The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 20, 1936, Image 2

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“Hornets and Bullets”
CROWD over there, boys and girls, and make room for a
new Distinguished Adventurer in this club of yours. He
is Ralph Gewehr of South Orange. N. J.
I've got to admit, right at the start, that Ralph’s yarn is a stinger.
It happened to him in August, 1934, up in the Adirondacks. when
Ralph and his pal, Billy, started out with a couple of .22, calibre rifles
to hunt eagles.
Well, sir, that’s a good enough start for any adventure. An
eagle is a pretty tough proposition, and a .22 calibre rifle is a
pretty small piece of hardware to try to handle one with. If
they’d found any eagles on that little hunting trip of theirs,
they’d have had plenty of adventure. And I guess if they hadn’t
run across anything more dangerous than a cottontail rabbit
they’d have had an adventure, too.
Those lads were slated for trouble. Their numbers were up—
especially Ralph’s. Anything they did that day would have been
wrong, and when Billy took a pot shot at the only game in sight,
he started something worse than a whole flock of eagles and a couple
of buzzards thrown in for good measure.
Boys Find Hornet’s Nest Is Dangerous Target.
With their rifles in their arms, Ralph and Billy headed up the trail
on foot. They trudged up to the top of Blue Ledge, a distance of ten
miles from the summer camp of Ralph’s folks at North river. The
boys planned to spend the night in the mountains, like real hunters, and
look for adventure. They were too tired to go after eagles by the time
they arrived, but hornets were another thing.
Now a hornet Is pretty far from an eagle, but a hornet’s neHt
makes a nice target—If you don't care what you shoot at—and
Billy didn't care. He let fly at that hornet’s nest and hit it smack
in the center and then adventure began in earnest. Ralph says
those hornets came out of that nest like a cloud of buzzing
smoke. He thinks all the hornets in the world must have been
in it from the way they went for him. He took one look at the
flying circus and then hit the trail as fast as he could go. Rut it
wasn't fast enough. They dove at him In mass formation and
kept right on his tail.
He got a glimpse of Billy tearing through the woods with a million
or so of the enemy on his shoulders and the next second tripped and fell.
Bang! Went a Shot Right in Ralph's Far.
Bang! went a shot right in his ear. He thought it was Billy’s rifle for a
moment because his had fallen out of his hand. Then he felt a stinging
sensation in his side. That must have been a big hornet, he thought, from
the way it felt.
Ralph Is Shot by His Own Rifle.
The hornets were stinging him everywhere, but none of them hurt
as much as the one in his side. He put his hand on the spot and drew it
away covered with blood! Ralph was shot! His own rifle had exploded
on hitting the ground and the bullet must be in his body!
Hornets were forgotten in the face of this discovery. The
s'tuatlon was deadly serious. Here was a hoy shot in the side
and he was ten miles from civilization. Resides, both boys were
already tired from their long walk. And, to make matters worse,
the only doctor was eight miles more beyond Ralph’s cabin.
They could make that last eight miles in his mother’s car, but
how would Ralph ever survive the walk?
Ralph says their Boy Scout training came immediately to mind.
The thing to do in case of a sudden shock, they recalled, was to apply
heat, externally, internally and eternally. So Billy built a fire, heated
gome water and made coffee. Ralph drank the coffee, which heated him
internally. Then Billy wrapped him in the blankets for the external
heating. The boys washed the wound with hot water, bound it up as
well as they could with their handkerchiefs, and started on the long
trek back home.
Wounded Lad Makes Heroic 10-Mile Trek.
Did you ever try to walk ten miles with a bullet in your side?
Ralph advises you not to. In addition to the mental torture of not
knowing how badly he was wounded, Ralph suffered intensely from
the heat. It was mid-August and hot enough without the blankets
and the coffee, and he had to trudge along bundled up like an Indian
That walk, says Ralph, was a nightmare. He figures he
must have lost at least ten pounds and laid the foundations for
a headful of gray hair. But he kept on going, even if he did think
that each step would be his last. Finally they got back to the
camp where Ralph’s dad had a car.
It was late at night when the boys finally staggered into the doctor’s
office after a ride that shook the daylights out of Ralph. The doctor
looked at the wound and ordered him to the hospital. Then began
another ride that Ralph will remember all his life. It was forty miles,
but Billy drove it almost as fast as those hornets could fly.
State Troopers Ask the Boys Searching Questions
At the hospital another surprise was in store for them. State Troop
ers—called by the doctor, as they always do in cases of gunshot
wounds—met the boys and questioned them. Ralph says they seemed
to think that he and Billy had been shooting at each other or holding
somebody up. But they cleared themselves of that suspicion and
Ralph went on the operating table.
An operation is an adventure in itself, but Ralph’s was one
with a happy ending. The bullet—which, fortunately, was not a
high powered one—had entered his side and, striking a rib, had
glanced off and missed the vital organs. The doctors, after an
X-ray had been taken, picked the slug out of his shoulder and
when Ralph woke up there was his mother, more scared than
he was. Billy had found her and told her “Ralph had been shot.”
Ralph was out of the hospital in a few days and the wound healed
Up in a few weeks, but, he says, he hasn’t been eagle hunting since.
—WNU Service.
The Palo Verde Tree
The palo verde is a small, intri
cately branched tree of the pea
family. It grows from 15 to 20
feet high, with a short trunk,
smooth, green bark, ai.d minute
leaves which fall soon after ap
pearing, leaving the tree leaf
less most of the year. The bright
yellow flowers are borne in axillary
clusters, followed by flattened,
short, beanlike pods, three inches
long. It is a characteristic tree
along sandy washes in the Colorado
desert of Southern California east
ward into Southern Arizona and
southward to Mexico.
Gems in Volcanoes
Three of America’s semi-precious
stones art products of Hawaiian
volcanoes. The olivine, most wide
ly known of these, is a transparent
olive-green stone somewhat likt an
emerald. "Pele’s pearls” are am
ber-colored formations produced by
lime seeping through crevasses
"Hawaiian diamonds,” rarest of
the three, are found inside another
stone, the moonstone. Like true
diamonds, which tney resemble,
they are a carbon formation, but
only nine points in hardness com
pared with the ten points of the real
Spenders of Yesleryear
Gone With Their Billions
Paris Hotels Empty
England Learns Also
Europe learns that political ex
periments cost money. England de
Arthur Rrl*bnne
cided to prevent
Mussolini taking
Ethiopia, camp
ing along the im
perial British
highway, and
controlling Lake
Tana, source of
Nile water. The
attempt failed.
England backed
out of that situa
tion, hastily, aft
er her war de
partment had as
sured our so
called war de
Dartment in
Washington that Mussolini could not
possibly conquer Ethiopia in less
than three years, probably not at
When the dust had settled and
England, with her chicken-feed as
sortment of 51 league nations, had
apologized to Mussolini and tossed
Haile Selassie into the waste-bas
ket, England found her foreign
commerce much damaged. She had
missed Mussolini, and shot herself
in the pocketbook.
For a little while she will copy
Job: "I will lay mine hand upon
my mouth. Once I have spoken
. . . yea twice, but I will proceed
no further."
Paris, which is France, decided
to sing and dance a new car
magnole with Russian dressing;
clenched fists raised in air a la
Russe; red flag waving; the dole
ful strains of the Communist hymn,
1'Internationale, and its Communist
injunction, "Arise, ye prisoners of
starvation," excellently sung from
the Arc de Triomphe to the Place
de la Bastille.
You can hardly imagine what fire,
fury and enthusiasm thousands of
young and old French gentlemen
put into that hymn, although many
of them showed few outward signs
of starvation.
There were, and are, manifesta
tions everywhere. Now in the
chamber of deputies, Monsieur
Gaston Gerard, practical French
statesman, asks, "What has be
come of our foreign tourists and
their spending money?"
M. Gerard tells the deputies
something must be done. In 1927.
2,125,000 foreigners from all over
the world visited France, spending
much money. Visitors now number
only 700,000; as a rule with little
money to spend—oysters containing
no pearl; many that come to help
sing l’lnternationale bring no mon
Foreign visitors, says M. Ger
ard, used to give highly paid em
ployment to half a million French
men and women; spent 500,000,000
francs for French railroad and
steamship tickets; scattered through
out France from 12 to 15 thousand
millions of francs.
Fifteen billions, even in francs,
are ‘‘real money” here. M. Ger
ard tells the chamber French prices
are too high. There is something
in that, with the four-cent franc
costing six to seven cents in the
United States—a comic-opera situa
tion, considering the relative wealth
of the two nations.
M. Gerard thinks there should be
some cabinet official to look after
foreigners, with better propaganda
and fewer vexatious taxes on for
eigners; there is nothing in that.
Foreigners do not voluntarily
travel and spend money where they
feel they are not wanted. The cos
mopolitan, educated Frenchman is
as polite and hospitable as ever,
but ask him what sort of reception
the crowd gives to the foreigner,
British especially. It offends the
British ear to hear A bas les Ang
lis!—‘‘Down with the British!”
An innocent American, in an in
nocent average American automo
bile. sallied forth on July 14 to help
1 France celebrate the destruction of
the Bastille, and perhaps give a
few feeble cheers for Lafayette, or
Woodrow Wilson, or somebody.
Great crowd in the Champs
Elysees, especially around the in
| nocent American car, with new
paint, shiny chromium and several
cylinders. A polite policeman says
monsieur should know better than
j to appear in a car of "grand luxury”
on such a day. Such luxury cars
you may see by the thousands and
millions on American roads.
ft _
Nothing happens to the car of
grand luxury; it crosses the Ave
nue of the Champs Elysees, about
300 feet, in less than twenty min
utes. The French, newly self-iden
tified as "prisoners of starvation,”
j are interested in the auto Ameri
can, which is careful not to bump
The bourgeois, the "rich," an ex
tinct species, although it does not
yet know it, are nervous. In a
vague way they feel that they are
held responsible for all those "pris
oners of starvation," with their
strong voices, deep chests, power
ful fists and pink complexions.
O King Features Syndicate, in®,
WVU H.rvin*
Halter Neck, Princess Lines, Capes
i -
A MEW party dress this time of
year brings two - fold joy.
There’s the fun of rounding out
the summer season of social activi
ties in lovely array and then
when midseason dances and din
ners are over, it’s off to college
where the fun begins all over
again for your dress will take on
new glamor in new environment.
Wherefore, it would reason out
that a party dress bought now is
not an extravagance but an econo
my since it provides not only for
the present, but for the future as
The gowns pictured have smart
features that are scheduled to carry
through into late fall, since their
styling is decidedly advance. The
skirt of the lovely flowered chiffon
dress on the seated figure is that
full and billowy it floats beguiling
ly with every move of its fair
wearer. The halter neckline is es
pecially significant together with
the Margot ruff about the throat.
The halter neckline is appearing
right along on incoming fashions.
Designers are all enthusiasm
over the new princess lines that
are destined to play an outstand
ing role this coming season both
for dresses an(l coats. The charm
ing gown centered in the picture
adopts princess lines that develop
into a full hemline. The perfectly
gorgeous mousseline de soie that
fashions this delectable gown is in
an appealing shade of blue with
huge golden flowers artfully wide
spaced as are most of the more
formal prints this season. This
handsome quality-high silk mousse
line confirms the message from
fabric headquarters that silks of
extreme luxury and elegance will
triumph in the coming modes.
The flair for all white in the
evening is reflected in the en
semble to the right. An alabaster
white silk sheer was the choice for
this supremely lovely costume cre
ated by Reville. The waistband is
fastened with a silver Grecian
clasp. The prestige of capes in
the evening mode is noted, and
knowing style creators declare
they will continue to play their
triumphant role as the new season
comes on. The word that fashion
is reviving the use of ostrich is
confirmed in the opulent banding
of white South African ostrich
feathers that embellish this cape.
Not only, according to indications,
will ostrich appear on hats but a
lavish use will be made of it for
costume accessories and other
In fact the trend for fall and
winter apparel for the social sea
son is toward superbly rich effects
in every direction, especially in
the new silks and metal weaves
of classic tone. Jewelled and
beaded embroidery will glitter on
crepes and other gorgeous silks.
The newest gesture is handpaint
ing done in silver and gold and
bronze, borrow ideas for motifs
from Chinese, Persian, Egyptian
and other Far East art sources.
A theme of absorbing interest is
the new gowns fashioned of black
satin for dinner and evening wear.
They are in decided contrast to
the fluffy ruffles type of shimmery
and sheer frocks. The idea is to
make them up classically simple.
Of course, the satin must be of
sterling pure silk weave to suc
cessfully sound the luxury note. A
favorite styling is similar to that
of the flowery silk mou^seline
gown just described as being cut
along princess lines that assume
a wide flare at the hemline with
the neckline emphasizing the very
new square cut. With these satin
gowns most glamorous bracelets,
rings and clips are worn, withhold
ing ornamentation of any other
sort. If you would be “first in
fashion” a black satin dress of
this type will assure you this cov
eted distinction.
© Western Newspaper Union.
In every back-to-school wardrobe
there should be at least one dress
of light weight wool. Light in
weight but warm enough for cool
ish days, the sheer wool used to
make this beautifully tailored two
piece frock makes it equally ac
ceptable for business, campus or
spectator sports wear. A two-color
print chiffon scarf tucks inside the
high round collar. The froi t clos
ing is achieved with comi osition
buttons matching the shade of the
Now comes a word about fall hats.
Higher crowns and off the face
lines in brimmed styles are being
shown. One advance model devel
oped in black leghorn for late sum
mer, and in velvet for fall, has a
turned-up brim, cleverly slit at the
back and trimmed with a dark
gray ostrich feather.
Feathers are coming into the
conversation, too — and how they
will increase our vocabularies!
Our plumage, it seems, is to be
one of our most important autumn
features. We'll be using the term
"Coq feathers” again, and "co
quille.” The former are the tail
feathers of a rooster, and the lat
ter is a short body feather of a
goose. There are "Palette” and
"Satinette” and a lot more to learn
with the new season, along with
the fact that we'll be formalized
by ostrich plumes.
Buttons Now Offer Style
Touch for an Old Costume
Seekers of the latest in acces
sories for the modern well dressed
woman are missing an important
bet if they don't make a special
point of keeping close watch on
the button market.
Every trip to the stores should
include a stop at that most fas
cinating of all counters where but
tons of all colors, shapes and sizes
are tucked away in hundreds of
little drawers.
Since color is so important in
accessories, buttons of the new
vivid scarlets and blues, emerald
greens, and lemon yellows, or of
the multiple other intriguing col
ors, might be just the proper touch
for the revivification of last year's
Itchy Palm
© Associated Newspapers.
4 WNU Service.
jk/fISS ABBY FORBES was not
superstitious. That is, not
very. Of course, she would never
walk under a ladder when she could
walk around it, and if a black cat
crossed her path it gave her the
horrors, and when she spilled salt
she always tossed a pinch of it over
her shoulder on to the stove. .
No, Miss Abby was not really
superstitious, but when even non
superstitious people have an itchy
right palm and it continues to itch
for no apparent reason despite your
best efforts to ignore it—well, you
just can’t ignore it. Miss Abby knew
that an itchy right palm meant you
were going to meet some one new.
Today Miss Abby sat in her rock
ing chair near the dining room win
dow scratching her itchy right palm
and staring out at her flower bed
and wondering. It was spring, and
the flower bed was a glorious riot
of color. Miss Abby was proud of
that flower bed; just yesterday she
had left off puttering around in it,
planning to spend the remainder of
the week spring house-cleaning.
And now this business of the itchy
right palm had come up and so she
had decided to postpone the house
cleaning for at least a day. That
morning she had spent an extra
half hour primping. She had
gowned herself in a spic-and-span
dress of blue print and curled the
unruly locks of her brown hair into
little ringlets.
You sec, Mirs Abby was forty
and she’d missei! something in life.
Romance. Once, to be sure, years
ago, she’d kept company for awhile
with Orion Pratt, but Orion had
gone away and Miss Abby had
stayed at home and dreamed and
hoped and wished, until suddenly
she found herself at forty, with an
emptiness in her heart that even
bright flower beds couldn’t fill.
And so because there were ro
mantic notions still in her head,
Miss Abby sat in her rocker and
scratched her palm and looked out
on the flower bed and wondered
who it was she was going to meet
that was new.
And right then a knock sounded
on Miss Abby’s front door. She gave
a little start, even though she had
expected the knock, and sat very
still for a minute, conscious of the
fluttering of her heart. But pres
ently she stood up and made her
way through the living room and
opened the door. The person stand
ing there was a man, a very tall
and handsome and clean - looking
man, with gray eyes and graying
hair, and a wide, humorous mouth.
Miss Abby tried to say some
thing, but her throat felt dry, and
so she stared, and felt little ting
ling sensations running up and
down her spinal column.
uuuu illuming, saiu me man,
and stepped, uninvited, inside. Abby
didn’t answer him, and he regarded
her queerly, and then went along
the hall and through the living room
door. Miss Abby didn’t know what
to do. It was all so strange and
queer and unreal. But after a mo
ment she mustered her courage and
followed him through the door. And
right then her heart seemed to stop
beating. A terrible coldness came
over her. For, looking through the
dining room into the kitchen, she
could see the man gazing up at the
gas meter on the wall and writing
something down in a book he car
ried, and she remembered that
Lora Inman had said there was a
new gas man on the route.
A tear welled up in Miss Abby’s
eye, and she quickly brushed i t
away. She felt suddenly older than
her years and very tired. She
wanted to sit down and rest—and
cry. Folk couldn’t understand how
she felt, because no one could pos
sibly know.
The gas man came back through
the dining room and stood over
Abby and stared at her and there
was a strangt: light in his eyes.
Unexpectedly he said: “Aren’t you
Abby Forbes?” And Abby looked up
at him and caught her breath, be
cause there was something about
him that fanned into flame a dying
ember of memory.
“Yes,” she said. “Yes, that’s who
I am.” And the gas man threw
back his head and laughed.
“I thought so.” He suddenly
leaned toward her and the depths
of his gray eyes held something that
caused Abby’s heart to begin its
fluttering again. “And you don’t re
member me. You don't remember
Orion Pratt who used to keep com
pany with you?”
Abby felt as though she were go
ing to faint. But she didn't. She re
covered and said of course she re
membered him and wouldn’t he sit
down a minute and she’d make
some tea and they’d talk of old
times. So Orion Pratt sat down in
the rocker and looked <i>ut at Abby’s
flower bed, and presently Abby
brought him a cup of t(ea, and they
talked of old times. Abby’s palm
began to itch again and Orion
looked at it and told hctr that she’d
better be careful of prison ivy at
this time of year. He noticed, he
said, that some was grojwing out in
j her flower bed. And At^by blushed
and said that must be \it, because
he really wasn’t someonte new, was
he? Which puzzled Oric^n, but he
let it pass and mentioned; that Abby
was prettier than she’d tever been
before, and that he wasn’\t married
and—but, shucks, you cWn guess
how it all turned out.
When blankets are washed at
home do not wring them dry. In
stead hang them outdoors on the
clothesline to dry.
* * *
After washing white silk stock
ings or gloves and rinsing them
thoroughly be sure to hang them
in the shade to dry. This will keep
them white.
* • *
If the chicken is well rubbed in
side and out with a cut lemon be
fore being cooked it will make the
meat white, juicy and tender.
* * *
Custard pies should first be
started to bake in a hot oven to
set the crust, then the heat of the
oven should be quickly reduced so
that the custard may cook slowly.
* * *
When you have potatoes left
over from a meal do not peel, as
a cold potato keeps better with
the jacket on. If peeled, It dries
on the outside and must be
trimmed before using, and that is
wasteful. Also, an economical way
to prepare mashed potatoes is
boil them in their jackets, peel
and then mash.
• * *
Before heating milk in a sauce
pan rinse the pan with water and
the milk will not scorch so easily.
* * *
Never beat or stir cereals or
rice with a spoon. It makes them
pasty. Use a silver-plated fork.
© Associated Newspapers.—WNU Service.
Week’s Supply of Postum Free
Read the offer made by the Postum
Company In another part of this pa
per. They will send a full week’s sup
ply of health giving Postum free to
anyone who writes for It.—Adv.
Charming Music
No music is so charming to my
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those in want of my assistance.
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PvO you suffer burning, scanty of
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Then give some thought to your
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Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for the
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