SEEN HEARD around the NATIONAL CAPITAL fty Carter Field ^ Washington.—House members are almost comparable with condemned murderers who have been granted new trials as a result of the de cision of the house leaders to wait until the senate acts before forcing a vote in the lower house on Pres ident Roosevelt’s proposal to en large the Supreme court. Privately most members of both house and senate say there has not been such a dangerous vote in years. If they vote with the Presi dent they have outraged an inde terminate number of persons, in cluding a good many very vocal lawyers, back in their districts and states. They may have provided some likely -ompetitor in the next primaries with Just the issue he needed. If they vote against the President it may be Just as bad, or worse! The President is liable to win out, as he always has before—save on a few things of wholly incomparable political ootentiality. If he does and they were against him, there may be reprisals—and also that likely competitor back home will have a ready-made issue—"Stand by the President.” Much of this .nay still be true six weeks or two months hence, or whenever the senate disposes of the question. But in six weeks or two months public opinion may have Jelled. The house member will have been hearing not Just from ready letter writers, but from his trusted lieutenants and friends back home, from people he can depend on to tell him the truth. Meanwhile he will have been reading eagerly some of the stories printed in the home-town newspapers. Not so much the edi torials. He can And out what the editors think any time. What he will read with most interest are the accounts of little gatherings where the issue is debated. He will note with tn.ense interest that John Jones, whom he knows all about, ■poke vigorously for the President’s ■ide but tha< Sam Smith, about whom the congressman is equally well informed, took the other side. Bar Is Opposed He will see that the local bar association voted heavily against the President, and that the local labor unions voted unanimously for the President. Then It will be up to him to have a little gum-shoe work done. Did all the boys at that labor union meeting really feel that way, or did they do the usual of following the leader? The congress man will have a fairly accurate ap praisal of that very shortly. He will know whether this group or that, in addition to voicing their sentiments, really feel strongly enough about it to carry the grudge until next election day. Which is the only point in the case he really cares about. Now senators have always had the opportunity, before voting, to do all this digging, if they were of the ear to the ground variety, as dis tinguished from the forthright boys who leap into every fight at the be ginning, sure of big newspaper headlines. Always in the past a vote of this sort is rushed in the house, and hen the senate fights it out. The unfair oart to members of the house in the past has often been that by the time the measure came back from the senate, it was noth ing whatever like what the house members had voted for! Yet try to explain that to a sore constitu ent! This time the house members can sit back and wait till all the ma neuvering and compromising is over, till the public debate has run its course. Maybe until the pub lic has gotten tired of it. And if |the senate never voted at all, plenty of house members would be mighty pleased. Wheeler’* Plan Best opinion is that the proposal of Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana that a two-thirds majority of both house and senate could override a Supreme court opinion holding a law unconstitutional, would prove a much longer step toward a real dictatorship—some time in the future—that the so called Supreme court packing pro posal of President Roosevelt. Incidentally it would be far more effective—could it be attained im mediately—than the appointment of six additional justices. For exam ple, it is conceivable that such an additional power, were it vested in congress, might be used to put over a new NRA, which was de clared unconstitutional by a unani mous vote of thr present high court. It is not conceivable that the ap pointment of six additional justices would do that—even if every one of the six new ones promised to de cide questions coming before the court precisely as the President de sired. The decision of the enlarged court would obviously be nine to six against a revived NRA But looking ahead to possible situ ations ten, twenty and thirty years hence, the Wheeler proposal of course is far more liberal—to use the word as it is now being used politically—than the Roosevelt pro posal. After a given period of time, ob viously, according to the language of the President's bill as sent to congress, the high court would con sist of 15 members. There is no doubt about this. Senator Joseph T. Robinson to the contrary notwith standing. But a forward looking President j who may occupy the White House > some time rfter the court reaches the size of 15 members will be just as helpless, no matter what hold he may have on congress, os Presi- j dent Roosevelt feels himself to be in his struggle to obtain for the fed eral government the power to regu-: late wages, hours and working con- | ditions in industry. Matter of Age Every - ne of the justices might | conceivably be eighty years old! j But if their construction of the Con stitution were that of Justices Louis D. Brandeis and Benjamin N. Car dozo in the NRA case it would make no difference if all of them were under forty. And there would be nothing, short of increasing the number of justices to 31, with 16 new justices pledged to any particular reform desired at the moment, which the President or congress could do about it. Assum ing of course that no constitutional amendments broad enough to cover the cases involved had been passed in the meantime. Whereas, should that situation arise, and should Senator Wheeler’s plan instead of the Roosevelt plan have been adopted, all the Presi dent would have to do would be to get a law through congress with a two-thirds majority in both houses overriding the high court! All of which is rather amusing because of Senator Wheeler's con stant statements that the Roosevelt plan vests too much power in the hands of a President, in view of the possibility that there may be an other Harding in the White House some time. The Wheeler plan would simplify the task of any would-be dictatorial President who had suf ficient popular following and politi cal sagacity .o control congress. But it would ke a good many years to ratify such a constitutional amendment as Senator Wheeler has proposed. And President Roosevelt knows this perfectly welL The Silver Issue No campaign pledges or conven tion planks are going to be violated on the silver issue. In fact, there is almost a conspiracy of silence in effect now, just as there was noth ing but "hush, hush” during the campaign last summer and fall as to the white metal. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., thinks something ought to be done. The government is still buying prodigious quantities of silver in accordance with the sil ver law—which directs the Treas ury to keep on buying silver until it either reaches a price of $1.29 an ounce or a ratio of one to three with the gold held by the govern ment Actually the ratio is still about one to five—due to the fact that the government has been obliged to take over so much gold poured into this countr.’ by foreigners either for safety or other reasons. Whereas the world price of silver is still slightly un^er 45 cents, as compared with about 44 cents when the silver buying program began. Secretary Morgenthau discloses that the Treasury has invested $1. 100,000,000 in silver since the pas sage of the silver ret, and that the average price paid is about 60 cents. Which means that the net loss to the government on its silver opera tions to date has been $275,000,000— a loss incurred without getting any where in the direction of either of the two specified objectives: A considerable fraction of this loss of course has been in the pur chase of newly mined silver from domestic producers. For a long time now the government has been paying domestic producers about 78 cents an ounce. It will be recalled that this price paid United States miners and mining companies ran along as a sort of sliding scale, during the period immediately fol lowing passage of the act, when purchases by the United States gov ernment were pushing the w’orld price up and up, disrupting fiscal affairs in China, and inspiring en thusiasts and speculators to believe that the $1.29 objective would really be attained. Expected Profit In fact, there is little reason to doubt that President Roosevelt and Secretary Morgenthau entertained the same idea, and figured that when this price should be attained there would be a huge profit on the silver just as there was on the gold. All the silver commandeered at the time silver was nationalized was at 50 cents an ounce. The world price then soared to the 70s with Morgenthau buying. He curtailed his buying, just a little, and rumors got abroad that the move tu put the world price up had collapsed, whereupon the inevi table happened—the price DID col lapse. But now Morgenthau doubts that the Treasury should go on subsidiz ing domestic silver production so liberally. Just how much it should be reduced from 78 cents (roughly) he does not recommend. He would like to hear from the silver sen ators! Their answer will be very simple. Naturally they will fight to the death against ANY reduction in the subsidy. Any other course would be unbelievable. £ Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. Woman Goods Carrier of Nepal. Prepared by National Geographic Society, Washington, I). C.—WNU Service. THE capital city of Nepal, the sequestered kingdom among the Himalayas north of India, is a curious mixture of new and old. It centers around an immense parade ground, a beau tiful two-mile stretch of closely cropped grass. Broadly speaking, the old part of the city lies to the west of this area, the new part to the east. Before the Gurkha conquest In 1768, the predominant and ruling race in Nepal was the Newar. The Newars are of Mongolian extraction and emigrated into Nepal from Tib et in prehistoric times. They are responsible for the origin and devel opment of Nepalese art in all its branches. "Gurkha” is really a compre hensive term, embracing both the foreign Rajputs and the indigenous races of Nepal other than the Ne war. It comes from the little state of that name in western Nepal, where the immigrant Rajputs from the plains of India originally setUed. These Rajputs, ancestors of the present rulers of the kingdom, fled to the hills after the Moslem sack of Chitor in 1303. Here they estab lished themselves, flourished, and gradually extended their territories. It was not until 1768, however, that they finally effected the complete conquest of Nepal. Thenceforth the Rajputs held un disputed sway over this unique Him alayan kingdom. Internally, their activities have been directed not so much towards artistic as towards military advancement. Out of a total population of some 5,600,000, they have today an army of about 45,000. In times of need they can, with the aid of their well-trained reserve force, raise as many as 70,000 troops. Gurkha Army Really Powerful. The bulk of the soldiery is drawn from the Gurung and Magar tribes. Among these peoples are some of the hardiest fighting men in exist ence. When, therefore, they are placed under Rajput leaders, the descendants of an ancient race, world-famous for its deeds of cour age and chivalry on the battlefield, the power of this mighty Gurkha army is formidable indeed. In Katmandu, the artistic spirit of the Newars and the martial spir it of the modern rulers mingle. To the west of the vast parade ground lies the old town with its palaces and temples, its tall houses and narrow streets. In the Durbar square, that essential feature of all Newar cities, the principal build ings are grouped in a rich profusion of pagoda roofs, painted wood, chiseled stone and shining metal. At one side stands the imposing palace of the former kings, built around a spacious courtyard. Close by it, raised on a high step plinth, towers the lofty temple of Taleju, the household goddess of the royal family. All around are temples and shrines and tall, slender pillars bearing bronze statues of kings and religious personalities. me Dunaings in me indigenous "pagoda” style are of dull-red brick with tiled roofs supported by in tricately carved wooden struts. The doors, too, are of wood and the lin tels are invariably extended into the brickwork, where they form bold and effective designs. The wood work is usually painted in bright colors and the roofs are sometimes covered with sheets of beaten brass, dazzling in the brilliant sun. Lost in this maze of the old Ne war splendor stands the modern Hanuman Dokha, a large white building containing huge audience halls and staterooms used for im portant ceremonies. To this palace, during a durbar, the scarlet lancers of Nepal come clattering through the cobbled streets of Katmandu. Modern City Quite Practical. Beyond the lovely Newar city, grouped around a huge park and stretching away to the east, lies modern Katmandu, the creation of the Gurkhas. Here are no roman tic pagodas rising golden tier upon golden tier towards an azure Heav en, but severely practical barracks, schools, colleges, hospitals, and prisons built in the "European style.” Here, too, are the immense "modern” palaces of the king, the Maharaja and the chief nobles, de signed by French architects in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centurie . When one recalls the difficult jour ney into the valley over steep and wild mountain passes, it seems strange to look upon these vast buildings, standing in so remote a country, equipped with the most up to-date conveniences and luxuries. The roads in the actual town are good and broad, and it is amusing to remember that all the motors and lorries which run on them have been carried bodily over the passes by swarms of coolies. Though Nepal is nominally a king dom, the king in reality is little more than a religious figurehead, the actual government of the coun try falling to the lot of the prime minister, or maharaja. He is modern and enlightened in his outlook and anxious to introduce any new invention which may bene fit his country, but he prohibits im portation of certain Western crea tions. Foremost among these is the motion picture. He believes that to show vivid scenes of intimate oc cidental life has a demoralizing ef fect on the spectators. At 10 o’clock every evening a cur few tolls in Katmandu and the oth er big towns of the kingdom and everybody must retire to his house. Anyone found in the streets after this time has to spend the night in prison. Gambling and drinking are forbidden except durink certain fes tivals. The most popular is the great Durga Puja, which lasts ten days, during which time hundreds of buffaloes are beheaded in honor of the goddess Durga, who is but another form of the famous black Kali. Patan Is Picturesque. Besides Katmandu, there are two other large towns in the same val ley, both former capitals of Nepal. Patan practically adjoins modern Katmandu. Passing through its nar row streets you come into the fan tastic Durbar square. On one side, a graceful group of temples rises in a series of elegant red pagodas ribbed with gleaming bronze. Brightly colored struts, rich with delicate carving, support their myriad roofs; shimmering bell fin ial3 cap their airy upper stories. Opposite them, and dotted irregu larly over the spacious square, lies a swarm of other temples, a foun tain, a colossal bell, and a number of tall, slender pillars bearing the shining bronze figures of gods and kings. The pagoda temples have brightly colored stuffs hanging in gay ripples from their eaves. There are also temples in silvery stone built up in tiers of intricately carved pillars, and pavilions which cluster around the massive curvilinear tower ris ing from their midst like some huge gray cactus plant. The third large town in the val ley is Bhatgaon. It can be ap proached from Patan by motor over a bad, uneven road, a distance of some seven miles. Far the most delightful way to enter it, however, is on the back of an ambling Tibet an pony. In the early Eighteenth century the city was the capital of Raja Bhupatindra Malla, a man of ex quisite taste and a patron of the arts. It was he who built the stately Durbar hall with its famous Golden Door—one of the chief mar vels of Nepal—and its richly carved windows. Bhatgaon is a city of surprises. Unlike Patan, its beauty is not con centrated in one colossal and breath-taking durbar square; it is distributed throughout the length and breadth of the town. Here you come upon a little tem ple of silver stone, set gracefully upon a high step plinth, with an avenue of gods and monsters lead ing up to its portals. There you walk through a blue wooden door in a crumbling, pink brick wall and Vo! you are in a wild, tangled garden with fruit trees and flowers, tall, slender palms, and in the cen ter a flourishing crop i f rice. Beyond the garden you pass down fascinating little streets of shops and houses with carved windows and suddenly you find yourself in an open square. On your right stands another architectural marvel of Nepal, the Temple of the Five Stages. HCWME i/ou]® DAY f DR. JAMES W. BARTON Talks About ® Strenuous Exercise. WHILE we naturally admire the overweight individual who de cides to reduce his weight by taking strenuous exercise, it must be re membered that this excess weight was added to the body in two ways— by over-eating and by under-exer cising. During all the months and years that the fat was gradually being accumulated, heart, lungs, ■■■k-■■ %■***■'■ ■ Dr. Barton blood vessels, k 1 a - neys and other or gans were likewise getting some of this excess fat in and about their cells or tissues. The fat was accumulating s o slowly and gradual ly that the individu al was not aware of it. You can readily understand then that if an overweight de cides to take violent exercise wnn heart and blood vessels “soft” from lack of use and accumulation of fat in and about the normal tissues, serious results may follow. Dr. E. V. McCollum and J. Er nestine Becker in their book “Food, Nutrition and Health,” tell us that "violent tennis playing, hill climb ing or extreme effort in the gym nasium are as unwise as they are unnecessary in weight reduction. Far more harm than good may be done if the condition of the heart and blood vessels does not warrant strenuous exercise.” Since badminton has become pop ular many physicians are reporting cases of overweight men and women who, having watched a few games of badminton, have said to them selves, "Badminton looks like a nice game, it shouldn't be hard to play, not much work to it.” As a matter of fact, badminton is practically ten nis, and next to basketball, tennis is the most strenuous game known. The thought then is that just as a reducing diet needs expert direc tion of supervision, so also should the exercise taken by over weights be directed and supervised by one—preferably a physician— who not only knows the body but the effect of exercise on each par ticular body. Of course to the overweight the thought of doing violent exercise or work with the perspiration pouring out and off the body is fascinating as it looks as if pounds and pounds of fat were being lost. And as a matter of fact pounds and pounds of weight—water and fat—are being removed from the body. However, violent exercise for these soft, heavy, middle-aged individuals, who have taken no exercise for years, may cause heart and blood vessel injury. Be Sensible and Safe. Now this doesn’t mean that ex ercise should not be taken but that it should be taken in a sensible, safe manner which will remove fat and not only increase strength but will also increase or develop the desire for exercise. Thus for those who are soft, or weak, or elderly, but must reduce weight for the sake of health and appearance, we read, “It is not even necessary to perspire freely when taking exercise in order to reduce weight. It is best to take the exercise at a rate which does not put upon the heart the burden of violent beating. It is better to make a ‘steady demand’ day after day for the burning of a little of the fat accumulated.” I believe that if our overweights who are intending to take exercise to reduce weight were to keep those words "stendy demand for the burn ing of a little fat every day” always in mind and follow this idea of "daily” exercise, the results ob tained would be even beyond their expectations. * • • Stomach Ulcer Causes. Despite the fact that ulcer of the stomach and of the first part of the small intestine is quite common, the exact cause or causes is always a matter of close search on the part of the physician who notes certain points about the majority of ulcer patients. First the ulcer patient is usually of the nervous type, usually high strung and apt to be irritable or "jumpy.” This is the "nervous” cause. Second, there is often some thing wrong or rather "different” about the position of the stomach so that there is some interference with its action. This is the “me chanical” cause. Third, there is something differ ent about the lining of the stomach j due to infection or certain foods, ! something different about the juices j and their action. This might be ] called the chemical, the infective, or by some other name. In considering the mechanical | cause of ulcer Dr. I. Pines in Medi cal Clinic, Berlin, directs attention to curvatures of the spine which cause pressure on certain parts of the stomach and thereby lead to the development of ulcers. The two most frequent forms of curvature are when the spine is bent forward at the small of the back (sway back), and the curva ture to the left which lowers the right shoulder. Crpyrisht.—WNU Servlet. Well-Dressed at Little Cost IT WAS some job, Ladies of . * The Sewing Circle, to get j these three lovelies together to * pose for the camera this week. They’re under the strict tutelage of Dame Fashion just now, learn ing the latest lessons on how to be well turned out this Spring with out benefit of a private mint. You can understand, then, why the co-ed above, center, sort of jumped the gun, so to speak, and was al ready on her way when the cam era clicked. A Frock That Clicks. Speaking of things clicking, don’t think that new princess gown she’s wearing isn’t doing it in a big way. Can’t you see from where you’re sitting that it is simple to sew besides being a fig ure-flatterer of the first order? The buttons half way and a neat little collar in contrast are all its lively lines need to complete the perfect balance—chic vs. simplic ity. Take a tip from this stylish student and figure it out for your self in cashmere or velveteen. The style is 1202 and it can be had in sizes 12-20 (30-38). Size 14 requires 4% yards of 39 inch material plus % yard contrasting. Go Print for Spring. The charming young lady above, left, has chosen to model a very dainty and rather picturesque lit tle frock for she believes you’ll be interested in this style as a fitting gesture to Springtime. Es pecially in a modern print, fea turing, say, pussycats or deep-sea flowers, would this frock be tempting. The skirt is bias-cut for artistic reasons, and the cir cles of contrast aid and abet its gracefulness. Let yourself go print then, come Spring. Style 1257 is designed in sizes 12-20 (30 40 bust). Size 14 requires 4% yards of 39 inch material. Elev en yards of bias binding is re quired for trimming as pictured. Lest you begin to think every day is Sunday for our starring trio, the trim-looking young lady above, right, wants you to concen trate now on her new gingham gown. Not an ordinary bread and-butter cotton version, but a beautifully cut, carefully planned dress for general service. The linked button front is enough to give it first place on your Spring sewing list if Sew-Your-Own de signers know their clients as well as they think. However, there’s more* to recommend it: a young becoming collar, a simple yoke and - sleeve - in - one construction, and a slender action-built skirt. Put them all together they spell CHIC—that little word with a vast meaning. Style 1267 is for sizes 34-48. Size 36 requires 4 yards of 35 inch material plus lYs yards contrasting. New Pattern Book. Send for the Barbara Bell Spring and Summer Pattern Book. Make yourself attractive, practical and becoming clothes, selecting designs from the Bar bara Bell well-planned, easy-to make patterns. Interesting and exclusive fashions for little chil dren and the difficult junior age; slenderizing, well-cut patterns for the mature figure; afternoon dresses for the most particular young women and matrons and other patterns for special occa sions are all to be found in the Barbara Bell Pattern Book. Send 15 cents (in coins) today for your copy. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., Room 1020, 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) each. © Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. made her a stay-at-home DATES EVERY NIGHT NOW. DENTON’S FACIAL MAGNESIA CLEARED HER COMPLEXION, MADE IT FRESH AND LOVELY An oily, greasy skin never won any girl a boy friend. Men love a fresh, youthful com plexion. Denton's Facial Mag nesia cleans out the oily pores, smooths the rough surface by making them unnoticeable, firms the skin texture and livens up the complexion. Even the first few treatments with Denton's make a remark able difference. Almost before you can realize it your face has gained new youth and beauty. First thing you know, friends are complimenting you on your complexion. SPECIAL OFFER —good for few weeks only Here is a special chance io try out Denton's for yourself. It is the most liberal offer we have ever made. We will send you a full 6 oz. bottle of Denton's Facial Magnesia (retail price 60c), plus a regular size box of famous Milnesia Waters (the original Milk of Magnesia tablets) . . . both for only 60c 1 Don't miss taking advantage of this extraordi nary offer. Send 60c in cash or stamps today. FACIAL MAGNESIA I Select Products, Inc., 4402 23rd St, Long Island City, N. Y. Enclosed find 60c (cash or stamps) for which send | me your special introductory combination, | Name __............................. m Street Address_......................_ City.State....... ■i mam mmm am mama mam wmma mm h ■■■ _ _ _ _ _