The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 14, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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The annual meeting of Shields
precinct will be held on Tuesday,
January 19, 1937, at 2 o’clock p. m.,
in the Township Hall for the pur
pose of making the levy, and any
other business that may come be
fore the meeting.
36-1 Clerk.
(First publication Jan. 7, 1937.)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale issued to
me by the Clerk of the District
Court of Holt county, Nebraska, in
an action pending in said Court
wherein Frank Nelson is plaintiff
and Viola L. Hull, 11. C. Hull, John
Doe, real true name unknown, and
Mary Doe, his wife, real true name
unknown, are defendants, I will sell
to the highest bidder for cash at
the front door of the court house in
O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 8th day
of February, 1937 at 10 o’clock
A. M., the following described
premises in Holt county, Nebraska:
The southwest quarter and
the south half of the southeast
quarter and lot four of sec
tion three; and the northeast
quarter of the aouthcast quar
ter of section four; all in town
ship thirty-two north, range
eleven, west of the 6th P. M.,
Holt county, Nebraska,
to satisfy the sum of $3,881.86
found due plaintiff and interest
thereon and $30.60 costs of suit
and accruing costs.
Dated this 5th day of January,
Sheriff of Holt County,
B4-5 Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that the
relationships between the under
signed ami George 8. Agnes for the
operation of a luml>er yard at
O’Neill, Nebraska, under the name
of “Seth Noble” have been by
mutual consent dissolved.
Dated this 15th day of April,
THE greatest family of “funnies”
folks ever assemjfed—30 comics
in full colors: “I’opeye—Skippy—
Maggie and Jigga”—Read them
all, in the Sunday OMAHA BEE
NEWS. Subscribe TODAY! thru
this office. 28tf
I HAVE eastern money to loan on
farms and ranchep. I also loan
money on city property.—R. H.
Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 2tf
LOST—Navy blue, skirt near 2nd
and Clay streets.—-Call 324. 1-p
FULLER Brush Co. cpn use young
married man in Holt county and
vicinity. Good pay. Steady work.
Work 10 hours a day and earn $25
to $30 a week to start. Provision
al expense allowance. No invest
ment. We train you at your loca
tion. Chance to advance. Business
28% better in 1936 due to half
price sale. Write G29 Barker Bldg.,
Omaha, Nebr. 35-2
WHEN you have butcher stuff,
either hogs or cattlp fpr sale, see
Barnhart's Market. , 48-tf
WOOD Wool Insulation. Holds
heat in. Holds heat out. Salesman,
Dealers, Home owners, write Box
1)6, Fullerton, Nebr. 36-lp
BALED HAY.-®. H. Parker,
O’Neill. Nebr. 12-tf
I Am Now Making Loans
Phone 147
Half Block South of the Ford
Garage—West Side of Street
Diamond — Watches — Jewelery
Expert Watch Repairing
O. M. Herre—Jeweler
In Reardon Drag Store
Phone, Office 28
| O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
(Continued from page 5.)
Gaines Rzeszotarski was a busi
ness caller in Emmet Monday aft
Miss Ada Johnson who has been
visiting at the home of Mrs. Clara
Cole, departed Sunday for her
home at Deloit, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mecello of
Omaha, returned home Sunday
after spending Christmas and New
Years with her father and sister,
Con O’Connell and Mildred O’Con
Alex McConnell, who has been
ill with flu, is much improved.
Frank Nelson who has been in
Omaha for some time returned
home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg spent
Wednesday afternoon at the Frank
Griffith home.
The Ladies’ Aid which was to
meet at the home of Mrs. Della
Johnson Thursday, was postponed
on account of bad roads and cold
The Eighth grade examinations
which were to have been held at
Meek school Friday the 8th, w'ere
postponed until further notice.
Frank Griffith called at the Roy
Spindler home Wednesday.
Miss Rachel Robertson returned
to her school Sunday, Jan. 3, going
as far as Grand Island with the
Pete and George Worth families
and from there taking a train on
to Mitchell.
Cecil Griffith was an all night
visitor of Walter Devall Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson and
Ilene and Raymond spent Sunday
afternoon at the A. L. Borg home.
News is rather scarce in this
locality as the roads have been im
passible, and weather too bad to
open them, until the last two days.
Orville Harrison lost one of his
horses by a fall on the ice last
Mrs. Will Langan and May Mc
Gowan were guests of Mrs. E. H.
Rouse Sunday.
Ralph Rausch left with the boys
for the CCC camp at Valentine
Howard Oevall is helping with
the chores at the Orville Harrison
Lawrence Rouse spent Sunday at
the Eric Borg home.
Ilene Robertson spent the first
part of the week visiting with
Laverue and Helen Borg.
Robert Gunn came out from
O’Neill on Saturday with Leroy
Spindler and spent the night there,
both boys going back to O’Neill
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mabel Hansen called at the
Eric Borg home Monday.
Announcements were received
here of the marriage of Ida Mae
Hansen, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Hansen, at Sioux
Falls, S. D., on New Year’s eve, to
Loyal Holbrook, also of Sioux Falls.
Ida Mae is well known here as her
parents lived here several years
ago. Her husband is a stranger
here. I he best wishes of the trietuls
of the Hansen family go with the
young couple for a long and happy
married life.
Several men of the neighbor
hood worked the county road from
Midway to the Dan Hansen corner
on Monday and Tuesday, making it
passable for cars.
Loyal Hull, who had been in
the Lynch hospital for several
weeks in a very serious condition,
is home and feeling fine. His
many friends will be glad to know
of his recovery.
There was no school at Meek the
first of the week due to the illness
of the teacher, Miss Woodard.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ritts visited
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Ritts.
LaVerne Stahley visited Walter
Schmohr Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz and
son, Glen, were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spangler
(First publication Jan. 14, 1937.)
In the District Court of Holt
county, Nebraska.
Mildred E. Roche, Plaintiff,
Edward L. Roche, Defendant.
Edward L. Roche, Defendant,will
take notice that Mildred E. Roche,
as Plaintiff, has filed a petition and
commenced an action against you
in the District Court of Holt county,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain an absolute de
cree of divorce, the care and cus
tody of your said children, perman
ent alimony and money for the
support and maintenance of said
children and also for temporary
alimony, suit money and costs, to
gether with such further equitable
relief as may be just and proper.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 22nd day
of February, 1937, otherwise a de
cree will be entered against you.
By Julius D. Cronin,
35-4 Her Attorney.
Miss Helen Hoehne went to Om
aha last week and Helen will ac
company her sister, Miss Freda,
to Boston where she expects to
remain for a few months.
Miss Pauline Dusatko returned
to O’Neill Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schmohr
and family were callers Saturday
evening at Guy Beckwith’s.
The Roy Cole family visited at
Jake Ernst’s last Monday after
Otto Hoehne is carrying the mail
on this end of the route. He is as
sisting the regular carrier, Jess
Wills. The roads on part of the
route are impassible with a car.
William Mullen called at the Gus
Seger home Monday afternoon on
Guy Beckwith and Harold Fuller
were stalled in Sioux City several
days last week with a truck load
of hay. They were able to return
home Monday evening.
Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Lorenz and
son, Glen, visited Monday at the
William Ernst home.
The Mullen school has been
closed since Christmas, the teacher,
Mrs. Ralph Fritton being ill in
a hospital at Omaha.
Alex McConnellwas quite ill with
flu last week.
Charles Winkler did chores for
Joe Pongratz several days last
last week while Joe had the flu.
A farewell party was Riven in
honor of Miss Helen Hoehne Sun
day of last week.
Washington, D. C., Jan. 3.—Not
withstanding the fact that it rained
all the way from Chicago to this
big town—we got here “all right.”
People on the train who came all
the way from California stated that
rain and snow had been falling all
the way across the country. News
papers with Nebraska date lines
tell of snow six to ten feet deep
over the Nebraska third district.
That is the greatest farm relief we
know of right now.
Washington today looks just as
it looked two years ago when the
workers from this congressional
office first saw the town. The cap
itol has been repainted. The mall
is cleared of trees. The White
House has been made almost fire
proof. Workmen are busy on a new
building for the Bureau of Print
ing. The temporary grand stand
and seats are all ready for the in
auguration of the President on Jan.
20. The temporary seating in front
of the White House for the review
ing stand for the inauguration par
ade is also set up. Everything
seems to be ready for a great show.
Apartments and rooms are hard to
get. Everybody seems to be com
ingto twon. The navy midshipmen
came off the train by the score. Go
ing back to studies after holidays
at home. Six hundred and two
thousand people in this town and
nearly all of them working for the
- I
The first 1937 Nebraska license
tag in Washington appears on a
Nebraska Third district automobile.
It attracted some attention in front
of the house office building. Some
congressmen buy District of Co
lumbia auto licenses. They cost
only a dollar.
Church crowds here on this Sun
day were very small due to the
rain and cold winds. Easter brings
out the biggest crowds. So does
Christmas eve. They tell us it was
hard to get a seat in the churches
here on Christmas eve. Some pews
had to be reserved ahead of time.
The picture shows attract vast
crowds as usual.
Washington D. C., Jan. 4.—Al
though congress opens tomorrow—
Tuesday noon—this was really the
big opening day in congress. The
Republicans and Democrats held
their caucuses behind closed doors
in the House chamber. The minor
ity and majority selected their
speakers—their floor leaders—their
house employees and chairmen of
various committees. While there
was a fight among the Democrats
over the floor leadership, it was all
known ahead of time that William
Bankhead would be the Speaker
and Bert Snell would be the repub
lican floor leader. The real fight
among members of both sides was
for places on committees. Mem
bers usually go to their floor lead
ers and chairman of committee on
committees, and fight for places on
committees which they hope will do
their districts the most good.
This office is making a fight for
the agricultural committee, but be
cause there are so few republicans
left, it is hard to land such a pre
ferred committee. Chairmen tell
members that there are so many
deocrats there may be few posts
left for a minority member.
Washington, D. C., Jan. 5.—With
both parties all lined up with their
organization work, the slate was
clean today and the speaker was
introduced and members were sworn
to uphold and protect the constitu
tion of the United States. There
was the usual scramble for tickets
to the two galleries. People in all
walks of life wanted to see the
Seventy-Fifth. Congress open and
“The Hill” police had the usual dif
ficulty in handling the crowd. Ad
mission to both galleries was by
ticket only. That did not prevent
a lot of people “who knew some
body” getting by the guards and
getting aisle standing room. No
business except that of swearing in
the new members and the usual
formalities of presenting the speak
er was done on this day. Members
on both sides of the aisle appeared
profuse in their congratulations to
each other, wishing each other a
Happy New Year—but as soon as
the legislative mill starts grinding
the party lines will be drawn and
the usual fight begun.
The National Press Club had as
guest of honor and speaker, Vice
President John Nance Garner, Mon
day noon. What the Vice President
had to say was absolutely “off the
record,” and newspaper men at
tending the luncheon were made to
understand that the Vice Presi
dent’s remarks could not be printed.
Senator Borah also was a speaker
at the luncheon. Both Vice Presi
dent Garner and Senator Borah
appeared in excellent health, but
here is a tip—people who talked
to the Vice President say that he
admitted that he was going to re
tire from politics after his present
term of office.
The ground on which the capitol
building and office buildings and
the Congressional Library are lo
cated is called “The Hill," and to
day “The Hill” is a regular mad
house. Old members are bumping
new members from offices. More
than three hundred members are
moving their offices from one place
to another, and new members who
had no office reserved are having
a tough time finding a place to
light. The hallways are filled with
furniture and employees are dash
ing madly about to place that fur
niture where members want it. It
will be a month before many of
these members are actually settled
down and ready for real work.
Miss Galey of Columbus, called at
the congressional office recently.
She is employed by the Security
Board and drives here occassionally
from Baltimore where the Security
Commission rented a lot of space
and where hundreds of people are
working. There is not room in the
regular governmental buildings in
Washington for the unusual num
ber of governmental bureaus. The
government rents about 100 build
ings in this town. The rental runs
over one million dollars per year,
but buildings are so scarce that
this new Security Board had to be
moved to Baltimore in older to get
suitable space.
The annual meeting and recep
tion of the General Federation of
Women’s Clubs will be held here on
Jan. 13. The State President and
national organizers from all of the
states have sent beautiful engraved
invitations to the senators and
congressmen from their states to
attend this reception. The Nebras
ka members received their invita
tions from Mrs. Martha Scott and
Mrs. Martin MeDuffey of Norfolk,
State President.
Dr. Harold G. Moulton’s predic
tion that we shall have an actual
labor shortage in the United States
within the next five years if in
dustry production recovers to the
1929 limit is in line with the gen
eral thesis which the Brookings in
stitution, of which he is head, has
been so effectively preaching dur
ing the last two years. This is, of
course, in direct contradiction with
the theories of such New Dealers
as Harry Hopkins and with the
false doctrines of those who advo
cate the economics of scarcity.
But the country is plainly on the
road toward discarding this phil
osophy of despair and defeatism.
It is not likely to listen much longer
to the theory that there are no new
worlds to conquer. 1 his change
means a return to the traditional
American optimism and energy
which not only brought the nation
out of the past depression, but has
opened new frontiers as old ones
have been closed. But there still
remains a serious problem of un
derconsumption. In other words,
we are still consuming less than
we need and less than the country
can produce. If we can keep prices
low and increase production we
shall be able to greatly increase
The most serious danger that lies
ahead is that by government inter
ference and by increased taxation
prices will be forced up as fast
or faster than wage increases. If
price increases can be avoided in
dustrial production may well, as
Dr. Moulton predicts, surpass the
1929 level within a few years. That
this will make possible the virtual
elimination of all but the unem
ployables seems clear to everyone
except Harry Hopkins.—New York
The progress of recovery has now
eliminated further need for expan
sion of public works or for federal
subsidies for construction to states
or cities. Private construction,
especially of residences, requires
skilled labor, which should now be
released by curtailment of all but
the most urgent public works. A
shortage of skilled construction
labor is already noted in many
parts of the country, a fact which
may limit the speed of recovery in
private building.
Those are the conclusions of the
public works committee of the Am
erican Association for Labor Legis
lation. They are doubly significant
because of their source, for the
committee has not been opposed
to the large public works policy of
the past, but, on the contrary, has
recommended and warmly approved
it, and even now recommends that
the PWA be retained as a perman
ent agency, ready for “the next de
pression.” But for the present, ,it
holds, “the pump has been primed”
and “recovery is in full swing.”—
New York Times.
An ounce of flattery will go
farther with most women than a
pound of pity.
COME people are so
busy criticizing the
thrift of their neigh
bors, they never have
time to be thrifty
Capital, Surplus and This Bank Carries No
Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Officers
$125,000.00 or Stockholders,
G. E. Moor of Inman, was in
O’Neill Tuesday looking after a few
business matters.
There will be Lutheran services
at the Episcopal church in O’Neill
on Wednesday, Jan. 20.
Eidtor Ralph Kelley of the At
kinson Graphic, was looking after
business matters in this city last
Mrs. Ambrose Rohde entertained
the EOT club at her home last
Thursday evening with bridge and
a lunch.
The modern statistic on unem
ployment we get in the United
States are just about as useful as
one earring.
Maybe Hitler and Mussolini
wouldn’t feel so important if we
didn’t feature their names in the
headlines so much.
The Presbyterian Ladies Guild
will meet with Mrs. L. A. Carter
Thursday, Jan. 21. A covered dish
luncheon will be served.
One way to help your social se
curity in this new year of 1937 is
to spend a little less each week than
you earn. But it isn’t as easy as
it looks.
Germany, Italy, Russia and
France are so interested in what is
going to happen in Spain that there
must be something more tangible
in it than political principle.
The O’Neill Women’s club met
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Hugh Coyne. Two short stories
by Mrs. Aldrich were reviewed by
Mrs. Pete Todsen and Mrs. Tyron.
W. J. Froelich left Tuesday after
noon for Sioux City where he was
to board a train for Chicago. Bill
came out before Christmas to
spend the holidays with his family
and other relatives here and was de
tained by the illness and death of
his mother.
Harry Bowen is back on his job y
at the court house again after an
enforced absence of a week, while
he was bowing to the ravages of
the flu. He says that he is not very
peppy yet, but feels so much better
than he did last week that he has
no complaint to make.
Tuesday was the anniversary of
the great blizzard of January 12,
1888, 49 years ago. The morning i
of that memorable day was as
balmy as it was last Tuesday, clear
skies and the sun shining brightly.
Along about 11 o’clock it clouded
over and by 11:30 one of the worst
storms in the history of this sec
tion was raging and kept it up
for about 18 hours. The thermom
eter dropped to the bottom of the
guage and remained there for
nearly 48 hours. Many lives
were lost in this section and over
the western part of the state, and
thousands of head of stock perished
Due to the extreme dryness
of the atmosphere, your hair
has lost its luster . . . your
skin is not so soft and velvety
as always. Why not recon
dition your hair and build
your skin up to normal while
the specials are on!
Phone 102 O’Neill, Nebr.
Tired of ^
Your Old Hat•
Then inspect our new
arrivals ... THEY’RE
No. 10 Peaches
Morning Light peaches are of a quality seldom fotmd
in the large cans. For this sale we sell both the large
luscious halves and the sliced at a special price of
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
For this sale 2 large packages of Kellogg’s Corn
Flakes and a 4 inch glass cereal bowl at a combina
tion price of 21c.
Robb-Ross Pancake Flour produces finer pancakes and
crisp, crunchv waffles than just ordinary pancake
flour. Try a bag at our special price of 21c. “Robb
Ross products are not just as good—they are better.”
Lemon Cookies
A large, round lemon flavored cooky. Average 30 to
the pound. For this sale a special price on these fresh
baked cookies of 2 lbs. for 25c.
Kellogg^s Swbeatd Biscuit 2 21c
• < - • ■
Council Oak Coffee
Try this superior blend. You will be delighted with its
delicious flavor and exceptional strength. Always
ft-esh and ground as you like it. A special price of
25c per pound for this sale.
A sturdy well made, 5 seam house broom. Excep
tional value at our Week End price of 39c
H uskers Lotion It izt1 19c
American Lye It capnecial 7c