SEEN and HEARD ar6und the «NATIONAL CAPITAL py Carter Field ^ Washington —There will be plenty of strength behind President Wil liam Green's demand that the cost of old age pensions be takjr off the workers and placed upon "wealth.” When congress meets in January the head of the American Federa tion of Labor will find himself in alliance, on that subject, with a rather strange assortment of fac tions. During the campaign nearly all the Republicans were attacking the social security law, especially the old age pension feature. Very little real defense was made at the time, perhaps the most straightforward having been made by President Roosevelt himseL, when, admitting the Republican charge that the pay of workers would be docked for this purpose, he stressed the fact that employers would contribute an equal amount But now that the heat of the cam paign is over, many labor leaders have been looking over the social security law with a cold eye. No longer is there any necessity for a "hush, hush” policy through any fear that to admit the law was not perfect might induce some voters to vote against the presidential ticket that organized labor had so unitedly endorsed. Now we And Mr. Green advocat ing the elimination of the pay-roll tax. Other labor leaders are just as interested. They all realize that the tax paid on pay rolls by em ployers is paid by labor only to a slightly lesser extent tha 1 the tax deducted from the workers' own pay envelopes—that it will, of necessity, be added to the price of everything produced. The rich man will pay it too. of course, in increased prices, but he will pay a very small part of the total, for several reasons. For one thing, there are very few rich peo ple, in proportion. For another, even the rich are limited as to the amount of manufactured or pro cessed goods they can use. Against Change President Roosevelt and Sec retary of the Treasury Morgenthau are strongly set against any change in the law, for the time being. But they will And a sentiment on Capitol Hill which just may force their hands. Moreover, there are not many among the President's advisers who would be greatly disturbed at sev eral sweeping changes in the law. For instance, few of them care about the $47,000,000,000 reserve fund except Mr. Morgenthau. Mr. Roosevelt did care about it, but budget balancing is scarcely an is sue now. If this phase of the law were changed, and if the pay-roll tax should be eliminated, Mr. Roose velt could ask for the new taxes to take their places with just as good grace as after the processing taxes were outlawed, and after congress had passed the soldier bonus over his veto. St. Lawrence Seaway St. Lawrence seaway advocates, all steamed up with the idea of a deal with the Florida ship canal proponents, are convinced that President Roosevelt will be able to force the senate to ratify the sea way treaty with Canada. They are counting heavily on the prestige of the President since hi* landslide, and the unwillingness of Democrat ic senators to oppose the President on anything — certainly 'ir some time to come. They now count on 30 votes sure, admit that 24 senators are pretty strongly against the project, and figure 22 senators doubtful. Of these 22 doubtful senators, the., must win 14 to obtain the necessary two thirds majority. President Roosevelt did not ask for a vote on the treaty last session. The year before the vote was 46 for the treaty. 42 ugainst, 5 not voting and paired. Adding in the pairs, the strength was 48 for and 43 against It has always been sus pected, however, that the strength against was greater—that some of the absentees who did not bother to get pairs were really hoping the treaty would fail, though loath to record themselves against the Pres ident. This was particularly suspected, for example, of Senators Park Trammel and Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida. The two new Florida senators arc way up on the prospect list of the seaway advocates, as are also Sen ators Walter F. George and Rich ard B. Russell of Georgia, both of whom voted against the treaty last time. The hope here is based on the Florida ship canal trade, it be ing assumed that the advantage to Georgia of having the Florida canal would outweigh any possible loss to the port of Savannah. Changes in Personnel To consider the prospects of the seaway treaty, however, it is neces sary to see if there has been any real change in the motives that actuated the opposition two years ago. There have been many changes in personnel in the meantime, but relatively no change in the reasons that actuated the senators. In few cases were the votes of senators disapproving the treaty based on their personal inclinations or their own logical deductions They were based on the senators’ knowledge that in their states there was very strong selfish oppositior to the treaty. In the case of the Massachusetts senators, for example, both David 1. Walsh and Marcus A. Coolidge were Democrats, anxious to go along with the President whenever possible. But both knew that the port of Boston would suffer to a very definite extent if export busi ness now handled through that port should be diverted to . St. Law rence seaway. Both knew also that the railroads traversing the state would haul just that much less freight, and hence there would be just that much less work for the railroads, employees. In varying degrees th^ same thing affected most of the Atlantic coast senators, the only surprise being that the possible effects of this re routing of export and import busi ness should be calculateu to affect business so far south. As to Savan nah, for example. Advocates of the plan are hoping for the votes of both Louisiana sen ators, figuring that it was the op position of Huey Long that resulted in both these votes being against the treaty last time. But since the issue has been revived by a con ference on the deal involving the Florida canal, the New Orleans As sociation of Commerce and other civic bodies have started a drive against the proposal, which would make it highly embarrassing for either Louisiana senator to vote for it. Which is very interesting in view o! the supposition of some that New Orleans would benefit from the Flor ida canal. Tax Law Changes In view of President Roosevelt’s determination to maintain the essen tia1 ideas of the tax an undistrib uted earnings, there is very little prospect of the fundamentals of this law being changed. There never has been any chance that it would be modified importantly in time to af fect taxes on the 1036 earnings, but there was strong hope that what Governor Alf M. London referred to in his Buffalo speech a^ a “cock eyed" law would be repealed some time during 1937. That prospect went definitely out the window with the election. There can and probably will be changes in th« law, but not as to its basic idea. The modifications will be very helpful to corporation with various types of difficulties — paying olt debts, replacing equipment tending to become obsolete, etc. Of course the present law permits a degree of replacements, but there is strong feeling among many of the Presi dent's advisers that the government should be very liberal about this. As to the principle 01 forcing corporations to pay out their earn ings, however, some of the Presi dent’s advisers are beginning to clain openly that a trial of the law for a few years will result in most minority stockholders approving the idea heartily. Even if the law should sometime be repealed, they believe that many corporations would con tinue the practice of permitting their stockholders to decide what part of the earnings shall be “plowed under,” or put back into the business, and what part dis tributed. They point to the present flood of extra dividends, occasioned by the law, and question whether the average stockholder s not pleased. There is little doubt, they point out, that were it not for this law the corporations would not be paying extra dividends at this time. In the opinion of most bankers and corpo ration officials, paying out these ex tra dividends now is not sound poli cy. They cling to the view that what the corporations of the country ought to be doing is replacing the reserves that were so largely dis sipated during the depression, eith er by outright losses, or by paying dividends in excess of earnings. On the Other Hand But, the New Dealers insist, It is going to be mighty hard from now on to sell that idea to the small stockholder, especially men and women with holdings so small that they do not pay income taxes in the high brackets. Naturally, they admit, the big stockholders, whose incomes go 'way up into those brackets, deplore such an "un economic” policy on the part of the corporations in which they have their investments. They believe strongly that their companies should save "for a rainy day." In short, they approach the prob lem not as income spenders anxious U have more money to buy things they want, but as investors. The two approaches are very far apart. The average banker and corporation of ficial naturally gravitate to the in vestor point of view. The average big stockholder bends naturally in the same direction. But the little fellow likes to get his hands on the money. If he likes the way the com pany is doing, if he has faith in the company’s future, as the New Dealers have pointed out, he will be inclined to buy more stock if tho company needs money for im provements or expansions. A lot of thought might be given to that idea of "expansion." Under the "planned economy” theory of which we heard so much during the campaign, government control of expansion is an important fac tor. But we may not hear so much of that for some time to come. C Bell Syndicate.—WNU Serve*. Three Horses Pull the Santiago Cart. Prepared by National Oooeraphlr Society. Washington. D. C.—WNU Service. SANTIAGO, metropolis and cap ital of Chile, is seen to great est advantage by climbing to the summit of Santa Lucia hill, which rises out of the heart of the city much as the Acropolis is encompassed by Athens. Let us climb up to the pavilion, built perilously on top of the rocks. At our feet lies a community of a half million souls, dwelling for the most part in one- and two-story houses. But for the moment we have no eyes for the beauties of this fair city. To the east rise the mightiest ramparts of the Andes. As the clouds drift over the sun, lights and shadows pursue one another and one sees the majestic moun tains in many marvelous moods. Morning, noon, and evening they present different aspects; but per haps one’s favorite memory of them is when the shades of evening are gathering. A blue haze veils the metropolis as the sun sinks be hind the horizon, and multihued shadows climb higher and higher up the sides of the mountains until finally only the white crests of the loftiest summits are left in light. At length they, too, must surren der the glory of the sun’s light, and one’s eyes turn back to the scene below—a vast city wrapped in dark ness, but glittering with its tens of thousands of night jewels, made to shine by the hydro-electric engi neer, who transmutes the melting Andean snows into light. One turns in another direction and sees on the outskirts of the city San Cristobal, a conical mountain springing up from the level plain and towering above Santa Lucia, as the latter rises higher than the city at its feet. The distant ridges that separate the valleys of the Mapocho and Maipo from that of the Acon cagua and from the coast, add their beauties to this mountain-walled Eden. Striking Architecture of the City. Santiago itself is a city of in numerable domes and spires, which join with the few skyscrapers of the downtown district, the imposing railroad stations, and the great arched arcades to give diversity to its skyline. On the city’s outskirts are the new hippodrome, perhaps one of the world’s most beautiful racing plants; the Cemetery Gen eral; and the famous Parque Cou sino and the Quinta Normal. Past and present mingle striking ly in the capital. Here rises the tower of the Franciscan monastery from which sounded the bells of the curfew in days colonial, and there the steel-framed buildings of the commercial district. The cloister constructed houses, with their open patios, red-tiled roofs, and stuccoed walls, are overshadowed by the brick and marble buildings of the palaces which share the blocks with them and which radiate the architec tural spirit of France and America. Stretching past the base of Santa Lucia is that magnificent avenue officially known as the Avenida de las Delicias, but popularly called the Alameda. It is, as its name pro claims, truly the “Avenue of the Delights.’’ Once the Mapocho river ran down a part of its length, but the city planners gave to this stream an artificial channel, and thus converted a river bed into a beautiful thoroughfare. Some one visiting Santiago during the season when the rivers are largely dry, and seeing the numer ous bridges spanning the canalized section of the Mapocho, remarked that Santiago ought to sell its bridges and buy a river; but in the flood season the necessity for the bridges is obvious. The Mapocho’s waters flow through tne city with the rush of a mountain stream, and only a marathon runner could keep pace with a bit of board thrown in to the water and carried down stream by the current. On a charming terrace stands the statue of Pedro de Valdivia, sur rounded by flower beds in which the most beautiful blossoms of Chile exude their fragrance to the mem ory of the hero it commemorates. The inscription tells us that “The valiant Captain of Estrernadura, first governor of Chile, in this very spot encamped his band of 150 con querors, December 13, 1540.” Beautiful Hanging 1 ark. It was from the top of Santa Lucia, with its sharp cliffs and steep slopes, that Huclen-Huala, surround ed by a gorgeous retinue of chiefs in full regalia, had been accus tomed to issue his decrees to his people before the* coming of the Spaniards. Now vanquished, he was forced to abandon bis rock bound citadel and dwell ever after in the valley below. It was not until 1872 that work was begun on transforming this once rugged mass of rock into a magnificent hanging park, for which level Buenos Aires might freely offer a million cattle or a season’s garnering of wheat. It was then that Don Benjamin Vicuna Mackenna began its transformation. Public and private munificence alike have shared in its embellish ment, and today it is a mass of lux uriant vines, blossoming trees, and flowers, with here and there glimpses of stairs, roadways, cliffs and walls, towers and battlements, chapels and monuments. Flower beds and fountains ornament the terraces; trees, shrubs, and over hanging vines border the driveways and promenades. Here are dancing pavilions, restaurants with pictur esque nooks and balconies, and rustic seats for those who wish to enjoy a view of the city, valley, and mountains from such a charming vantage ground. Avenue of the Delights. From Santa Lucia we wander up the Avenue of the Delights and ap preciate the enthusiasm of the San tiaguino for his capital’s major thor oughfare. For here one may see not only an imposing array of beau tiful statuary, splendid residences, and all that makes a morning stroll delightful, but one may also find a cross-section of Chilean life. The Alameda is 300 feet wide and 4 miles long. It was General O’Hig gins who banished the river to make the city’s principal boulevard. Many new buildings border it, including the splendid National library and the famous Club Union. The cen tral parkway formerly was adorned with four rows of trees—oaks, elms, acacias, and other varieties. In re cent years these have been removed as a military precaution. The Alameda is Chile’s “Hall of Fame,” not encompassed by four walls, but placed in the capital’s most frequented promenade, where the birds sing and the children frol ic, and where the stories of sculp tured marble and bronze inspire the multitude to patriotism and cour age. Here is a stately monument in memory of Don Jose de San Martin, the Washington of South American freedom. A few blocks beyond the Alameda, with the business district inter vening, is the Plaza de Armas, once the center of the open-air social life of the capital. Even today there are certain evenings of each week when a large proportion of Santiago wanders there to see and to be seen. On one side of the square is the cathedral, on another the^post office and government telegraph of fices. The remaining two sides are occupied by arcades with picture esque shops. Promenade of Youth. There are walks around and through the Plaza, and during the evening promenade these are crowded with people on pleasure bent, always moving in two lines. Round and round they go, lovely young girls walking with their du ennas, and the handsome young men, in their clothes of latest cut, usually in groups, the members of each line undisguisedly looking over and assessing the members of the other. In spite of the watchful eyes of j the mothers who bring their daugh ters to the promenade, which usual ly takes place on Thursday, Satur day, and Sunday evenings, Cupid i seems to And the Plaza a delightful 1 haunt. The cathedral stands on the site which Valdivie appointed for the erection of Chile's first church. It contains numerous paintings by old masters; a reclining, life-size fig ure of San Francisco de Xavier, carved from the trunk of a pear tree; a monstrance and altar of sil ver more than 200 years old; and a crystal chandelier which hung in the room where the first Chilean congress met. The organ is one of the finest in the world. It came to 1 Chile by accident. The ship which was carrying it to Australia was wrecked in the Strait of Magellan; ; the organ was salvaged, purchased at a bargain, and placed in the ; cathedral. Across the city from the Plaza de Armas is the Parque Cousino. the ! Central park of Santiago. It is | about a mile long and half a mile wide, green with eucalyptus, aca cias, poplars, magnolias, and myr tle and a great variety at shrubs, vines and glasses. Here and there are charming little lakes and love ly flower beds. In the center is a parade ground, flanked by a grand , stand. HOfc^RE Vouysm /DR. JAMES W. BARTON T«fi»i About O Thoughts for the Middle-Aged. 'T'HE great loss to families, to business, and to whole commu i nities by the sickness and death of middle-aged men and women is arousing thinking individuals to the need of seeking the cause and re moval of this terrible wastage. Men and women work hard in their youth and early manhood and womanhood and then are laid away on the shelf Dr. Barton by some chronic ail ment or may pass to the beyond in a few days or weeks. And this occurs just when they can give most to and get most from life. And so many of these cases might have enjoyed and contributed much to life had they given half as much thought to their health and to their bodies as they had to their business or profession. After all that body of yours is what does everything for you—gives you strength to play, to work, to think or plan, to enjoy life’s great est successes and pleasures, and alas, to suffer life’s greatest de feats and almost unbearable pain. To have health and strength is life’s greatest asset, to be ill or fee ble in body is perhap3 life’s greatest liability. And you can get from that body of yours just what you can get from other activities, that is just what you put in it. But, as Glad stone said, “All time and money spent in training or caring for the body, pays a larger rate of interest than any other investment.” Use Body’s Full Power. Now you can get certain results or power from a Ford engine just as you can get certain results or power from a Rolls Royce; the whole thought is to use the full power of that body of yours—no more, no less—if you are to live safely and happily. And the first thought is to be overhauled by your family physi cian. This doesn’t mean a ten minute chat with him, but a thirty to fifty minute examination when he has the time to do it. It means examination of eyes, ears, nose, throat, sinuses, heart, lungs, blood pressure, urine, blood, liver and gall bladder. A talk about your food, amount of rest, and amount of exercise taken daily may make all the difference between health and ill-health. And when your doctor has fin ished, let your dentist make a com plete examination, including the use of the X-ray. This investment of time and mon ey will pay real dividends. Dinitrophenol, Weight Reducer. The fact that health authorities are not writing or saying much about dinitrophenol, the weight re ducing drug, is not because it is not effective in reducing weight, bpt be cause of the serious results which have occurred in some cases—se vere skin eruptions, cataracts and even death. It is interesting to see the results of the use of dinitrophenol where its action could be checked closely. Drs. E. L. Bortz, Anthony Sin doni, Jr., and E. M. Hobson in Pennsylvania Medical Journal re port their experiences in the meta bolic (building up and breaking or wearing down of the body tissues) clinic of the Lankenan hospital over a two year period. The object of the investigation was to find out the value of dinitrophenol in reducing weight, in what cases it could be safely used, in what cases it would be unsafe to use it, how it could be known beforehand or as early after treatment as possible wheth er or not it was safe to use it. There were 60 cases studied, ranging in weight from 150 to 400 pounds; 12 were men and 48 were women. They were placed on a diet and also on a diet with dinitrophe nol. With the use cf the dinitrophe nol the average weekly loss of weight per person was two to three pounds, whereas on the diet alone the average weight loss per person was one quarter to one pound week ly Symptoms of poisoning irom me dinitrophenol found with some of the cases were itching, hives, nau sea and vomiting, diarrhea, ner vousness, slight rise in temperature and in blood pressure. The outstanding fact discovered in this hospital was that “the quantity of dinitrophenol necessary to pro duce loss of weight in patients who are eating their regular full meal? is so large in the majority of cases that it is practically unsafe to use the dinitrophenol. For this reason it is wise to use this drug only when the food has been cut down in amount.” Another fact brought out was that patients may show symptoms of in toxication or poisoning from dini trophenol after a very few doses have been taken, or they may take the drug without symptoms for sev eral weeks and then suddenly de velop symptoms of poisoning. Thus far there is no method by which the patient’s sensitiveness to dini trophenol can be learned before hand. ©—WNU 8«rvlo». I On to Success— □ With It Comes Boldness in New Ideas; Our Sphere of Friends and Activities Expands A POOR salesman may be a genius at gardening, an in different stenographer sometimes never suspects her own gift for cookery, for dress design, for abil ity to pick up foreign languages. By thinking candidly about your self, by being as friendly to your self as you would be to another, you can often dra.v up a picture of your tastes, abilities, desires and hopes which will astonish you. Take an inventory of yourself, paying special attention to the things you like but which you have little of in your daily life. Then start putting them into it. From Interest to a Specialty Often we have to begin slowly —reading, or finding courses of in struction within our means, or working out a program for our selves in solitude; but every day something can be done toward the new way of living. It can grow from an interest into a hobby, from a hobby into a side line, from a side line into a specialty. Then comes the day when the un satisfactory work can be given up (to someone who will find it as satisfying and as absorbing as we find our own new field) and suc cess is at last really and notice ably on its way to us—or we 9c on our way to it. Vitalizes Character Then living begins to be fun. We meet people with the same tastes, not just the chance acquaintances who come our way in an uncon genial profession. Having suc ceeded once, we begin to show a little daring; we try new ideas more boldly, and oui world of friends and activities expands even more. Best of all, even a small success has a vitalizing effect on character. That is the most interesting dis covery that success brings in its Plane Starter Launching transatlantic planes by means of electric trains is the latest method suggested by Eng lish aeronautic experts to get the heavily loaded ships into the air without damage. A plane would be lifted onto a special railway car by means of a huge crane. The car, pulled by an electric locomotive, would then tear across the airport at high speed and launch the ship into the air.—Washington Post. train: those who are living suc cessfully make the best friends. They are free from malice and spitefulness. They are not petty. They are full of good talk and hu mor.—Dorothea Brande in Cosmo politan. WITH THE LIGHTS INSTANTLY—NO WAITIN Here's the iron that will “smooth your way on ironing day”. 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Jewel Special-Blend actually makes lighter, more tender baked foods, and creams faster than the costliest types of plain all-vegetable shortening. As Do Others Curious. All grouches hate a grouch; they cotton to the cheery. Wisdom of Age Most of the “wisdom of age’’ i caution. Everyone Needs Vitamin B for Keeping Fit.* Stored so Richly in Quaker Oats • No matter what your age, or your work, you can profit from the case of the Dionne Quins. For doctors say that nervousness, constipation, poor appetite, which strike at young and old, alike, often result when diets lack a sufficient ' amount of the precious Vitamin B. Quaker Oats contains an abundance of this great protective food element. That’s why a daily breakfast of Quaker Oats does us all a world of good. So order by name from your grocer today. • Where poor condition it due to lack of Vitamin B. Your Advertising Dollar buys something more than space and circulation in the columns of this newspaper. It buys space and circulation plus the favorable consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons. Let us tell you more about it.