The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 05, 1936, Image 1

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Neb* St#t* Historic*] Socm*
The Frontier
_ . ■ ■■ —1 ' ■" 1 . .1 " "■■■
New Deal Carries 46 States
Stefan Only Republican Congressman Elected, With
A Majority of Nearly 40,000. Cochran
Retains Governor’s Chair.
'well, the battle of ballots is over
and the New Dealers have triumph
ed in the nation as well as in the
state. The entire democratic ticket
was successful in the state, with
the lone exception of land commis
sioner, to which office the present
incumbent, Swanson, republican
A was elected, but the voters at the
■ same time adopted a constitutional
amendment doing away with the
President Roosevelt carried the
state with a majority of about
98,000. Senator Norris, running
as an independent candidate with
the active support of the national
administration and the democratic
state committee, was re-elected
over Robert Simmons with a maj
ority of about 30,000.
In this county the vote was fairly
close on president, but the unofficial
returns give the county to Roose
velt with a majority of 188 with
the mail vote yet to be counted
There were 169 mail votes sent out
and there will probably be 165 re
turned. The total vote of the
county at the last election is about
8,000, compared to 7.285 four years
ago. This is the largest vote ever
cast in the county.
Four years ago this county went
into the Roosevelt column with a
majority of 2,386. In that election
he received 4,761 votes in the
county compared to 3,839 this year.
The county vote increased 700 this
year and the president l'eceived
922 less votes in the county than
he did four years ago, which‘clearly
shows that the farmers of the
county are opposed to the New
Deal. The president’s greatest
strength was in the towns of the
county and not in the farming
In this county Congressman Karl
Stefan was the real race horse on
election day. He received 5,317
votes in the county, as against 1,657
for his democratic opponent, and
131 cast for McNamara the Union
party candidate, or a plurality of
3,660, or a clear majority of 3,529.
Armistice Day Program
Scheduled Here By the
Legion and V. of F. W.
Armistice Day exercises are now
being arranged by the ex-service
men of this vicinity and will be
participated in by members of the
American Legion and Veterans of
Foreign Wars, as well as all other
World War veterans.
The exercises will open with a
parade of school children, the high
school band and all ex-service men
at 10 o’clock in the morning, the
route of march being from the
library to the K. of C. hall where
the morning exercises are to be
Earl J. Moyer, of Madison, one
of the leading lawyers of northeast
Nebraska, an overseas veteran and
a former State Vice Commander of
the American Legion as well as a
long time member of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars will deliver an
address at the K. of C. hall im
mediately following the parade and
at about 10:30 in the morning. The
program at the exercises in the
hall follows:
Advancement of Colars.
Invocation by Rev. Johnson.
“Military Escort,”—H. Bennett,
by the band.
Selection, by St. Mary’s Glee
“Invincible U. S. A.”—Keifer, by
the band.
“In Flanders Field,” Nadine Kil
Selection, St. Mary’s Glee Club.
“Rifle Rangers”—K. L. King, by
the band.
Address by Attorney Earl J.
Moyer, of Madison.
“Star Spangled Banner, by band.
One minute silence.
Selection by Band.
The general public are invited to
attend these exercises.
Immediately following the morn
ing exercises and from twelve to
one o’clock there will be a luncheon
at Bauman’s Cafe for all ex service
f men and their guests.
In the evening there will be a
dance at Danceland under the
auspices of the American Legion
and R. L. Jordan. A splendid dance
band has been engaged and a good
time is assured. The general public
is invited.
Atkinson Horse Cattle
And Hog Market Steady
(Atkinson Livestock Market sale
report, Tuesday, Nov. 3.
Horse Auction, Monday, Nov. 2.
Receipts 185 head. In spite of near
blizzard weather a nice crowd of
interested people attended Mon
days horse auction. All the good
horses and mules sold fully steady,
while the cheaper and smooth
mouth kinds looked from 5.00 to
10.00 a head lower. Three carloads
of the best horses arrived too late
for the sale and will be sold at next
Tuesdays regular auction.
Cattle and Hog auction, Tuesday,
Nov. 3. Being election day seemed
to make litttle difference to cattle
and hog receipts at Tuesdays auc
tion. Nearly 800 head of cattle
and 400 head of hogs were sold on
a fully steady market. Best year
ling steers and heifers if anything
were 25 to 35 cents a hundred high
er. * The hog market too was from
25 to 35 cents a hundred higher.
Best yearling steers brought from
6.00 to 6.75 with a few real choice
ones on up to 7.00; fair to good
steers sold at 5.00 to 5.50; very few
steers unless doggy ones had to
sell below 4.50; yearling heifers in
a range of 4.50 to 5.50; steer calves
mostly at 5.50 to 6.50; heifer calves
at 4.75 to 5.50; best fat cows at
5.00 to 5.50; good kinds at 4.50 to
5.00; cutters at 3.75 to 4.00; can
ners at 2.75 to 3.20; wet stock cows
sold at 3.50 to 3.80 a hundred; some
real plain thin cattle sold as low
as 3.50.
Mrs. Henry Zimmerman arrived
in the city last Sunday evening
from Chicago, for a few days visit
and to cast her vote. She left
Wednesday to spend a few days at
Norfolk with her son, Clarence,
before returning to Chicago.
Ivan Pruss Married To
Miss Elenore Fuchs On
Oct. 8, at Odebolt, Iowa
(The following is from the
Odebolt, la., Chronicle, Oct. 8.)
One of the pretty and interesting
weddings of the season was that of
Miss Elenore M. Fuchs of this
place and Mr. Ivan J. Pruss of
O’Neill, Nebr., which was solemn
ized at St. Martin’s church at 8:30
a. m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, with the
Rev. Father A. G. Schaefer reading
the nuptial mass. The single ring
ceremony was used.
The attendants were the bride’s
sister, Miss Amber Fuchs, and Miss
Roseanne McCabe of Ida Grove,
and W. A. Herrig, brother-in-law
of the bride, and Bernard McCabe
of Ida Grove.
The bride wore a lovely gown of
all over lace, French ecru in color,
made princess style. The trim
mings were in green satin. With
this she wore a picture hat of the
same material, and green satin
slippers. Her corsage bouquet was
of Talisman and Ophelia roses.
The bridal party went to the
Travelers Home hotel and were
served the wedding breakfast. At
noon the wedding luncheon was
served at the home of the bride’s
parents, with thirty-five seuted.
These were the immediate families,
and a few close friends.
The bride is the third daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Fuchs, and
has grown to womanhood here. She
was graduated from the local high
school with the class of 1934, and
pait of the time since that has
been working in Omaha. She will
bo a congenial companion for the
young man who has won her for
his wife.
Mr. Pruss is the only son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Pruss of Emmet,
Nebr. He graduated from the high
school there, then attended the
state normal at Wayne, later com
pleting his education at Creighton
university. It was in Omaha that
the acquaintance was formed that
culminated in the marriage.
The couple left yesterday even
ing for a honeymoon trip to Dallas,
Texas, and thru other southern
states, expecting to be away three
They will be at home at O'Neill,
Nebr., as Mr. Pruss is state repre
sentative of the Banker’s Life In
surance company in Nebraska.
The Chronicle takes pleasure in
extending cordial felicitations and
best wishes for a happy wedded life.
Out of town guests at the wed
ding were: Mrs. John Pruss of
Emmet, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Reece and Marilyn of Atkinson,
Nebr.; Loretta Gross of Omaha;
Mrs. Lewis Mehlbrech of Pittsville,
Wis.; William Fuchs of Bedford,
Mrs. Lenore Mein of Sac City; Mrs.
Cecil Engler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Fox and Lila, Early; Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent Kelly and James, Ida
Grove; and Mr. and Mrs. Firman
Simon, Sioux Rapids.
How They Voted
In Holt County
Dustin: Roosevelt 32, Landon
33, Lemke 2; for senate, Carpenter
7, Simmons 23, Norris, 31; govern
or, Cochran 34, Griswold 27; It.
governor, Jurgensen 26, Williams
25; sec. of state, Harry Swanson
34, Burkett 19; auditor, Price 19,
Marsh 33; com. pub. lands, Olson
21, Swanson 27; treasurer, Jensen
22, Bass 26. atty gen. Hunter 19,
Johnson 20, Porter 8; railway com.,
Good 22, SwanSon, 25; congress,
Karl Stefan 46, Havekost 11, Mc
Namara 4; dist judge, Harrington
10, Dickson 52; county judge, Ma-,
lone, 40; for legislature, Brady 37,
Gillespie 22.
Inman: Roosevelt 176, Landon
162; U. S. senator, Carpenter 58,
Simmons 146, Norris 122; govern
or, Cochran 207, Griswold 130; It.
governor, Jurgenson 175; Williams
134; sec. of state, Swanson 174,
Burkett 126; auditor, Price 140,
March 155; com. pub. lands, Olson
137, Swanson 157; treasurer, Jen
sen 158, Bass 139; atty general,
Hunter 156, Johnson 125, Porter 15;
railway com., Good 157, Swanson
139; congress, Havekost 85, Stefan
237, McNamara 7; supervisor, 5th
dist., Gibson 157, Walters 168;
dist. judge, Dickson 180, Harring
ton 141; county judge, Malone 270;
legislature, Gillespie 180, Brady
Pleasant View: Roosevelt 25,
Landon 49, Lemke 6; U. S. senate,
Carpenter 7, Simmons 46, Norris
25; governor, Cochran 32, Griswold
48; It. governor, Jurgensen 37, Wil
liams 42; sec. of state, Swanson 33,
Burkett 37; auditor, Price 21,
Marsh 47; com. pub. lands, Olson
25, Swanson 48; treasurer, Jensen
25, Bass 49; atty general, Hunter
22, Johnson 43, Porter 4; railway
com., Good 28, Swanson 44; con
gress, Havekost 6, Stefan 71; dist
judge, Dickson 44, Harrington 44;
legislature, Brady 47, Gillespie 31.
Scott: Roosevelt 71, Landon 36,
Lemke 2; U. S. senator, Carpenter
12, Simmons 35, Norris 61; gov
ernor, Cochran 65, Griswold 36,
Mehrens 6; It. governor, Jurgensen
60, Williams 29; sec.of state, Swan
son 65, Burkett 30; auditor, Price
41, Marsh 51; com of pub. lands,
Olson 44, Swanson 48; treasurer,
Jensen 54, Bass 41; atty gen. Hunt
er 45, Johnson 34, Porter 12; rail
way commissioner, Good 44, Swan
son 46; congress, Havejcost 22,
Stefan 82, McNamara 1; Supervis
or, 2nd dist., Tomlinson 37, Carson
71; dist. judge, Dickson 60, Har
rington 47; legislature, Gillespie
09, Brady 37.
Emmet: Roosevelt 88, Landon
91, Lemke 2; U. S. senator, Carp
enter 14, Simmons 88, Norris 65;
governor, Cochran 89, Griswold 83;
It. gov., Jurgensen 78, Williams 76;
sec. of state; Swanson 97. Burkett
67; auditor, Price 59, Marsh 91;
land com., Olson 60, Swanson 90;
treasurer, Jensen 83, Bass 69; atty.
general, Hunter 64, Johnson 79,
Porter 9; railway com., Good 71,
Swanson 86; congress, Stefan 134,
Havekost 26, McNamara 6; dist.
judge, Dickson 82, Harrington 95;
legislature, Gillespie 63, Brady 106.
Paddock: Roosevelt 72, Landon
113; U. S. senator, Carpenter 18,
Simmons 107, Norris 56; governor,
Cochran 74, Griswold 108; Lt. gov.,
Jurgensen 73, Williams 79; sec. of
state, Swanson 90, Burkett 65;
auditor, Price 56, Marsh 98; land
com,, Olson 57, Swanson 93; treas
urer, Jensen 76, Bass 79; atty. gen,,
Hunter 58, Johnson 85, Porter 10;
railway com. Good 62, Swanson 90;
congress, Stefan 146, Havekost 32;
supervisor, 2nd dist., Carson 110,
Tomlinson 61; dist. judge, Dickson
101; Harrington 74; legislature,
Gillespie 100, Brady 69.
Sand Creek: Roosevelt 29, Lan
don 61; U. S. senator. Carpenter 7,
Simmons 54, Norris 29; governor,
Cochran 31, Griswold 60; Lt. gov.,
Jurgensen 35, Williams 48; sec.
of state, Swanson 45, Burkett 40;
auditor, Price 28, Marsh 65; land
commissioner, Olson 24, Swanson
61; treasurer, Jensen 30, Bass 51;
atty. general, Hunter 26, Johnson
60, Porter 6; railway com., Good
25; Swanson 57; congress, Have
kost 10, Stefan 76, McNamara 3;
dist. judge, Dickson 74, Harrington
16; legislature, Gillespie 31, Brady
Iowa: Roosevelt 57, Landon 49,
Lemke 1; U. S. senator, Carpenter
19, Simmons 44, Norris 45; govern
or, Cochran 56, Griswold 52; Lt.
governor, Jurgensen 53, Williams
45; sec. of state, Swanson 61, Burk
ett 36; auditor, Price 43, Marsh 57;
land com., Olson 35, Swanson 58;
treasurer, Jensen 51, Bass 57; atty.
general, Hunter 44, Johnson 43,
Porter 9; railway com., Good 42,
Swanson 54; congress, Havekost 16,
Stefan 90, McNamara 1; supervisor
2nd dist., Tomlinson 60, Carson 46;
dist. judge, Dickson 83; Harring
ton 22; legislature, Gillespie 48,
Brady 52.
Chambers: Roosevelt 100, Lan
don 299; U. S. senator, Carpenter
48; Simmons 258, Norris 73; gov
ernor, Cochran 136, Griswold 254;
Lt. governor, Jurgensen 119, Wil
liams 225; sec. of state, Swanson
140, Burkett 203; auditor, Price 73,
Marsh 259; land, com., Olson 72,
Swanson 262; treasurer, Jensen
106, Bass 228; atty. general, Hunt
er 90, Johnson 223, Porter 223;
railway com., Good 95, Swanson
229; congress, Havekost 49, Stefan
318, McNamara 2; supervisor, 5th
dist., Gibson 187, Walters 206; dist.
judge, Dickson 256, Harrington 85;
legislature, Gillespie 218, Brady
Golden: Roosevelt 80, Landon
59; U. S. senator. Carpenter 18,
Simmons 64, Norris 62; governor,
Cochran 72, Griswold 60; Lt. gov.,
Jurgensen 74, Williams 55; sec. of
state, Swanson 73, Burkett 52; aud
itor, Price 66, Marsh 59; land com.,
Olson 66, Swanson 62; treasurer,
Jensen 67, Bass 58; atty. general,
Hunter 60, Johnson 57, Porter 11;
railway com., Good 64, Swanson 62;
congress, Havekost 42, Stefan 90;
dist. judge, Dickson 80, Harrington
52; legislature, Gillespie 63, Brady
Shamrock: Roosevelt 25, Landon
34, Lemke 1; U. S. senator, Carp
enter 14, Simmons 27, Norris 16;
governor, Cochran 26, Griswold 35;
Lt. governor, Jurgensen 31, Wil
liams 26; sec. of state, Swanson 37,
Burkett 20; auditor, Price 26,
Marsh 29; land com., Olson 21,
Swanson 24; treasurer, Jensen 32,
Bass 24; atty. general, Hunter 22,
Johnson 27, Porter 6; railway com.,
Good 28, Swanson 28; congressman,
Havekost 13, Stefan 42; supervisor
5th dist., Gibson 40, Walters 21;
dist. judge, Dickson 23, Harring
ton 36; legislature, Gillespie 37,
Brady 21.
(Continued on page 4, column 1.)
Walters and Gibson Tied In Fifth Supervisor District
With 14 Mail Votes To Count. Carson
And Smith Are Winners.
The fight for district judge creat
ed quite a little interest in the
county and in this fight Judge Dick
son emerged an easy victor. He
carried Holt county by 1,525 votes
and carried every county in the
district, and when the mail votes
are counted he will have a majority
of over 4,500, the largest he has
ever received. For county judge
C. J. Malone had no opposition and
we did not take the time to compile
his vote as he received practically
all the votes cast.
For member of the unicameral
legislature F. J. Brady, of Atkin
son, was an easy winner, carrying
every county in the district. On the
face of the returns he carried Holt
county with a majority of 137 and
his majorities in the other counties
will place his majority in the dis
trict over 1,000.
A contest that was closely watch-1
ed by many was the fight for sup
ervisor in the Second district, in
which Supervisor John Carson was
seeking re-election being opposed
by Robert E. Tomlinson. On the
face of the returns Carson won out
.vith a majority of 107 and there
are not enough mail votes in the
district to offset this majority,
which will probably be increased.
In the Fourth district Chairman
Louis W. Reimer was the candid
ate of both parties and of course
was an easy victor.
In the Fifth district John W.
Walter, who was appointed, to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of
Ezra Cook and was the republican
candidate for election, was opposed
by J. P. Gibson, of McClure, This
proved to be one of the closest Con
tests of the election. The unofficial
returns show that each candidate
received 600 votes and they are
tied. There are fourteen mail votes
from this district to be counted and
the outcome of this contest will
not be known until the official can
vass is completed, the end of the
In the Sixth district B. J. Sherry
was the democratic candidate and
Walter K. Smith the republican
candidate, the latter having de
feated John Steinhauser, now rep
resenting that district at the prim
ary election. A write-in campaign
was carried on in this district the
voters writing in the name of John
Steinhauser. Steinhauser carried
Stuart by 50 and was leading in the
race until the last precinct reported.
The unofficial vote shows that
Smith was elected over Steinhauser
with a vote of 340 to 316, Sherry
receiving 310. The vote received
in his home precinct, as well as in
the other precincts of the district,
where they had to write his name
in, must be very gratifying to Mr.
Steinhauser, who has represented
the district on the board for many
Following is the total vote re
ceived by the various candidates in
the county:
For President:
Franklin I), Roosevelt .3839
Alfred M. Landon 3651
William Lemkc 147
For U. S. Senator:
Terry Carpenter 1036
Robert G. Simmons 3244
George W. Norris 3032
For Governor:
R. L. Cochran 3960
•Dwight Griswoid 3457
Peter Mehrens 49
For Lt. Governor:
Walter H. Jurgensen 3559
Geo. A. Williams 3063
For Sec. of State:
Harry Swanson 3876
William A. Burkett 2723
For Auditor of Pub. Accounts:
William H. Price 2943
Geo. W. Marsh 3518
For Land Commissioner:
Arthur E. Olson 2853
Leo N. Swanson 3544
For State Treasurer:
Walter H. Jensen 3328
T. W. Bass 3109
For Attorney General:
Richard C. Hunter 2947
Richard O. Johnson 3007
George C. Porter. 484
For Railway Commissioner:
F. A. Good 3087
Duane T. Swanson 3306
For Congressman:
John Havekost 1657
Karl Stefan 5317
Raymond W. McNamara 131
For District Judge:
Robert R. Dickson_ 4508
James J. Harrington 2699
For County Judge:
C. J. Malone 5698
For Legislature:
L. G. Gillespie 3475
Frank J. Brady 3612
Second District Supervisor:
Tomlinson Carson
Antelope 30 31
Iowa 60 46
Paddock 61 110
Scott 37 71
Shields 106 65
Steel Creek 40 96
Willowdale 47 % 69
381 488
Fifth District Supervisor:
Gibson Walters
Shamrock 40 21
McClure 50 20
Inman ... 157 168
Conley 58 63
Wyoming 59 78
Chambers 187 206
Lake 49 44
600 600
Sixth Supervisor District:
Sherry Smith hauser
Francis 8 34 9
Green Valley 31 33 28
Holt Creek 4 21 2
Josie 12 5 0
Stuart 223 207 273
Swan ... 32 40 4
310 340 316
The race for district judge
created a great deal of interest in
the county, as well as in other
[counties of the district. In this
contest Judge Dickson won re
election by the largest majority he
ever received, which is conclusive
proof that his services on the bench
have been satisfactory to the cit
izens of the district. Following is
the unoffic ial vote of the candidates
in each county in the district:
Dickson ton
Rock 1130 407
Brown ... 1542 833
Boyd 1853 868
Holt _ 4367 2842
Keya Paha 902 354
Total ... 9794 5304
Dickson’s Majority 4490
Drug Store Ready
• For Saturday Opening
The Johnson Drug Company has
an advertisement in this issue of
The Frontier announcing the open
ing of their new store on next Sat
urday morning, and he invites the
public to call and become acquaint
ed. For the past two weeks Mr.
Johnson has had a force of men
busy renovating the interior of the
store, which he expects to have
completed before the opening.