The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 19, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter.
One Year, in Nebraska- $2.00
One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of
subscribers will be instantly re
moved from our mailing list at ex
piration of time paid for, if pub
lisher shall be notified; otherwise
the subscription remains in force
•t the designated subscription price, j
Every subscriber must understand
that these conditions are made a
part of the contract between pub
lisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 26c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want ads
10c per line, first insertion, sub
sequent insertions, 5c per line.
S. J. Weekes made a business
trip to Omaha Sunday night, re
turning home Tuesday evening.
Clarence J. McClurg was an
other O'Neillite that attended the
football game at Lincoln last Sat
Mrs. D. H. Cronin returned last
Friday night from a ten day visit
with friends in Omaha and rela
tives in Nebraska City.
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown ami Dr.
and Mrs. French, of Page, drove
to Lincoln last Friday morning, re
turning home that evening.
W. J. Froelich came out from
Chicago last Friday and spent the
week-end with his family, returning
to Chicago Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock
and children drove to Ericson Sun
day and spent the day visiting
friends, returning home that even
C. C. Bergstrom and John Con
nolly were in Lincoln last Saturday
and saw the defeat of Nebraska
by Pittsburg. They returned home
Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biglin drove
down to Omaha last Sunday after
noon and visited relatives there
until Tuesday afternoon, when they
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Mux Golden and
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham
drove to Lincoln last Friday and
attended the Nebraska-Pitttsburg
football game, returning home Sun
Carl Crawford, of Emmet, was
taken to the insane asylum at Lin
coln the latter part of last week by
Sheriff Duffy. Mr. Crawford was
adjudged insane and taken to the
asylum in June, 1935. He was par
oled from that institution on June
16, 1936. A recurrence of his mal
ady necessitated his reincarceration.
Mrs. W. B. Graves,, Mr^. Mattie
Soukup, Mrs. C. W. Porter and Mrs.
John Kersenbrock jdroVe down to
Norfolk last Saturday morning
where they attended a district con
vention of the Woodmen Circle held
Public Sale
As Guardian of the John
Delouhe property, I will sell
at public auction 2Vi miles
west and 1 south of Dorsey,
and 6Vi miles south and 2Vi
miles east of Redbird, at 1
p. m., sharp, on Monday,
November 23 j
2 Head of Horses
One team of gray geldings,
smooth mouth.
7 Head of Cattle
Three good cows; 2 3-year
old heifers; 1 2-year-old
heifer, and 1 2-year-old
Shorthorn bull.
3 Dozen Chickens
Machinery, Harness
and Feed
One disc; corn planter; 16
in. sulky plow ; 2 riding cul
tivators; 1-row John Deere
lister; 6-ft. McCormick mow
er; 3-section harrow; hay
sweep; 10-ft. hay rake; stack
er; wagon and hay rack; good
wagon with box; 2 sets of
heavy harness; 1926 model T
pickup in good running order;
about 500-bu. of old corn; 75
bu. of oats; 20 tons of hay
and cane; forge; 3 guns, 22
calibre riflle, 25-20 rifle and
12-gauge lever action shot
gun; some household goods,
and other articles too num
erous to mention.
TERMS—Cash. No prop
erty to be removed until
settled for.
BUV WAN8ER. Auctioneer
Ladies’ Aid will serve lunch.
in that city that day. They re
turned home late that night and
said they had a splendid time on
the trip.
J. F. O'Donnell, Quinten Deaver
and C. E. Stout drove to Lincoln
last Friday and witnessed the Ne
braska-Pittsburg game at Lincoln
last Saturday. Pittsburg- won with
a score of 19 to 6. The local foot
ball fans say that it was a great
game and witnessed by nearly 40,
000 people. From Lincoln, Mr.
O'Donnell and Mr. Deaver went
to Omaha where Jim attended the
meeting of the democratic state j
committee in that city Monday, re
turning home Tuesday. Mr. Stout
returned home Sunday evening.
The latter part of last week the
daily papers were full of the com
ing marriage of a son of President
and Mrs. Roosevelt to one <5f the
DuPont family. This, is one of
the richest families in the United
States and has been referred to by
the President and all of the demo
cratic speakers during the last cam
paign as "economic royalists."
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Teague and
sons, Roger and Howard, of Belle
Fouche, S. D., and nephew, Russell
Whitlock, of Spearfish, S. D., ar
rived in the city Wednesday even
ing for a visit at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. A. J. May, Mrs. Teague
being a sister of Mrs. May. From
here they will go to Omaha and
Lincoln for a visit with relatives
and friends.
J. B. Fullerton was in from his
Pleasantview farm the latter part
of the week. This was the first
time Jim had been in town since
the battle of ballots on November
3rd. While not satisfied with the
result he said he had something to
I'hone 118 O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Phone 118
Friday SPECIALS Saturday
50c Mennen’s
Ginger Ale
Lime Rickey 1 Dozen
White Soda Bottles
Grape Fruit _
GRANGER Tobacco Pound 69c
VELVET Tobacco Found. 75c
MALTED MILK Friday and Saturday only..
crow about anyhow, as, for the first
time in forty years his township,
Pleasantview. went republican right
down the line. In this year of av
alanches and slides Jim is of the
opinion that it is a very good record.
J. F. O’Donnell brings word from
Omaha that Chick Gaines, a resid
ent of this city a few years ago in
charge of the Travelers Insurance
company’s business in this section
of the state, is now a resident of
1 Omaha and is business manager
for the Travelers in the state of
Nebraska. After leaving O’Neill
Mr. Gaines was transferred to Des
Moines, Iowa, where he was assist
ant state manager, so the Omaha
assignment is a decided promotion.
His many friends in this section
will be pleased to learn of his
Sunday school, Junior depart
ment 9:00, other departments 10.
Morning worship 11:00, “Grati
tude to God.”
Evening service 7:30, Choir and
orchestra. You are invited to at
tend. H. D. Johnson, Pastor.
— . ... ■ I . ■
Well, the election is over, soon i
November will be passed and we ,*
won’t have to worry about the foot
ball championship either.
It is going to be difficult to get
lots of people to worry about the
national debt until they are brought
to the realization that they will
have to pay some of it.
| » ' _
A lot of the old topers tell us y t
that beer isn’t as good as it was /
'in the days before prohibition^
Some people seem to think the
same thing of the Constitution.
More Than Ten Million People
viewed the New Chevrolet in the first 24 hours
Thousands upon thousands have already placed orders. . . . Other
thousands are buying at this moment. . . . See and drive this
brilliant new' car and you will want one, too!
And—more than the okay—the enthusiastic
That's the word that is coming from the cities, towns
and farms of all America, where more than ten million
people viewed this new Chevrolet in the
first 2-4 hours . . . where thousands upon
thousands have already placed orders . . .
and where the demand for new 1937
Chevrolet* is increasing with each passing
The reasons are plain. This new
Chevrolet for 1937 is the only low-priced
• Knee-Action and Shockproof Steering on Master
Ik Ijuxe ojadcis only. Chevrolet Motor CoDetroit, Mich.
car with New High-Compression Yalve-in-Hea<l Engine,
New All-Silent, All-Steel Bodies, and New Diamond
Crown Speedline Styling . . . the only low-priced car w itb
Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, Improved Gliding Knee
Action Bide* and Super-Safe Shockproof Steering* ...
ami the only low-priced car which com
bines (Genuine Fisher No Druft Ventilation
and Safety Plate (ilass All Around at no
extra cost: 4
Take a look at this car, take a ride in
it, and we are confident that you will give ^
your complete preference to the compete t
car—completely netc.
General Motors Installment Plats -monthly pay
ments to suit your purse. A General Motors Value.
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.
Phone 100 C. E. LUNDGREN, Mgr. O’Neill, Nebr.
We are open evenings and Sundays.
^ _ * -
Official Abstract of General Election, November 3, 1936
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•<<-<«!:oUUUQ QWWUt,0t50« £ £ S cu a, tf cc w w w 03 CO w OQ 03 > l> t> O O O <; I-J P3 S||H ^
TOTAL VOTE 3021197,198 275 403 78 129: 6911571 6711851392156,55 320 Wlli:M!i 111 98 75 187 82'120' 92 7611111 6111971176 139|714[ 92 474 120|144, 371 338 4351 621 231 311153! |79C>5 1
For President: ~*—T—' ~1 | I I*" I | I
Roosevelt & Garner, D. 132 67 79 140 100 51 47 27 100 32 88 245 21 14 160 51 80 176] 57, 57 53] 72 25; 65; 29 28, 71 25 110 99 61 425 31 234 57i 42; 210 229 199 23 14 3 73,3902 188
Landon & Knox. R. 114 121 115 124 299 26 76 34 42 33 91 136 33| 38 144 42 59 162 49 38 20:113 49 59] 61 43 36; 34 81 67 73 260| 58 225 54 101 140 104 217 39 8 20 73 3714
Lemke, Union_ 23 Oj 60066 13 2 2 4 0| 1 15 1 0 7 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 2 14 11 4 9 0750 9 4 6 0 0 8 0 148
CnrpenYei\‘i?e,,at0r 39 19 24 40 48 10 9 16 30 7 14, 57 5| 4 65 20 18 58 191 11 11 18 7 26 71 9 12 14 35 35 9 103| 11 52 21 18 32 38 46 9 7 5 13 1050
Simmons, R. 111 115 111 103 258 23 57 30 42 23| 88126 30 38 116 29 54 146 44 29 20 107 46 49 54] 38! 35 27 67 59 65 234] 60 199 51 77 129 96 201 32 5 19 69 3312 220
Norris, Ind. . 90 63 57 112 73 43 51 18 70 31 65,187 18 11 132 35 62 122j 45 53 29 56 25 43 291 25 61 16 86 81 53 330] 20|199| 38 41 193 179 170 19 9 5 57 3092
Cochrnn°'nrn°r 122 82 89 170 136 55 68 24 87 34! 89,225 19 8 176 39 72207] 56| 49 45 74 32 65, 31] 26 65' 26 106 102 64 424] 30 217; 49 51 237 232 214 22 13 9 79 4040 532
Griswold, R. 123 108 101 96254 18 69 39 59 27 83 121 34 45 141 48 60 130, 52 41 26 108 48 58 60i 45 36! 35 75 73 65 257 62 232 61 82 117 88202 38 7 21 63 3508
Jurgensen^Dten,0r 123 75 73 141 119 41 50 28 99 26 78,226 17 13 165 44 74 175* 53 60 34 73 31 54 35j 35 60 3l!l00 101 52 364 30 193 50 38 202 192172 23 6 7 73 3626 503
Williams, R. ^ 98 106 93 93 225 27 66 38 35 25 76 110 31 40 122 27 55 134 45 33] 25 79) 42 52 48' 33 29, 25 63 53 62 228, 56 198 53 71 115 89 202 36 5 20 60 3123
SwunsmrU18^ °f SUU> — 122 69 73 135 140 48 58 33 100 34 92222 22 18 175 43 73 174 6L 52' 41 9o| 33! 62 45 36 651 37 115 111 56 408 43 226 52 66! 213 202199 25 8 10 74 3950 1166
Burkett. R... 99 106 93 95 203 22 57 31 34 19 67 109 29] 32 115 27 52 125 36 30! 17 65 37 44 40! 32 30; 20 49 50 55 190] 42 157 52 64 99 77 172 34 5 18 61 2785
Price!) DUte Audlt°r‘ 92 61 62 113 73 33 45 29 72 19 59 187 10 10 144 33 66 140 48 41 31 56, 21 52 28 30 41 26 89 92 38 306 28 160 38 38] 179 168 154 22 8 6 60 3008
Marsh. R. .- 120 109 105 113 259 36 66 36 56 33 91 136 39 39 145 38 59 155 57 37 24 98] 47! 59 55 38 511 29 73 61 69 257 58 218 61 83,137 99 209 38 6 20 73 3601 593
For I .and Commissioner: | 1
Olson D. 102 69 59 116 72 30 42 29 68 21 60 182 8 13 146 31 66 137 35 39 32 671 25! 41 29 25! 44 21 85 92 32 301 29 162 31 36,168 159 147 19 6 3 60 2918
Swanson, R. 110 110 104 106 262 29 69 35 59 27 90 138 40 35138 38 62 157] 58 42 23 93] 48 67] 61 43 48. 34 79 66 76 262 54 201 71 79 127)104 215 40 7 21 71 3599 209
JeTsen8B>er 109 62 71 127 106 31 45 32 87 22 83 197 17 11 163 36 67,158 51 43 36 75! 25 66 30 34 54' 32 98 109 47 334 27 191 47 37 195 177 169 25 7 10 67 3390 221
Bass. R. 102 113 95 100 228 36 70 33 44 26 69 126 33 37 117 35 68 139 47 36 19] 79] 44! 49 51 34 41 24 63! 46 60|224 54 180! 52 81 110 91 199 36 6 17 65 3169
For Attorney General: 1
Hunter, D. 101 58 69 117 90 36 45 28 71 19 64 185 13 10 136 36 60 156 44 38 21 58 27 47 26 27 45 22i 89 93 41 317 26]156 39 34)178 161 143 19 6 4 61 3014
Johnson, R. ... . 99 107 94 98 223 28 62 35 33i 20 79 115 31] 38 117 82 57 125 43] 34] 26 85] 43 53 50 33! 34 27] 57 44 61 213 52H85 52 67 117 85 193 34 6 20 62 3069 55
Porter. Union . _ 10 8 4 8 19 4 5 1 19] 8 9 19 5, 2 31 3 11 15 9] 7' 8 10! 4] 5 6 8 12 5| 10 14 8 45 4 35 12 13 24 21 35 6 1 1 7 492
For Railway Commission: i 1 I ,
Good D 98 61 58 125 95 35 46 28 76; 22 71 185 17! 12 153 38 64 157 42 43] 34] 62 28, 44 25 29 44 28| 90 89 41 317 29,180 38 40 175 174 159 25] 6 4 68 3155'
Swanson, R. 111112 109 % 229 33 62 35 47 25 85 138 32 37 132 31 62139 54' 38 22] 90 44 59 57 38 46| 28 73 63 68 2511 54 182 63 71' 130 91 207 35] 7 20 62] 3368 213
For Congress, 3rd Dist.: I I I 1 ' _n.
Havekost, D. 54 28 39 70 49 14 20 20 34 11 26 113 2 &1 70 23 42 85: 16 18! 10, 32! 6] 20 10 17 22] 13] 42 50] 19]197 12 106 16 16 134 106! 79 7 4 0 44 1,01
Stefan R - — 173 154 138 174 318 60 87 46 105 46 134 251 52 45 221 61 90237] 90170 59,145] 71 95 76 51 82, 42:133 116 112)421 73 326 84 108 202,181 305 52 9 26 88 5407 3706
McNamara, Union__ 3 3 0 8 2 0 4 1 6 1 6 3 0 1 19 1 0 7 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 2 5 0 6 1 2 6 0| 8 15 9 0 1 3 6 : 138
Dickson l8tr'Ct JUdg* _ - 145 141 117 170 256 45 73 32 93 52 82 253 39 40 140 43 80 180 83 50: 40 101 44 75 74 49] 60 23 106 73 95 114 59 310 81 103 172 166 255 41 17 14 91: 4577 1810
Harrington 79 45 63 88 86 26 37 33 56 10 95 110 16 13162 48 52 141 22 29' 30: 74 35 46 16 21 47j 36 83 101 36 250 16 123 29 27,189 154 164 17 3 14 40:2767
Gillesp,ie>g,8,atUre' _ 63 20 26 43 218 50 58 35 74 22 63 203 32 20 211 34 53 180 48 37 32 100 31 69 31 26 69] 37 52 103 75)281 36l222 64 66 264 239 319 25 12 5 84 3722 154
Brady ' ..— 187 174 161 216 122 25 45 31 69! 37 1 06 150 22 23 8 6 5 7 73 143 52 37 30 6 9 47 ' 46 59 43 37 21 131 69 45 419 39 197 47 66 89 78 101 34 6 24 55 3568
For Abolishing Land
Commissioner Office. _ 1Q4 f)g 83 102 163 33 55 33 66; 22 82 164 22 25 141 28 47 119 48 43 39 51 26 45 37 40 41 27 60 77 58 287 35 182 54 61 167 131 173 25 12 11 55 3131 494
Against _ 78 73 53 91 134 20 39 27 62 17 64 127 25 20 101 39 59 121 42 25 23 66 27 52 43 27 52 25 83 58 42 195 36 146 48 41 108 101 147 26 8 15 51 2637
Repeal of Stockholder’s ,
^ Liability in Fai Bn a. ^ ^ 62 102 120 23 33 17 32 17 66 148 17 25 123 81 49 103 39 28 33 44 12 37 31 17 36 26' 48 52 40 241 23 124 45 43 133 94 133 19 6 7 54 2489
Against . .. 91| 52 68 78|153] 30 53 37 99 24 64H41 28 19 103 35] 60|131 43 35 29 68 44 55 46 51 49] 20] 93 85 52 216 47|190| 54 58] 128 133 171] 31] 12] 18 48! 3042' 553