The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 31, 1936, Image 7

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    Lindbergh and Eckener at British Pilots’ Dinner
Scene at the BritishvEmpire Air Pilots guild dinner held at the Innholders’ hall in London recently in honor
of Capt. F. E. Guest, C. B. E. Showing, left to right: Capt. Guest; Dr. Eckener; A. C. Lamplugh, deputy
master; and Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. Dr. Eckener flew from Germany to attend the dinner. Capt. Guest
is a former air secretary of Great Britain.
___ .
Alfred Pfeiffer, former salesman,
| whose invention of a machine to
f cover plants with paper coats on
the approach of freezing weather is
seen as a boon to winter truck farm
ers. Pfeiffer, a native of Comfort,
Texas, got the idea for the machine
in 1932 and worked to perfect it un
til last summer.
She May Wear the Crown of England
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Recent photograph of Princess Elizabeth, ten-year-old daughter of
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of England. With the ascent of
her father to the throne on the recent abdication of King Edward VIII
she is next in line. Should she eventually ascend the throne, she will
wear the crown last worn by Queen Victoria.
K Solons Gather for Congress Opening
Vice President John N. Garner and U. S. Senator James Hamilton
Lewis of Illinois, whip of the senate, are seen conferring over plans
for the opening of the new Seventy-fifth congress.
Kennard E. Goldsmith, twenty
three - year - old mayor of Ports
mouth, N. H., said to be the young
est municipal executive in the
United States. Young Goldsmith, a
college graduate, was elected on
the Republican ticket in the No
vember landslide, defeating the
| Democratic incumbent.
Tennis Helps Keep Movie Beauties Slender
Under the expert instruction of Dick Skeen, filmdom’s favorite tennis pro, film beauties of Hollywood
take daily lessons, for the purpose of keeping their perfect figures. Left to right: Betty Jane Rhodes. Mar
tha O’Driscoll, Barbara Read, Nan Grey, film beauties, shown with tennis instructor, Dick Skeen, as they learn
the fine points of tennis.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Georges Bonnet, former minister of finance, now slated to become French ambassador to the United
States. 2—Ceremonies in London at which the Duke of York was officially proclaimed King George VI of Eng
land. 3—Generalissimo Chiang-Kai-shek of China who was recently kidnaped by rival war lords.
Chicago's “Perfect*’ Driving School |
Models of street intersections with dense traffic are used to teach
traffic regulations to students at the safe driving school of Lane Tech
nical high school.
Former King Edward VIII of
England who abdicated his throne
that he might marry Mrs. Wallis
Warfield Simpson, former Baltimore
beauty. Edward was succeeded by
his brother the Duke of York.
Arthur H. Kent, of Chicago, who
was recently sworn in by Secretary
Morgenthau, as new assistant gen
eral counsel of the Treasury depart
ment. He fills the office made
vacant by the recent resignation of
Clayton M. Turney.
Cage Season Calls College Stars
With basketball succeeding football in the interest of athletic fans,
leading college and university fives are entering a strenuous season.
Photograph shows Coach Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg of Northwestern uni
versity, Evanston, 111., as he diagrams plays for his first string squad.
Left to right, standing, are: Voights, Trankle, McMichaels, Smith and
Night Turned Into Day on Golden Gate Span
The world’s largest sodium lighting installation, the first completed section of the Golden Gate bridge to
Oakland, looking toward San Francisco from Yerba Buena island. Nine hundred and twenty-four sodium
lights, the equivalent of 35 full moons makes the highway so bright that car headlights are unnecessary.
Here's a Smart Rug
That's Easy to Make
Pattern 5699
Just a simple square, repeated
and joined together forms this
smart rug. You’ll love doing the
colorful squares in varied colors,
and, in no time at all, you’ll have
enough completed to make this
stunning rug. Here’s one way to
turn useless rags into something
worthwhile, though rug wool or
candlewicking may also be used.
Done in Germantown the
squares would make a handsome
cushion or chair set. In pattern
5699 you will find complete instruc
tions and charts for making the
square shown; an illustration of
it and of the stitches needed; ma
terial requirements.
To obtain this pattern send IS
cents in stamps or coins (coins
preferred) to The Sewing Circl*
Household Arts Dept., 259 W.
Fourteenth street, New York, N. Y.
Write plainly pattern number,
your name and address.
i n
Add chopped pickks, pimientoes
and olives to regular cabbage
salad and you will concoct a tasty
relish suitable to serve with fish,
fowl or meat.
• • *
Try cleaning denim chairs with
moist bread one day old. The end
pieces will hold together best. Win
dow shades and rugs can also be
cleaned by rubbing with bread.
* * •
A cracked egg can be boiled If
the shell is first rubbed with lemon
juice. The acid coagulates the al
bumin and prevents it from cook
ing out of the crack.
• • o
To clean the railing of bannis
ters, wash off all the dirt with
soap and water, and when dry rub
with two parts of linseed oil and
one part turpentine. A good rub
bing will bring up the polish as if
the rails had been repolished.
• * •
A little salt added to an egg
before beating makes it light and
easier to beat.
© Associated Newspapers.—WNU Service.
Got Quick
By Rubbing
Muscles were so
Bore she could
hardly toucntnetn. usea namnna wizara
Oil and found wonderful relief. Just
rubbed it on and rubbed it in. Thousands
eay Hamlins Wizard Oil works wonders
for stiff, aching muscles. Why suffer? Get
a bottle for speedy comfort. Pleasant odor.
Will not stain clothes. At all druggists.
A Sure Index of Value
... is knowledge of a
manufacturer's name and
what it stands for. It is
the most certain method,
except that of actual
use, for judging the
value of any manufac
tured goods. Here is the
■ only guarantee against
careless workmanship or
Buy use of shoddy materials.
! _ _ . ■
All $reet musicians
we s^re told
Hwe suffered more
thfcn most folks do.
And now I hfcve. to
practise. ^ct-Ies
1 realize
th'zx.t this
is true.