The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 18, 1937, Image 7

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    Patty Adds Another Trophy to Fast Growing List
.. , - r
Patty Berg, nineteen-year-old, red-haired Minneapolis golf sensation, center, receives the trophy emblem
atic of victory in the Palm Beach women’s annual golf championship matches, from Pierre L. Willis, di
? rector of the Palm Beach Country club where the matches were played. Helen Detweiler of Washington,
D. C., whom Miss Berg vanquished, four up and three to go, in the final round, watches the presentation.
“Once in Forty Million Births’’ I
It could happen only “once in 40,000,000 births” was the verdict of
Detroit physicians commenting on the twin personalities of the Pauline
Taylors, No. 1 and 2 shown above. Although not related the girls have
the same name, were born on the same day, Sept. 20, 1920. Pauline Tay
lor No. 1 was born at St. Ignace, Mich., No. 2 at St. Catherine, Ont. They
attended an intermediate school in Detroit three years ago and have
oeen inseparable ever since.
Melvin Garrison, thirty-three, of
Springfield, Ohio, who is said to be
the youngest World war veteran in
the United States. At the age of
thirteen, he ran away from the Ohio
Masonic home and enlisted in the
United States army. At fourteen he
was corporal of a machine gun
squad at the front. He was wounded
four times.
A new distinction for variously
distinguished Vilhjalmur Stefansson,
world famous American explorer,
scholar and author, was his recent
election as president of the Explor
ers’ club, New York. Renowned for
his many expeditionary studies of
Arctic archeology, anthropology,
ethnology and geography during the
past quarter-century, Stefansson
holds degrees, medals and other
high honors.
Sweet Potato Is Size of Watermelon
S. A. Lawton (right), county agent, U. S. Department of Agriculture,
and D. B. Hudson of Jacksonville, Fla., weighing a 23pound sweet
potato, said to be the largest in the department’s history. The potato,
which shrunk considerably in size since it was dug, is 16 inches around
the belt and 31 inches long.
California Oarsmen Vie for Varsity Crew Places
Volunteers for the crew at the University of California are shown answering Coach Ki Ebright s call to
crew practice. From the enthusiasm of the candidates there should be plenty of competition for peaces on
the coveted varsity crew.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Gubernatorial conference discusses unemployment and relief problems. Conferees, left to right,
seated. Governor Horner of Illinois, Governor Lehman, New York, and Gov. Charles F. Hurley, Massachu
setts. Standing, left to right. Governor LaFollette, Wisconsin, Governor Benson, Minnesota, and Governor
Quinn, Rhode Island. 2—Prof. Fred D. Fagg, Jr.L of Northwestern university, newly appointed director of
the bureau of air commerce. 3—Former Gov. Paul V. McNutt of Indiana left after he had been sworn in as
high commissioner for the Philippines. ,
Busy Bees in Spring Training Camp
A twirling trio of the Boston Bees unlimbering their starboard flip
pers or the opening day of the spring training season at the club's camp
in St. Petersburg, Fla. From left, they are: Ira Hutchinson, Lou Fette
ind Vic Frazier.
A recent photograph of Vice Pre
mier Valery Ivanovitch Mezhlauk.
who has been appointed to the post
of commissar of heavy industry of
the U. S. S. R. to succeed Gregory
K. Ordjonikidze, who died recently.
Mezhlauk is well known in the
United States, having traveled ex
tensively about industrial centers
Vision of the 1939 Golden Gate Exposition
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A vision of the 1939 Golden Gate International exposition, now rising from the waters of San Francisco
bay. This is Architectural Artist Chesley Bonestell’s conception of that section of the 400-acre exposition
which faces Yerba Buena island and the Bay bridge, and is at right angles to the main gateway.
Miss Diana Rogovin, sole survivor
of the huge NRA Blue Eagle staff
which numbered over 5,000 employ
ees at the height of national recov
ery administration activities, just
before it was invalidated by the Su
preme court, photographed at her
desk in Washington, where she is
completing a history of the NRA.
Savant Discovers New Comet
Dr. Fred L. Whipple, of the Harvard observatory, who announcec
recently the discovery of a new small comet in the constellation Canes
Venatici (the hunting dogs), is shown in his office at Harvard univer
sity, checking over negatives made at night of the stars. The comet,
which has a tail about “one degree long” and is of the twelfth magnitude,
was discovered by the astronomer when he examined a photographic
plate he had taken.
IfouseJiold ©
o Questions'
Surveys have shown that once
a-day dish washing represents an
economy of time.
• * •
To make jar lids easy to re
move, place the jars upside down
in hot water for a minute or two
or run hot water over the lids.
• • •
A little crushed ice added to the
cold water in a bag makes it com
forting to fevered brows for ■
longer time than cold water alone.
• • •
Peroxide of hydrogen will re
move perfume stains from linen
bureau scarfs.
• • •
Add two tablespoons of shorten
ing to the griddle cake batter and
it will not be necessary to grease
the griddle.
• • •
Picture frames should be chosen
to harmonize with the pictures for
which they are intended. As a
rule, the frame should be as dark
as the middle tone of the picture.
It should also relate the picture
to the wall so that there is an easy
transmission from one to the
• • •
Orange Sweet—Take the peel
from the oranges and cut them,
into rather thin slices. Make a
layer in a glass dish, cover with
freshly-grated coconut and a little
sugar if the fruit is rather sour,
and continue in layers, finishing
with coconut and sugar.
O Associated Newspapers. —WNU Service.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are an
effective laxative. Sugar coated.
Children like them. Buy nowl—Adv,
The Gentle Word
A gentle word soothes anger,
just as water puts out a fire, and
there is no soil so barren but that
tenderness brings forth some fruit.
—S. Francis de Sales.
15C FOR 12
FOR 23c
---- 1
To Strive
To strive with an equal is a
doubtful thing, with a superior,
a mad thing, with an inferior, a
vulgar thing.—Seneca.
Gas. Gas All
Eat or Sleep
“The gas on my stomach was so bad
I could not eat or aleep. Even my
heart teemed to hurt. A friend sug
nested Adlerika. The first dote I took
brought me relief. Now I eat as I
wish, sleep fine and never felt better."
—Mrs. Jas. Filler.
Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and
lower bowels while ordinary laxative#
act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika
giver your system a thorough cleans
ing, bringing out old, poisonous matter
that you would not believe was in your
system and that has been causing gaa
pains, sour stomach, nervousness and
headaches for months.
Dr. H. L, Shoub, New York, reports t
“In addition lo Intestinal cleansing, Adlerika
greallr reduces bacteria and colon bacilli.”
Give your bowels a REAL cleansing
with Adlerika and see how good you
feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS
and constipation. At all Leading
Adversity Our Teacher
We become wiser by adversity;
prosperity destroys our apprecia
tion of the right.—Senoca.
4 Keeps Dogs Away from
I Evergreens,Shrubs etc.
L$l“®Ute lViTcaspoonM
Don’t Neglect Them 1
Nature designed the kidneys to do ■
marvelous job. Their task is to keep the
(lowing blood stream free of an excess of
toxic impurities. The act of living—li/s
itself—is constantly producing waste
matter the kidneys must remove from
the blood if good health is to endure.
When the kidneys fail to function as
Nature intended, there is retention ol
waste that may cause body-wide dis
tress. One may suffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, pufllnesa
under the eyes—feel tired, nervous, all
worn out.
Frequent, scanty or burning passage*
may be further evidence of kidney or
bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
la a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys
get rid of excess poisonous body waste.
Use Doan's Pills. They have had more
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Insist oo
Doan's. Sold at all drug stores. _
. I
is due to acid, upset stomach.
Milnssia wafers (the orig
inal) quickly relieve acid
stomach and give necessary
elimination Each wafer
equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk
of magnesia. 20c, 35c fie 60c.