(First publication March 11, 1037.) SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtune of an Execution issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein F. J. Kubitschek is plain MISCELLANEOUS WHEN you think of glasses think of the Perrigo Optical Company. See their represent ative at Golden llo k tel,O'Neill, Monday, * April I 45-2 ATTENTION! THE OMAHA BEE NEWS is conducting a $7,500.00 contest, the great Game of Names. You can win $5,000.00, the mag nificent first prize. Start this fascinating game in the Bee-News TODAY. 42tf I HAVE a renter for 200-head hay and cattle ranch; also have a buy er for ranch of this kind.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 39tf - - -—---— I HAVE eastern money to loan on, farms and ranches. I also loan | money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. -tf LOST AND FOUND STRAYED—From the Parker place southeast of O’Neill, Thursday, March 25, four hogs, wt. about 160-lbs. each; 2 spotted Poland China, and 2 Hampshires, all bar rows.—Please notify this office or Ralph Taylor, O’Neill. 46-lp SALESMEN WANTED MAN wanted for good nearby Raw leigh Route in lioun, Northeast Custer counties. Real opportunity for right man. Write Kawleigh Co., NBD-252-OL, Freeport, 111., or see Issac H. Levi, Stuart, Nebr. 46-3 FOR RENT .TWO rooms, with hoard if desired. ‘ Phone 342-W, Mrs. Sexsmith. 46tf THREE farms, 2 close in; 4 pas tures well grassed and plenty of water.—Inquire this office or call phone 274. 44tf CATTLE and hay ranch; 450 acres meadow, 600-acrcs pasture. Good buildings, near O’Neill, Nebr.—It. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 43tf WANTED TO BUY MANURE spreader. Give make, year and price.—Fred Kurtz, In ' man, Nebr. 46-2 I HAVE a cas^i btiyer for a strictly modern residency.—R. II. Parker. WHEN you have butcher slufT, either hogs or cattle for Bale, aee Barnhart's Market. 48-tf FOR SALE FARMERS!—Save Money Buying your oils and greases of the New Deal Oil Co., ot O’Neill and Butte, Nebr. Best Tractor and Car Oils, any weight, 1-gal. 50c; 5-gal. 45c per gal; 10-gal. 40c per gal; bar rels, 38c per gal. No. 2 oil, 1-gal. 35c; 5-gal. 32c per gal.; barrels, 30c per gal. 25-lb. bucket Dark Green Pressure Gun grease, $1.70. 30-lb. in to-bushel measure, $2.10; 10-lb. bucket, 89c; 5-lb. 40c. 25 lb. Axle, $1.10; 10-lb. Axle, 55c; 5-lb. Axle, 30c. 10-lb. Cup grease, 79c; 5-lb. 40c. 5-gal. Transmission oil in Kerosene can, $2.00. We guarantee the above nils and greases to satisfy you or your money refunded. New Deal Oil Co., in West O’Neill on No. 20 and 281, and Butte, Nebr. 46-1 BABY chicks from purebred free range flocks. Custom hatching. Order, early.—Atkinson Hatchery, Atkinson, Nebr. 37tf HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN j Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South of the Ford Garage—West Side of Street Diamond—Watches---Jewelery j Expert Watch Repairing 0. M. Herre—Jeweler ! In Reardon Drug Store W. F. FINLEY* M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 tirT ;nd Holt. County Agricultural Society are defendants, l will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 12th day of April, 1937, at 10 o’clock A. M., the following described real estate situate in McCafferty’s Sec ond Addition to the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: All of Blocks “B,” “C” and ••E”; the North Half of Block “G”; Lots 1, 2, 3 and 1 in Block "H” and all of Block “D” ex cept the following portions: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Block “D," run ning thence east 90 feet, thence north 170 feet; thence west 90 feett thence south 170 feet to place of beginning, together with all buildings, fences and other improvements situated upon the real estate above de scribed. And also all right, title and interest of defendant in and to any alleys as laid out in any of the blocks above described, and in and to any streets as laid out by the plat of said Addition located be tween any of the Blocks of ground above described, to satisfy the sum of $2,684.56 found due plaintiff, and interest thereon and $15.16 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 10th day of March. 1937. PETER W. DUFFY, Sheriff of Holt comity, 43-5 Nebraska. (First publication March 25, 1937.) SALE BY SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY UNDER DECREE DOUGLAS CONES, SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv en that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Dis trict of Nebraska, Norfolk Division, and in pursuance of the decree of said Court rendered at the Septem ber, 1935, term of said Couft, to wit: on the 16th day of June, 1936, in an action therein pending, num bered 297 Equity, wherein The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com pany is complainant, and W. J. Trojan, Fred Lemmernian, Walter Sojka and Mary Sojka, real name unknown, wife of Walter Sojka are respondents, I, Douglas Cones, as Special Master in Chancery of said Court, by virtue of the authority in me vested as such Special Master in Chancery under the decree and order of sale issued to me as Special Master in Chancery, will, on the 26th day of April, 1937, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the County Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, the County Seat of Holt county, Ne braska, at the usual place where Sheriff’s sales of land are made in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: The East Half (E1^) of Sec tion numbered Ten (10), Town ship numbered Twenty-eight (28), North, Range numbered Nine ('^), West of the 6th P. M., containing in all 320 acres, more or less, according to Government Survey, in Holt county, Nebraska, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs. DOUGLAS CONES, Special Master in Chancery of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, 45-5 Norfolk Division. (First publication March 25, 1937.) SALE BY SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY UNDER DECREE DOUGLAS CONES, SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv en that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Dis trict of Nebraska, Norfolk Di vision, and in pursuance of the decree of said Court rendered at the September, 1935, term of said Court, to-wit: on the 16th day of June, 1936, in an action therein pending, numbered 296 Equity, wherein The Penn Mutual Life In surance Company is complainant, and John C. Addison is respondent, I, Douglas Cones, as Special Master in Chancery of said Court, by vir tue of the authority in me vested as such Special Master in Chancery under the decree and order of sale issued to me as Special Master in Chancery, Will, on the 26th day of April, 1937, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the County Court House in O’Neill, Ne braska, the County Seat of Holt county, Nebraska, at the usual place where Sheritf’s sales of land are made in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: The East Half (E'-a) of Sec tion numbered Twenty-seven (27), Township numbered Thirty-one (31), Range num bered Ten (10), West of the 6th P. M., containing 320 acres, more or less, according to Gov ! ernmentSurvey,in Holt county, Nebraska, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs. DOUGLAS CONES. Special Master in Chancery of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska. | 45-5 Norfolk Division. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING The Taxpayers of Shields precinct are called to meet on April 6, 1937, at 2 o’clock, P. M., at the Town ship hall, for the purpose of agree ing on the amount of road grading to be done this year. By order of the Township Board. J B. DONOHOE, Clerk. (First publication April 1, 1937.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2594 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, March 26, 1937. In the matter of the Estate of Sarah K. Fliekinger, Deceased. • CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is July 22, 1937, and for the payment of debts is March 26, 1938, and that on* April 22, 1937, and on July 23, 1937, at 10 o’clock A, M„ each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. C. J. MALONE, County Judge* [County Court Seal] 46-3 Wm. Whitla, Attorney (First publication April 1, 1937.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 2602 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, March 31, 1937. In the Matter of the Estate of Kate O’Connor, Deceased, Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of W. J. Hammond as Administrator of said estate, and will be heard April 22, 1937, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. . C. J. MALONE, County Judge. [County Court Seal] 46-3 W. J. Hammond, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING ON AP PLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL AT RETAIL BEER BY DRINK Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of March, 1937, J. P. Harte, whose address is Inman, Ne braska, filed his application with the City Clerk of Inman, for an On and Off Sale Beer License on the fol lowing described premises, to-wit: Lot 6, Block 2, Inman, Ne braska. Hearing will be had on said ap plication by the Board of Trustees of Inman, Nebraska, on April 5, 1937, at 8 o’clock P. M., at the Inman Telephone Co. office in In man, Nebraska, at which time the Board of Trustees shall receive competent evidence for and against granting said license. Dated this 31st day of March, 1937. I. L. WATSON, City Clerk. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 -Mr. C. E. Yantzi, superintendent. Morning Worship 11:00—“Beat, Pass, Lift.” Music by the robed choir. The Young People’s meeting of the Western district will be held in our church. The meeting at 7:80 is open to all. A group of the Valentine Dra matic club will give a religious play at the time of the evening service. A free will offering will be taken. H. I). Johnson, Pastor. METHODIST CHURC HNOTES A. J. May, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11a. m.—Spe cial musical program, four numbers by the choir. Reception of mem bers, and Church Covenant Sunday. There will be at least 2B to unite with the church and if there are others whom we have not seen who wish to unite with the Methodist church we cordially welcome you. There will be no evening service as there is a special program at the Presbyterian church. Th* Epworth League will meet at f>:."0 as usual The Senior choir will practice after the morning service. Every member of the choir please be on duty Sunday morning. - i .. .. .....ii -in. mi Minutes of Meetings of the County Board (Continued from page 5.) H. J. O’Connor 91.87 Clinton McKim 6.00 Clarence C. Hahlbeck 37.05 F. M. Reece . ... 14.60 Atkinson Lumber Co. 12.40 Hubbard Service Station 4.11 Joe Kaup Sr. 4.00 Spann Bros. 64.44 P. J. McManus 2.20 Tillie Wernke 1.50 William Gatz 20.50 John Davidson 15.00 Fred Mack 103.50 P. C. Donohoe 750.00 Ed Jones .65 John Rohde 2.75 Walter K. Smith 7.00 Clarence Whaley 13.25 George Syfie 15.00 Smith Motor Co. 43.10 P. C. Donohoe 91.87 Robert Richardson 25.00 .Jap Gribble 14.40 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on Road Dragging fund in payment of same: George Babl . $ 3.30 Clarence J. Tasler 31.00 «James D. Beck 4.50 Walter Ries 17.00 Joe Funk 4.50 Louis Backhaus 14.00 5:00 P. M. On motion. Board adjourned until February 27, 1937, 9:00 A. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O'Neill, Nebraska, February 27, 1937, 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis or met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Reimer, that 0. F. Bijrlin be auth orized to purchase Oliver C. Steel Duck shades for the court house at a price of $200.00. Carried. The following claims were aud ited and approved aud on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General fund in payment of s^me: Louis W. Reimer $ 31.00 John Sullivan 31.00 John A. Carson 33.00 Ed J. Matousek 34.30 J. C. Stein . 28.00 Walter K. Smith 31.00 J. H. Gibson _ 29.40 12:00 noon. On motion. Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John CL Gallagher, Clerk. O’Nefll, Nebraska, P'ebpAry 27, 1937, 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Mr. Carey, District Engineer, met with the Board and discussed some of the provisions of the New Federal Road program. 4:00 P. M. On motion, Board adjourned until March 0, 1937, 9:00 A. M. J. C. STEIN’, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, March 13, 1937, 9:00 A. M. ■Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present except Smith. Meeting called to order by Chair man. At this time. th< Board, together with the architect and General con tractor made a thorough and final inspection of thfc New Court House and Jail building. After a com plete inspection of the entire build ing, the following certificate of ac ceptance was presented and read at this meeting: Docket No. 1009R Court House O’Neill, Nebraska, Owner's and Architects Certificate of Completion and Acceptance The County of Holt through the Board of Supervisors and John Latenser & Sons, Ins., Ar chitects for the Board, do hereby certify that the work embraced by the contracts for the construc tion of the new court house and jail building with Island Supply company for excavation, Peter Kiewitt’s Son Co. for general construction, E. L. Rodwell for heating, ventilating and plumbing and Sterling Electric company for electrical Work have been completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications and contract documents. COUNTY OF HOLT, Owner. By J. C. Stein, Chairman John Latenser & Sons, Inc., Architects. O'Neill, Nebraska, March 6, 1937. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Carson, that above certificate of acceptance be approved and court house and jail building be accepted and that Chairman be authorized to sign the certificate in the name of the county. Carried. 5:00 P. M. On motion. Board adjourned until March 8, 1937, 10:00 A. M. J. C. STKIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, March 8, 1937, 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants were ordered drawn on the 1937 estimate of the General fund in payment of same: Ercel Renner $ 07.52 0. F. Biglin 300.75 Motion by Carson, seconded by Gibson, that claims of Varges Sani tarium amounting to $537.43 be ap proved in the 'amount of $500.00 and that warrant in the amount of $250.00 on 1937 estimate of General fund be allowed at this meeting and balance be paid later. Carried. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Carson, that contract of Wm. Has per for cleaning and repairing the typewriters used by the county be approved. Carried. 12:00 noon. On motion, Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O’Neill, Nebraska, March 8, 1937, 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Motion by Reimer, seconded by Sullivan, that county purchase from Wm. Hasper, one used L. C. Smith typewriter at a price of $55.00 and that all rented machines be re turned. Carried. The petitions of J. P. Miller, Leo P. Hickey and Thos F. Higgins for refunds for taxes paid erroneously were read. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Matousek that prayer of the petitions be granted and re fund orders issued in accordance therewith. On motion, the following official bonds were approved: E. J. Matthews, Road Overseer, Dist. No. 15. Rex Coburn, Justice of Peace, Saratoga Precinct. Frank Stuart, Clerk, Coleman Precinct. Ren Kroupa, Road Overseer, Dist. No. 46. Frank McDonald, Road Overseer, Dist. No. 19. Joe Welsh, Treasurer, Emmet. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, no plans have been made for the disposition or use of the material in the old Holt county court house building, and WHEREAS, Holt county has been to a large expense in rentals for suitable office space to house the various Governmental offices and projects serving this county, and WHEREAS, it appears that much of this expense could be eliminated by using the old build ing for this purpose, THEREFORE, I move you that the heads of the various depart ments be notified to occupy of fices the old building for the time being. Louis W. Reimer, Walter K. Smith. The aye and nay vote being called for on this motion resulted as follows: Aye: Nay: Remier Carson Smith Gibson Matousek Sullivan Stein Thereupon, the Chairman de clared the above motion carried. Motion by Gibson, seconded by Smith that, space in the old court, house be allotted as follows: Relief Director, Sheriff’s and Judge’s of fice; County Agricultural Agent, Clerk’s and Register of Deed’s of fice; WPA office, Treasurer’s office; National reemployment office, Sup erintendent’s and Assessor’s office. Carried. 5:00 P. M. On motion, Board adjourned until March 23, 1937, 10:00 A. M., unless called at an earlier date by the clerk. J. C. STEIN, Chairman. John C. Gallagher, Clerk. BRIEFLY STATED Miss Betty Biglin and brother, Joseph, left Tuesday for Omaha where they will spend the next three weeks while Joseph is receiv ing treatment for his eye. ■ - ..- —■ * I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Winn and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zimmer of Dennison, Iowa, came out this week and visit ed at the John M. Grutch home and attended to some business. The Misses Helen Ryan and Hil ma Zimmerman went to Creigh ton last Friday and spent the Easter vacation visiting at the home of Miss Ryan’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter enter tained four couples at a bridge party at their home last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindberg were high score winners. Robert Biglin came up from Omaha last Thursday evening and spent the week-end at the home of his parents, returning to his school duties at Omaha Sunday afternoon. There will be a rabbit hunt one mile east and thirteen miles north of Page, at the Ray Noble place, Sunday, April 4, beginjniing at 12:30. A shotgun shell will be giv en for each rabbit killed. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Frbelich drove down to Sioux Cityi last Tues day morning where the latter took the night train for Chicago and the rest of the party returned home. Faster Sunday was one of the coldest and most disagreeable Easters in this section for several years. The coolness of the day pre vented the usual Easter display of feminine apparel in the Easter parade. SPECIAL! Saturday Only BEEF ROAST Per Pound ISci SHORT RIBS Per Pound 10c Haley Selected Guaranteed FLOUR ct 48-lb. Bag ^liOO 24-lb. Bag.87c Fresh Hom^Made Bologna and ^Weiners We use no cereals in our Sausage. We use only Selected Meats. TIP-TOP MEAT CO. JERRY J. MATULA, Manager Miss Mary Morrison went to Casper, Wyo., last Thursday night and spent the Easter vaca tion from her school duties with her sister, Mrs. Edward Davidson and family. She returned Tuesday morning. Owners of dogs in the city should see that the licenses on their canine friends is paid or else they will be killed. Several have been ex terminated during the past week and it will continue on all un licensed dogs. » A deal was closed Monday by Ralph Beckwith and Abe Saunto for the purchase by the former of the Saunto residence in the north western part of the city. Mr. Beck with has been farming northwest of this city for the past few years and is moving into the city to engage in the auto business. This year promises to be a wet one for O’Neill. Applications are on file with the city clerk for ten beer parlors and five hard liquor dispensing places of business. Of the five hard liquor places of busi ness, one will sell bottle liquor only, while the other four will sell liquor by the drink as well as by the bottle. Roy Spindler, of Meek, who has been in the O’Neill hospital for the past three weeks recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia, was able to be out yesterday for a short time and again this morning. Roy looks rather thin from his long ill ness but says he is feeling fine and expected to be able to go home the latter part of the week. Carl F. Hoppe has filed suit in the district court asking for a de cree of divorce from Georginia Hoppe. In his petition he allegas that they were married on October 10, 1925, the ceremony being per formed at Atkinson, and that ever since they have been residents of this county. He alleges that she ,, deserted him on or about March 1, 1935, and that since that time she has absented herself from his home and refuses to have anything to do with him. He asks for an absolute divorce, and the custody of their only child, Carl Frank Hoppe, 9, and such other relief as equity may require. OPENING OF Used Furniture Store In O’Neill in the building just north of I)r. Carter’s office on Saturday, April 3 We have a good stock of used furniture for sale, or we will buy used furniture. I. M. SMITH, Prop. NOTICE! STARTING Saturday, April 3 We Will Keep Our ’ Coffee Shop Open 24 Hours A Day Besides our short orders we also handle Borden’s lee Cream. DICK TOMLINSON Proprietor Get the Habit! ' EAT “MASTER BREAD" me bnercjif' ....always fresh! SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Frosted Cocoanut Cookies Per Doz. 8c White Oatmeal Cookies Per Doz. 8c ! Fruit Loaf Cakes Each 10c Vienna Bread Per Loaf 8c Cinnamon Buns Per doz. 8c Bread and Rolls Baked Fresh Morning and Afternoon Daily \ McMillan a markey BAKERY It’s All Over Town! O'Neill Food Center Come to Life Again! YESt the news has traveled like lightning—and thrifty shop-1 pers are hurrying off to O’NEILL FOOD C ENTER! follow the crowds and youl'll soon see why. You’ll discover for yourself values exceeding anything you’ve known before! V ou II be con- ^ vinced that O’NEILL FOOD CENTER volume buying and cash selling policy certainly brings you SUPER SAVINGS. BANANAS peruke! RADISHES 2 Bunches 5c I*G51cll