The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 14, 1937, Image 7

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    Skiing Draws Winter Visitors to Lake Placid
A group who are enjoying the popular winter sport at Lake Placid, N. Y. Left to right: Miss Edith L.
Januschek of Peiping, China; Miss Nancy Page Carveth of Niagara Falls. N. Y.; Dorothy Trumbridge of
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Jean Stanhope of New York city; Victoria Ncbeker of Los Angeles; Nancy Perkins of
Baltimore; and Marie Carveth of Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Big Demand for Windsor Souvenirs
Professor Steinberger is seen at work in his London studio on statu
ettes of the duke of Windsor, for which there is now a tremendous
demand. Thousands of such statuettes had been made for Edward’s
coronation, and when he abdicated London business men groaned in
anticipation of writing off terrific losses on stock that they could not sell.
Instead of diminishing, the demand for the Edward figures has increased.
f —
Baron Nuffield, who is Sir Wil
liam Morris, head of a vast manu
facturing organization including au
tomobile plants, export companies,
a publishing house and affiliated
subsidiaries, donated $10,000,000 to
stimulate employment in Great
Pritain’s “depressed areas”.
Once a soldier, always a soldier, j
is an old army belief, but once a i
private, now a general, is a para
phrase that fits Brigadier-General
Kenyon Joyce, whose new rank was
announced recently by President
Jtoosevelt. General Joyce, once a
fcsnker, now commands the “Presi
dent’s Own” third cavalry troop at
Fort Myer, Va. During the World
war he won the D. S. C., Order of I
the Purple Heart, Croix de Guerre 1
and the French Legion of Honor.
Bernie Bier man Made Coaches’ Prexy
Bernie Bierman, left, of Minnesota, new president of the National
Football Coaches’ association, is greeted, and welcomed to his post by
Tuss McLaughrey, of Brown, the “passing” president. Bernie was elected
at the annual convention of the coaches in New York city recently.
Trick Accommodations on New Soviet Plane
An interesting photo, showing the arrangement of accommodations in the new Soviet army two-seater
plane. Berths are arranged below the wings as shown. In recent tests, 16 persons were carried in this man
ner, including pilot and co-pilot.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
' T :
1_Dr. Frcderico Laredo Bru being sworn in as president of Cuba, following the ousting of President
Miguel Gomez. 2—Leon Trotzky, former Soviet leader who has been given on exile haven in Mexico. 3 Chi
nese National army that threatened civil war before the release of kidnaped Marshal Chiang Kai-shek.
Ruth Slenczynski, eleven-year-old
prodigy of the piano, who, when she
made her debut in New York at the
age of eight, could barely reach the
pedals of the piano, is shown above
as she stretches her fingers—two
notes over an octave,
Wins Chicken-Eating Championship
Using a two-handed, harmonica style technique with devastating ef
fect, Mrs. Edna Mae Potter is pictured as she ate her way to win the
Los Angeles county champion chicken eater trophy, feature of a poultry
show. Consuming 45 pounds of a roaster-dressing combination, she de
feated four men for the prize.
Madamoiselles Vie in Cross Country Race
Shapes of all sizes, blondes and brunettes, tall and svelte, short and stumpy—the annual cross country
race at St. Cloud, near Paris, France recently was open to all. Here you see the field charging over a stretch
of rough terrain. Mile. Fanchon was the victor.
Winners of Rhodes Scholarships
Congratulations are in order and the four lucky ones felicitate each
other as the camera clicks. They are four collegians selected for Rhodes
scholarships from the middle Atlantic district. Standing are Harvey Well
man (left), of Perry, N. Y., student at Cornell university, and Nelson
Leonard, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., a student at Lehigh. Sitting—Robert Hart
man, of Plainfield, N. J., attending Yale, and James R. Gardner, of
Baltimore, I Id., of Swarthmora.
75th Birthday of
Finnish President
Widely Celebrated
President Pchr Evind Svinhufvud
of Finland whose seventy-fifth birth
day was celebrated throughout the
country with great enthusiasm re
cently. He was hailed as the father
of his country and praised for mak
ing a protracted fight for the consti
tutional rights of Finland against
; czarist Russian oppression.
Ask Me Another
A General Quiz
© Hell Syndicate.—VVNU Service.
Coins, Old and New
1. What was a piece of eight?
2. What was a doubloon?
3. From what former German
coin does the word dollar come?
4. In what country is the lira the
monetary unit?
5. What part of a franc is a
6. How does “d” come to be the
abbreviation for the British pen
7. What large British dominion
uses the United States monetary
8. What is a double-eagle?
9. What was a napoleon?
10. Which has the higher value,
the guinea or the pound?
1. A Spanish silver coin worth
eight reals.
2. A Spanish gold coin worth
about $8.
3. The Thaler.
4. Italy.
5. One one-hundredth.
6. From denarius, a Homan
7. Canada.
8. A $20 gold piece.
9. A French gold coin, worth 20
10. The guinea.
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
The Road of Truth
There may exist different con
ceptions of beauty; everyone has
his own personal opinion, but
there can be no question about
the truth of the feeling of beauty.
That is real and palpable. There
can be no two truths, and from
this I recognized that there is only
one road that leads to the attain
ment of beauty. That road is
Truth. — Feodor Chaliapin, in
“Man and Mask.”
Dr. Fierro's Favorite Presrrlptlon Is a
tonic which has been helping women
of all ages for nearly 70 years. Adv.
Being in Tune
All one’s life is music if one
touches the notes rightly and in
Feels like a ,
new woman now
Why suffer with muscular pains ot rheumatism,
neuralgia, lumbago, or chest cold? Thousand*
say Hamlins Wizard Oil brings quick relief to
aching legs, arms, chest, neck, back. Just rub it
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Pleasant odor. Will not stain clothes. At all
Great Men
The best teachers of humanity
are the lives of great men.—Fow
Don't Sleep
on Left Side,
Crowds Heart
If you tots In bed and can't sleep on
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Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and
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Give your bowels a REAL cleansing
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Absolutely Silent. Guaranteed against breakage
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1810-14 Cherry St. Kansas City, Mo.
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Milnesia, the original milk of magnesia
in wafer form, neutralizes stomach acid.
Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk
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