The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 30, 1936, Image 3

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    Britons Celebrate King Edward's Birthday
Celebrating his forty-second birthday, King Edward VIII, second from left, leaves Buckingham palace with
his three brothers as they attend the trooping of the color at the horse guards’ parade. Left to right are,
Duke of York, the king, Duke of Gloucester and Duke of Kent,
Ruth Bryan Owen, U. S. minister
to Denmark, who became the bride
of Capt. Boerge Rohde, gentleman
i in-waiting to King Christian of Den
f mark at a wedding attended by
President and Mr. Roosevelt. Aft
er her wedding trip and some cam
paigning for the President's re
election, she will return to her post
in Denmark. In official life Mrs.
Rohde will retain her name of Ruth
Bryan Owen. Mrs. Rohde is the
daughter of William Jennings
Bryan, the great “Commoner.”
Collier Trophy Presented to Aircraft Head
President Roosevelt presents the Robert J. Collier trophy in aviation
for 1936 to Donald W. Douglas, head of the Douglas Aircraft company of
Los Angeles. The trophy is shown on the President's desk. President
Roosevelt (seated) is congratulating Mr. Douglas. Charles F. Horner,
president of the National Aeronautic association, is seen at the left. The
coveted prize was awarded in recognition of the outstanding performance
of the company’s planes on a number of passenger air lines during 1935.
f German Field Battery Roars Into Action
In recent military maneuvers near Potsdam, Germany, new field
artillery units of the Reich’s army were tested out. The remilitarization
of the Rhine and recent German diplomatic coups have re-established the
prestige of the Reich throughout the world. Chief among the recent
diplomatic moves was an agreement between Germany and Austria,
pledging friendship.
Fulvio Suvich, whose name had
been sent to the United States for
approval, for the portfolio of next
Italian ambassador. The Unitec
States indicated that he is fully
acceptable and now only the for
mality of an appointment by Pre
mier Benito Mussolini stands in the
way of the official announcement.
Chicago Tests Motor Cars for Safety
Under Chicago’s new compulsory auto inspection law, all motor cars in the city are being rigidly in
spected as to brakes, lights, horn, tires, etc. The law provides that all cars must be inspected every six months.
Photo shows general view of the auto test lanes in Grant park on Chicago’s lake front
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Drouth-stricken cattle being driven to a rail head from Pierre, S. D., for shipment to the eastern part of
South Dakota. 2—Under Secretary of State William Phillips who is mentioned as successor to Breckinridge
Long, as ambassador to Italy. 3—Vice President John N. Garner (right) and Gen. Eduardo Hay, Mexico’s
secretary of foreign affairs, at dedication of Pan-American highways at Laredo, Texas.
San Diego Girl
Is Selected as
War Vets’ Queen
Shapeliness and charm were the
two principal attributes which won
the title of “Miss American Le
gion” for Betty Fulkerson of San
Diego (shown above), when war
veterans recently gathered at the
California-Pacific International ex
position. She will be an honored
guest of the Legionnaires during the
state convention in Hollywood in
August. She is shown holding the
trophy she won.
Quick Lunch for the Stenographer
A brand new grill with cooking surface of an amazing new aluminum
alloy so sensitive to heat that a single folded newspaper provides suffi
cient fuel for cooking an egg enables hard-working stenographers to eat
in the office during rush hours. Photo shows Laurette O’Neill testing the
device at the International Homefurnishing show in the Merchandise
Mart in Chicago.
King Carol Greets Czechoslovak President
President Eduard Benes of Czechoslovakia was warmly greeted by
King Carol of Rumania when he arrived in Bucharest for a conference
of the Little Entente powers.
Removal of Sean Lester, League
of Nations High Commissioner in
the free city of Danzig has been
demanded by Dr. Arthur Karl
Greiser, president of the Nazi-con
trolled Danzig senate.
f Golden Gate Bridge Approaching Completion
Automobiles will be passing over the San Francisco-Oakland Bay bridge by next November, engineers pre
dict. This view shows the center lane with the floor steel entirely erected on the West Bay Crossing. The bridge,
largest structure of its kind in the world, will cost $77,200,000 on completion.
j T»lk» About ®
Distribution of Fat
"^^ATURE meant that we
-k ^ should have a certain
amount of fat in and about the
body. Inside, the fat forms a
cushion for supporting organs,
a partial covering for the
nerves; in the skin fat helps
ami forms cushions for important
Thus, a certain amount of fat is a
sign of health, ami only in rare In
stances is fat accumulated during
illness. However, when too much
fat Is formed inside and outside the
body, while still a sign of health, it
can gradually interfere with the
workings of the body—heart, liver,
kidneys—with the result that over
weights nre considered poor risks
by life insurance companies, and
also in cases where a surgical oper
ation Is found necessary.
Sometimes an individual who has
always been underweight, skinny,
suddenly begins to
put on weight, and
within the space of
a year or two has
gone from 125
pounds up to 225
pounds. The ex
planation In some
cases is change in
occupation, a
changed outlook of
life, getting into a
regular groove of
Dr. Barton
living with no de
sire for changes
or advancement, stopping all forms
of athletics or exercises. In other
cases examined it would appear
that some glandular change has
taken place in the body whereby,
despite eating the same amount of
food (or perhaps eating less), a
smaller amount of food seems to be
needed for the work of the body,
and more is thus stored away ns fat.
When this Increase in fat occurs
within a short time, and over the en
tire body, it is thought that it is
the thyroid gland In the neck that
is at fault in that It is not supply
ing enough of its Juice—thyroid
juice—to the blood. As this juice
Increases the action of all the proc
esses of the body, increasing neat
and burning up foodstuffs, any lack
of it means that the processes will
act more slowly, there will be less
heat, less food burned and more
stored ns fat.
Contult family Phyiician
It Is in these enses that over
weights are Justified in consulting
their family physician regarding the
use of thyroid extract In their par
ticular cases. Under proper super
vision and with proper dosage
excellent results are obtained in
these cases when the overweight is
definitely due to lack of thyroid
There is, however, another form
of overweight due to lack of gland
nctivity which, while Interesting to
physicians, is embarrassing to those
afflicted. In this type of overweight
the excess weight is in certain
places in the body and not In other,
which distinguishes it from the type
due to lack of thyroid juice. Thus
the excess fat Is found across the
shoulders, breasts, abdomen, hips,
upper arms, and upper part of the
legs. The hands, wrists, forearms,
feet, ankles, ami lower legs are
quite small and free from fat; in
fact these individuals are quite
proud of their ankles and legs. A
little gland—the pituitary—lying In
the groove at the base of the brain—
is responsible for tills overweight.
Now Just ns thyroid extrnct helps
the other form of overweight, so pit
uitary extrnct obtained from the pit
uitary glands of animals will, under
proper supervision, help to lessen
(be effects of tills lock of pituitary
There are cases where the vari
ous glands of the body are not work
ing well, or working properly with
other glands so as to obtain a prop
er balance. In these cases the use
of both thyroid extract and pitub
tary extrnct brings good results.
* * *
Water and Weight
A world-famous athlete stopped
his athletic activities and gradually
accumulated a considerable amount
of excess weight. lie took a little
exercise but finding that there was
no loss of weight, decided to go for
an hour’s work in the gymnasium.
Sure enougli as he weighed him
self before exercise and after, the
first day there was a loss of three to
four pounds. When he returned the
next day his weight was the same
as before the exercise of the first
day, but again he took off three to
four pounds by the exercise.
This failure to lose weight was
easily explained when it was found
that after the exercise, immediately
after returning home and during the
night (he kept a pitcher of water
by his bedside) he was in the habit
of drinking from one to two quarts
of water—perhaps a gallon and a
half from six o’clock at night until
six o’clock the next morning.
It is known that fat tissue is able
to hold more water than other tis- -
sues of the body; one pound of fat
will hold over three pounds of wa
ter, so that the loss of a pound of
actual fat might mean the loss of
four pounds of weight.
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