The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 03, 1936, Image 2

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AN’ it's a yarn from old Ireland we’re havin’ today, an it 11 be
■ Jack Boyd of New York city, that’s a-tellin' of it. It hap
pened in November, 1916, long before Jack was ever afther
cornin’ to this country, and when he was on a ten-day leave from
the trenches of France an’ having a bit of a dhrink at a pub in
the village of Moyne.
In any other country, Jack might have finished his drink and gone
his way. But there's something about the “ould sod” that makes It
a favorite roosting place for Old Lady Adventure. Maybe the gal was
born there.
Anyway, she keeps things humming in that neck of the
woods. It’s a rare Irishman that can go through a day without
having something happen to him.
At a table on the other side of the room were two men. They looked
like prosperous farmers—landed gentry they call them over there on
the other side—and they had stopped talking a couple of times to stare
at Jack. Jack didn’t know either one of them. He was visiting some
friends and had never been in the neighborhood before. But after a
while one of the men came walking over to his table.
John and Pat Were a Couple of Old Sports.
The men's names, Jack learned later, were John and Pat. This one
Was John. He sat down and asked Jack if he'd Just come from France.
Jack said he had. And the next remark sort of took Jack by surprise.
“How would you like to earn ten pounds?" John asked him.
John and Tat looked like a couple of old sports but just
the same, ten pounds is a lot of money in Ireland. Jark said
he’d make no answer until he knew what he had to do to earn
the money. Then sporty old John unfolded as fantastic a set of
conditions as ever he had heard In his life.
“Two miles up the river,” John said, "there is an old deserted ab
bey, undermined with caves. There's a tower in the middle of it,
about a hundred feet high. At the bottom of that tower is a room with
an altar in it. The good monks used to pray there, but since Cromwell's
time the abbey has been abandoned, and now it is used as a burial place
Sentinels of the Ruined Abbey Were the Dead.
“At the foot of that altar there are six human skulls. I want to
know if you have the courage to go there tonight at one o'clock,
get one of those skulls and bring it here to me tomorrow. That's all
Two Pale Yellow Lights Were Dancing About the Altar.
you’ve got to do,” John said—and then he looked sort of queerly at
Jack as he added, "There are no keepers or watchmen, and nobody
will know what has happened—but the Dead.”
But the Dead! Jack didn’t like the way he said that. But
ten pounds was a lot of money. It would buy him many a pack
of fags—many a bottle of cognac—when he got back to the front.
He looked John straight in the eye. "Are you on the level?” he
asked. "I am,” said John. "All right,” said Jack, "I’ll do it.”
That night Jack took his service revolver and started for the abbey.
He reached it about quarter of one. At one o'clock sharp he swung
aside the rusty old gate and made his way through dank, dark passages
to the room below the tower.
Weird Lights Flash in the Abandoned Tomb.
It was spooky in there with the moonlight showing through the
cracks and casting weird shadows on the gray stone walls. For the
first time in his life he found himself wondering if maybe there wasn’t
some truth in ghost stories.
He was walking toward the altar, when suddenly he saw
something that froze him stilt in his tracks. Two pale yellow
lights, about the size of plates were dancing about the altar.
"My hair stood up,” he says, “and my courage ran out cf me ike
water out of a bottle. A bat flicked my face, and I almost
dropped my gun. Trembling like a leaf I sat down on a grave
and watched those lights dance. Then I coughed, and in two
seconds I heard that same cough in another part of the abbey.”
Jack walked firmly toward the altar. He wasn’t afraid of anything
In the world now. There was only one light playing about now. The
other was on his face.
Sepulchral Voice Warns Intruder Away.
He raised his gun, rested it on his left forearm and took careful
aim at the beam that was shining in his eyes. He pulled the trigger
twice. There were two sharp cracks—a terrible clatter of broken
glass—a loud, reverberating echo. He thought, "Now is my time.” and
bent to pick up one of the skulls. Suddenly a hollow voice said:
For an instant, Jack began to tremble again. He put down
the skull and picked up another. "LEAVE THAT ALONE.” the
voice repeated. "IT DOESN’T BELONG TO YOU!” He picked
up three more. Each time that warning voice.
"But by this time,” says Jack, "I was getting mad. I shouted
out, To hell with you. whoever you are. They don't belong to you either.’
And with that I picked up the sixth skull and walked toward the
gate, firing right and left from my revolver till it was empty.”
It Was Just a Merry Prank of John and Pat.
If the story had ended there. Jack wouldn't have believed it him
self. Two or three times on the way home he pinched himself to see
if he was dreaming. But the next day when he went with the skull
to the pub, there were John and Pat. John’s right hand was in a band
age, and he grinned and tossed Jack a ten pound note.
"Pat and I had a hundred pound bet,” he said, "that no man
would take a skull from that altar. When you took us up we
both hid in the abbey.
"We had two mirrors that reflected the moonlight, and that's what
made those dancing beams. But I didn’t figure on your shooting, son.
You drilled me right through the palm of the hand. Anyhow, you won
me a hundred pounds. Good-by. son, and good luck to you.”
©—WNU Servlc*.
Congress Debate Perilous
Anti - slavery days were often
perilous ones in the halls of con
gress. Once, as Owen Lovejcy of
Illinois was delivering a speech he
unconsciously kept advancing to the
front as he spoke, until a Southern
representative put a hand on his
shoulder and growled, “Go back to
your own side!" Immediately the
passageway was full of member?,
most of them armed, the “click”
of weapons was heard and they
were all within the bounds of armed
Mourning Doves
The young of the mourning dove
are helpless when hatched and re
quire constant care from their par
ents for the two weeks they re
main on the nest They are fed
by regurgitation on "pigeon milk."
Solid food, such as seeds and in
sects. are gradually substituted un
til by the time the young are ready
to leave the nest they are fed al
most entirely on seeds. Mourning
doves are considered among the
most desirable of birds for their
habits of feeding on weed seeds.
War Financing
France Pays Piper
Lottery Millions
Ability to Endure
One hundred and fifty-three lead
ing British economists, mapping out
Arthur llrlnhnur
a new plan 10
preserve peace,
say "the impor
tance of Ameri
can co-operation
in the work of
peace - making
cannot be over
It is to be
hoped that the
part that Ameri
ca will play in
future European
affairs, such as
war financing,
may be very eas
ily overestimated.
If those gentlemen cannot abstain
from cutting each other's throats
without the assistance and money of
the United States, why, then let
them cut each other’s throats.
France is learning that the peo
ple always pay the piper, whoever
the piper may be—a great conquer
or leading them to war, or a clever
politician loading them with taxes.
In France, sugar has gone up in
price; bread and veal have both
gone up; two sous a kilogram for
bread, two sous a pound for veal,
and the government is held directly
responsible by the housewife as re
gards the bread, for the French gov
ernment fixes the price of bread
as ours fixes the price of postage
Trailing behind England and the
United States the P’rench, with less
than 20 per cent of American unem
ployment, are discussing great pub
lic works to absorb the idle.
Billions are spoken of, but the
••millard,” French word for "bil
lion,” means only one billion four
cent pieces, the franc having been
reduced by government flat to that
price. If a billion meant here 25,
000 francs, equivalent to the Ameri
can billion when the dollar was
good, the French might well faint
away, although they are fundamen
tally a rich people.
When Bismarck laid on P’rance an
Indemnity equivalent to $1,000,000,
000, after 1870, he thought he had
asked for about all France could
raise after a hard war. The French
government offered bonds to pay
Bismarck, and the French people
subscribed to the loan 14 times
over. Bismarck had guessed bad
ly. France is far richer now than
it was then.
French labor demands the 40
hour week and the government
agrees; it also demands wage in*
cteases from 12 to 17 per cent, and
that makes the country a little
With a shorter week, diminished
production and higher wages,
bread, sugar, veal and many other
things must go up in price. Possi
bly the French worker, who really
works, while he is at it, will man
age to produce as much in 40 hours
as he has done hitherto in 48 or
more; even then increased wages
will be added to the price of living
and even the worker, who must pay,
will growl.
How long will America continue
pouring thousands of millions of dol
lars into gambling, lottery sweep
stakes and other foreign enter
It is interesting to read that in
the banks of Dublin there are 25
millions of dollars undistributed
from the so-called “Hospitals
Sweepstakes.” Hospitals did not
get it—yet.
It might also enlighte.. this gov
ernment to know that under the law
no mention can be made of the
sweepstakes gambling in England.
The English are too wise to let their
money be drained oil in any kind of
gambling enterprise, if it is not
You cannot even send a telegram
about sweepstakes over the English
telegraph wires, to be published in
countries outside of England. All
telegraphing about the sweepstakes
gambling game must go around
England, her government-owned
wire system will not handle it.
Under its Constitution, the United
States cannot forbid newspapers to
print lottery news that breeds more
gambling and heavier losses. But
the government might forbid trans
mission of such information through
the postofiftce. That would cut down
the “graft.”
School teachers, business heads,
chambers of commerce, even cler
gymen, might find a good text in
Mr. Son, the young Japanese with
the determined face who won the
long marathon race at the recent
Olympic games in Berlin.
Not only could that marvelous
Japanese runner go, and keep go
ing, but there seemed no end to his
Everybody can run, more or less,
but that by itself never wins a
The race for success in life is a
marathon race, and real success de
pends more than anything else on
your ability to KEEP GOING.
Q King Features Syndicate, lne.
WNU Service.
Behold! the New Fall Hats Arrive!
THE early fall hats thrill with
excitingly new silhouettes that
fairly make you gasp with their
daring. No style is too dizzy, no
media too extreme to have place
in the smart millinery picture.
In Paris, women of fashion are
wearing tiny skull-cap turbans of
black silk velvet that flaunt enor
mous bows at the side or on the
forehead. You will be seeing these
bow turbans all over town.
Intricate manipulation is the key
to high style throughout all milli
nery for fall and winter. It is a
well - known fact that rich fabric
and ingenious manipulation always
go hand in hand. Which leads us
to say that luxurious silk weaves
are adding big interest to hats ap
pearing on the autumn style hori
zon. When choosing your first
autumn chapeau look for models in
the new silk satins, the velvets in
rich glowing color, silk taffetas and
the handsome deep-toned velours
and duvetyns such as go to make
up ultra chic headgear.
The newer shapes have rolling
brims with crowns built up to a
peak, for the trend is decidedly
toward tall peaked and conical ef
fects. See one such shown to the
left below in the illustration. It is
of spruce green silk velvet covered
with fine vertical stitching. You’ll
see lots of stitching on best-looking
hats this fall. Wear this type hat
with your tailored silk or sheer
wool daytime frocks or suits.
Heavy silk velvets of the Lyons
class are being made up in models
with sports type brims. Often
these velvets are combined with
silk faille as manipulated for the
front of the hat to right at top in
the group. This type of hat you
can wear equally well with tailored
silk dresses or with wool dresses
of smart “town” character.
It’s when you are choosing a hat
to go with your best afternoon or
cocktail costume that you can let
yourself go in the matter of silk
millinery. Not only are there the
afore-mentioned bow-trimmed skull
caps in wide profusion but varia
tions of the popular beret are
shown together with unique types
such as the model at right below.
The back of its tiny crown is of
black felt and the front of rust silk
velvet draped softly into an as
cending point in front — a perfect
complement to your afternoon out
This will be a season of color.
Millinery will more than ever tie
up with colors of the costume. Of
course black will be in the spot
light. A large per cent of French
wines, rich reds and aubergine
purple will be worn. Spruce green
is a noted color and olive will be
a highlight novelty. All browns will
be good in lighter casts. Bordeaux,
a wine brown, is also of prime
As to sources of inspiration the
Napoleonic influence has been al
most universally adopted by lead
ing modistes of Paris. Some spon
sor the military style of the soldiers
of France of that time. Others
glean their inspiration from the
conquering armies of North Africa
while still others concentrate on
the soft, luxurious influence of the
gay society of r^apoleon’s reign.
The beret shown with striking
quill as worn by the figure seated
(note her velvety duvetyne tunic
blouse) bespeaks th e military
trend. This model, called "March
ing On” by its designer, is proving
a favorite in high class shops that
are showing it The lady pictured
with the voguish be-curled coiffure
and the blouse elaborated with ap
plique in leaf design is wearing a
becoming portrait beret designed
by Marthe. It has new cire ribbon
C Western Newspaper Union.
This stunning brown suede hand
bag has a decidedly “new” look
as it visions what style-conscious
spectator sports maidens will be
carrying to the football game.
Bags stitched to match gloves are
also a fashion highlight in promise
for fall and winter. The handbag
pictured has deep inside pockets,
staunch handles to swing by and
the new jewel slide fastener pro
viding a delicate golden chain
across the top. The frock and hat
are in soft gray as an effective
contrast to brown.
The fall dress and coat picture
will be brightened by so-called off
shades. Particularly is this true of
football spectator clothes. Fore
I most among these are rust, royal
and purplish blue, moss green and
maple sugar brown.
Contrasting Side Seams
Rochas outlines side seams of
suits and evening gowns with
bands of contrasting colors.
A new fashion season means a
new brainstorm for the experts
who must name the featured hues
in women’s attire. Every name
must be suggestive of the hue but
it has to be different from its pred
ecessors, otherwise a woman will
think it isn’t new.
For the coming autumn season,
the trend in shades is toward rich
colorings and the names chosen
show a tendency toward specific
description rather than flowery
language. Sage green, for exam
ple, looks exactly like the herb for
which is it named. It has that same
soft, grayed tone which is unusual
ly lovely. Maple sugar brown is
another new tone which has a pale,
subdued cast that is different from
the browns usually appearing in
the autumn.
Suit Simplicity Subtle
and Therefore Expensive
Simple suits are always in de
mand, but the simplicity of such
suits is subtle and therefore always
expensive. Chanel has created a
beauty which appears for summer
in lightweight gray flannel, and for
early autumn wear in smooth navy
wool. The jacket, with one-button
fastening at the waist, is slightly
fitted in front and has a straight
back. On one of the wide-stitched
revers is a slit pocket that holds a
hankie. There is a tiny turnback
cuff that continues from a set-in
seamed panel with three buttons.
Heel Taps
Although many of fashion’s high
priests claim that flats and low
heeled evening slippers are defi
nitely out, they refuse to take the
count, according to the latest style
news from Paris.
T»lk» About &
Causes of Offensive Breath
/^VFFENSIVE odor of the
breath is often a matter of
considerable importance to
those afflicted, and medicaJ ad
vice is occasionally sought. The
fact that the odor may arise
from some trouble in the mouth,
throat or bronchial tubes is well
recognized. But in some cases no
trouble exists and yet the odor per
I am quoting Drs. Howard W.
Haggard and Leon A. Greenburg,
Dr. Barton
New Haven, in the
Journal of the
American Medical
Association. It has
been suggested that
the air coming from
the lungs is tainted
by the blood com
ing from some part
of the body where
trouble exists. It
has also been sug
gested that the odor
arises from the sa
liva (the digestive
juice or me moutnj or even irom
the stomach itself.
However, Drs. Haggard and
Greenburg are of the opinion that
the odor comes from the mouth
or throat, and show the results ob
tained in experiments with a num
ber of individuals who had eaten
onion or garlic. Usually the breath
loses its odor within a few hours,
but in occasional individuals even
small amounts of onion or garlic
in soups, sauces, or salads taint the
breath for several days.
As a rule in the past little re
lief could be given for this condi
tion except by disguising the odor
with the use of mouth washes con
taining aromatic oils.
How to Remove Odor
After careful investigation it was
found that the odor after eating
onion and garlic is from little par
ticles that remained in about the
mouth and teeth. It would seem
reasonable to suppose then that
brushing the teeth and tongue with
soap and water and rinsing the
mouth would remove the odor but
they did not do so.
Even brushing the teeth and
tongue with a 30 per cent solution
of alcohol in water failed to re
move the odor.
However, the experiments showed
that “the breath can be immedi
ately and completely rid of the
odor by washing the teeth and
tongue with a solution of chlora
mine. The chlorine thus liberat
ed in the mouth reacts chemically
with the essential oils—garlic and
onion—and deodorizes (removes
odor) them. It is probable that
many cases of foul breath from
other causes could be removed by
the same treatment.”
Chloramine is not a proprietary
drug and can be bought from your
druggist. The chlorine odor is it
self unpleasant and the druggist
may have to add something to dis
guise or sweeten it.
• • •
Bad Effects from Dinitrophenol
Editorials in the Journal of the
American Medical Association have
from time to time warned physi
cians of the dangers of dinitrophe
nol. “Repeatedly and emphatical
ly the Journal has published state
ments regarding the extraordinary
dangers involved in the sudden re
duction of weight occasionally de
scribed as banting, slimming, thin
ning, slenderization and in other
ways. From time to time when
dinitrophenol was first proposed
for weight reduction, the Journal
warned against its uncontrolled
use. This was particularly the case
because dinitrophenol is not stand
ardized, and because there should
be more study over a longer period
before it could be known what its
permanent effects might be. Now
it appears that one of its final and
disastrous effects is the formation
of cataracts in some persons. From
many places comes evidence that
in certain instances the long con
tinued use of dinitrophenol is fol
lowed by the development of cat
aract. In occasional cases erup
tions of the skin occur that may
be dangerous for life.”
Owing to the fact that this drug
has been so successful in reducing
weight it is being sold under a va- |
riety of names and can be readily 1
bought in drug stores. It may thus ■■
be that some of the preparations
are not safe aside from the fact
that “sensitive” persons can be in
jured by the drug even when it is
The fact that dinitrophenol
causes skin eruptions, cataracts,
and injures the blood has been am
ply proven and this must never be
The thought then is that it would
be well for overweights to use the
simple safe method of eating less
and (when possible) exercising
more, until more has been learned
about the effects of dinitrophenol
while in use, and its possible ef
fects which may occur many
months after it has been discon
tinued. Such a safeguard would
insure against serious trouble
and worry later on.
©— WNU Service.
Easy to Crochet
Set of Lace Filet
* Pattern 5627
New china, glassware, even the
furniture newly polished — but
what about a set of doilies to set
off all this loveliness? You’ll
want to gather up crochet hook
and some string and begin at
once on this lovely filet design—
pattern 5627—a graceful bas
ket design with f. >wer garlands
set off by a cool, open mesh
stitch. You can make, in addi
tion to doilies, a buffet set, cen
terpiece and tray cloth that
match. In string the larger
doilie measures 18 by 24 inches
and the smaller 12 by 12 inches.
In pattern 5627 you will find
complete instructions and charts
for making the doilies shown; an
illustration of them and of all
stitches used; material require
To obtain this pattern send 15
cents in stamps or coins (coins
preferred) to The Sewing Circle
Household Arts Dept., 259 W.
Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y.
Write plainly pattern number,
your name and address.
Read the Grape Nuts ad In another
column of this paper and learn how
to Join the Dizzy Dean Wlnaers and
win valuable free prizes.—Adv.
Use of Leisure
The profit of leisure lies in the
combination of interest and
amusement, of occupation, which
does not require too much effort,
physical or mental.
■” -■ -.—
Good or Bad
Whatsoever a man soweth that
shall his family reap.
It’a All In HOW You Fight
You need a mtdicitu that
helps your hair to save it
ul/vy nourishing starved
hair roots and relieving Dan
druff-Glover's! But you must
faithfully keep up the good
work. Start today with Glover's
Mange Medicine and Glover's
Medicated Soap for the sham*
poo. At all druggists. Or have
your Barber give you Glover's.
Send Your Order for 1
for Settling Dust j
at Your County Fair to a
Omshs, Wshr. — Atom City, to. — Algo—, la. fl
Hurried or overea ti ng usually causes heart
burn. Overcome heartburn and digestive
distresses with Milnesia, the original milk
of magnesia in wafer form. Thin, crunchy,
deliciously flavored,pleasant to take. Each
wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk of
magnesia. 20c,35c & 60c sizes at druggists.
WHY SUFFER? Use C.O.L.T. for MuunAa
£41113, Cuts. Burns. Bruises, Insect EHpQm.
Mid SI for Trial Bottle. DR. nRITUmt
Altman Bid*., Kansas City, Me.