(First publication Dec. 10, 1936.) LEGAL NOTICE All persons interested in the estate of Edith Prouty Prichard, Deceased, both creditors and heirs, are notified that on December 8, 1936, Helen Prouty Adamson filed a petition in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, alleging that Edith Prouty Prichard, a resident of the county of Jackson, State of Missouri, died intestate on December 6, 1934, seized of an estate of inheritance in the follow ing described real estate; The Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 31, Range 9, situated in Holt County, State of Nebraska; that no application has been made for the appointment of an admin istrator for her estate; that Ira C. Prichard, the husband of said de ceased, is the sole heir of said de cedent; that the prayer of the petition is, “Your petitioner there fore prays that a decree of said court be made and entered determ ining that said Ira C. Prichard is the sole heir of said Edith Prouty Prichard; that the degree of kin ship is that of husband, and that the above described estate of in heritance shall descend to him." You are notified that said petit ion will he heard December 31, A. D., 1936, at !« o’clock A. M., in the County Court Room in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska. C. J. MALONE, County Judge. (County Court Seal.) 30-3 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the relationships between the under signed and George S. Agnes for the MISCELLANEOUS YOUR FAVORITE NEWSPAPER AND FOUR FAMOUS MAGA ZINES AT AN AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE -The WORLD HERALD Daily and Sunday for six months, with Better Homes and Gardens, Pictorial Review, Screen Play and IVue Confessions, all for only $4.70. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! thru this office. 31-2 THE greatest family of “funnies” folks ever assembled—30 comics in full colors; “Popeye—Skippy— Maggie and Jiggs"—Road them all, in the Sunday OMAHA BEE NEWS. Subscribe TODAY! thru this office. 28tf I HAVE eastern mancy to loan on farms and ranches. I also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Ncbr. 2tf LOST AND FOUND REWARD for return gray men’s leather gloves (Gift) left on sta tionery counter BenBranklin store Tuesday afternoon.—B. II. Graff, or this office. 32-1 LOST—Box of baby cloths 6 miles northeast of O’Neill on Opportun ity highway, on Dec. 10.—Peter Weber, Sunset Lodge, O’Neill. Ip LOST. Pair gold rimmed glasses in green case, fitted,by Dr. French, Page. Reward. Leave at this office. 31-2p FOR RENT ROOMS, Unfurnished. — Maude Rouse, O’Neill. 31-2p WANTED TO BUY WHEN you have butcher staff, either hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart’s Market. 48-tf FOR bale; WHITE Enamel kitchen Cabinet, good condition.—Ten McElhaney. HOUSES AND LOTS—Phone 82.— C. F. McKenna. 31-2p BALED HAY.-tK. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. ?> 12-tf HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN | Chiropractor Phone 147 | Half Block South of the Ford : Garage—West Side of Street Diamond—Watches—Jcwelery jj Expert Watch Repairing O. M. Herre—Jeweler 1| In Reardon Drug Store W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 j O’Neill :: Nebraska ij mwncmimmmnmttfflmmmmi naxxtxmxxmmtmmmmmmttmtt” DR.J.P. BROWN j Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 i mawmmtwammmawmmmtffl operation of a lumber yard at O’Neill, Nebraska, under the name of “Set