1 Turkeys Fattening for Thanksgiving Feasts A million turkeys are being fattened by the Northwestern Turkey Growers in Utah who supply a great percentage of America’s holiday birds. At this time each year, pretty Utah rancherettes help to feed and round up the choice birds which will soon grace Thanksgiving tables. Fair trio are seen feeding turkeys from the water wagon on a large Utah turkey ranch. BOY ORATOR IN SENATE Representative Joshua Bryan Lee,A. B.,M.A..LL.D. author, poet, artist, farmer and Sunday School teacher and ardent supporter of the ,Kew Deal, who was elected to the United States Senate from Okla homa in the recent landslide Demo cratic victory at the polls. Familiar ly known as Josh Lee, the former boy orator who became public speaking professor at the University of Oklahoma, the new senator-elect had served two years in the house of representatives. Old Masterpiece Shown in Chicago Here is the old master, known as The Education of Cupid” by Titian, which was put on exhibition at the Chicago Art Institute re cently, when it was revealed that the painting had been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Charles rf. Worcester of Chicago. The purchase price was not disclosed. ^ Model of Giant Telescope Exhibited James Stokley, director of the Planetarium at the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia shown with a one-tenth scale glass model of the 200-inch disc, and a model of the telescope mechanism, three-eighths of an inch to the foot, which is being constructed for the California Institute of Technology. I DENTAL PRODIGY Smiling at you is Paul Bartlett, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bartlett of Medford, Mass., who started teething at the age of three months, and now has a dozen mo lars to his credit, a month before his first birthday. If early teething indicates good health, then young Paul seems to be well on his way to become some man. Ballet Dancers Arrive From La Belle, France A group of French ballet dancers pictured aboard the S. S. lie de France on their arrival in New York. They formed an unusual .reat for the eyes of ship news photographers. Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Pickcteis watching a freighter at San Francisco docks during the maritime strike which tied up the nation's shipping. 2—Baron Von Neurath, German foreign minister (left), shown conferring with Count Ciano of Italy during his recent visit to Berlin. 3—Leon Degrelle, so called "Hitler” of Belgium, who was recently imprisoned, following the failure of a Fascist "putsch." Test Masks on “Jersey” Front Wearing gas masks, a group of officers check their position during a demonstration of modern methods of defense against tear gas and the employment of troops under cover of smoke screens, in which members of the Three Hundred and Third Chemical regiment of the organized reserves and the First battalion of the One Hundred and Fourteenth infantry. New Jersey national guard, participated. The maneuvers were held at the regular army post of Camp Dix: near Wrightstown, N. J. , “STENO” TO SCREEN Last week an office girl, this week on the way to Hollywood with a two year contract in her purse. That is the unusual leap to screen fame of Helen Bucsko, nineteen year-old Hamtramck, Mich., stenog rapher who a few days ago won the title of “Queen of the Fall Festival.” Autumn Skies Presage Racing Season’s End Against a background of billowing clouds on a crisp autumn afternoon nine sets of hoofs gallop down the backstretch in the second race at picturesque Empire City race track in New York. Trip to France Prize in Peace Essay Contest Edna Falk, seventeen-year-old Pueblo, Colo., girl, whose essay on peace, and the Statue of Liberty, won first prize over 100,300 entrants. Edna is shown wearing a silk print dress featuring the Latin "Pax” for peace which she wore at the fiftieth anniversary celebration for the stat ue recently. As part of Edna’s award, she is making a three-weeks’ tour of France under the auspices of the Federation of French Veter ans. In France she will meet prom inent officials, including Premier Leon Blum and visit shrines of his toric interest. Roosevelt Victory Sets New Record Re-elected to another four-year term in the White House in a land slide that broke all previous records, President Roosevelt swept the electoral votes of 4G out of the 43 states. For Roosevelt and his running mate. Vice President John N. Garner, there were 523 electoral votes, compared with 8 electoral votes from two states, Maine and Vermont, won by his Republican opponent, Gov. Alf M. Landon of Kansas. Foreign Words ^ and Phrases Allons! (F.) Let us go! Come! Bis pueri senes. (L.) Old men are twice children. Ense petit placidam sub liber tate quietam. (L.) With the sword she seeks quiet peace under lib erty. (Motto of Massachusetts.) Ferae naturae. (L.) Of a wild : nature. Lasciate ogni speranza, vol ch’entrate (It.) Who enter here, leave all hope behind. (The in scription over the gate of Dante’s Inferno.) Garde de corps. (F., A body guard. Week’s Supply of Postum Free Read the offer made by the Pos tum Company in another part of this paper. They will send a full week’s supply of health giving Postum free to anyone who writes for it.—Adv. Reverence and Equality Esteem incites friendship, but not love; the former is the twin brother of Reverence; the latter is the child of Equality. When You Want to Alkalize Stomach Fast Try This Amazing Fast Way —!The “Phillips” Way Millions Are Adopting On every side today people are being urged to alkalize their stomach. And thus ease symptoms of “acid indiges tion,” nausea and stomach upsets. To gain quick alkalization, just do this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL LIPS’ MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after eating. OR — take two Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Relief comes almost at once — usually in a few minutes. Nausea, “gas” — fullness after eating and “acid indigestion” pains leave. You feel like a new person. Try this way. Get either the liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, new Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Each one equals a teaspoon of the liquid. Only 25/ a box at all drug stores. — ALSO IN TABLET FORM: I Each tiny tablet Is the equivalent of a teaapoon ful of genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. Phillips' m,lkof rniLLirs magnesia Being Wary Be wary then; best safety lies in fear.—Shakespeare. SORE MUSOES MADE HER J ACHE V ALL OVER s Feels like a . new woman now Why suffer with muscular pains of rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, or chest cold? Thousands say Hamlins Wizard Oil brings quick relief to aching legs, arms, chest, neck, back. Just rub it on—rub it in. Makes the skin glow with warmth —muscles feel soothed—relief comes quick. Pleasant odor. Will not stain clothes. At all druggists. QLL|Mall our Catalogs from home. Every thing supplied by us Including stamps. rMUjlNo selling. Write . enclosing stamped, i addressed envelope for details. NATION WIDE DISTRIBUTORS, 401 Broatfny, Dept. *1 23. N. T. C. BYERS BROS & CO. A Real Live Stock Com. Firm At the Omaha Market WNU—U 47—36 MANGE Mange in dogs is a ser ious skin disease and calls for prompt use of CLOVER’S MANGE MEDICINE It relieves itching and irritation; kills the ~SCABS BARE PATCHES i RED £ SPOTS |J)N* ySORES * t _ mange mites causing barcoptic Mange; thecas a plead of the disease; stimulates bait growth on bate patches, destroys ticks and ehiggers. Insist on GLOVER’S. At all druggists. GLOVER'S WORM MEDICINES are safe, sore. In capsules and liquid form for Roundworms; capsules for Tapeworms and Hookworms. FREE VETERINARY ADVICE on any animal prob lem. Please mention animal's age, breed and sex. FREE GUIDE—Write for it today. Address Dept 047, 462 Fourth Avenue, New York City