The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 10, 1936, Page FIVE, Image 5

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(Continued from page 4.)
atko the past week. Miss Dougla:
returned to her home Saturday.
Mrs. Walter Spangler and son
La Verne drove to Emmet Thurs
day evening where LaVern attend
ed a school party at the home oi
Homer Lowery.
Miss Iline Beckwith of O’Neil
. Visited her parents near Emme
I Sunday.
, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Greij
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs
pari Lorenz Saturday.
Miss Minnie Segar returnee
home from Sutton Saturday even
ing after a weeks’ visit with Mr
and Mrs. Henry Segar and son.
Dean Beckwith arrived home
from Scottsbluffs Monday evening
where he has been employed ir
the sugar factory during the sugai
making season.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spanglei
were in Atkinson Tuesday. Mrs
Spangler spent the afternoon at
» the Chance Coxbill home.
Miss Angela Pribil is planning
a Christmas program to be giver
in the near future.
i Herman Grothe made a business
trip to Broken Bow Sunday. He
was accompanied by Joe Sesler.
Mrs. Guy Cole went down tc
|Omaha Monday. She expects tc
he gone a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Box Fox of O’Neill
were dinner guests of her sister
Mrs. John Bonenberger, Sunday.
Pat McGinnis attended the live
stock sale at Atkinson Tuesday.
Mario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Anderson of O’Neill, is spend
ing this week with his grandmother
Mrs. Cecil McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey were
during the
A Holiday Season
Between all Burlington sta
tions and to many points on
connecting roads in the west.
11 r a MILE—
11 ROUND TRIP tickets good in
Coaches or Chair Cars.
Minimum fare S0.50
2~ a MILE—
t ROUND TRIP tickets good in
Pullman or Parlor Cars—space
at usual charges.
| Tickets on sale daily Dec. 1
to Jan. 1 incl.
Good on all trains, including
the Zephyrs.
!■ _
30-Day Returo^imit, in ad
dition to date of sale.
Half fare for children
Similar low fares to Pacific
Coast, Southeast and to many
Eastern points.
L. E. DOWNEY, Ticket Agt.
I Am Now Making Loans
Phone 147
: Half Block South of the Ford J
: Garage—West Side of Street :
Diamond—Watches—Jewelery «
Expert Watch Repairing
0. M. Herre—Jeweler I
In Reardon Drug Store
Phone, Office 28 jj
O’Neill :: Nebraska jj
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment I
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
Atkinson callers Sunday.
Herman Grothe and Lloyd John
, son went to Omaha Tuesday morn
ing. They returned Wednesday.
Arthur Cole, of Upton, Wyo.,
arrived in Emmet to spend the Hol
idays with his mother, Mrs. Clara
. Cole, and with other relatives.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
I church held a bazaar and dinner
in the church basement Tuesday.
They had a very good attendance.
. They took in $14.30 from dinners,
while the bazaar did even better
with a total of $17.00.
Th Women’s Foreign Missionary
Society held their regular meeting
at the home of Mrs. Guy Cole
Thursday afternoon. It was de
cided to hold future meetings on
the first Wednesday of the month
instead of the first Thursday, as
they have done in the past.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Morse went
to Norfolk Friday, returning Sat
urday. Mr. Myers of Ewing acted
as agent during Mr. Morse’s ab
Fred Lendt, old time resident
pf this locality, but now of Grand
Island, is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Ernest Stein and other relatives in
this section.
Jim Hayden, of Valentine, has
been visiting relatives in this vic
inity and around Redbird.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Kountz at Mrs. Zastrow’s
in O’Neill on December 3. Mother
and baby are doing fine and we all
hope that Earl will recover. Mrs.
Kountz was formerly Mamie Stein,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Stein.
Miss Viola Graham, of O’Neill is
visiting at the home of her brother,
Morris and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen and
Gerald left on Thursday for Bell
ingham, Washington, where they
expect to make their home. The
best wishes of this community go
with them in their new home.
Orville Lowrie and his mother
motored to Lynch Saturday to
bring home Mrs. Lowrie and the
new baby, Barbara Catherine.
The Morris Graham family and
Miss Viola spent Thursday evening
at the Frank Griffith home.
The Ladies Aid met with Mrs.
Guy Hull last Thursday. Not all
were able to attend but those pres
ent had an enjoyable time. The
ladies exchanged Christmas gifts.
Mrs. Hull served a delicious lunch.
The next meeting will be held with
Mrs. Rudolph Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and Howard
Devall spent Friday evening at
the Frank Griffith home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg and
sons were guests at the Howard
Rouse home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby and
Melvin Johring were guests at the
Eric Borg home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen
and Gerald were over night guests
at Eric Borg’s on Wednesday. The
Dan Hansen family were supper
guests there also.
Les Henifin left for Washington
with the George Hansen family.
We understand that Mr. and Mrs.
Luber will move on the Hansen
place in the near future.
The two coyotes hunts which
were staged on Tuesday, neither
one of which was successful. On the
two hunts nine coyotes were scared
up and one gray terrior wolf, but
there were not enough men to keep
the animals from slipping through.
Several ladies gathered at the
A. L. Borg home on Tuesday to
work on the quilt the Ladies Aid
are quilting.
Frank Griffith, who had been vis
iting relatives and friends in Iowa
and Illinois the past ten days, re
turned home Tuesday.
The It. N. A. lodge met at the
home of Mrs. Forest Smith Wed
nesday for their regular meeting.
The Coffee Club held their De
cember meeting at the homeof Mrs.
L. D. Hartigan Thursday. This
meeting was in keeping with Christ
mas and a gift exchange was en
joyed. A covered dish dinner was
served at noon.
The Misses Hilda and Alice Brit
tell spent the week end with rela
tives in Newport.
Miss Gladys Hancock is slowly
recovering from severe back and
hip injuries received when she fell
down the flight of steps at the
front entrance to the court hbuse
Saturday. Miss Hancock had been
transacting business at the court
house and was leaving the build
ing when the accident occurred.
Everything is in readiness for
the annual M. E. Bazaar to be held
at the Ladies Aid parlors Satur
day afternoon and evening. This
promises to be one of the largest
bazaars the ladies have had yet.
They will begin serving the chick
en dinner at 5:30 p. m. Selling
will begjn at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Walt Jacox and family and
Mrs. Alice Kops drove to Norfolk
Sunday to spend the day with Mr.
Jacox, who is confined in a hospital
there. On the way down the car
skidded from the highway and up
set. Fortunately no one was in
Mr. and Mrs. Hashbarger and
Miss Frances Marwood, of Clear
water, were in Inman Wednesday,
selling religious literature.
Word comes from Rev. E. B.
Maxcy, who took his wife to Bay
ard for treatment, that Mrs. Maxcy
is showing considerable improve
ment and there is hopes of her com
plete recovery. Rev. Maxcy ex
pects to be back for Sunday ser
The Alpha Club entertained their
husbands to their anuual Christ
mas dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Boshart on Wednesday
evening, Dec. 9. The dinner is one
of the outstanding affairs of the
year for the club, the table and
rooms being artistically decorated
in the club colors and the Yuletide.
The following toasts were given
using Alpha as the theme: Aim,
Esther Robertson; Loyalty, Velma
McDonald; Pleasure, Nellie Bosh
art; Hope, Lillian Drayton; Ami
ability, Evelyn Simonson.
Art Auker and George Robertson
responded to the toasts given by
the ladies. Bridge followed the
dinner, after which the gifts were
given in a unique way, they were
drawn after a weeks diairy of each
guest, as written by others, was
After a most pleasant evening
the guests declared Mr. and Mrs.
Boshart very excellent as host and
“It’s a thing of the past
for me to have winter start
ing troubles since 1 installed
my Gamble Super-Active
Battery. It kicks my motor
over like nobody’s business.”
For popular cars, 51-plate,
exch. $(5.98.
Bthat Red
ire before
ok place.
i'I showed
, we'll call
i gets here.
p* aim***?" wsmmyssmmsmmm
Hold on, Mr. Lichty. In depicting the fast
start-up, fast warm-up and general speed of
Standard Red Crown for winter, you’re going
too far.
Of course, a tankful of Red Crown goes far,
also—for this brilliant new motor fuel gives
the highest possible winter mileage,
i What’s more, it starts an engine in good
condition, in one second, at zero.
Try this great winter gasoline.
By the way . . . became Starulard Red Crown
does start an engine in a hurry anti gives full
steam ahead quickly, it is wise to me the correct
winter grade of motor oil with it. Then you’ll in
sure instant, full lubrication of all moving parts
the second your engine starts turning. Standard’s
ISO-VIS “D” motor oil does a fine job.
Sunday School 10 a.m.—C. E.
Yantzie superintendent.
Morning Worship 11a. m.—“The
Way to Life.”
Evening Service—“Hymns of the
Special music for both services.
H. D. Johnson, Pastor.
It’s too bad the Spaniards could
n’t settle all their differences with
voting machines rather than ma
chine guns.
We have good Quality dressed
chickens and turkeys on hand
for retail sale. Also good fresh
O’Neill Creamery
Santa Claus Has
(June Streamline!
Bring your children to see
the newest in Toy Automo
biles, Tricycles, Scooters. Tri
cycles $1.89 and up—Auto
mobiles, $5.95 and up. Hun
dreds of other Toys to choose
Prominent New Deal politicians
and statesmen tell us the emerfren- ]
cy is over. What do they mean by
the emergency—November 3?
Advance Fine Fur Sale
Mr. Jnck Pine, of Fine Bros. Fur Co.,
foremost leaders of quality furs, will be
here on—
Friday, Dec. 18
With a complete line of Quality Furs at
15% to 30% Savings
This sale brings a genuine opportunity
to secure the better styles and truly re
markable vnlues in furs. From our wide
selection of outstanding fashions, we
have assembled the most beautiful styles
for this occasion.
Buy With Confidence
All Fur Coats and Linings
A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Coat
Until Wanted.
Wise motor car buyers are learning that the way to get a
better used car is to buy a car bearing our Guaranteed
OK tag.
We select the very best cars we receive in trade. We check
each of these cars carefully — recondition both the body and
the chassis — make certain the car is thoroughly reliable.
And then we attach this Guaranteed OK tag which is our
warranty that the car will give you satisfaction. See these
fine OK used cars—today!
See us for USED CARS
& ^ m M
with an that counts
1933 Chevrolet Coach
Equipped, with large hot wat
er heater. Above average tires.
Good original paint. Fully en
closed brakes, Fisher body and
Fisher no-draft ventilation. Up
holstery in good condition. May
we demonstrate this car to you.
Carries OK warranty.
1932 Chevrolet I^ong
Wheelbase Truck
Carries 10-ply 32x6 tires.
Heater of hot water type. Motor
has been reconditioned lately
and is in good condition. Equip
ped with overload springs. A
truck priced within your reach
for heavy hauling.
1936 Ford V8 Coupe
You must see this car to ap
preciate its value at the price
we offer it for. Good tires,
motor cheeked with new carbu
rator assembly and new distrib
utor assembly. Newly finished in
our paint shops. Carries an OK
1933 Plymouth Coach
Very near new tires. Motor
reconditioned. Good upholstery.
We have refinished this car with
new Dulux paint. This car of
fers low priced transportation
for the family.
1931 Chevrolet Coupe
With New Dulux Paint. Good
upholstery and above average
tires. A popular model and of
fered at a low price.
1932 Chevrolet Coach
Here is a car that offers the
most possible in dollar value.
New Dulux Paint, Motor recon
ditioned with new pistons, new
rings and piston pins. Valves
refaced and ground in. Carries
OK warranty.
1929 Essex Sedan in very good shape
and good tires.
1930 Ford Short Wheelbase Truck
with single 10-ply tires.
1928 Chevrolet Truck
ALSO: A 4-wheel trailer, with good
tire equipment and complete hitch,
and equipped with an 11-foot stock
rack. Priced to sell!
Be sure to see our used cars today, or drop us a card and a salesman
will call with any car you wish to see.
Your present car will be accepted on the down payment of the pur
chase of a better used car.
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.
[‘hone 100 C. E. LUNDGRKN, Mgr. O’Neill, Nebr.
We are open evenings and Sundays.