The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 22, 1936, Page TWELVE, Image 12
MISCELLANEOUS HOW will voters decide? Will it be Roosevelt. Landon or Lemke? Follow the poll every Sunday in THE OMAHA BEE-NEWS and read more details during the week. Order the BEE-NEWS TODAY! Thru this office. 23tf WANTED — Barnyard. Livestock, Feed and Seed loans.—John L. Quig, O’Neill, Nebr. 23-4 THIRTY years successful practice is your guarantee that Perrigo Optical Company will make your glasses right. Sec their represent ative at Golden Hotel, O’Neill, on Sat., Oct. 31. 23-2 LOOK AT THIS SENSATIONAL MONEY SAVING OFFER—The WORLD-HERALD Daily and Sun day for six months, with the Red Book, Pictorial Review and Good Stories all for only $4.70. You save $2.80. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! This offire. 23-2 WANTED—Full or part time sten ographic work. Six years law of. fjee experience. W'rite Box 327, Norfolk, Nebr. 22-2p ONLY PHILCO HAS IT.—Gilles pie Radio Co. 14-tf I HAVE eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. I also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neiil, Nebr. 2tf FOR RENT APARTMENT, partly modern, for light housekeeping. — Call this office. 22-2 HOUSE in Emmet, 7-rooms; furn ace and lights, 1 block of ground. —G. D. Janzing. 22-4p FARM, March 1, 1937, near Meek and Agee. — Grace L. Badgley, Rosemead, Calif. 20tf WANTED TO BUY CHILD’S bed.—Enquire this office. WANTED—Bone or rock grinder. —Fred E. Nielson, O’Neill. 23-1 WHEN you have butcher stuff, either hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart’s Market. 48-tf FOR SALE MODEL 12 Winchester 12-guagc shotgun.—At this office. 23tf $14.00 Ford Heater; priced to sell. L. R. Beckwith, O’Neill. 23-tf. NO HUNTING sign#, 514x16, in large easily read lettering.—At The Frontier office. 23 1160 ACRE well improved ranch and farm land 7 miles northeast of Chambers, 16 miles south, 314 miles west of O’Neill. $600 cash rent, $400 down balance secured. —Neil Ryan, 5060 West street, Sioux City, Iowa. 23-3 OR TRADE—Garage equipment in a good farming locality. Have Chevrolet direct contract, Allis Chalmers contract. Now and used cars and trucks for sale.—Ql>er shaw Chevrolet Co., Oakdale, Neb. 22-2p CHEVROLET coach, 1929, or will trade for cattle.—Ira Smith, Page. 22-2 p BULLS — Registered Hero fords, calves to yearlings.—W. G. Sire, Inman. 22-4p LOTS 13 and 14 in Block 15, ONeill, Nebr., formerly occupied by War ner Hardware. Inquire of Mrs. A. E. Stevens, 1807 Boss street, Sioux City, Iowa. 21-3p BALED HAY. -R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 12-tf HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South ef the Ford Garage—West Side of Street Diamond--Watches-Jewelery Expert Watch Repairing 0. M. Herre—Jeweler In Keardon Drug Store W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 EXPENSE OF MOVING HIGHWAYS Why does Govenor Roy Cochran and his administration keep mov ing the highway a few miles over from where it is ? Why do they move it over and buy the right-of-way when they now have Section line to travel on ? They are now surveying for a new highway along the railroad track from O’Neill to Ewing in order to save just a few miles. They will run the new survey for the highway thru some expensive farms, and ruin some good farms, with big damages. What does Governor Roy Coch ran care if he spends our 5 cent gas tax to buy a new right of way, and build expensive bridges. If the new highway is built where they are now surveying, it will re quire the buying of the right-of way, and paying the damages to farmers. Damages to the farmers will be great, thru the farms it is to run. Automobile owners now pay about B cents per gallon for gas tax, and that tax money and other tax money is being spent to buy new highways, when the state al ready owns section lines to travffl on. Election of some other governor at the next election might lessen some of this expensive road chang ing and big bridge building. Between O’Neill and, Inman, is low wet land and will take expen sive bridges. It may take $80,000 or something like that to build bridges and water ways and ex pensive high grades from O’Neill to Ewing over low wet meadows. All this expense comes out of Mr. Tax Payer. Mr. Tax Payer is also a voter. Governor Cochran is a road build er and brags about it in his speeches, but he does not tell the voters how much the roads cost them. He does not tell the farmers that he is building them a farm to mark et road with the 5 cents gas tax they pay. He does not tell the tax payer that he moves the highway from when# it is now on Free Section LindE, and moves it a few miles one way or another and buys ex pensive right-of-way for the new roads. The present highway from O'Neill to Ewing runs on section lines mostly and the section lines are free. Section lines are for road pur poses. Automobile owners will be pay ing 5 cents per gallon gas tax or thereabouts all their lives if such expenditures are continued. Why doesn't Governor Roy Coch ran build some farm to market roads ? What the country needs is a road in the country that will ac commodate 15 or 20 farmers to towrn! A farm to market road that will let 15 or 20 farmers use it in going to town., Those farmers are paying gaso line tax. ■—A Taxpayer. SOUTH SIDE IMPROVEMENT CLUB The South Side Improvement Club met at the home of Mrs. Em ma Mat ing on Oct. 8. All members were present except two. Mrs. John Lowery was a visitor. The lesson, “The I mportant Job of Homemaking,” was given by Mrs. John Welsh and Blondina Welsh. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dewey Shaffer, Nov. 12. A delicious lunch of sand wiches, cake and coffee was served by the leaders. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES A. J. May, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m.—We have a Young People’s High School class. Join it. Morning Worship at 11 a. nt.— Special Music. Sermon subject, “Godliness and Contentment.” Epworth League at 6:30—Peggy Cumbre, Leader. Evening Service at 7:30—Young people’s choir. 30 minute song fest. Sermon subject—“What Do We mean by Salvation from Sin?” Discussion. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School—Junior Depart ment at 9:00; Primary and Young People at 10:00. Morning Worship 10:00 — This is to be a family service. Evening Service 7:30. A Relig ious Drama is to be given by the Young People of the Kellar Pres byterian church. “One of the Nine” Act 1, Scene 1, Room in Nathan iels House; Scene 2, In the same room a month later. Act 2, Scene 1, Night outside the door of Nathaniel’s house; Scene 2, Same place, day time, 10 days later. •Act. 3, the Sale Room in Nathan id’s house. Nathaniel, Prince of Jerusalem— Dale Bell. David, The Samaritan—Melvin Bell Reuben, Nathaniel's brother—Le roy Holcomb. Ezra, Reuben’s son-Bayne Grubb. Rabbi Samuel. Belonging to the Sanhedrin—Ralph Hoffman. Lydia, Nathaniel’s second wife— Ruby Holcomb. Zarah, Nathaniel’s daughter — Elinor Alderson. Rachel, Zarah’s friend—Dorothy Grimes. Adah, A servant—Ruth Grubb. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. H. D. Johnson, Pastor. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. Edward Gatz entertained the Delta Deck club at her home Wednesday. Lutheran services will be held at the Episcopal church in this city on Wednesday, October 28, at 7:30 p. m. S. J. Wreekes was looking after business matters in Omaha Monday and Tuesday, returning home Tues day night. Mrs. Donald Gallagher came up from Lincoln Tuesday night for a few days visit with relatives and friends here. Mrs. James Walling came up from Aurora last Saturday night for n weeks visit with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Goldie Liddy was called to Columbus, Nebr., Wednesday, by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Hans Egger. Mrs. Larry Cain returned to her home in this city last Friday after three weeks spent visiting with her parents in Omaha. Parley Hyde, of Chadron, was in the city last Tuesday npon on his way to Columbus to attend the an nual State Firemen’s convention. E. R. Powers, of Fremont, special agent of the Northwestern railroad, was looking after the interests of his company in this city last Tues day. Mrs. F. N. Cronin entertained the Martez Club Tuesday evening. Mrs. John McManus, Mrs. W. J. Biglin and Mrs. F. B. Harty won high scores. Robert Mains, Gene Harty, Janies McNally and Bob McCarthy went to Lincoln Saturday to attend the football game. They came home Sunday. p Miss Catherine Jennings, of Om aha, came up last Friday evening for a week-end visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings. Frank Fronik, of Verdel, and Miss Liubye flavranek, of Atkin son, were granted a marriage lic ense in county court Wednesday morning. Irl Tolen, director of assistance for the state of Nebraska, will be in O’Neill next Monday and will speak at the K. C. Hall that even ing at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reka and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mullen drove to Sioux City Tuesday morning for a short business trip, returning home Wed nesday afternoon. Ernie Nelson came up from Kearney last Saturday night and accompanied by Mrs. Nelson they left for their future home at Kear ney Monday morning. Mrs. William Dunn, of Suther land., Nebr., arrived in the city Monday evening for a short visit at the home of her old friends, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Carter. Judge Dickson and Reporter Mc Elhaney drove up to Ainsworth Monday morning where they are Car of Idaho Delicious ■ Real winter Delicious Ap ples to be sold on North western track October 24, Saturday Only COME AND GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF APPLES (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) Robert R. Dickson For District Judge Your Support and Influence Will Be Appreciated. holding the regular fall term of district court for Brown county. Mrs. Harry Bowen went down to Norfolk Tuesday morning to at tend the annual convention of the Rebecca Lodge, in session there this week, as a delegate from the local lodge. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker and son, Herbert, Mrs. John Ker senbrock and Mrs. Mattie Soukup drove to Sioux City this morning to spend the day visiting friends and shopping. f., John Delougha, of Dorsey, about 90, was before the insanity com mission Tuesday morning, adjudg ed insane, and was taken to Nor folk by Deputy Sheriff Bergstrom Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sweitzer and son, of Milford, came up last Sat urday and spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs. Sweitzer's mother, Mrs. Mary Allen, returning home Monday morning. Frank Farnik and Miss Libbye Havranek, of Atkinson, were un ited in marriage at the Methodist Parsonage Wednesday, Oct. 21 at noon, Pastor A. J. May officiating, using the ring ceremony. They will live at Verdel, Nebr. PLEASANT DALE (Continued from page 7.) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hershiser and family were guests at the W'illiam Schmohr home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kasda, Jr., and son returned home from Mc Cook Friday where Mr. Kasda had been employed during the summer. Ruby Kloppenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenberg, (Political Advertisement) L. G. Gillespie Candidate for the Legislature I am a candidate for the Unicameral Legislature on the non-political ballot from the 28th district, comprising Holt, Rock, Boyd and Keya Paha counties. If elected, it will be my purpose to voice the wishes of my constitu ents, as I endeavored to do as a House member from Holt county in the 1935 session. Your Vote and Support at the Election November 3, Will Be Appreciated. is much better at this time. She was quite badly burned with hot coffee two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith and family w’ere dinner guests at the Guy Beckwith home Sunday. The Leon Beckwith family and Dane Lamphier called there in the afternoon. PLEASANT DALE SCHOOL NOTES Naydene Kee and Florence Wink ler finished their fall scenery post ers. The Fourth grade are cutting out pictures and making flags of Switzerland for their scrap books of Geography. The Eighth grade are drawing several maps of Nebraska, putting in the counties, county seats and the rivers. Darle Beckwith visited school last week. The Fourth grade are making il lustrations of the poem, “October’s Bright Blue Weather.” Leona and Florence Winkler were chosen captains for the perfect at tendance chart. Both of the Knighthood, of Youth castles have 16 stones colored. Vernon Beckwith, Myrlen Beck with and Leona Winkler are the only ones that have an absent maria by their names. * U & I STORE Phone 55 3 Deliveries Daily RED RIVER VALLEY EARLY OHIO POTATOES Per 100 Pounds $2.40 Less 5c per Bag in 5-Bag Lots ) » , ; COLORADO CABBAGE Per 100 Pounds $2.19 RALPH TOMLINSON 8-90 We Have Every Impor tant Winter Fashion i t The coats you’ll need for every occasion this Fall! For sports, dress and country wear! Self trimmed and lovely fur trimmed models! See these lovely coats while stocks are complete! (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) Notice To Taxpayers DO NOT RE FOOLED by New Dealers who say you will not have to pay your share of the extravagance and waste of the New Deal State and National administrations. The average citizen always pays the bill, not only in direct taxes but in taxes upon everything his family eats and wears. Only a SMALL part of this staggering tax bill can be paid by the rich, and they will pass it on to the consumer. In the end. IT MUST COME OUT of YOUR POCKET! Four years ago, before he went on this wild spree of political spending, Franklin D. Roosevelt said: “Taxes are paid in the sweat of every man who labors. Our workers may never see a tax bill, but they pay in deductions from wages, in increased cost of what they buy.” That is true today, but President Roosevelt seems to have forgotten it, NOW is the time to stop this waste of your money—before It is too late. Vote to take the politicians off of the taxpayers’ back—there is ONLY ONE way to do it— Vote Republican LANDON FOR PRESIDENT SIMMONS FOR SENATOR GRISWOLD FOR GOVERNOR STEFJUI FOR CONGRESS