f——■——-—I Over the County SOUTHWEST BREEZES P By Romaine Saunders E. E. Young loaded out some beeves Monday and planned to take in the sale at the Atkinson pavil Jjon Tuesday. What would those who advocate abolishing capital punishment sug gest for the fiend who kidnapped and slew the Mattson boy ? 4 - Tom Baker took to his bed Fri day and for a few days was dis tressingly ill, but was on his feet again the first of the week. A good milk cow keeled over at the James ranch a day last week, since which time the grunting fra ternity in the hog lot have had fresh beef at their pleasure. George Cuttler, residing on the old Roblyer place, went the winding way to Amelia Friday and return, that their daughter, attending school in the village of the flowing wells, might spend the week-end, at home. If it isn’t one thing it is another. Now' the public is critical because the president has put his son in the secretary’s job at ten thousand a year. Should the sovereign citizens of America confer the authority vested in the chief executive in this humble pilgrim I would give sons and daughters and uncles and aunts and all of any tribal connection first choice of the desirable jobs. “Farm to market” roads in the southwest are plugged with snow that effectually excludes traffic. ^ Winding a snake trail thru pas tures and meadows permits the necessary outlet to highway 11. Most of us stay at home, absorbing the warmpth and cheer of the fam ily fireside—and like it. The snow will provide some moisture and encourages families to stay at home and get acquainted. p Four horses hooked to a hay wagon get across the snow-blown mile from the James ranch to the “comer” about once a week. Jess has hoofed it across a time or two to pick up his mail, the only way to get it these days being to pass it on from neighbor to neighbor. Of the two mail routes passing our door, neither carrier has been able to get thru so far this month. Mail for this neighborhood is left at the Dexter store on highway 11. At 17 or so below along about sunrise, no wind, the hoar frost spread like glittering gems and the crunching snow under the feet, the north pole all but visible thru the clear calm morning as the land scape in its robe of ermine stands out in gleaming white for miles around—that is winter at break of day down here in the southwest. An hour spent out poking hay to cattle and other barnyard ministra tions gives a taste for something more trustworthy for breakfast than a cup of coffee and a puff of smoke. MEEK AND VICINITY Frank Griffith called at the How ard Rouse home Thursday. Lawrence Rouse called at the home of Eric Borg Wednesday. Several have been putting up ice the past few days. Virgil Hubby and Mac Henifin have their’s fin ished. Bad roads make it impos sible for some to get at it. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg called at the Howard Rouse home Wed nesday evening. Walter Devall has at last decided wlhat his vocation in life is. He has decided to become a tailor and has already started taking lessons in sewing. Edward Kaczor is suffering with an attack of the flu. Lois Lindberg who has been out of school since vagatjop on account of the flu, went back to O’Neill Monday. Word was received here from Oakland, Calif., Saturday, to the effect that Mrs. Gus Johnson who had fallen and broken her arm and hip, was Improving nicely. Her many friends here will be glad to hear that she is on the road to recovery. Mart Schelkopf started harvest ing ice Monday. Those helping him are Walter Devall, Preston Jones, Cecil Griffith, William Hubby and Morris Graham. Miss Hazel McDonald spent Sun day with Mrs. Art Auker. Will Devall and Walter and Mart Schelkopf took some pigs to the sale at Page Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler called at the Mart Schelkopf home Sun day. An O’Neill doctor was called for Mrs. A. L. Borg Monday. Gus Karel called at R. D. Spind ler’s Monday. Cecil Griffith has been doing chores for Axel Borg since the family has been on the sick list. Mrs. Karl Widfeldt spent Mon day afternoon at the home of her (mother, Mrs. P. J. Lansworth. Mrs. Sam Robertson and son, Raymond, are on the sick list. INMAN NEWS School opened again Monday af ter being closed most of last week due to bad weather and the con dition of the roads. Ardith Smith has been seriously ill with the flu and pneumonia. Monday she had to have one lung drained. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Smith and brothers, Curtis and Kenneth are also sick with the flu. The flu epidemic has been very severe in this locality, in many in stances whole families are sick. It is in a very hard form and few people are escaping. Postmaster J. M. McMahon is ill at his home here with the flu and pluerisy. Elwin Smith, the as sistant postmaster is looking after business at the postofficc. Supt. George Cornish was called to Sioux City last Thursday on ac count of the serious illness of his father-in-law, Mr. Hladek, who is in a Sioux city hospital suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. Hladek is also in the same hospital recover ing from an operation. Mr. Cor nish returned Sunday but Mrs. Cornish remained with her parents. The R. N. A. Lodge met with Mrs. A. N. Butler on Wednesday. Installation of officers was the business of the afternoon. Mrs. C. P. Conger received word last week of the death of her broth er, Fred Peterson, who died in a Veterans hospital in Colorado. Mrs. Conger was unable to go. E. E. Clark the rural mail car rier has been experiencing great difficulties in making his route but has succeeded in making the en tire route most of the time. Vaiden Eugen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mai’tin Conard died Wed nesday night at the home of his parents. He had been ill but a few Question: When are lowest rates on Long Distance Telephone calls in effect? Answer: All day Sunday and every night from 7 p. m. to 4:30 a. m. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ? You Pay Your Moncyf YouTlake Your Choice! i I They Same! ] It’s Up To You! I S) I READY-MADE gasoline is ordinary gasoline from refinery. Keady-made gasoline is refined from crude oil, which has only so much light, fast starting material in it. That’s all there is, there isn’t any more. TAILOR-MADE gasoline is "ready-made” plus Virgin gasoline. Virgin gasoline is made from nature’s gas. It is light, and stable. Added to Skelly refinery Aromax, it gives the fast starting that yon want. m/mde + gasoline" “7^£tcJt£c4tqfcUSwOfLult We'll Leave !« Up to You DO YOU like to make decisions? Here is the proposi tion! Ready-made refinery gasoline is pretty much alike. It can't be changed a great deal. But weather changes. Skelly adds to refinery-made Aromax varying amounts of Virgin gasoline at 24 tailoring points. This is made, not from oil, but from nature's own gas. Skelly uses up to 38 per cent of this Virgin gnsoline. It is tuned to the weather, to give same fast start every where. Which is the better buy-each costs the same -"ready-made” or Tailor-Made? Skelly leaves the decision up to you. ARJOMAX On&f SKEILY ARONIAX—- - 4#«P7 1 GASOLINE IS i€WUyi*+nflUic£t FOR EACH COMMUNITY m ^ r © 1936, Skelly OH Co. 609B FARMERS UNION CO OP GAS, CREAM & PRODUCE COMPANY Arlo Hiatt, Mgr. , O’Neill, Nebr. days with pneumonia. Vaiden Eugene was but 20 days old. He loaves to mourn his departure his parents, his brother, Loyal, and a host of other relatives. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Conard. Rev. E. B. Maxcy of the M. E. church conducted the services and burial was in the Inman cemetery. EMMET ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox of O'Neill, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Bonenberger and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sesler. Little Bobby Cole was taken to the Stuart hospital Sunday^ critic ally ill with pneumonia. His con dition is serious. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonenberper and son, Duane, were guests Sun day at the home of Mrs. Bonen berger’s mother, Mrs. Ella Dalleg ge, in Atkinson, The Sesler children returned to school Monday after being absent for two weeks because of flu. Darlene Sesler spent a week vis iting her sister Mrs. Elwin Thomp son in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. William Grothe, Sr., and Herman and Louise were callers in O’Neill Saturday after noon. Guy Cole attended the livestock sale in Atkinson Tuesday. Joe Pongratz was in O’Neill Sat urday on business. Miss Geraldine Harris spent the (Continued on page 8, column 2.) For BEST RESULTS CONSIGN AND BUY THROUGH THE Atkinson Livestock Market “Your nearest and best market.” Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Fat & Stock Hogs Auction Every Tuesday starting at 12:30 p. m. Our selling charges are very moderate. If we do not sell your livestock, we charge you nothing. Send your next shipment of livestock to Atkinson. Gamble's Tire Prices Cut! Despite the fact that labor has advanced and the cost of rubber and other materials have gone up considerably, we are, during this clearance sale, giving you the opportunity of making a substan tial saving on Gamble’s Roadgripper tires. Buy now and save while these low prices are in effect Every tire carries a definite guarantee against all road hazards. Installed FREE. 4.40 21.$4.69 4.60 20_ 5.15 4.60 21. 5.29 4.76 19. 5.65 4.76 20. 5.85 4.76 21. 6.25 6.00 17. 5.85 6.00 19 .... 6.05 6.00 20. 6.40 6.00 21. 6.60 6.00- 22 . 7.30 6.2& 17.$6.40 6.25 18 .... 6.60 6.26 19. 7.05 6.26 20. 7.30 6.26 21. 7.50 6.60 17. 6.90 6.50 18. 7.30 6.60 19_ 7.75 8.00 16 .... 7.45 30x334 O.S. 4.29 COAL HOD Large IT-inch size. Sale Price 39* * Coal shovel .... 7c Stove Pipe Sale » 8V2* 6-in. x 14-in lie T-in. x 14-in.17e 6-in. Corrugated Elbow .12* T-in. Corrugated Elbow ;. 16c SH Lb. AXE Forced steel heed. Genuine hickory handle. Sale Price M. 79* BLOW TORCH Seamlesa bran tank — self cleaning valve —wind proof burner. Sale Price $2.98 HOT WATER HEATERS leader SO Oft Heater 7Oe*1*9 Standard Heater 4.59 SAG Heater . 5.89 Tiger Heater .. 6.95 Ultra-Deluxe Heater. 9.95 Complete with Fittings F" FELT (FLOOR MATS Felt « OC Floor Mats lDv Heavy Felt Mats 27c Defrosting Fans Deiroating fana Reg ular price I1.8S. «. U.49 Deluxe Fan - Regular Price $2.4* Sale Price . . 21.29 Sale On TUBE DEFROSTERS C. 59* DeLuxe Winter Fronts Adjustable to many positions. Were 98c. Price.79* Tiger Winter Fronts . 49c _ 19-Piece Mi WRENCH SET r?!«.98* Thermostats Thermostats Ford VS.. 79* Thermostats lor Chen.... $ -*S | Universal Thermostats.. -t> Adjustable Thermostats.. 1.S5 prices Cut On Chrome Horns' Were $4.59. Price $3.98 I Johnson’s AUTO WAX 2 Cans 39c CHROME PLATED DISHES ROLL TRAY SHOE SKATES CUT Tempered Steel blades — Soft toe ihaei. Sale Price *3-25 Hard Toe Skates $3.95 DUST MOPS 29c — CHROME PLATED MEAT PLATTER o»)c CLEARANCE SALE Coronado 11-Tube Radio A. C. Console radio. Price reduced for quick clearance. All the latest CC features including All Wave Reception. Now only. ^ ON OUR BUDGET PLAN ONLY $1.25 per week RADIO SALE 4 Tube A. C. Mantel indio. Reduced to 8-Tube Battery Radio Battery operated Console radio. Gets world wide re ception. Reduced to Complete with Catteries PORTABLE Oil Heater REDUCED Can be moved while burning with absolutely no danger. Was $4.49. Now oniy $098 10% Reduction OnJ Circulating Heaters All heaters from 14-inch size to 22-inch size re duced . PRICES REDUCED ON Gamble's Ace Shells Maximum load — High Base shells. In 12 gauge number 2 shot only. Ex cellent Rabbit load. Regu lar price was 98c. NOW ONLY Price Cut On ELECTRIC WASHER Sale price on our Mod el R Electric washer. Latest features. Now only $34-95 For a Limited Time FARM WASHER Briggs & Stratton 1 Motor. Model RX ^ now reduced to *562® Down Go CARD TABLES Standard sire—sturdy card table. Was Me. Sale Price 79* Steel Card Table. S1.73 PRICE SLASHED S Tube A. C. Mantel Radio. Waa $16.96. Now only Sale Prices On Waffle Irons complete with tray $2.59 Double Waffle Iron J3.98 Ir. Sire Waffle Iron. .<9 Sandwich T oaster Reduced Chrome finished modernistic Band w>.ch toaster. Was $1.98. Reduced to $1.79 SPECIAL Corn Popper Electric popper. Was 95c. Reduced to 79* Prices Down On Bowl Heaters Electric heater with 10' guarded bowl. Was *1.00. Now only 89* U-inch bowl Heater J1.S9 Aluminum Skillet 8-inch, 14 gauge aluminum skillet. Sale Price 65* 10-inch aluminum skillet... 85c Bargain Price on Food Grinder Large family size with coarse, fine, and medium knives. Was 98c. Sale Price 79* i*, ROASTERS Aluminum Oval Roaster, lk inch size. Turkey Roaster.$1.10 FnameJed Roaster. 18'. .63 ; SPECIAL S Tube Car Radio For real enjoyment while motorinc< How only $1495 MELVIN KI ZICKA Managing I'artner Agencies at—Martin, S. D.. Valentine, Ainsworth, Atkinson, F.ong F*ine, Bassett, Spalding, Chambers, Butte, Spencer, I’lainview, Springview, Bristow. Kalsomine Brush C-incb Size Sale Price i $115 O’NEILL, NEBR. Douglas St,