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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1936)
..„.v I 1 The Frontier VOL. LVII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936. No. 38 The Frontier SALES PAVILLION HERE WILL SOON BE READY TO USE Well Is Ready And With Good Weather the Pavillion Will k Be Done In A Week. _ Work on the sale pavillion is progressing rapidly and if fair weather continues another week the building should be about completed. Mr. Putnam informed us Wednes day morning that there were thirty men on the job that day and things were just humming. The sinking of the well has been completed and / with the completion of the pavillion I the sale pavillion officials will be in shape to have their first auction shortly after the first of the year. O’Neill is the logical point for a good sales pavillion and we predict that it will be a success here. It has better railroad facilities than any other town in the county and is on three main highways so that it is easily accessable either by rail or truck. All citizens of the city are hoping that the fondest dreams of the projectors of the sale ring will be realized. OK Received From L. I. Frisbie On 4-H Clubs for Raising Feeder Calves Several agricultural agents met in Atkinson last week for district conferences with 4-H club officials while their plans were tentatively adopted for 4-H feeder calf clubs. This seems to be a start in the right direction as many Holt county boys and girls should be given all possible assistance in raising, judg ing and appreciating good feeder cattle. Briefly the plan is for 4-H club members to select a steer calf in the spring. This calf is to be broke to lead, taught to eat oats or cotton cake in the summer and fall by creep feeding and finally weaned, fitted and shown as a 4-H feeder calf. The calf could then be sold or retained for a 4-H fat calf the next year. This is a practical club for Holt county boys and girls and an ex cellent method of advertising our fine feeder cattle. Now is the time of year to get the club organized and ready to go. See your agri cultural agent or nearest 4-H club leader as soon as possible. Miss Mary Finley A Guest of Honor Miss Joan Finley, O’Neill, a * junior in the university college of Creighton university, was a guest of honor last week as Kappa Zeta Kappa, Creighton social sorority, inaugurated a series of Yuletide parties for its rushees here. A lunch was served buffet style at the Fontenelle hotel as the girls were entertained. l|y\ged Attorney of Stuart Is Dead J. A. Rice, an attorney of Stuart, passed away at the Stuart hospital on Sunday evening, Dec. 13, 1936, at the age of 85 years. Mr. Rice was one of the pioneer settlers of the county, locating at Stuart in the spring of 1882 and had practiced law there for over fifty years. He was afflicted, with blindness for several years and the past two and a half years he had been a resid ent of the Stuart hospital. He was a splendid man and had a host of friends in the western part of the county and among the old time residents of this section. Cattle And Hogs Both Show Slight Boom In Sale Ring At Atkinson Atkinson Livestock Market Report, Tuesday, December 22. Hogs. Receipts 340 Head. An especially good market on fat hogs and heavy feeder pigs. Top fat hogs at 9.45 to 9.60. Top on sows at 9.00 to 9.35; heavy feeder pigs at 8.00 to 9.00; pigs weighing 50 to 100 pounds at 6.00 to 7.75. Cattle. Receipts 435 head. A strong market fully 25 cents higher on all classes, except stock cows. Best yearlings in load lots at 6.60 to 6.80; a few fleshy ones on up to 7.75; fair to good yearlings at 5.50 to 6.25; common yearlings at 4.00 to 5.00; steers calves at 6.00 to 7.15; heifer calves at 5.00 to 6.00; red and roan calves at 4.50 to 5.50; yearling heifers at 4.00 to 5.00; heavy fleshy heifers up to 6.00; canners at 2.95 to 3.10; cutter cows at 3.25 to 4.00; bulls at 3.25 to 4.50; milk cows at 35.00 to 45.00 a head; two year old heifers at 30.00 to 35.00 a head. Next cattle and hog sale Tuesday, Dec. 29. Special horse auction on Tuesday, Jan. 11. Hay Moving Out of County In Large Loads Truckers from Madison, Pierce, Stanton and Cuming counties are in the city about every day hauling loads of Holt county hay down into their counties to feed their stock thru the winter. Altho from fifteen to twenty truck loads of hay have been going out of this city every day since last August they say that there is still ample hay in the county to feed all the stock in our less fortunate counties, as well as having enough for all Holt county stock. Outside Work On P. O. Building Nears Finish Work on the new postoffice build ing has moved along rapidly the past two weeks. The nice weather has enabled the workmen to get further along with their work than they had anticipated. Tuesday the cement walk was laid on the east side of the building. When they get the windows installed they will be able to finish the interior of the building during the next couple of months. GRATTAN PROJECT CLUB The Grattan Project Club met at the home of Mrs. Ed Leach on Tuesday, Dec. 15. Thirteen mem bers responded to roll call. Four guests were present. A very in teresting lesson on “Fitting the Dress,” was given by the leaders. A sumptuous turkey dinner was served at noon. The table was beautifully decorated in the Yule tide spirit. Special credit should be given to the social leaders for a very fine program which was given soon after dinner. Santa Claus arrived early and presented each of the ladies with a lovely gift. Plans were made to enter tain the ladies husbands at a New Years party to be held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wolf. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Miller. Basketball Schedules of O’Neill’s Schools Following is the basket-ball schedule for St. Mary’s Academy for the 1936-7 season: Dec. 8—Inman at O’Neill. Dec. 11—Orchard at Orchard. Dec. 13—Norfolk at Norfolk. Dec. 18—Long Pine at O’Neill. Dec. 29 or 30—Stuart at O’Neill. Jan. 5—Page at O’Neill. Jan. 8—Ewing at Ewing. Jan. 10—Norfolk at O’Neill. Jan. 12—Orchard at O’Neill. Jan. 15—Bristow at Bristow. Jan. 19—Ewing at O’Neill Jan. 24—Spalding at O’Neill. Jan. 29—Inman at Inman. Feb. 2—Page at Page. Feb. 5—O’Neill High here. Feb. 9—Long Pine at Long Pine. Feb. 12—Bristow at Bristow. Feb. 16—Butte at O’Neill. Feb. 21—Spalding at Spalding. Feb. 26—O’Neill High here. Following is the 1936-37 basket ball schedule of the O'Neill high school: Dec. 10—Bristow at O’Neill Dec. 15—Bassett at Bassett Dec. 22—Anoka at O’Neill Jan. 5—Spencer at Spencer Jan. 8—Atkinson at O’Neill Jan. 15—Inman at Inman Jan. 22—Stuart at O’Neill Jan. 29—Butte at O’Neill Feb. 2—Inman at O’Neill Feb. 5.—St. Mary’s at O’Neill Feb. 8—Page at O’Neill Feb. 12—Atkinson at Atkinson Feb. 16—Elgin at Elgin Feb. 19—Butte at Butte Feb. 23—Page at Page Feb. 26—St. Mary’s at St. Mary’s March 2—Spencer at O’Neill McClurg Is President of County Superintendents County Superintendent Clarence J. McClurg drove to Lincoln last Monday to attend the annual con vention of the county superintend ents of the state, held in that city Tuesday and Wednesday. At this convention the county superintend ent of Holt county waB honored by being elected president of the association for the ensuing year. Congratulations, Mr. McClurg. Clifford Mahin, of Bassett, and Miss Marie Collamar, of Atkinson, were granted a marriage license in county court last Monday. DEATH TAKES ONE OF HOLT COtJNTY’S OLDEST PIONEERS Funeral, Services Will Be Held At Page Today For Robert Gray, Page’s Old** Merchant Robert Gray died at his home in Page Tuesday morning about 10:16 of ailments due to advanced years, at the age of 89 years, 9 months and 12 days. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Methodist church at Page, Rev. Ca mody officiating and burial in the Page cemetery. Robert Gray Was bom at Tren ton, N. J., on March 10, 1847. On Oct. 10, 1868, he was united in marriage to Orilla Hunter, the ceremony being performed at De Sota, Wis. Four children were born of this union, one son and three daughters, all of whom, with his aged and loving wife are left to mourn the passing of a kind and affectionate husband and father. The children are: John and Dora, of Page, Mrs. Nellie Stevens, of At kinson, and Mrs. Elsie Wagers of Lodi, Calif. He also leaves sixteen grandchildren and five great grand children. Robert Gray moved to this county in the spring of 1880 and took a homestead adjoining what is now the little city of Page and resided there continuously for over fifty-six years, coming to this county from Polk county, Nebraska. A large colony came to this county at that time from Polk county and we believe that Mrs. Gray is about the only survivor of that little band who settled in the vicinity of what is now the village of Page in 1880. Robert Gray was a splendid citizen, a good husband and father and a loyal neighbor and friend. He farmed for several years and then was engaged in the mercantile business for many years, in each of which ventures he was a success. During his active business life he always took an interest in the civic affairs of the county as well as those of his home town and he was held in such high esteem by his neighbors and fellow men that he was the natural leader of the resid ents of that particular section of the county. He was recognized as a stalwart and upright citizen, a man who was a credit to any city or community. State’s Accident Record There were 260 accidents in the state for the week finding Dec. 12, in which 146 people were injured, one disabled and 16 deaths. As is usually the case automobile accid ents led the list with a total of 106 accidents, in which 86 people were injured, one disabled and eight deaths. There were 97 other public accidents in which 27 people were injuied and 5 deathes. In agricul ture employment there were 19 accidents in which 17 were injured and 2 deaths. In industry employ ment there were 13 accidents in which 5 were injured and no deaths. There were 26 home accidents in which 11 people were injured and one death. These figures are pre pared by the Nebraska Press as sociation and the state superin tendent of public instruction. Youth Sentenced to Industrial School Robert Oldberding, 15, of Stuart, was before Judge Dickson in Juv enile court last Saturday on the charge of delinquency. The charge was sustained and he was sent by the court to the reform school at Kearney, there to remain until he reaches the age of 21 years. Dep uty Sheriff Bergstrom took him to Kearney last Sunday morning. Senator Norbeck of South Dakota Dies United States Senator Peter Norbeck, of South Dakota, died last Sunday at his home in Redfield, at the age of 66 years. Senator Nor beck had represented South Dakota in the national congress for the past fifteen years, and was one of the few republican senators elected in the democratic landslide of 1932. His term would have ended in December, 1938. There is quite a scramble now in our sister state for the vacancy caused by the Senator’s death. Governor Tom Berry, who was de cidedly defeated at the last election by his republican opponent, accord ing to the daily press, is thinking of resigning the office from which he would retire on Jan. 5, 1937, and let the lieutenant governor become governor of the state and then to appoint Berry as United States senator to fill the unexpired term of the deceased senator. The lieutenant governor, a demo crat, was arrested last Saturday charged with the misappropriation of funds of the First National bank of Centerville, of which he was president. A shortage of $170,000 is claimed in the funds of the bank. The mix-up promises a political re volt in our sister state. Trees Conserve Moisture and Supplant Snow Fence The possibility of establishing narrow strips of trees in fields to take the place of slat snow fences was advanced this week by Earl G. Maxwell, junior extension forester at the Nebraska college of agri culture. Chinese Elm, Russian Olive, Russian Mulberry or Ever greens might be used in the plant ing. In word to the Holt county farm bureau office, the forester called at tention to the fact that the state highway department erects 732 miles of snow fence along state highways each year at a consider able cost to the state. One eastern county alone uses 80 miles of snow fence at a cost of $3,500 annually for just putting it up and taking it down. Successful establishment of strip planting of trees would take the place of this snow fence and result in saving of considerable expense to the state and counties. Such strips after a few years would also protect crops against hot southern winds. Maxwell ulso advised farmers to consider erecting a snow fence which would serve to pile snow onto the area to be planted to trees next spring. This might be the means of adding several inches of precip itation to the area where it will be most needed. Many farmers have been success ful in establishing wonderful wind breaks as a result of such practice. After a few years the trees them selves catch the moisture, hold it and build up subsoil moisture. Four-year-old O’Neill Boy Dies of Pneumonia In A Norfolk Hospital Jerry Bergstrom, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Berg strom of this city, died at the Luth eran hospital in Norfolk yesterday afternoon of a ten day illness of pneumonia. The body was brought to this city last night and the fun eral will be held Thursday morning at 10 o’clock from the Methodist church. The little boy became sick about ten days ago and not improving his parents took him to Norfolk last Saturday evening for medical treatment, but the disease had se cured too firm a hold and he passed away Tuesday afternoon. The sor rowing parents have the sympathy of their many friends in their hour of sorrow. Livestock Will Do Much Better Thru Winter If Fed Protein Supplement Confronted with a peculiar and difficult feeding problem, some Holt county farmers are reporting some disappointment where they have been only feeding their cattle en silage. Lacking protein, they have not done exceedingly well. The addition of a protein sup plement to such a ration helps con siderably, it was pointed out at the Holt county farm bureau office The use of one and one-half pounds cottonseed cake or three and one half pounds of alfalfa and one-half pound cake helps the ration. With protein supplements relatively low in price in comparison with other feeds, farmers are finding it wise to use them more generously than usual. The protein helps produce more rapid gains and develops more thriftiness. Where only cottonseed cake is being used to supplement the ra tion, there should be a mineral mix ture given the cattle to balance the ration. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend sineerest thanks to all our friends for their many kindnesses since the death of our mother.— The Claussen family. John Connolly and E. J. O’Hern spent Sunday visiting friends in Grand Island. SANTA BRINGS JOY TO KIDDIES WITH CANDY AND NUTS Hundreds of Children Gather For Distribution Tuesday of 1,40ft Hags of Xmas Sweets. Santa Claus made his apparance in the city last Tuesday afternoon promptly at 2 o’clock to the an— preme joy of the Kiddies of this city and. the surrounding territory, who had gathered several hundred strong to give old Santa a proper welcome. About 1:30 the O’Neill High school band appeared at the tree and rendered some inspiring and appropriate music and the Academy Glee club rendered Christmas car ols, to the delight of the hundreds of youngsters and several hundred of the older folks who packed the sidewalks in every direction. It was a lovely day and the young sters will long remember the people of this city who made the tree and gifts possible. Accompanied by the screeching of the siren Mayor Kersenbrock, who represented Santa Claus, en tered the shed of the Noble lumber yard where the little folks had as sembled to receive their gifts from Santa, which they received as they passed thru from rear to front of the building. An estimate of the crowd of young folks present can be estimated from the fact that. Santa gave away 1,400 sacks of candy and the same amount of nuts, and for the next few hours you could see little folks walking the streets all over town and they were all eating candy or nuts and all were happy. Transferred To A Minnesota Office Bruce Rummel, who has been an employee of the Interstate Power company in their offices here for several years, has been transferred to Crookston, Minn., and he and Mrs. Rummel will leave for their new home right after Christmas. At Crookston he takes the position now held by Russell Bowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowen of this city who is being transferred to Bemidji, Minn. O’Neill friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Rummel hap piness and prosperity in their new home. Next Coyote Hunt Dec. 27 The next coyote hunt in north central Holt county will be held Sunday, Dec. 27. Everyone meet at the D. H. Hansen farm 4 miles straight east of Midway at 1:30 in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney moved into their new home on the corner of Sixth and Benton streets last Saturday. Miss Helen Toy, who is teaching at Cedar Rapids, Nebr., came home last Friday night to spend the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Toy.