PATTERNS WOLFPEN r*r"tw *, Mr 0r*Ar. Merrill <*■ W* 1/ 31/1 r/ct BMonasasssMBaia SYNOPSIS In the year 1785 Saul Pattern of Virginia came into the beautiful vir gin country of the Big Sandy valley In Kentucky. Chief of the perils were the Shawnees, who sought to hold their lands from the ever-encroach ing whites. From a huge pinnacle Saul gazed upon the fat bottoms and the endless acres of forest in its pri meval quietude at the mouth of the Wolfpen, and felt an eagerness to possess it, declaring it a place fit for a man to LIVE In! Five years later he returned with Barton, his fifteen-year-old son, and built a rude cabin. In Saul's absence the In dians attacked Barton and wounded him so badly Saul was forced to re turn with him to Virginia. In 1796, when it was reasonably safe, Saul returned with his family and a pat ent for 4,000 acres, this time to stay. He added to the cabin, planted crops and fattened his stock on the rich meadows. Soon other settlers arrived. A century later, in the spring of 1885, we find Cynthia Pat tern, of the fifth generation follow ing Saul, perched on the pinnacle from which her great-great-grand father had first viewed Wolfpen Bot toms. The valleys, heretofore un touched by the waves of change sweeping the Republic, are at last beginning to feel that restless surge. Her dad, Sparfel, and her brothers, Jesse, Jasper and Abral, have been busy converting the old water wheeled mill to steam power. Spar rel’s triumph is complete when the golden stream of meal pours forth at the turning on of the steam. Cynthia feels that something out of the past has been burled with Saul. Cynthia Is a pretty and Imaginative miss in her late teens, who often re-created Saul and her other fore bears, and fancied them still living. Sparrel proudly brings home the first meal out of the steam mill, and Julia, his *rife, is pleased. Genera tion has added comforts and con veniences to Saul's homestead, and Sparrel has not shirked. I_ 7 CHAPTER II—Continued Much of Cynthia’s dream-life cen tered about Sparrel and those two volumes. Long before she could read for herself, she had sat on his knees while he read the pictures to her, or she had laid propped on her elbows on the tloor before the light of the log fire making stories of her own from the illustrations. , Through the long winter evenings of the years, these associations had built themselves into her concept of her father, and as he sat at the desk, while Julia sewed, and the boys ended the chores and life pro ceeded in its old established pat tern, Cynthia’s thoughts would play over these things. "And there are his medicine books he doesn’t like for me to bother, but he likes for me to gather up the green peach-tree leaves and pipper in and oil of sassafras and get the apple brandy and the brown sugar for him to make up his flux medi cine with when people on the creek get sick with bioody-flux; and the yellow dock for the itch; and get the salt and turpentine ready when he pulls a tooth for a neighbor. I like to hear them say, ‘Sparrel Pat tern’s the easiest hand in the world to take a feller’s tooth out.’ And it’s a good thing he can make med icine and doctor people because no body else on the creek knows how like he does.” She hung the dishpan on its nail in the wall over the stove. Julia came in from the milk-house. Then the boys came in. *‘A family is a funny thing when it sits around the fire. There’s Mother in her corner finishing up a new shirt for Daddy and her fingers flying about and she looks content and doesn’t say anything. You have three brothers, they’re all Patterns, but they’re all different and you like them all but you like Jesse the best somehow. He sits and rends; when he talks, his voice is good and he may be right serious or he may say a funny thing. Jasper will sit with something on his mind and Abral will go to sleep before he knows it. And Daddy writes things in his book and reads or cobbles or studies up something, always in good humor, silent, never speaking hard of anybody. And then we’ll all be a little sleepy and somebody will yawn and Daddy will wind up the weights on the clock. ..." After Sparrel had hatlied his feet and felt the gentle friction of his nightshirt against his bare flesh, he lay by the window in their down stairs room on the soft feather-bed Julia had brought with her to Wolf pen after her wedding. Now that the new mill which he had planned during the winter was completed, and everything on Wolfpen orderly and in its place, and his children content with their life, he could rest in peace as he waited the coming of Julia and sleep. "Things are about the way I want them around the place now. Ev erything is handy and we’ve got Just about all we need to run a place on. We’ve been getting it brought up every year now since Saul’s time. My boys won’t have much more to do to it only keep It up and enjoy it. It’s about as good a place us there Is around here. It looks good and feels good. This house here, this Pattern house that took four beginnings of us to get built, it doesn’t cower under the mountains nor cringe up a narrow hollow like lots of them do; it stands up and looks around at things coming into order out of the wilderness, the way a man's bouse ought to stand, like himself. "April again, hurrying by as usu al on wet feet. Getting time to put seed In the ground again. Fifty three Aprils I’ve seen come and go, and forty-eight I remember. Kaeh one is better, the good of all the past ones recollect in the new one. There are my sons going upstairs: they have many springs ahead of them on this place, and then their sons nnd grandsons. We old ones die but the feeling Is passed on to the new ones. Jasper’ll be marry ing Jane Burden, 1 reckon, though he doesn’t say much. Quiet boy, good about the work but takes things about as they come. Jesse, he must be twenty-one now. He reminds me of his Grnndfather Ti vis, only there Isn’t much more to do like building a siding house or a mill-wheel. He ought to take the Marebone farm and build it up like Wolfpen. He’s a good hand to do It. And there’s Abral with enough fidgety energy to do two boys They’ll get along, my boys will. And next week we must all buckle in to work and get the crops down." Julia came into the room after a little while, nnd lay beside him un der the soft warmth of the sea star, blue-nnd-white coverlet “You’re not asleep, Sparrel?" “No, Julia. It’s quiet this time of night. I’ve been listening to it. I used to wonder if we’d be any bet ter off to have stayed in Virginia. I don’t any more. Sometimes It ’pears to me like this is what everything before it has been aiming at nnd now it’s here and I’m looking at it and listening to it. That don’t hardly sounds sensible, does it?" “We’ve got about all a body could want here.” “It ain’t things, exactly, Julia, It’s . . . it’s . . . well, something in side, like the drum on a banjo . . . it’s like going around the hill in the evening to bunt up the cows and when you think yon won’t find them before dark you hear a bell and there they come out of a hollow along the path around the hill at the edge of the cleared line, one be hind the other, and not a bit of hurry in them.” They went on again without words. They could hear Cynthia in the next room. “Sparrel.” "Yes.” "I was thinking about C.vnthla. She’s eighteen. I’d just turned sev enteen when you rode up to the gate and stared at me with my dress full of chips.” “You were taller than Cynthln.” “I didn’t know much about books. Sparrel, like you do.” “There are better things for a woman than books, Julia. You know the way of a house and a family.” “A body can know both, Sparrel; and not be hurt by It. Cynthia’s done all the books at the school and yours lots of times, and I reckon she knows as much about a house and family as I do myself. She ought to have a winter at books over at Pikeville Institute." "The Plkeville Institute. Julia!" "Yes, Sparrel. She ought to go over there a winter. It'd do n sight for her.” “I don’t know if I favor that much. Julia. It might take her away from the place here and spoil her con tent with tilings. They look to town ways and make young folks want to go off some place instead of living better at home. Cynthia's getting the learning she needs right here with you, Julia; it takes that kind of schooling to make a good woman on a big place like this and she’s going to be a good one, like her mother. Anyway, it takes ready money, and how’d you be able to spare her?” “It don’t take much pioney, Spar rel. And one of the Wooton girls could come over and help along if I needed anybody. She ought to go.” “I don’t favor it much.” Julia’s head touched Sparrel’s shoulder, and he touched her face with his hand. “She’s a fine girl, Julia. She takes a right smart after her mother.” Julia lay by his side feeling the old Joy In his way of speaking to her and seeing in Cynthia herself projected into the books she had missed. They did not communicate any more in words but in a bar monious silence which united their separate bodies. Before the late moon could get through ihe window, they and all their household were fallen asleep In the night quiet of Wolfpen. CHAPTER III THE simple pattern of life de signed so long ago on Wolfpen was again carrying the family easi ly Into the work of the new season. There was a sense of peace and certainty which came from this yearly repetition of an old routine established by successive genera tions of men. Cynthia sat in the sun - flooded weaving-room by the wooden loom which Ttvis had made and Sparrel had Improved, weaving her unword ed thoughts into the blue cashmere twill growing into dress goods un der her fingers as she tossed the shuttle and worked the treadle and the beating sley. “Shed, pick, beat; step two threads right; shed, pick, beat. Yel low in the harness, blue iu tbe shut tle. Shed, pick, beat. I’ling to tlie left, piling to the right. . . . Plant ing time is a good time, even when a body sits at a loom. You can look out over the long porch where the honeysuckle awning will arch above the steps, and across the gray palings at the corner of the wood-lot and Mother’s garden, and over the roof of the corn-crib and the cider mill and tan-bark shed, above tlie sea of peach tree buds, and tlie spring-tangled green of the willows. Daddy and the boys out in the bottoms and on tbe cleared edges of the hills with the mules turning over the rich soli, getting ready for me to drop the thick wax beans into the hills of corn nnd watch them lie there, pink anil la vender and purple striped beads by the side of the yellow grains of corn. Covering them over with a brown blanket of parth and saying to them: ‘Shut your eyes and go to sleep for a short spell, but don’t fail to wake up witli the sun when it Is morning.’ “There’ll be sugar-cane growing up like henrtti brooms for thick brown sorghum, and big potatoes in Barn Hollow, and long yellow sweet “You Are the Purtieet Sight I Ever Saw In My Born Days." potatoes in House Field, and peaches and apples for drying and to make butter of, and pears for preserves in Mother'9 spiced earth enware jars.” Outside, the hollow was full of life and sound as it always was, as it always had been in the spring: the chickens in the barnyard, the scream of the hawks darting across the hollow, the liquid notes of nest ing cardinals, the dolorous cooing of doves in the tulip trees. "There’s Mother going into her garden. How she loves to pull a hoe through the ground and rake it alive into beds of parsnips and radishes and beets and lettuce, and build up little moutids exactly a hoe handle apart for rnuskmelons, and arranging everything according to its height In the sun and its shad ow’s length and decorating all the edges with flowers. It’s like weav ing a patterned blanket.” Passing slowly along a row, Julia framed herself in the window be fore Cynthia. She stooped In a graceful arc, bending to the hoe. Cynthia waved to her out of the bubble of joy that was within her. “She keeps breaking up the clods and pounding at them until she lias out every one that’s bigger than a swallow’s egg. She is pretty Motli er is. “She was a whole lot purtler when she was eighteen than I am. She was taller and straighter and her tiair was brown and her teeth whit er. Will I lie standing in the wood lot with a dress full of pine chips when a man comes riding up Wolf pen? I’ll know him the minute I set eyes on him, Just like Mother knew Daddy. ‘I just stood there, Cynthia, and gawked right at him with my mouth gaping open, I reck on. lie had ridden all the way from Wolfpen down to Scioto to see ills sister, your Aunt Itachei. He was tall and straight, and his beard was silky and (lax-colored. I Just stared like an owl surprised by a light. He pulled up ids horse right in front of the gate and his blue eyes looked agape at me. Then he said, “You’re the purtiest sight I ever saw In my born days." Then | I looked down, reddening to the roots of my hair, and saw me hold ing my dress up full of chips. I was so plagued I could have crawled In a pin-hole. I dropped the chips and ran like a scared rabbit bnck to the kitchen and looked back from the curtained window. He sat there on his big bay horse In a trance, and then rode on at a gal lop to your Aunt Rachel’s. And that’s the first time I ever saw Sparrel Pattern.’ “Some day he’ll come riding up Wolfpen here on a bay mare that’s fifteen bands or better, and I’ll be there by the pear tree In my blue cashmere dress with one hand lift ed to a branch of blossoms like this, and he’ll stop Ids mare and look and look at me, and then say, ‘Lady, you're the prettiest sight 1 ever saw In my life.”’ While her fingers tossed delicate ly the shuttle of blue wool between the shed of golden thread in the harness, and the bolt of twill grew by the width of each strand, the smell of the pines on Crauesnest Mountninwus gathered up and blown lightly on the wind Into her thoughts through the open window by the loom. “People ought to have been trees; they live quiet and don’t make trou ble for other people. They say folks are like dogs and chickens and foxes and such, but they're like trees. Mother is a spray of April redbud looking at herself In clear pool. I>addy Is n good hickory, not tough but straight and honest. I'll he a pear tree by the well with pink edged blossoms and gold In the heart. . . The days were growing longer ov er Wolfpen Hollows. Cynthia spoke about It, watching the long shad ows going before the blaze of sun Into the timber earlier in the morn ing, and coming out later In the aft ernoon. She was In the Helds for the planting. She loved to sense the changing moods of a day from the cool vigor of the early morning, through the slowed pace under the hot sun of noon, then the ebb and drowsiness of the first hour after dinner, the dreamy relaxation and fatigue In the afternoon, the tired joy of the end of day. She Ukea best the long silence of the afternoon when the teams were scattered with her menfolk among the fields, near enough to he seen, far enough not to affect the moment around her. Then there was a whispering In the timber on one slope of the hollow, and an answering rustle from the opposite hillside. She thought of what the trees were saying and saw that the shadows which came silently out of the woods and hurried across the bottoms were the fingers of tulip trees which would soon be scattering honey-sweet brown dust from their bursting hearts’ core. The mood was different when she worked with some one, and at Its best when she helped Jesse set out the sweet-potato plants. They went to the hotbeds near the patch. They carefully pulled off the sturdy sprouts for planting and laid them roots down In a shallow basket. Then Cynthia dropped them at ten-inch Intervals on the top of the ridge, and poured a gourd of water on their roots In the hole Jesse had made with bis long fin gers. Cynthia filled the process with a delicate mystery, imagining that she was taking live people from dark beds where they were crowd ing one another to death, In the great cities she had read about, and giving them space to breathe In the sunlight and a place for their roots in the ground. When they had done with the last row, and the sun had been be hind the mountain so long a time that the dark was coming again, Jesse remnlned on his knees at the last plant, rubbing his hands and picking idly at the dirt on his nails. “Cynthia." “What Is It, Jesse?” “Do you like this, Cynthia?" “Do I like what?" "Just being here ail the time this way, planting, and tending, and looking after stock, and laying In grub and wood for the winter, over and over the same thing?” “Why, yes, Jesse; whatever else could a body do, anyway? I could live here forever and ever. It’s about the best place In the world. I reckon, to live in." “1 know it’s a good place, and it ain’t that I don’t like It exactly. But I’d like to he something." “Be something?" “Yes. Be something. Live in a town and have a profession. I don't want to Just goon on a place where everything is done and fixed up by Dad and Granddad and the rest of them. I don’t see why Jasper nnd Ahral can't go on with tlie place if they like, and I’d he something else.” "A doctor like Daddy?" (TO 111. CONTINUED) Famous Indian Queen Esther Montour, an Indian chief tainess, usually known ns Queen Es ther, was reputed to have been the granddaughter of Count de Fron tenac. She became the wife of Eghobund, a chief of the Senecas, and gained great influence among her people. She visited Philadel phia with the delegates of the Six Nations on several occasions. De spite some good qualities, she was a savage at heart, and In the Wyoming massacre of July, 1778, toma hawked more than a dozen prison ers in revenge for the death of her son. Uncommon john blake Spri cp ♦ ^ KJ V/ 11 O !_/ ^ e Bell Syndicate—WNU Serrtca. There are few village smithy shops today under the chestnut trees. One reason A Village is that there aren’t Blacksmith any more chestnut trees. Another is that the motor car is rapidly driving horses and vehicles drawn by horses out of business. I used to think that in fifty years or more practically all the village smithies would disappear. But lately I have learned better. Here in a little coast town in Maine is a village blacksmith who has more work than he can do. though he has probably not shod a horse or repaired an agricul tural implement in twenty years or more. • • • For a time after the “devil wa gons’’ began crowding horses and horse drawn vehicles off the road, he had little to do. Then one day he saw some or namental grill work that had been sent to his town to be used as an adornment on a new building. He examined it carefully, then went home and thought a little. “There is no reason in the world why 1 cannot do that kind of work,” he said to himself. “I will do it, by Gosh.” * * * Today the children still "love to see his flaming forge and hear the bellows blow." Over the anvil on which he used to fashion horse shoes he makes beautiful things of steel and iron. Visitors seeing him at work have come in to inquire if his handi work was on sale. He assured them that it cer tainly was, and that more of the same kind of work would be in evidence as soon as there was a demand for it. He is known today all over the state, and in many other states, whose residents have bought his work. And if he had the advertising gift that some people have he would have a wide reputation. But not, I am sorry to say, a great business. For his work is artistry, and cannot be done in quantity over a single anvil. • • « It cannot be said of him that he is another Benvenuto Cellini. He works in iron, not in silver and gold. But he is a master craftsman, which he never might have be come had he not been forced by changing conditions to become something besides the village blacksmith. I saw him at work the other morning on a pair of beautiful andirons. I asked him what they cost. "A lot of time,” he said. “Yes, but how much money?” ‘‘Oh, not so much. But the fel low I’m making them for isn’t rich so I wouldn’t like to charge him too much.” And there was proof that he really had the soul of an artist. Look Outward On Your Vacation There is no other rejuvenator equal to a vacation taken in the right spirit. If you go away with your mind filled with your busi ness, your profession, your house hold cares, your studies, or your plans for the future, and if you keep thinking of those things, you might as well stay at home. If your eyes look inward instead of outward; if your ears still hear the hum of the factory and the noise of the busy streets; if you carry with you the burdens and perplexities which have been pinning you down and robbing you of sleep and comfort, you will gain nothing from your outing. Unique Strike Recently in Damascus, Syria, the police displeased the guild of thieves and robbers, which, in re taliation, called a strike in the hope that the subsequent inactivi ty of the police force would re sult in numerous dismissals. For many weeks the burglars and bandits of the city refused to steal a single thing.—Collier’s Weekly. Trifles ALL the relations of life are interwoven with trifles, and unless the shuttle is plied with a skillful hand, the tex ture of the web will be full of knots, and of many discordant colors. Let us fully appreci ate trifles; look at them close ly, but let them be reflected by the sunbeams of charity, arranged and woven together by sound discretion, that an even beautiful fabric may be presented before the gazing millions, at the great day of final examination.—L. C. Jud son. 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