The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 31, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 4
The Frontier B. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Bntercd at the PoStofftce at O'Neiil, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25 SHIELDS Thirty-five friends were enter tained at the Christmas party Fri day eevning, Dec. 25, at the Pete Walnofer home seven miles east of Mtnart on Sand creek. The Wal tofer family lived in this neighbor hood for several years and on this occasion the old time friends were ail included. The dinner was pre pared by women who point to their Hfcmilies as evidence of their skill m the culinary art. The menu in cluded not only superb luciously roasted turkey but dressing par excellence, appetizers, vegetables and other incidentals to a supper -yon will remember as a meal you have enjoyed away from home. There were numerous activities of an educational nature to give the young people an enjoyable holiday. A cafeteria style supper was served about 7:30 followed by a program by the school children from various districts that was enjoyed by the audience. I will repeat the Christ mas wish: “May your heart be gay as the silver bells and gay your laughter too. May all that you <io in the coming year bring only joy to you. May the Infant smile from his little crib give you strength anew; may he fill your soul with joy untold. This is our wish to you." An exciting moment was the ar rival of Santa Claus who distribut ed gifts to all those present, nick nacks of all discription. He gave a short farewell address to the. child ren and proved that he was a clever orator with a resourceful mind, making a fine impression on the children that really know there is a (Continued on page 5, column 7.) SON S JoTtO To wish you health and happiness I And all the season’s cheer With everything that's best in life Throughout the coming year. SETH NOBLE Lumber, Coal and Paint r _ - BEST WISHES FOR 1937 — -- We feel richer in the friendships I made and strengthened in 1936. | May we express our appreciation to all of you. O’Neill National Bank K>\ * Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Ch It / ^ iO'.tU. eason...< In 1937—. We shall strive anew to merit your friendship and good will. JOHNSON DRUGS FREE DELIVERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Happy New Year! And we mean it in every way. GRIFFEN SMART SHOPPE miiYjmii Greetings to All as We Welcome 1937. BORDSON STYLE SHOP • '(fT We look forward to 1937 and the opportunity to be of friendly service to you again. ELKHORN CABIN CAMP & SERVICE STATION D-X Gas and Oil /cS kf" 1937 • ■ 1 ' • if;'. !VJ s«. Happy New Year and may a world of happiness go with your success in 1937. V, . . . * ‘ >V -*4 ? ■ - *'• witr _ ' -u . ., Jj>• Armour Creameries ** *|‘U; v# ^bilrf * ■ ' • I ;*H‘V Words cannot express our appre ciation of your many favors, so we have resolved that every day of 1937 will be but new opportunities to show our gratitude by even greater service. i ' • I l • Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. , C. E. LUNDGREN, Sec.-Treas. Art Barnes, Salesman Milt Albright, Salesman Leonard Leidy, Serviceman Melvin Kurtz, Serviceman Aiva wincneii, umce Manager M. J. Connolly, serviceman Clarence Angster, Service Manager I ! BEST" WISHES ■ -‘.i Wishing you Greater Prosperity, More Success, Every Happiness in 1937. :1 '■ ri. <:.w; ' f- iift,; “ ' ‘l ; .• T.M. Harrington Harness and Shoe Repair * 11» •: v *WPY L VIEW A YEAR MARGARET’S BEAUTY SHOPPE « The best of New Year’s wishes to the best of friends. ■■■i. — .. -i dM. The repetition of many years but strengthens the deep sincerity of our New Year’s wishes for your happiness and success. GILLESPIE RADIO SERVICE i^qUu? VearVT/^ ^g37Qvtet'it\^J A sincere and hearty greeting bearing good wishes for happiness all year. BOEHME’S APPAREL SHOPPE am yeah's Let us thank you for your friend ship in 1916 and pledge again our I'est in 1937. Farmer’s Union Elevator Co. W. A. ELLIS, Manager .y.v ffiAPir 2pW.Yt.4R vfewT7.".* •; ^ . » In the New Year’s Inventory we value no item more highly than your friendship. And in appreciation we extend our greetings and best wishes. BROiun •m<ponflLD C. B. YARNALL, Mgr. Keep Your Old Friends Together on a Photograph. i •! O’Neill Photo Company Here’s hoping 1937 Comes laden with happiness for you. As you face 1937— Know you have our sinceTest wishes for Health, Happiness and Success. Harty Laundry Laundry and Dry Cleaning