The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 12, 1936, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Over the County
Charles Strong spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil McMillan. He has been in
the CCC camp at Valentine for
the past two weeks.
Larry Tenborg made a business
trip to Sioux City Sunday, being
accompanied by Elmer Stearns.
They returned home Monday even
Mrs. John Conard and sister,
Helen Anspach, spent Monday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Anspach in Inman. Mrs. Conard
returned home Monday evening but
Helen remained for a weeks visit.
A farewell dance was held in
Emmet Friday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Storts who will be
leaving shortly for Oregon where
they will make their future home.
Quite a large crowd attended and
a good time was had by all.
Junior Harris, of O'Neill, spent
the week end in Emmet at the Guy
Cole home.
Duane Bonenberger spent the
week end in Atkinson with his
grandmother, Mrs. Ella Dallegge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Conard were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cobb Olson at their home in
Rev. and Mrs. A. Hindman, of
Woodlake, are visiting friends in
Emmet this week. Rev. Hindman
was formerly a minister in Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey visited
relatives and friends in O’Neill
The Ladies Aid served dinner
and supper in the basement of the
Methodist church on election day.
They had a very good crowd.
Mrs. John Bonenberger spent
last week in O’Neill at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Bob Fox.
The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs.
F. H. Outhouse on Wednesday
Marvin Youngs and Keith Mc
Graw, students at the state uni
versity, were here over the week
end visiting home folks.
Levi Outhouse was home Sun
day from the CCC camp near Val
Mrs. E. E. Sire has gone to Lim
coin to take charge of a fraternity
house. Her son, Eugene, is one of
the group of boys living in the
house. Mr. Sire plans on going
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Coleman
left Thursday night for Chadron
to visit their son, Richard, and
wife for about two weeks.
Mrs. E. R. Riley spent Monday
in O’Neill with her sister, Mrs.
Naylcr who is ill.
Mrs. W. E. Brown and daughter,
Muzetta, returned Tuesday night
from Wheatland, Wyoming, where
they had visited for about ten days
with her sister and family.
Mrs. Etta Trowbridge and son,
Ernest, of Page, visited at the
Forest Smith and E. A. Stevens
homes here Sunday.
The Misses Gertrude and Delores
Young spent the week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Young. Miss Gertrude left the
first of the week for Sioux City
for a visit with an aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith were
in Grand Island Thursday on busi
Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Maxey re
turned from Lincoln the first of
the week, after having been there
over a week where Mrs. Maxey
was receiving medical attention
preparatory to undergoing an op
eration. However the hospital at
tendants thought it inadviseable
to operate at this time.
The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. A.
L. Borg Thursday afternoon and a
large crowd of over thirty attend
ed. The ladies are getting ready
to quilt a lovely quilt. Mrs. Borg
served a delicious luncheon. The
next meeting will be with Mrs. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby
spent several days last week visit
ing in Sioux City and other nearby
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen are
visiting in this locality. They
motored from Oregon several weeks
ago and have been visiting Mrs.
Walters, Henry Walters, Sam Rob
ertson’s and George Nelson’s.
Dinner guests at the Virgil Hub
by home on Sunday were: Mrs.
Eric Borg and Marvel, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Rouse, Lawrence,
Lloyd and Delbert, Arthur, Mr. and
Mrs. William Hubby and Melvin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and
son spent Thursday evening at
Howard Rouse’s.
We understand the barn on the
Ralph Chase place burned about
9 o'clock Sunday night. No one
was living on the place and there
was nothing in the barn as far as
anyone knows.
The Dan Hansen family were
guests at Ed Hennifin's on Sunday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Crawford at Spencer
on October 26th. Mrs. Crawford
was formerly Zelda Heniifin.
Edward Kaczor was a guest at
Frank Nelson’s on Sunday.
House Brothers have begun the
construction of a new barn to take
the place of the one that burned
down some time ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rouse, Rose,
Catherine and Bernard and Mrs. E.
H. Rouse were guests at the Arden
Johnson home on Sunday.
We understand that George Han
sen is having a sale shortly pre
paratory to leaving for Washing
ton. We wish them success in the
venture, although we hate to see
them leave.
Real News, 1936: Cecil Griffith
and William Hubby are picking
corn for A. L. Borg.
Mrs. Gus Segar and daughter,
Minnie, visited Mrs. Ralph Beck
with Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osborn and
family spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John
William Schmohr looks for al
bumper crop next year and is ready
to start the new year out right
with a new tractor which he pur
chased Tuesday.
A large number of relatives and
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss
enjoyed their wedding dance in At
kinson Tuesday night.
Mrs. Guy Beckwith and Mrs.
John Kee helped the Ladies Aid
serve a fried chicken dinner in
Km met election day.
Miss Angela Pribil spent the
week end at her home south c-f
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Beckwith
and daughter and Miss Olive Beck
with were dinner guests at Ralph
Beckwith’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Segar and
children spent Sunday in Atkinson
visiting Mrs. Segar’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Frohardt.
Mrs. Maggiie Gray is not so well
at this time, according to latest
reports. Mrs. Gray is at the home
of her brother in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert have i
bought a house in O’Neill and will
make their home there .
Sunday services. Sunday school
Junior department 9:00, all other |
departments 10:00.
Morning worship 11:00. Right
ousness, the Way of Peace.
Evening service 7:30. Gospel
singing and preaching. We in
vite you to these services.
H. D. Johnson, Pastor.
(Continued from page 4.)
tains a number of dangerous jokers.
Briefly, the social security act,
as now in etfect, works as follows:
During the present year, every
employer in the land employing
eight or more people has been sub
ject to a tax equal to one per cent
of his total payroll. This tax will
be due and payable on Jan. 1, 1937.
Purpose of the tax is to provide
money for state unemployment in
surance funds. If they lack such
funds, the Federal government
will keep the money and adminis
ter the job itself.
This tax will be increased by one
per cent next year, and another
one per cent in 1938, reaching a
maximum of 3 per cent of all pay
rolls, to be paid entirely by em
That is one phase of the social
security act — the employment
phase. The other phases have to
do with old age insurance.
The tax for this starts on Jan. 1,
and will amount to 2 per cent of all
payrolls. Half of this will be paid
by employers, and the other half
by employes. (Maximum taxable
income of an individual is $50 per
week.) This tax will rise slowly,
and reach a top of G per cent in
1949, 3 per cent of which will be
paid by employers and 3 per cent
by workers. All of this money will
be retained by the Federal govern
ment, and will be used to retire
workers at the age of 65.
Thus, when the maximum is
reached, the social security tax will
total 9 per cen^on all payrolls, with
certain exceptions such as agricul
tural and domestic labor.
It is obvious that the tax will
bring in vast sums of money. Es
timates say that in 1937—when the
total tax will be 4 per cent of pay
rolls—revenues will exceed $1,000,
000,000. Yield for the following
year will be close to $1,400,000,000.
And. when the top figure is reached,
it is anticipated that $3,000,000,
000 a year will flow in.
And here is where one of the
jokers appears. Estimates say
that old age insurance reserves—
which must, under the law, be re
tained by the Federal government
and invested in Government bonds
—will reach $47,000,000,000 by
K»80. Today our Federal debt is at
an all time high of $34,000,000,000.
This debt, ns the U. S. News has
pointed out, must be inflated by
another $13,000,000,000 by 1080
just to provide enough bonds for
the investment of old age security
money, entirely dismissing other
holdings of government bonds.
Worst joker of all, according to
some commentators, is that under
the law, Congress could legally ap
propriate this old age security
money for other* purposes. In other
words, it is morally but not legally
bound to use tho funds for the
pensioning of the elderly. An ir
responsible Congress, convening,
say, in 1960, could spend the sav
ings piled up and the worker who
had been contributing, in company
with his employer, part of his earn
ings for a generation to assure a
financially independent old age,
would be out of luck.
Still another joker, some say, is
that if the sums involved were put
into policies providing pensions on
the same scale as those provided
by annuities sold by private in
surance companies, the individual
would get much more when he
i l eached 65. This has been disputed
1 by others, and the whole matter has
j been so befogged by argument and
I contradictory statistics that no one
really knows what the exact truth
is. The discussion of the social
security law could be continued for
pages, but it is not intended to be
exhaustive—a book would be nec
essary if that were the aim. It
seems certain that you will hear
much debate concerning it in the
next Congress, and there is a good
chance that the law will be amend
ed in a number of particulars.
As I am leaving the state, I will
sell the following described
property, starting at 12:30 p. m.
at my farm located 17 miles
north and 4 miles east of O’Neill
or 5 miles east and 1 mile south
of Midway store on
Thursday, Nov. 19,1938
5 — Head of Horses — 5
One gray mare, 5-years-old,
with foal, wt. 1,350; 1 sorrel
mare, 9-years-old, with foal, wt.
1,450; 1 gray mare, smooth
mouth, wt. 1,400; 1 bay mare
saddle or work, 10-year-old, wt.
1,000; 1 bay gliding coming
21—Head of Cattle—21
Seven good young milk cows,
2 fresh, all milking but one; 4
young white face stock cows; 4
coming 2-year-old heifers, 5
hand fed calves, and 1 good,
whiteface polled bull, 2-yrs.-old.
15 Hogs—125 Chickens
10 Hampshire gilts and 5 bar
rows, wt. 165. 125 White Rock
pullets, starting to lay.
Machinery, Harness
and Feed
New McCormick 6-ft. mower;
Deering 10-ft. hay rake; 1 sulky
plow; 1 walking plow; 1 1-row
cultivator, 1 8-ft. press drill; 1
harrow; 1 Nesco spreader; 1
wagon and rack; 2 wagons and
box; 1 wood saw, new blade; 1
John Deere 4 h. p. engine; 1
drive belt; ice tools; blacksmith
tools; barrels and barrel pump;
2 sets harness; 2 good sad lies;
7-tons alfalfa; 7-tons Sudan
hay; 8-tons prairie hay; oats
straw and corn fodder; 300-bu.
oats; 250-bu. corn; 75-bu. wheat;
75-bu. rye; 1,500-lbs. Sudan seed
and some seed com; 20 tons dry
wood.; 125 black locust fence
posts, and other articles.
Household Goods
One Home Comfort enameled
range; 1 dining room tab e; 1
set dining room chairs; 1
set kitchen chairs; 2 kitchen
tables; ice box; 1 American sep
arator; 1 wood heating s ove; 1
library table; 1 new living room
suite;'l Steger & Sons pi::no and
bench just reconditioned; 2
rockers; 1 Coronado 7-tube cab
inet radio; 3 beds complete with
springs and mattresses; 2 dress
ers; 1 oil brooder; fruit; fruit
jars; dishes; cooking uienslls,
etc. Everything goes.
TERMS —Sums of $20 and
under cash. See the cierk for
terms before sale.
Col. JIM MOORE, Auctioneer
Ladies Aid Will Serve Lunch
D\x& (ompfete Cm.- G)inplctcfij~T|eu/
For the first time, the very newest things in motor car beauty,
comfort, safety and performance come to you with the additional
advantage of being thoroughly proved, thoroughly reliable.
BODIES (With Solid Steel Turret Top—Unisteel Construction) • PERFECTED HYDRAULIC
BRAKES (With Pouble-Articulated Brake Shoe Linkage) • NEW DIAMOND CROWN
AROUND (at no extra cost) • SUPER-SAFE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* (at no extra cost)
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.
Phone 100 C. E. LUNDGREN, Mgr. O’Neill, Nebr.
We are open evenings and Sundays.
Per 100-Lb. Bag
Altho the potato market has not broken and
is on the advance, we are offering these at less
than Wholesale Price! This will be the last we
can get of this grade at the above low price!
Carload Cabbage
From Holland Seed
To be on track Saturday or Monday
Per 100 Pounds
Bring your own sacks. We will have men
and scales at the car.
School Boy Size—Per Bushel...$1.69
GRAPEFRUIT— 6 for. .25c
These prices will be the same at our
Atkinson Store.
Having decided to quit farm
ing, 1 will offer for sale on my
farm 12 miles north and 2 miles
west of the O'Neill cemetery, 11
miles northeast of Emmet or 4
miles south and 2 west of Mid
way the following described
property at 1 o’clock p. m. on
Wednesday, Nov. 18
8 — Head of Horses — 8
One black mare, 8-years-old,
wt. 1,400; Black mare, 5-years
old, wt. 1,360; Roan mare. wt.
1,860, smooth mouth; 2-year-old
colt, wt. 1,200; yearling colt and
3 spring colts. J
17—Head of Cattle—17
Nine milk cows to freshen in
spring; 4 coming 2-year-old
heifers, to freshen in spring; 4
spring calves.
Four stacks mowed oats; 2
stacks alfalfa; some corn fod
der and cane.
Farm Machinery
Hay rack and. wagon; 2 box
wagons; wagon gear; 2-row eli,
McCormick with tractor or horse
hitch; 8-ft. disc; disc gang plow;
Goodenough plow; 2 walking
plows; breaking plow; cultivat
or; 3-sec. harrow; McCormick
•J-ft. mower; Clover Leaf manure
spreader; scraper; endgate seed
er; corn shelter; sled; 3 sets
work harness; stock saddle;
Beatrice cream separator; Royal
Blue cream separator; some
household good and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
Col JAMES MOORE, Auctioneer
Lunch Wagon on the Grounds
Conceived By Us!
Styled By Us!
Made Solely For Us!
Our Own Brand Wm
Only Brown-McDonald sells
DONFIELD Shirts! They are
made to our own exacting speci- ,
fications by a maker of shirts A
for the finer trade. Superior qual«
ity fabrics are used . . . we have
styled them with the smartness of the finer
shirts, a style and fit that will last because
of the fine fabrics. Full cut with long square
tails. They are shirts that won't fade. COM
Introductory Selling
• All Collar Styles a
• Lustrous White 2
• Stripes, Checks Jfi
• Spaced Figures
• New Dusk Tones
Others at $1.49 and $1.95
BRGUJ n • mc DO n A LD CO. |