The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 22, 1936, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    Over the County
By Romaine Saunders
R. W. McGinnis was greeting
friends in Amelia last Sunday.
Friendk of the family will be glad,
to learn that Mrs. Harry White is
much improved in health.
^ Those accustomed to satisfy
thirst from God’s great reservoirs
in the southwest have no taste for
Missouri river water and hop juice.
Rev. Mr. Morton, of the Free
Methodist church was called to
Cattsville by the illness of Mrs.
Morton who had gone there on a
The delinquent tax list is getting
bigger and better. The millions of
increased farm income we read
about apparently is not being used
to pay taxes.
The institutions stewing the
foaming amber beverage now
promise some real fire water. Pass
ing out of the perspiring season,
the cooling swig takes on a warm
ing effect.
If you like to talk about the
neighbors maybe Amy Semple-Mc
Pherson’s plan will help you along:
“You may talk about me all you
please, I’ll talk about you—down on
iny knees.”
The barn at the old Charley
Thompson ranch, a huge affair that
had stood like the Leaning Tower
for a number of years from the on
slaught of a fierce gale, is being
torn down and rebuilt.
Levi Clemens was over this way
Friday looking over the road and
bridge of the mile south of the
Berry school house, this being one
of Wyoming precinct’s miles for
road maintenance on the precinct
Fred Watson went to Sioux City
Wednesday of last week with a load
of cattle while the boys at the
ranch put the season’s accumula
tion of calves thru the ordeal of
the redhot branding iron and the
vaccine injection.
None on relief need fear the re
turn of the wolf to the door if a
change of administration is voted.
As I understand it, Mr. Landon
would not abandon the needy to
the gaunt specter of want but will
remedy the abuses and waste now
becoming a national scandal.
Many out this way find they have
some corn to husk and are getting
into the fields to secure what there
is ahead of the crows now working
in packs to consume the little raised.
The quality of the corn is good but
ears are small, many not well filled.
Glen White is the most optimistic
of those talked with. His crop is
yielding 15 bushels to the acre.
In the basement of the Methodist
church at Chambers on Tuesday of
next week, old timers of south Holt
are to be entertained at dinner.
Sixty-five and over is the age re
quirement. It is an annual affair
and has always proved a high light
of social functions for those of
mellow years. Amelia folks have
been asked to help and participate.
Democrats out this way are not
taking kindly to the work of cer
tain party leaders in bringing out a
petition candidate to oppose the
regular party nominee. They sus
picion it is done with the thought
that their petition candidate may
not survive another full term and a
vacancy will be created to fill by
appointment. Hence they are sup
porting Carpenter.
Nothing has appeared lately con
cerning social functions they were
wont to indulge in northern Holt.
I have not been a guest only as Ed
Early with a master hand takes us
thru the festivities in vivid word
picture. There is a community of
neighborly people out that way but
perhaps their social season has not
yet begun. Neighborliness out this
w*ay is not often in groups, it being
manifest in fellowship family with
A beauty spot amid the brown,
dry sod of October is a gorgeous
green front yard at the Ed Jung
man ranch. Primarily occupied in
keeping up a herd of White Faces,
Mr. Jungman finds time for a little
landscape work about his nicely ap
pointed home. Splendid results
have been achieved in having a
fresh green lawn during the autumn
by seeding with bluegrass and
oats and letting the windmill fur
nish the needed moisture. Zenias
yet untouched by frost add to the
picture with their bright shades.
I have just received another
specimen of “planned economy.”
This time it is a story from a New
York Sun Washington correspond
ent telling about the importance of
Mr. Tugwell in President Roose
velt’s councils. It is sent direct
from Washington under the frank
of an eastern senator and appears
to have been printed in the Con
gressional Record. Its political
value is a doubtful quantity but
that does not mitigate the cost to
our government, now in charge of
a group loudly shouting “who cares
for expenses!”
The individual irrevocablly and
irredeemedly padlocked to anything
and everything his party leaders
promulgate becomes “raving, cav
ing, stark staring mad” by just
mentioning the federal money
spending spree. He comes at you
with that somewhat “flat, stale and
unprofitable” clatter about the
spike-tailed, cloven-hoofed and evil
eyed Herbert Hoover having spread
industrial paralysis from the Artie
Circle to Little America and belted
the equator with the frosts of com
mercial ruin. There seems to be
nothing hurts a New Dealer quite
so much as the facts about the
spendthrifts at Washington.
Probably he has 'entertained the
suspicion that the work on the farm
of such as myself was merely neg
ligible but Bob Gallagher had the
tangible evidence to the contrary
Friday last when he was out from
O’Neill on a visit to the southwest.
I was high atop a load of hay and
did not get to interview him as to
the purpose of the visit, but if it
was to show a ranch property to
prospective buyers the country nev
er looked worse and never offered
a better opportunity to investors.
There has been no rain of any con
sequence since last June. Rains will
come again and the country will
bloom in its accustomed beauty.
Now is the time to buy.
Having had some opportunity
thru the years to observe the of
ficial conduct of the judiciary in
this and other judicial districts, I
can see no reason for a change in
judges at this time. Judge Dickson
has made just about as good a
record on the bench as you will find
in this or adjoining states. His ex
HEAD or Eligible to Registration HEAD
Sale to be held on the Graver Ranch, located 19 miles southeast
of O’Neill, Nebraska, on U. S. Highway No. 281, on
Monday, October 26
Starting at 12:09 sharp
A Big offering of practical breeding rattle representing ,
such sires as. Elect Domino, Echo Elect, Luxor Brumme , Brigh* ,
Mischief, Beau Sparton, Banner Domino, Bessies Advance and I
many other notable sires.
50 BULL CALVES (All have been
i 50 HEIFER CALVES T. B. TesteL) |
Todays demand for quality feeder calve* makes it impera
tive to employ only the very best herd sires obtainable. 1 he
bulls selling in this sale have been raised in the open, they are
not loaded with fat. Buy Your Bulls for Next Year—Now—anJ
save from $50 to $75 a head. Try and be with us sale day._
Col. E. C. WELLER and DAN SCOTT, Auctioneers
perience and knowledge of the law
is supplemented by pood horse sense
and a familiarity with the ups and
tlowns of life of just about all of
us in the district. Cold legalism is
often in need of an infusion of
kindly wisdom and we believe litig
ants and others of the district are
getting that now at no sacrifice of
that which is just and right.
L. G. Gillespie of O’Neill called
on a few in Swan and Wyoming
one day last week. Mr. Gillespie
says he has just started an active
campanign in this county to secure
a seat in the one-house legislature.
His interest in road development
appeals in strong terms to this
community. In the new setup to
which Nebraska must look for leg
islation the counties of Holt, Boyd,
Keya Paha and Rock comprise a
district with one member of the
legislature to represent it for a
period of two years. The district
as a whole is agriculture and live
stock, much of the ranch territory
being badly in need of adequate
highways. Mr. Gillespie says if he
is successful in securing a seat in
the legislature he will do all he can
for a farm-to-market road pro
gram for his district.
Mrs. Harry Little and daughter,
Beverley Joan, who have been vis
iting here at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell,
returned to their home at Wausa,
Nebraska, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonenberger
and son, Duane, and Mrs. Troy
Howard and children spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bar
ney Bonenberger south of Emmet.
Mrs. Frank Fesler and Mrs. Clar
ence Farr spent last week in O’Neill
with their mother, Mrs. Mary
Plants, who has been very ill.
She is very much better at this
Reverend Marion Holbert spent
Monday visiting members of the
church who live south of Emmet.
C. C. Downey, of Des Moines,
Iowa, was a business caller in Em
met Saturday.
Mrs. Florence Rees and daughter
Mary Ellis spent Saturday visiting
Mrs. John Conard. They returned
to their home at Norfolk Saturday
John Conard, Guy Cole and Zane
Cole went to Lincoln Saturday to
attend the football game. They
returned home Saturday night.
Monday work started again on
the road south of Emmet. About
thirty men have been employed to
work there.
The house and barn being erected
by Milt Lawrence and Roy Werner
for Dougal Allen at his farm south
of Emmet were completed last
Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach
and children and Mr. and Mrs. John
Anspach, of Inman, spent Sunday
in Emmet at the home of Mr., and
Mrs. John Conard.
Miss Margaret Cuddy went to
O’Neill Sunday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Cuddy.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman De Pue,
of Pape, were in Inman Monday
visiting at the F. M. Coleman home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mapes, of
Tecumseh, were here several days
of last week visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Outhouse.
The Misses Hylda and Alice Brit
tell spent the week end in Omaha
visiting with relatives.’
District Judge R. R. Dickson, of
O'Neill, was in Inman Thursday
greeting friends.
The Coffee Club met with Mrs.'j
F. M. Coleman on Wednesday of
this week. Assisting hostesses
were Mrs. J. T. Thompson and Mrs.
M. L. Harkins.
Mrs. Walter Warner, Mrs. Ed
Jenkinson, Miss Grace Suchy and
Miss Alice Schwiso, of O’Neill,
were in Inman Monday evening.
The Quilting Club met with Mrs.
James Coventry on Tuesday of this
Donald Copely, of Waverly, Neb.,
transacted business in Inman sev
eral days this week.
Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Murten, of
Hay Springs, visited here at the
Forrest Smith home several days
this week.
The first meeting of the Inman
extension club for this season, was
held at the home of Mrs. Carrie
McMahon on Friday. Fifteen mem
bers were registered. A covered
dish luncheon was served at noon.
Mrs. Anna O’Donnell moved into
the Lillie Ek residence this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins
and daughter, Nancy Lee, left for
their home in Indianapolis, Ind., on
Wednesday, after visiting relatives
here for about 10 days. They were
accompanied as far as Norfolk by
his mother, Mrs. L. R. Tompkins,
who visited her parents there for
several days.
Mrs. Mary M. Hancock and
daughter, Miss Gladys, spent the
week-end in Norfolk shopping and
Miss Genevive Sire, who teaches
at Bristow, was home for the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Sire.
Mr. and Mrs. Chore and daught
er, Enid, and Miss Elva Hewitt, of
Bristow, were visitors at the E. E.
Sire home.
Mrs. Alma Snyder, State Super
visor of the R. N. A. Lodge, was in
Inman Friday and Saturday look
ling after business;
V witi,
Mrs. S. J. Benson, of O’Neill,
was a guest of Mrs. Will Kaezor on
Henry Kaezor has been doing
some carpenter work for Arthur
Rouse this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and
Cecil were guests at the Ralph
Young home on Saturday.
Rev. Goldsmith is holding revival
meetings at Paddock Union church.
Eeveryone is invited.
Mrs. S. J. Benson, of O’Neill, was
an overnight guest at the Frank
Griffith home on Saturday. Others
who spent the evening there were
Mr. and Mrs. A. JL. Borg, Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Spindler and Leone and
Lei'oy Spindler.
Russel Graham spent Sunday
afternoon with Lloyd Rouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harrison
and Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Devall were dinner guests at the
Will Kaezor honpp (gunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen and
Gerald and Ralph Rausch were
guests at the Ed Henifin home on
Arthur Rouse spent Sunday aft
ernoon at Frank Griffith’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall spent
Monday at the Will Devall home.
Dr. and Mrs. George Hess, of
Wayne, were guests at the Blake
Benson home Sunday.
A GOOD deal of the
increased cost of
living is due to in
creased carelessness in
Capital, Surplus and
Undivided Profits,
This Hank Carries No
Indebtedness of Officers
or Stockholders.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graham,
Muriel, Reta and Mary Catherine,
Darrel and Russell, Will, Wulter
end Howard Oevall, spent Monday
evening at Frank Griffith’s.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg drove
to Ewing Sunday to attend a con
vention there, and from there they
drove to Atkinson where they had
charge of the services for Mr. and
Mrs. Mariedy Hubby.
Will Oevall, and Walter and
Preston Jones helped saw wood at
Gus Karel's on Monday.
Our first snow of the season fell
Tuesday afternoon, a dust storm
having been in progress previous
to the snow. It was somewhat
colder Wednesday, but only partly
cloudy in this part of the county.
Milo Jones, who has been home
for a week, returned to the CCC
camp at Spalding last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber, of
Long Pine, were callers at Joe
Winkler’s Sunday.
Miss Lena Ramold spent the past
two weeks visiting relatives in the
eastern part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spengler
spent Tuesday in Atkinson at the
Chance Coxbill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries and
baby son, and Miss Alda Pongratz
left for Denver Sunday on a sight
seeing trip. From there they will
visit places of interest in several
southern states and the Centenial
exposition in Texas.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Lorenz and
Glen were caller at the Walter
Spengler home Sunday.
Mrs. E. R. Young, Mrs. Frank
Kasda, Jr., and son Donald, and
Mrs. Everett Young spent Wednes
day at Mrs. Leon Beckwiths. The
ladies tied several quilts.
Mrs. William Schmohr, Mrs.
John Kee, Mrs. Walter Spangler
and Mrs. Guy Beckwith helped with
Sensational News
Breaks This Week!
Gamble Store Now Your
GRUNOW Dealer.
Brilliant features—Beautiful
Cabinets — World-Wide Re
ception and the Teledial. Lib
eral Allowance for your old
Radio. Grunow, 12-tube,
I MUST EMPLOY at once a
man living in small town or
on farm. Permanent work.
Must he satisfied with earn
ing S75 a month at first. Ad
dress Box 73, c-o this paper.
Address ... ..._
[the quilting at Grandma Coles on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wcyman and
(Continued on page 12, column 5.)
Atkinson Livestock Market
“Your nearest and best market.”
Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Fat &
Stock Hogs
Auction Every Tuesday starting at 12:30 p. m.
Our soiling charges are very moderate. If we do not sell
your livestock, we charge you nothing. Send your next
shipment of livestock to Atkinson.
Cake* or
special price of 21c- C.ecrar
GO,^®„?J?frS «* matog
f;rupd2 lb“ <- He lor «■ —•
Ginger Snaps p^e
Th. old time fovorit. of ^“Sese iresh
Su-sssr."S*»L-r r ■*
“Miracle Whip
Salad Dref p,'” 23. and the
Special prices W »ee en .
big quart jar for
WaX Bea"*e t can at
standard qnalily «£ »“ bC“8
a special Pnce 0t ®C _ .
Seedless Ba s^
Fancy a lo« price of 1*
rr^lh-C The 4-lh. hag for
Unncv Krusbei HI*** ®rca'
Our -Bed Bag" Coffee
per pouiid&58c’ 4 # c
CRYSTAL white 5 S'aIS1.... 19°
“Cold Weather”
Just Around the Corner
But! Don’t Worry—We have every
thing to keep you warm!
Part Wool . . . Plaid Design . . .
Sateen Bound Edges . . . Good
The ever Popular Blanket that
has so many uses—
Brand New . . . Novelty Styles
. . . Just what you need—
$1.98 and up
Part Wool . . . Plaid . . . Good
weight and size—70x80—
Dark Color . . . but Good Meas
ures—72x90. A Real Buy!
Here’s where every woman can
get the Best of us—
All $2.95OC All $1.95
Hats- Hats—
COAT Special
HIRSH SPORT COATS and Other Good Coats in- C1C QA
eluded in this sale. Special Group— y
TH€ BRC'Jn m'DOnflLD c<*