The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 30, 1936, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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watch. Liberal reward. Return
to Margaret Claussen, O’Neill—
Margaret’s Beauty Shop. 11-lp
GIRL for general housework
Must be good cook and tidy house
keeper. Call at this office. 11-tf
MEN WANTED for nearby Raw
leigh routes. Write today. Raw
leigh’s. Dept. NBG-252-SB, Free
port, 111. 7-4
WANTED — Salesman for Holt
County. Steady income assured
any one who will work. Business
established. Car required. Write
S. F. Baker & Co., Keokuk, Iowa.
GIRL will take care of children.
First house east of Sunset Lodge.
I HAVE eastern money is loan on
farms and ranches. I also loan
money on city property.—R. H.
Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. -tf
It’s “MOVIE FACES’’—u grand
new game with $1,200.00 in cash
prizes! Match the pictures and
win a $500.00 first prize. Ordar
Sunday’s BEE-NEWS for all pict
ures to date. ^-tf
Address, Box 101, O’Neill 11-lp
modern home.—Mrs. L. G. Gilles
pie. O’Neill ULr
WHEN you have butcher stuff,
‘ either hogs or cattle for sale, see
Barnhart’s Market. 48-tf
10 to 15 months old.— W. G. Sire,
Inman. 9-6-p
ONE 1984 V8 TRUCK, Cheap. In
quire at this office. 10-tf
canning. Phone 171J. tf
HAY STACKER, sweep, and mow
er.—Ferd Krutz, Inman. C-6p
For permanent position to do
service work for old established,
farm supply company. Many
men making $800 a month stead
ily. Must have car and farm
experience. Not necessary to
write letter; just fill out coupon
below and mail to Box 164, Dept.
7856, Quincy, Illinois
Age___Number of
years on farm —1- --
Name ---
I I Doctor
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Lee Hotel
I Am Now Making Loans
Phone 147
Half Block South of the Ford
Garage—West Side of Street
Expert Watch Repairing
O. M. Herre—Jeweler
In Heardon Drug Store
1 W. F. FINLEY, M. I). j
§ I
Phone, Office 28
«» 2
* * «
:: O’Neill :: Nebraska I
*♦ «
8 i
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment j
Clashes Torrectly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
First publication July 23, 1936.
Estate No. 2561
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska. July 22, 1936.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Zebedee M. Warner, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been hied in
said Court for the appointment of
R H. Parker as Administrator of
said estate, and will be heard
August 13, 1936, at 10 o’clock A.
M., at the County Court Room in
O’Neill. Nebraska.
10-3 County Judge.
(County Court Seal.)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.
(First publication July 23, 1936.)
Estate No. 2517
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, July 20, 1936.
In the matter of the Estate of
Elizabeth McMillan, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified that the
Executrix of said estate has filed
in said court her final report and a
petition for final settlement and
distribution of the residue of said
estate; and that said report and
petition will be heard August 12,
1936, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the
County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne
braska, when all persons interested
may appear and be heard concern
ing said final report and the dis
tribution of said estate.
10-3 County Judge.
(County Court Seal )
W. J. Hammond, Attorney.
(First publication July 23, 1936)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale issued
to me by the Clerk of the District
Court of Holt County, Nebraska,
in an action pending in said Court
wherein Alice M. Reed, Esther Cut
ler, Joseph Libc and Mary A. Max
well are plaintiffs and Sarah Wabs
and others, (this being case No.
13037) are defendants, I will sell
to the highest bidder for cash at
the front door of the court house
in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 24th
day of August, 1936, at 10 o’clock
A. M., the following described
premises in Holt County,Nebraska:
West half of the west half
of section eighteen and the
southeast quarter of the south
west quarter of section
eighteen, all in township
thirty-two, range twelve, west
of the 6th P. M., Holt County,
to satisfy the sum of $1,018.81
found due plaintiffs and interest
thereon and $29.85 costs of suit
and accruing costs.
Dated this 21st day of July,
10-5 Sheriff of Holt County,
(First publication July 30, 1936.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
August 20, 1936, until 10:00 A. M.,
and at that time publicly opened
and read for TWO BRIDGES and
incidental work on the O’NEILL
The approximate quantities are:
Repairing 1-18’’ and 2-16” Spans,
Concrete Slab Bridge.
1-70” and 2-45” Spans, Deck
Steel Girder Bridge.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract and to the use of Do
mestic Materials.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this con
tract shall be fifty-five (55) cents
per hour.
The minimum wage paid to ail
intermediate labor employed on this
contract shall be forty-five (45)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director of Reemployment, Lincoln,
Nebraska, will exercise general
; supervision over the preparation
of employment lists for this work,
and to the fact that the contractor
! and subcontractors will be bound
by the regulations effective Janu
ary 15, 1935, jointly promulgated
by the Secretary of tne Treasury
and the Secretary of the Interior,
pursuant to the provisions of Pub
lic Act No 324. 73rd Congress, ap
proved June 13, 1934, (48 Stat.
948), entitled, "An Act to effectu
ate the purpose of certain statutes
concerning rates of pay for labor,
by making it unlawful to prevent
any one from receiving the compen
sation contracted for thereunder,
and for other purposes.”
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office of the District Engineer of
the Department of Roads and Irri
gation at Ainsworth, Nebraska, or
t at the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln,
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100% of his contract,
j As an evidence of good faith in
submitting n proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with his
proposal, a certified check made
• payable to the Department of Roads
. and Irrigation and in an amount
. not less than eight hundred (800)
t dollars.
| The right is reserved, to waive
[ all technicalities and reject any or
I all bids.
A. C. Tillev Stat11 Engineer,
i C. L. Carev. District Engineer.
’ 11-3 Jot’n C.
'i County Clerk. Holt County.
“Under massive, gilded chande
liers in the paneled ballroom of
the former Edward B. McLean
home a staff of news writers now
on the employment rolls of the
Works Progress administration
is completing a 250,000-word
guide to the city of Washington,"
says a United Press dispatch
from Washington.
“Officials of the project, known
as the writers’ project, said the
guide would be in final form
within a month. But exactly
what use would be made of it
NO ONE connected with the
project could say. No provision
has been made to publish it and
no funds are available for that
Farmers Can’t Get Help;
WPA Jobs Lure Hands
Springfield, III.—From all over
Illinois directors of the Illinois Ag
ricultural association are receiving
complaints that farmers cannot ob
tain sufficient help this spring be
cause the men they customarily
hire now work for the WPA and
prefer the easy work and good pay
to the more rigorous tasks of fann
Farmers in past years have been
able to get skilled help for $23 or
$30 a month and keep, according to
the association. "This year farm
hands in many cases refuse to take
Jobs on the farm and frankly say
that they would rather work for the
WPA three or four days a week,"
says an IAA statement. “They say
that while the farm wages with
board give them more money than
the $54 a month WPA wage, they
prefer to work less and take less
A survey by a Rockford newspa
per sliowed a need for 1,000 farm
hands in Winnebago, Boone and
Ogle counties. L. IV. Braham, Will
county farm adviser, reported many
appeals from farmers for help.
“The farmers resent the Idea that
they are unuble to get help when
there are so many men on relief,”
said Braham. “These farmers say
the relief situation has reached
the point where they must compete
with the federal government.”
Similar complaints were heard In
Kankakee, Cook, De Kalb, Du Page,
La Salle, Vermillion, Champaign,
Edgar and Douglas counties. Of
recent weeks shortage of help has
lieen reported In Minnesota, Wiscon
sin, Michigan, Kansas and other
states, because hands preferred to
work for the federal government
and let the taxpayer foot the bills.
Prairie States Boil
Over Farley’s Slur
Washington.—Rumblings of indig
nation against Postmaster-General
James A. Farley’s slur against the
prairie states in a speech made at
Grand Rapids, Mich., came to a
head in an outburst on the floor of
the house of representatives by
Dewey Short of Missouri. Farley
had predicted that the Republican
nominee In the coming election
would be the governor of “a typical
prairie state” whose experience as
such scarcely fitted him for the
White House.
“1 was amazed to read that state
ment," declared Short. "It is ab
solutely inexcusable in any member
of the cabinet and chairman of his
party. I want It understood that
I ain not advocating the candidacy
of any person. There are many fit
candidates in the Republican party.
But I resent the slur and slander
by the postmaster general passed
not only upon the citizens of Kan
sas, but upon the citizens of Mis.
souri, Illinois, Indiana and nil the
other great prairie stntes.”
National Debt Skyrocket*
Washington.—The United States
national debt, It Is estimated, will
be more than 34*4 billions by June
20. More than 13*4 billions will
have been added since President
Roosevelt was inaugurated March
4, 1033.
Wheat Imports Mount
Winnipeg, Man.—Up to May 8,
the quantity of Cnnndian wheat im
ported into the United States since
the beginning of the crop year was
28,442,000 bushels, compared with
12,775,000bushels In thecorrespond
j lug period of 1035.
“For which of you, intending to
build a tower, sitteth not down first,
and counteth the cost, whether he
have sufficient to finish it?”—New
Professor Tugwell, maybe, eh, Mr.
One of the first things a quack
doctor does is to try to make his
patient believe that there is some
thing wrong with the sufferer’s con
*7 am not an economist—Franklin
Delano Roosevelt. .4ttd the moon is
not really made of ureen cheese.
If government will only mind its
business, perhaps the rest of us will
have better business to mind.
S. J. Weekes went to Omaha
James Rooney made a business
trip to Naper on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Crowell, of
Stuart, were in town Monday.
A son was born Friday last to
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bazelman.
Master Billy IrWin, of Norfolk,
is a guest at the Mrs. J. P. Gal
lagher home.
Rev. Johnson is enjoying a period
of rest at his former home, Den
ver, Colorado.
Joe Armstrong, of Sheridan,
Wyoming, was visiting old friends
in the city the past week.
SherifTi Duffy had a court order
to serve in the far southwest cor
ner of the county Friday last.
Bernard and the Misses Theresa
and Loretta Ba/.elman were at
Omaha over Saturday and Sunday.
P. E. McKillip, of Norfolk, was
here yesterday trying to get a line
on ranch properties to list for sale.
Miss Sadie Harte departed Tues
day morning for her California
home after a sojourn here of a few
W. H. Dressier, of the Stock
Yards National bank of Omaha,
was here yesterday investigating
some land values.
Lutheran services will be held
in the Episcopal church in this city
on August 5, at 8 p. r.i., conducted
by Rev. Wm. G. Vahle.
Mr. and Mrs. A L. Pearson and
baby, of Neligh, were at the home
of Mrs. Pearson’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Harnish last Sunday.
A load of barley measuring 136
bushels when brought in from the
north one day recently and weighed
proved to be 96 bushels by weight.
Jack Arbuthnot came down from
Yankton Saturday night and spent
Sunday with the home folks, re
turning to Yankton Sunday even
For the second time this summer
the O’Neill fire department res
ponded to a call last Friday to put
out a fire in a stubble field near
Mrs. Russell Weingartner and
little son, Garry Edward, of
Houston, Texas, are visiting rela
tives and friends in the city for a
few weeks.
Mountainous loads of hay are
passing through O’Neill every day
being carted out of the county.
Bulk of the hay is bringing $10 on
the ground when baled.
Mike Shaheen, a merchant of
O’Neill twenty-five years ago,
visited the city a few days recently.
He is now located at Arthur, Nebr.,
conducting a mercantile business.
The barn on the Fred Lorenz
place was struck by ligtning Mon
day morning and damaged. Three
head of cattle were killed. No fire
resulted but the barn was badly
torn up.
An Iowa car came into town on
a recent morning with a dead
chicken caught in front of the radi
ator, having been scooped up some
where along the road that morn
Deputy Sheriff Bergstrom went
to Lincoln Saturday with anothe:
contribution to the honor roll of
small fry thieves from this county
now serving time in the state
The cracked and broken glass
fronts have been replaced with
whole blocks of glass at the Gamble
and Reardon stores. Workmen find
it something of a trick to place
these large panes of glass without
a break.
Managers of fairs and rodeos
have the courage to proceed in the
teeth of famine. Agents have
' posted the town for these annual
affairs at places far and near.
O’Neill is out of the fair business
this year.
The county assessors' office has
| not heard yet from the State House
i on Holt county valuations but As
| sossor Sullivan says he has word
| the state levy .will be lowered from
I last years' levy which was a fract
ion over two mills. The supreme
court has held against the law per
mitting the payment of delinquent
taxes by installment without the
interest. Since this ruling the at
torney general’s office is said to
hold that those who availed them
selves of the payment plan will
have to pay the interest. How
it is to be collected and whether
such a claim would constitute a
cloud on the title to property might
become a question of some interest.
Open Gates to For
eign Products.
By Representative Allen T Tread
way, of Massachusetts.
It is clear that instead of pro
tecting the home market the New
Deal has invited further compe
tition from abroad. Such was its
declared purpose when the legis
lation authorizing the trade treaty
program was passed.
It was argued that the only way
we could regain our foreign trade
was by allowing foreign countries
to sell us more of their products.
In spite of the fact that two
thirds of our imports, on a value
basis, were already free of duty,
the New Deal insisted that the
gates should be opened wider to
foreign goods. The fallacy of the
administration’s program has al
ready been demonstrated.
These trade treaties do not bind
foreign countries to purchase any
goods in our markets. What is
happening is that they are taking
advantage of the opportunity
which the New ‘Deal afforded them
to sell in the United States, but
they are spending their money
There is nothing to indicate that
a continuation of the New Deal’s
“good neighbor policy’’ will have
any different result. American
producers are being sold out and
we are receiving no compensating
benefits from foreign countries.
Our farmers were promised an
outlet for their surplus commodit
ies as soon as the trade treaty pro
gram got under way.
Instead, they have seen their
foreign markets shrink still fur
For example, our exports of
wheat and wheat flour declined
from 36 million bushels in 1934 to
16 million bushels in 1935. In the
same period, exports of tobacco de
clined from 419 million pounds to
Apple Pie'
For as nice a pie as you ever tasted you line the tin
with crust and add the contents of a No. 2 can of
“Reddi-Maid” Apples which are perfectly sweetened
and spiced. The “Reddi-Maid” Apples for this sale at
12c per can.
Frosted Cookies
You will be delighted with this new summer number.
A delicious round cake topped with white and pink
frosting. For Sat. a special price of 2 lbs. for 2Sc.
Macaroni & Spaghetti
Buy in the bulk at our special week-end price of 2
lbs. for 13c. A light delicious summer food in baked
dishes or boiled with beef.
“Superb" Peanut Butter
Has the flavor of fresh roasted peanuts.
16 ST*..15c 24 ST.22c
Old Country Rye
Try our new Dark Rye Bread with caraway seed. Sold
only at Council Oak.
Our “Red Bag" Coflee
Roasted daily and ground fresh to your order.
Week End Special, ID O Pounds A7p
per pound . IOC O for. • C
A |A “FIRST PRIZE,” Al Pound P.
9dll Table and Cooking A2 Bag .. OC
Double Dip Matches
A regular “Sure Fire” Match. For this sale we price
these quality matches at 6 boxes for only 17c.
Soap Flakes ^ .
381 million pounds. Exports of
pork declined from 84 million
pounds to 62 million pounds. Ex
ports of lard declined from 431 mil
lion pounds to only 96 million
While farm exports have de
clined, farm imports have tre
mendously increased. From 1934
to 1935 imports of canned beef
rose from 47 million pounds to 76
million pounds; wheat from 8 mil
lion bushels to 27 million bushels; L
corn from 3 million bushels to 43
million bushels; oats from 5 mil
lion bushels to 10 million bushels;
barley malt from 193 million
pounds to 320 million pounds; and
egg products from 3 million pounds
to nearly 8 million pounds.
You won't find any
othar oil that can
outlatl InoaVis
"D". It* unusual
durability kaaps
your oil laval up
and your oil
costs down.
Special refining
processes have
removed carbon
forming, sludge
forming impurities
from IsosVis "D". J
It keeps your en
gine clean and
smooth - running.
I ^
is the Leading
Quality Motor Oil
in the Middle West
1 -—
A Quarter a Quart is all you pay for it
Get it at Standard Oil Stations or Dealers anywhere in Nebraska
’ \ J
K _