The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 17, 1936, Image 2

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arbund the
Carter Field ■
Washington.—It Just so happens
that not a single political prediction
ever made to Washington newspaper
men—in the memory of the oldest
of them—by Senator James Hamil
ton Lewis has ever gone sour. The
remarkable political record of Lew
is, who was a representative in con
gress from Washington when the
Spanish war was declared, and who
has now been elected to his third
term in the sci ate from the nor
mally Republican state of Illinois,
would indicate some political judg
ment. His uncanny predictions
prove it.
Twenty years ago. when the Su
preme court ruled the Mann white
slave act constitutional but pointed
out the grotesque absurdity of its
wording, many thought the act
would be amended. Lewis predict
ed then that not only would the act
never be amended, but that the re
porter questioning him would never
live to see an amendment even in
troduced! He Is right so far.
But now the Illinois senator pre
dicts that no constitutional amend
ment will be proposed to the states
by this session of congress, and
also predicts the cutting of federal
expenditures sufficiently, in time, to
balance the budget.
Incidentally, he did not predict
the defeat of the St. Lawrence sea
way treaty, should it be submitted
again, but he left little doubt that
he would continue to oppose it. Ap
parently Chicago continues more in
terested in the drainage canal get
ting all the water from Lake Michi
gan desired than in any dream of
becoming a world port.
But the big surprise, to many ob
servers, is the prediction that no
constitutional amendment will be
submitted. The senator believes that
business itself is taking care of the
problem that NRA attacked. He
hinted, therefore, that a revival of
NRA by the government would be
Without a constitution.” I amend
ment, however, most lawyers be
lieve the objects involved in ad
ministration policy with respect to
control of hours and wages are un
attainable, so far as the federal gov
ernment is concerned.
Seek NRA Substitute
It Is pointed out that no mere
“packing” of the Supreme court
would be sufficient to bring about
a favorable decision on anything go
ing far enough to attain the objec
tives. The decision of the high court
in the NRA case was unanimous.
Which means that even Justices
Louis D. Brandeis and Benjamin N.
Cardozo concurred. It is not with
in the realm of possibility, many
lawyers think, that justices more
“liberal” than these two could be
appointed, and confirmed, as jus
tices of the Supreme court.
All of which is highly interesting
in view of the present rush for po
sition and credit in the drive to get
something to substitute for NRA.
Notably, for example, the meeting
called by George L. Berry. Notably
the maneuverings of Hugl S. John
son and Donald R. Richberg. Not
ably the forthright declarations of
most labor leaders, from William
Green and John L. Lewis down.
The interesting point here is that
Senator Lewis knows about all these
moves, realizes the pressure behind
them, and th • personal ambitions of
these individuals. Nevertheless the
once pink - whiskered soothsayer
opines that no constitutional amend
ment will even be submitted!
Senator Lewis does not disclose all
his reasoning. His comment that
business is doing the same things
for itself is not sufficient and he
knows it perfectly well. But he also
knows that the vote that re-elected
Franklin D. Roosevelt was not nec
essarily a vote for NRA or for any
other detail. He knows that Roose
velt would have won an overwhelm
ing endorsement if he had declared
that he did not want NRA back.
And he knows that there are various
ways of killing geese.
Hoover the Leader
Herbert Hoover may consider
himself the real leader of the Re
publican party. He is its only living
ex-President. Governor Alf M. Lan
don may feel that he is entitled to
be regarded as head of the G. O. P.
until the next national Republican
convention. He still has the stamp
of approval of its last session. But
the fact is that any rivalry between
the two is merely grist for the mills
of James A. Farley and Charles
Michels on.
It Is perfectly true that the two
men do not like each other. Their
meetings during the campaign were
strained ard uncomfortable affairs.
Amusing stories have been told of
the time when the newspaper men
at Topeka gave a dinner for Gover
nor Landon and Hoover appeared
as an added starter. It was not a
jovial evening.
For the present it might be con
sidered that Landon has a decided
advantage in that his appointee.
John D. M. Hamilton, is still chair
man of the Republican national
committee. But there are beveral
phases to that Certainly there were
indications—towards the close of the
campaign—that Hamilton regarded
his own judgment as better than
that of his candidate, and acted on
it As a further indication of Ham
ilton’s line of thought, there was
the answer he made to a question
at the National Press club, early
in September: “That’s why I sent
him (Landon) to Maine.”
So that it is just possible that
Hamilton, flushed with the enthu
siastic reception of his own cam
paign speeches, and realizing his
chief's lack of oratorical ability,
may be figuring that he and not
the governor is the real "titular
leader" of the party at the mo
Reason for Friction
There is plenty of reason for the
friction that was so obvious during
the campaign between Hoover and
Landon. And it was far less the
fault of Landon or Hamilton or any
of the lesser lights in that camp
than Hoover and his lieutenants be
For example, take the matter of
speeches. A speech for Hoover is
an ordeal, to be endured only as
a means to an end. The man suf
fers when he speaks before an au
dience. After all these years he
has never developed that love of
the sound of his own voice which
su afflicts most orators — United
States senators and representatives
But there is no doubt that he
made the real speech at the Cleve
land convention. And he can be for
given if he overestimated his own
strength in gauging the demonstra
tion that followed.
So, consumed with a sense of out
raged justice against Franklin D.
Roosevelt and the New Deal, Hoov
er wanted to put his shoulder to
the Landon wheel—not to help Lan
don but to hurt Roosevelt.
But—it quickly developed that
there were practically no communi
ties in which the local Republican
leaders were not actually afraid
to have Hoover come. They thought
his mere presence would do more
harm than good, no matter how
good his speeches might be. And
they made no bones of telling the
Republican speakers’ bureau what
they thought.
Shorter Hours
The cause of shorter hours
marches on. In fact, with General
Motors fixing forty hours as the
maximum before overtime begins,
with Chrysler close behind, with
Ford long since on the five - day
eight-hour week, it can be said that
the forty-hour week is really estab
lished—will soon be standard.
The chief argument against the
thirty-hour week, when that mea
sure was advocated so strongly in
congress two years ago, was that
it would be impossible to maintain
the present American standard of
living, much less to advance it, if
hours of work were made so short.
The point was that it was thought
impossible for the workers to pro
duce enough necessities and luxu
ries to maintain the present stand
ards unless they put in more than
thirty hours a week.
Another point was that a thirty
hour week would disrupt manufac
turing methods in so many indus
trial plants.
But when these arguments were
made, and the retort was made,
"How about a compromise?" the
answer always was that there must
not be any imposition of a legisla
tive strait-jacket upon business.
Strangely enough, now that pros
perity is returning, developments
seem to Justify the employers’ ar
gument at the time—though with a
little more progress the arguments,
all suve the idea of doing the thing
by law. may be made to seem a
little silly.
There are a good many objec
tions to doing the thing by law, some
of them theoretical and logical, and
some of them highly personal.
An Old Story
Beyond any doubt, for example,
it is not fear of any short-hours law
which influenced the motor makers
to cut hours without cutting pay.
In the first place, this gradual short
ening of hours and increasing the
purchasing value of wages per hour
has been going on since power was
first applied to looms in England.
There have been plenty of growing
pains—strikes, bloodshed, lockouts
and depressions. But the progress
has been steady, with speed gradu
ally increasing. It was only four
teen years ago that the steel mills
worked most of their hands twelve
hours a day, holding that any
change was irreconcilable with con
tinuous production. But in 1923 they
vent to eight-hour shifts.
Besides the continuous and nev
er ending pressure of progress, how
ever, there are some added ele
ments this year. In the first place,
the motor industry is concerned
about John L. Lewis’ determination
to unionize it. There is little doubl
that they want to remove every self
ish object possible from the work
er’s viewpoint for joining a C. I. O
union. Lewis' obvious rage at ev
ery voluntary concession is ample
proof of the effectiveness of such a
But there is another angle which
makes this course easier. The bit
companies know that the constan
movement toward better wages anc
shorter hours is present, and that i:
they can salvage any advantagt
by "beating the gun" it is jus
that much to their advantage, bu
the government's tax policy offers
them a chance to do it more cheap
ly than would normally be the case
® Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
Delaware Girls Glazing Goatskins From India
Prepared by National Geographic Society,
Waahlngton, D. C.—WNU Service.
THE charm of Delaware grows
mellower and more potent
with age. Its effect is grad
ual, stealing almost imper
ceptibly upon the senses, yet alto
gether enthralling once it asserts
its power. Unfortunate/indeed is
the traveler who, as too many do,
dashes the length of the state in
four hours on the main highway
without pausing to savor its gra
ciousness. Such a traveler may not
even see a native Delawarean; for
82 per cent of the trucks, 66 per
cent of all the motor vehicles on
the highways are from outside the
Perhaps the Delawareans are a
little to blame for not making them
selves and their treasures better
known to outsiders. They are a
delightful people, genuinely hospi
table, but effusive.
Houses exquisite with the patina
of age are to be seen everywhere,
but few of them are “restored,”
set apart as shrines, and labeled.
They are homes that have passed
from father to son for generations,
growing old gracefully, receiving
necessary, not disfiguring, repairs,
and keeping silence concerning the
famous persons they have sheU
tered, the stirring events of their
past. True, the Delaware Historic
Markers commission has placed
tablets here and there, but these
are unobtrusive. To appreciate the
real glamour of the state, one must
bide a while and—forgive the pun
—absorb "Delawareness” from the
Delaware is not obvious in its
bid for attention. Measured by pop
ulation and area combined, it is
the smallest of states, having more
square miles but fewer citizens
than Rhode Island, and more people
but far less territory than Nevada.
It is only 110 miles long and its
width varies from nine to 35 miles,
but its citizens are forward-looking
and its industries far-reaching.
Penn Bought It for 10 Shillings
A wit in congress once referred
to it as a "sandspit on Delaware
bay, with three counties at low tide
and two at high." William Penn
bought it from the Duke of York
for 10 shillings, and Lord Balti
more disputed the ownership,
claiming it under a prior grant
from the king of England. Because
of an ill-fated Dutch settlement in
1631 near the present site of Lewes,
Baltimore lost the case, for his
grant of hactena inculta specifically
excluded land previously occupied
by white men.
From its very beginning Dela
ware has been a subject of contro
versy. The families of Penn and
Baltimore went to law over posses
sion of "the three lower counties on
the Delaware,” and their claims oc
cupied the attention of the courts
for years. Penn landed at New
Castle on October 27, 1682, and re
ceived from the citizens of that
thriving village a bowl of water, a
piece of turf, and a twig as earnest
of his undisputed possessioi of the
land, water, and forests within an
arc described on a radius of 12
miles from the New Castle court
house. Thus was established the
northern boundary of Delaware.
Later Penn was awarded the south
ern part of what is now the state.
Unfortunately, the surveyors who
described the arc did not designate
the exact length of the segment.
The result of their oversight was
more than two centuries of litiga
tion over boundaries.
After the United States came in
to being. New Jersey and Delaware
began to squabble over certain wat
er and fishing rights on Delaware
river and bay. Delaware claimed
possession of the river and bay to
low water on the Jersey side, and
New Jersey insisted the boundary
should be fixed at midstream.
Courts were in a quandary, shift
ing the boundary first to one side
and then to the other. Both states
sent commissioners to England to
| obtain evidence. It was not until
February 5. 1934. that a final deci
sion was handed down. The Su
preme Court of the United States
then determined that Delaware is
entitled to all land and water with
in the 12-mile elrcle, and that be
1 low the circle the boundary shall
be considered the middle of the
1 ship channel. The two states were
! ordered to share equally in the
1 costs of the litigation.
! On its face that decision appears
f a mere compromise to settle a
“ technical point; actually it has giv
1 ?n rise to a remarkable situation.
1 New Jersey capital for years has
* been building long wharves out in
to deep water within the 12-mile
■ircle. Now comes the Supreme
Court with a decision that these
wharves are in Delaware! New
Jersey cannot arrest persons in
Delaware without extradition pa
pers. Yet these wharves now in
Delaware belong to citizens of New
Jersey. The problem has become
so difficult that the two states have
appointed commissioners to study
it and formulate a solution.
Jefferson Called It “The Diamond.”
Despite its diminutive area and
scant population, Delaware has its
grand moments. With only one
member of the United States house
of representatives to accompany
its two senators to Washington, it
takes precedence over its larger
sisters in the parade of states; for
it was the first to ratify the Consti
tution. Its depreciators are remind
ed, too, that Thomas Jefferson held
it precious enough to dub it “the
diamond”—a name that has clung
to it to 1# is day. Wilmington has
historical authority for its slogan,
“The First City of the First State.”
Let it not be supposed, however,
that the little commonwealth is con
tent to rest on accomplishments of
long ago. Though it treasures col
onial customs, even to the retention
of the whipping post for wife beat
ers, highwaymen, and other mean
offenders, and though for more than
a century it was somnolent and
backward, it now constantly seeks
improvement. Its very smallness
renders it admirable for political,
economic, and sociological experi
ment. If a theory seems worthy
of consideration, Delaware can give
it quick trial and immediate adop
tion or rejection.
Two summers ago several serious
traffic accidents occurred within a
week because overweary drivers of
freight vehicles fell asleep on duty.
The secretary of state forthwith
published an order requiring every
driver of such vehicle to rest for
at least two hours after each eight
of driving and to limit his time on
the road to 16 hours in any 24. The
day after publication of the order
motorists everywhere in the state
were wondering at long lines of lad
en trucks drawn up alongside the
No Property Tax There
Unique in the nation, the state
has never levied a property tax.
Its principal revenue for the gen
eral fund is from fees for corpora
tion charters, most of which are
granted to firms doing their major
business outside its boundaries. To
supplement this income, there is
only a system of business, inherit
ance, and estate taxes and licenses,
which in the fiscal year ended June
30, 1932, netted less than $765,000.
Little Delaware, with a popula
tion of 238,380, ranks fourteenth
among states in payment of taxes
to the federal government. There
is not a house within its boundar
ies more than four miles from a
‘ paved highway, and it has a state
wide system of fine modern schools;
yet for public improvements that
have cost $50,000,000 it has paid
practically out of what is counted
upon as current income in state
There is something strong and
sturdy about Delaware that finds
expression in its attitude toward its
problems. When former President
Hoover sent a message to Governor
Buck asking for an expression on
the question of relief, the Delaware
governor replied:
“I am in accord with your plans
as made known to aid unemploy
ment, and you may expect Dela
ware to co-operate in every way.
Furthermore, the citizens of Dela
ware can be counted upon to pro
vide financial help as is required to
care for those in need in this state
during the coming winter.”
Governor Buck spoke simply for
his fellow Delawareans. It is their
pride that they take care of their
Wilmington is small enough to
have a friendly and democratic so
ciety, large enough to escape the
worst phases of provincialism. Men
meeting on the street hail one an
other by their first names. If the
Philadelphia visitor who said, “I
now know that scrapple is an edi
ble pork product, but I should like
to learn what is a Biddle.” had
gone to Wilmington instead, she
would never have been puzzled for
a moment as to the meaning of du
Can Opener Popular
The can opener, which at one
time was the object of a good deal
of ribaldry, is an indespensable tool
in every kitchen, for canned goods
are about as high a quality of foods
as it is possible to serve and their
variety is extensive. Only the choic
est and freshest of products go into
the can.
Underweight a Liability
OUR insurance companies
are naturally interested
in anything or everything
that will keep us well and
healthy so that the premiums
will continue to be paid, be
cause when sickness followed
by death occurs, they must
pay out large sums of money.
One of the points these com
panies have xeen watching
for a number of years is
What story do all their exami
nations of many years tell us?
Their records show that it is good
for us in our childhood, youth,
Dr. Barton
young mannood and
young womanhood
to be at normal or
slightly over weight;
that to be just a
little plump is to
our advantage from
the standpoint o f
health and freedom
from sickness.
During the school
age the school doc
tors and nurses try
to interest the pa
rents in the weight
of the children. Thus those that
are underweight and can afford it
are encouraged to drink a bottle of
milk at either 11 o’clock in the
morning or at 4 o’clock in the af
ternoon, sometimes at both hours.
When the parents cannot afford it,
the milk is supplied free by the
school or municipal authorities.
In addition to the milk the parents
are advised that foods containing
vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin,
should be eaten in larger quanti
ties at home. The sunshine foods
are milk, butter, green vegetables,
egg yolks, and cod liver oil.
There are of course some young
sters who are naturally skinny due
to inheritance, to a “fast” thyroid
gland in the neck which keeps them
so active physically and mentally
that it seems impossible to put any
weight on them even with increased
amounts of the above foods. In these
cases the parents are advised to
try to increase the amount of rest,
not only at night, but for a half-hour
immediately after school if pos
Extra Pounds Desirable
Similarly with the teen age boys
and girls who so soon are to emerge
into manhood and womanhood; they
also if underweight should follow the
same rules as for younger children,
that is an extra amount of food,
and a little more rest.
Even up to the age of thirty our
insurance companies tell us they
like to see a little extra weight on
their policy holders. Just as an ex
tra pound of weight after the age
of thirty is a liability, makes them
poorer risks for insurance, so an
extra pound of weight before thirty
is an asset to health and makes
them better risks for insurance.
It has been found that when in
fection attacks the underweight in
dividual he has less resistance, the
attack lasts longer, and the indi
vidual is much slower getting back
his strength after the attack has
It would appear also that this
little extra weight enables them to
face difficulties, not perhaps with
any more bravery, but with less up
setment of their nerves and emo
tions. Thus in the “formative” time
in their lives, they learn to take
and give, with less mental or nerv
ous disturbance.
• • • •
Lump in Breast
A surgeon friend of mine told
me of three women coming under
his care within a week in which
the outstanding symptom was a
lump in the breast. All three were
past forty years of age and all
three were immediately afraid that
the lump was cancer.
The first put off doing anything
about it for a couple of months be
fore coming to the cancer clinic
for examination.
The second, motoring with her
family on a holiday to California,
did not discover the lump until they
were about three days on their jour
ney. Like most mothers she didn’t
tell her husband or lamily as she
didn't want to spoil their holiday.
However she worried and worried
all the time she was away, and on
arrival home rushed to her physi
cian to learn the truth.
The third case after noticing the
lump decided to think no more of
it for a week. At the end of the
week it was still present and if any
thing a little larger. A week later
it was a little larger and was caus
ing some pain. She went next day
to the cancer clinic for examina
Tests, examinations and operation
for the removal of the lump re
vealed that not one of the three
cases was cancer. All three had
what is known as a cyst which was
removed without difficulty, and the
patient was home in about a week’s
(£> Western Newspacxr Union.
It's Princess Lines Aqqin
AGAIN princess lines are riding
the crest of the fashior wave.
Good news for members of he
Sewing Circle, for princess lines
have always been favored by
those who sew at home. And for
morning wear, the timeless shirt
maker, a perennial choice for
busy housewives.
The smart shirtwaister (Pattern
1976) is a utility frock distin
guished for its trim lines and as
easy to make as it is to wear.
This extremely wearable number
is available in a wide range of
sizes. The notched collar is
pert and youthful, there is ful
ness at the yoke, and the set-in
sleeves fit well and wear forever.
Send for Pattern 1976 in size 32,
34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, and
50. Size 36 requires 4% yards of
35 inch gingham or percale or
The slick little princess model
(Pattern 1828) needs little com
ment for the picture tells the
story utterly simple. Jus seven
pieces to the pattern, including the
collar and sleeve band, it is avail
able in sizes 4, 6, 8, and 10 years.
Size 8 requires 2Vs yards of 35
inch fabric plus 2V4 yard contrast.
The lovely daytime princess
frock (Pattern 1983) is a model
which can be made and worn suc
cessfully by 36’s as well as 50’s.
There is a choice of long or short
sleeves and there is just enough
contrast in the graceful collar to
give the frock a smart touch of
distinction. Likewise simple —
just eight pieces including the
collar and cuff—this pattern is
designed for sizes 36, 36, 40, 42,
44, 46, 48, and 50. Make it in
satin, silk, crepe, sheer wool,
broadcloth, challis, or linen. Size
38 requires 5% yards of 39 inch
I or 3% yards of 54 inch fabric.
Less with short sleeves.
Don’t miss these grand num
bers. A detailed sewing chart ac
companies each pattern to guide
you every step of the way.
Send for the Barbara Bell Fall
and Winter Pattern Book contain- 1
ing 100 well-planned, easy-to-make
patterns. Exclusive fashions for
children, young women, and ma
trons. Send fifteen cents in coins
for your copy.
Send your order to The Sew
ing Circle Pattern Dept., 367 W.
Adams St./ Chicago, 111. Price of
patterns, 15 cents (in coins) each.
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Your Grocer
Has It
• The Vegetable Fat in Jewel is given
remarkable shortening properties by
Swift’s special blending of it with
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test, Jewel Special-Blend makes lighter, more
tender baked foods, and creams faster than the
costliest types of plain all-vegetable shortening.
Pit ^
I/^UR readers should always remember that our I
community merchants cannot afford to adver- I 4
tise a bargain unless it is a real bargain. They do I (
advertise bargains and such advertising means 1
money saving to the people of the community. 1