the minimum requirements
asked by the social security board,
makes thestate department of labor
the administrator of the law. Two
divisions, one of which is to pay un
employment insurance benefits to
those eligible, and the other to find
jobs for workers thrown out of
employment, are planned, each
under a director appointed by the
governor. An amendment was at
tached declaring the law inopera
tive in case the federal unemploy
ment act should be declared un
The highway patrol bill, much
revised, has been advanced to the
general file. According to its pro
visions, the “Nebraska Safety Pa
trol is to be under a director, ap
pointed by the governor and ap
proved by the legislature, and with
a salary of not more than $4,000
per year. Income estimated at from
$125,000 from drivers' license fees
is expected to finance the depart
ment. An original license fee is to
cost $2 and it is to be renewed
every two years at 50 cents. About
35 patrolmen will begin the work.
Governor Cochran thinks that the
fees have been made too low, and
that the department ought to be
placed under the supervision of the
state sheriff.
Governor Cochran has sent to the
legislature two bills designed to
reenact the state bonding law de
clared unconstitutional by the state
supreme court. Cochran charges
the bonding companies with stag
ing a sit down strike and closing
the state treasury for four weeks in
January, 1935.
Bills have been advanced for pro
viding a permanent check for the
unicameral, for the revision of the
statutes, and for amending the
statutes relating to the number of
legislative employes.
Representatives of PCA
In Holt County Are Re
appointed for A Year
D. C. Schaffer of Emmet, presi
dent of the O’Neill Production Cred
it association, announced that Ar
thur E. Auker and M. F. Gribble, of
O’Neill, and I). E. Bowen of Page
have been reappointed to represent
the association in Holt county for
another year.
They will handle applications, as
well as make inspections, for the
association in Holt county, except
when farmers deal directly with the
main office at O’Neill.
Holt county is one of the four
counties served by the O’Neill Cred
it corporation, which made loans
totaling $736,486.00 for farming
and livestock operations since it
was organized three years ago.
The association president report
ed an increasing demand for short
term agricultural loans. In view
of the demand, he said, the associ
ation plans to expand its service to
Holt county farmers during the
coming season.
New Books At the Library
Harvard Classics, 51 volumes;
Historical Tales, 51 volumes, by
Morris; American Statesmen, 30
volumes. * ♦
Juvenile Books: The Camp’s
Strange Visitors, Fairfoot; Bob Dex
ter and the Radio Mystery, Baker;
The Fighting Five, Gainsbury; The
Boy Scouts no the Range, Pay son;
The Treasure Train, Reeve; Base
ball Joe on the School Nine, Chad
wick; The Twin Ring Mystery,
Wirt; The Blue Grotto Terror,
Claudy; The Trail of the Gypsy
Eight, Fairfax; Crusoe Island,
Rowe; Red Dynamite, Snell; Joyous
Peggy, Copp; 101 Things for Girls
To Do, Lillie & Horth; The Sky
Racers, Wirt; Five Little Peppers
and How They Grew, Sidney;
Crossed Trails, In Mexico, Ran
dolph; Mystery Flight of the Q2,
Clark; The Phantom of the River,
Snell; Smiley Adams, Burrough;
The Green Cameo Mystery, Judd.
Funeral Services Held
Tuesday Afternoon for
Mrs. August Schroeder
Mrs. August Schroeder died at
her home in this city last Monday
morning, about 3 a. m., after an
illness of several weeks of ailments
incident to advancing years, at the
age of 79 years, 9 months and 17
days. The funeral was held Tues
day afternoon at 2 p. m. from the
Methodist church in this city, Rev.
A. J. May officiating and burial in
Prospect Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Schroeder was born in Ger
many on July 3, 1857. She grew
to womanhood in her native land
and was married there in January,
1886, to August Schroeder, who
with two sons and three daughters
are left to mourn the passing of a
kind and affectionate wife and
mother. The children are: Mrs. J.
E. Rooney, Beardsley, Kans.; Mrs.
G. C. Michelsen, Fremont, Nebr.;
Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, O’Neill; Wil
liam and Charles, O’Neill, all of
whom were present at the funeral.
Mrs. Schroeder came to the
United States with her husband in
1888 and located at Talmage, Nebr.,
where they resided for eighteen
years and then moved to this
county and settled near Page. They
remained there until about 1916
when they moved to this city where
she resided up to the time of her
death. Mrs. Schroeder was u splen
did woman and had the love, es
teem and respect of all who had
the pleasure of her acquaintance.
A very beautiful home wedding
occurred last evening, April 7, 1937,
at 9 o’clock at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Burnham in this city
when Clarence Eugene Ward and
Miss Loretta Bernice Kubichek,
both of O’Neill, were united in mar
riage. The pastor of the Methodist
church, Rev. A. J. May, read the
impressive ring ceremony in the
presence of a group of near rela
tives and friends.
L. D. Putnam and Miss Made
line Kubichek stood with the couple
as best man and bride’s maid.
There were present the father and
mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kubichek, Miss Murian
Kubichek, Wilfred Kubichek, Mr.
and Mrs. Edmund Hancock and
daughter, Barbara, and Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Burnham.
Mr. Ward is from Winner, S. D.,
and is an employee of L. D. Put
nam and Miss Kubichek is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kubicheck, pioneer residents of this
city and county. Mr. and Mrs.
Ward will make their home in
O’Neill at least for the present.
The many friends wish them all
the happiness and success possible.
The Weather
It has been very cool in this
section of the state for the past
week, in fact below freezing every
day for the week until this morn
ing, when it registered just freez
The forepart of the week, the
southeastern part of the state had
quite a little moisture, reaching
three-quarters of an inch in Omaha
and one inch further south. There
was just a trace of rain here last
Friday night. Weather predictions
promise no rain today or Friday.
This section of the state needs
a good rain. While farmers say
the ground is in fine shape a good
soaking rain would put the subsoil
in good condition for the planting
of spring crops. The temperatures
for the past week were as follows:
High Low Mois.
April 2 _ 49 29
April 3 43 28 .02
April 4 41 26
April 5 42 17
April 6 _ 58 31
April 7 . 68 32
Dr. Mueller of Norfolk, was look
ing after business mattefs in this
city last Tuesday.
Excellent Rating of Vocal Depart
ment Makes It Eligible To
Enter State Content.
The high school band, consisting
of forty-two members, won tha
superior rating at the District
Music Contest held Friday and Sat
urday, April 1 and 2, at Albion.
Last year the band placed second
at the Albion contest. This year,
due to their untiring efforts they
came back with the highest rating
obtainable, “Superior.”
This rating places the band in the
eligibility list to compete at the
state contest April 30 and May 1,
at Hastings.
The band was organized two
years ago, with fourteen of the
original players enrolled at the
present time. New members have
come into the band at various times
until it has grown to its present
Five seniors will leave the band
this year at the close of school.
They are: Ruth Harris, Geraldine
Yarnall, Bessie Jones and Ellen
Stauffer, who play the saxophone,
and Wilfred Kubitschek, drums.
In the district contests each town
is allowed sixteen entries, each one
receives a certain number of points
according to their proficiency. At
the close of the contest their points
are added and the city receiving the
largest number rates first, second
and third.
Two instrumental numbers, Miss
Ruth Harris and Howard Graves,
were the only solos with the band.
Both placed at the contest.
More people are needed to enter
solos, duets, quartettes and quin
tet events in both vocal and instru
mental to bring up points, and a
larger variety of instruments.
The Glee Club, quarettte,- trio
and vocal solos all placed in the
contest, an excellent showing for
the musical department in the pub
lic schools. There is plenty of
talent up there on the hill. The
band needs twenty-nine more play
ers, the glee club could be twice as
large. More are needed in the
boys’ glee club and mixed choruses.
When school starts next Septem
ber the music director .would like to
see both the vocal and instrument!
group filled to the maximum num
ber. Many new members for the
Junior band have already enrolled.
Many of the band personnel have
their solos for the contest, next
year and have started working on
them. This looks as if we might
be going to the top.
Give our two music teachers,
Miss Ryan, vocal, and Mr. Durham,
instrumental, all the material need
ed and watch what happens.
The vocal department of the
O’Neill High school was represent
ed at the District Seven Music Con
test at Albion Friday and Saturday,
with five entries. Outstanding
among its presentation was a girl’s
trio, which, under the competent
judging of Miss Marjorie Miller of
Jackson High school at Lincoln,
was given a rating of Excellent,
thus entitling it to compete in the
state contest.
Its personnel consisted of Dons
Robertson, soprano, Ruth Harris,
second soprano and Ruth Osen
baugh, alto. Nevin’s melodious
“Rosary” was chosen as the first
number by this group, and then, in
striking contrast they swung into
the lilthing rythm of Leoni's
“Brownies.” Next to merit a
Superior rating, and a consequent
state competition privilege, was a
mixed quartet, composed of Doris
Roberstson, soprano, Ruth Harris,
alto, Hugh McKenna, tenor and
Charles Yarnell, bass. Jessel's
rhythmic “Parade of the Wooden
Soldiers” received its definitely re
quired military, yet playful inter
pretation by this group, thus winn
ing for it, its outstanding rating-.
Prefessor Bennett of Weslyan Uni
versity at Lincoln acted as judge
for this event.
The Glee Club numbering six
teen members, ten of whom are
Freshmen, sang as its first number
the ever-stirring “Road to Man
dalay” by Speaks. Next came the
required contest number “Fair
Pipers” by Brewer. Three judges.
Miss Miller, Professor Bennett and
James King of Hastings College,
rated its performance as good.
Doris Robertson, a senior, com
(Continued on page 4, column 1.)