The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 23, 1936, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    O’Neill Food Center
Every day is Sale Day at your Food Center. We offer you
the same quality and low prices week in and week out.
Ballon Flake
5 lb carton . . .
Morton’s Iodized Salt % Cp
2 1-lb boxes . .
M. J. B. Coffee 30c
1 lb • • « • •
A good fancy Peaberry | Oa
Coffee, 1 lb . .
NEW POTATOES, 16 lbs.45C
May we suggest that now is the time to buy canned goods in
case lots. Everything is advancing. No telling how much
you’ll save by taking advantage of today’s low prices. We
have an ample supply of—
Whole Kernel Corn
Sweet Corn
Early June Peas
Pink Salmon
Green Cut Beans
Yellow Wax Beans
Beets, whole or diced
Pork and Beans
And many other items, 24 cans to the case and you can rest
assured its the best you can buy at the lowest prices available
We also have some real bargains on case lots
in No. 10 near gallon FRUITS
PINEAPPLE Crusneil or sucea
We invite you to compare. Deliveries / to 7 during the week, / till 11 Saturday
Telephone 19
W. N. MORRIS, Mgr. O’Neill Food Center
■— I
j Over the County""]
The condition of little Margaret
Harte, who has been seriously ill
the past month, is reported as
f being much improved.
L. D. Hutton who is ill is getting
along nicely, however he will not
go back to work for a couple of
weeks yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl .Conger and
son, Dean, moved their livestock
to the Walt Jones ranch up by
Atkinson the first of the week
Mr. Conger will be employed on
the ranch the balance of the sum
Coffee Club met at the home of
the president, Mrs. Jennie Wilcox,
last Friday. The ladies all report
ed a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anspachh
(spent Sunday at Emmet at the
John Conard home.
Mrs. E. J. Enders went to Nor
folk Tuesday for a week's visit
with her son, Lem Hoxie and
The Inman consolidated school
district hired the following for bus
drivers for the coming school year;
Art Tomlinson, Delbert Sholes, Leo
Mossman and Howard Miller.
Miss Wilma Broun, who has
been teaching in vocational Bible
schools in Holt and Boyd counties
the past several weeks, returned
home Thursday
Miss Sarah Conger is spending
this week at Chambers as the guest
of her friend, Miss Clarice Ressell.
Miss Ressdl visited here iff the
Conger home last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Walter French and
children, of Mead, Nebr., visited
here with relatives the first of the
week. Mr. French, who has been
superintendent of schools at Mead
for a numjber of years, will go to
Stromsburg next year.
Mrs. Walt Jacox left for Omaha
Monday morning where she will
again enter a hospital for medical
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks and
son, Donald, of Newport, were here
Sunday visiting among relatives.
Cliff Andrews, of Stanton, and
Donald Noe, of Allen, were guests
in the W. H. Chicken home Sunday
Levi Outhouse, who is stationed
in a CCC camp at Valentine, spent
the week end here with relatives.
Miss Marva Conard, of Neligh,
visited relatives here Sunday.
The members of the Inman Ep
worth League were entertained by
the Chambers League at Chambers
Friday evening. About 25 Ep
worthians from Inman attended.
Mrs. Otto Meyers and Miss Glea
Dee Gifford, of Wayne, Miss Bon
nie Bosders and a friend from
Gordon, were visitors at the Geo.
Killinger home over the week end.
On Monday they all went to Gor
don for a visit at the John Bord
ers home. They were accompan
ied by Miss Lois Killinger of In
Charley and Donald Luben, of
Clearwater, visited at the Nora
Luben home Saturday.
Joe Crawford left for Lincoln
Tuesday where he will enter a hos
pital for an operation.
Carl Speltz and Alvon Shultz, of
Atkinson, are visiting at thc'Xhas.
Abart home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fritton left
Monday for Fremont, where they
will attend the funeral of a rela
Charley Luben and Melvin, of
Clearwater, were attending to bus
iness here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Hardin Anspach, of
Inman, visited at the John Conard
home Sunday.
Atkinson Livestock Market
“Your nearest and best market.”
Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Fat &
Stock Hogs
Auction Every Tuesday starting at 12:30 p. m.
o)ur welling charges are very moderate. If we do not sell
jo’urj livestock, we charge you nothing. Send your next
>hipment of livestock to Atkinson.
Arthur Dailey, who is employed
in O’Neill, spent Sunday with the
home folks in Emmet.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Allen and
family, of Winner, S. D., spent
Sunday at the Clyde Allen home.
p Liftle Difane Pongratz spent
Saturday with Harold and Robert
Mrs. Harry Seger and son went
to Lincoln Monday to visit her
mother, Mrs. Viva Uanandel and
other relatives and friends. Mr.
Seger plans to join the family
there in about two weeks.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Lorenfe and
Glen were callers at Leon Beck
wth’s Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Joseph Pongratz and Du
ane called on Mrs. Henry Kloppen
burg Tuesday afternoon.
Among the Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Winkler were, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Winkler and granddaughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Judge and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Tenborg and
Alvin Cadman.
Mrs. Gus Seger and daughter
visited with Mrs. Ralph Beckwith
Tuesday afternoon
A former Atkinson lady writes
relatives about the terrible forest
fire at Bulah, S. D., where she is
visiting. More than a thousand
men fought the fire day and night.
Men with trucks traveled ahead of
the fire and moved families and
possessions when the land is as
bare as the road. A good rain on
July 1! helped get the fire under
control and will probably start the
grass for fall pasture.
A full time study center has been
organized in the county and those
who are desirious of securing a
part or a whole of the number of
college hours necessary for cer
tificate renewals may do so. So
far as we know now the organi
zation will be more or less per
All of the work for renewing
certificates such as third or second
grade certificates may be procured
in this manner. Six of the twelve
hours credit may be earned thru
the study center institute plan, i
whereas, the other six hours must
be earned in resident attendance.
Credits earned in this manner will
not be allowed unless the meetings
will convene for not lesss than
twenty-five hours a week, then it
may be termed resident attend
ance. We now have a full time
director in charge. All those in
terested in the course should en
roll at once.
Clarence J. McClurg,
County Superintendent.
By Romaine Saunders
Mrs. Harry White was taken to
Savannah, Mo., last week for medi
cal examination and treatment.
William Lierman and family of
California are visiting for a week
with his mother, Mrs. Hulda Lier
man, and other relatives.
Doc Townsend has the nerve to
do what most everybody has felt
like doing when set up as a witness
at a “court of inquiry”—walk out
on them.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Adamson
and children, missionaries on fur
lough from South Africa, are at
the home of Mrs. Adamson’s per
mits, Mr. and Mrs. Harry White.
The fellow with a figure re
sembling a barrel with posts for
legs can’t conceal the crude hulk
of his person with the scanty at
tire of these hot days.
No one could object to suffering
citizens at Lincoln spending the
hot nights on the state house’s five
thousand dollar lawn. We could:
accomodate quite a crowd of them
down here on the vast reaches of
meadow, with a bale of hay for a
Various theories are advanced to
account for the prolonged dry spell.
One fantastic idea has it the radio
is responsible. One theory is prob
ably as good as another but nature
takes little account of the specula
tions of men and rain falls when
vapors of sufficient water content
form over our heads.
The prolonged heat made it nec
essary to install more tanks in
pastures and corrals to supply
sufficient water for thirsty stock.
Dealers in nearby towns are about
sold out on tanks. Some ranchers
have made tanks by shaping two
pieces of sheet metal into a circle
and making a bottom of clay and
Now conies a Cornell university
professor and speaks derogatory
of General Custer, who with his
entire command were butchered by
the Sioux sixty years ago. We
don’t mind so much the college
men trying their funny tricks at
Capitol Hill but will have to insist
that they let our romantic figures
of the west alone.
Defenders of the Franklin D.
program anchor their strong argu
ments on the president’s supposed
stablizing of the country’s banks.
Banks that kept up their reserve
were all right and those that did
not went to the wall. It is the re
serve funds of business institutions
it is the studied purpose of New
Dealers to divert into tr.x channels.
A refreshing note was sounded at
the recent gathering in Cincinnati
of the American students volun
teers. The word came from some
three thousand young Americans
gathered from various institutions
of learning that they are “not look
ing for jobs—we have a message.”
Their message is the old one first
sounded in old Galilee and probably
the need now is as great as ever.
Through the courtesy of J. D.
Cronin at O’Neill the compiler of
the Breezes, now temporarily em
ployed at the county seat, spent a
day or two at home recently. Mr.
Cronin visited the southwest on
business and gave us a ride out
Friday last. The primative pioneer
instinct leads to the enjoyment of
placing the feet on the sod after a
period of traveling the pavement
and cement sidewalks.
A Sioux City paper classing
itself an independent asks who is
backing Landon. It gives its own
answer, W. R. Hearst, “the most
evil political influence in America.”
Four years ago “the most evil
political influence in America back
ed Roosevelt with the prodidious
use of 12 and 72 point caps. But
who is backing Landon ? That
numerous body of self-respecting,
self-supporting, substantial and
worthwhile citizens who will not
barter away their political heritage
for a mess of pottage.
Passing from one town to an
other by bus I recently fell into
conservation with an old fashioned
American mother and grandmother.
She has ten children of whom she
is proud, and also informed me she
was a great grandmother in the
third degree. She gave me her
name as I remember Mrs. Oldecker
and her home at Roswell, N. M..
She is 84 and. except for a broken
leg that has kept her on crutches
for a year is remarkably active and
keen witted. She had been in Holt
county to visit a sister at Atkin
son who she had not seen for over
50 years and at the time of our
meeting was on her way back to
Roswell. To the multitude she is
just an old woman on crutches, to
her numerous deecndents she
doubtless is held in high regard as
mother and grandmother. To me
the old lady typifies the best of a
vanishing American womanhood.
With the fruits of a season’s
hard labor destroyed by a merci
lessly burning sun, the family,
the cows, the poultry and all living
things on the farm facing famine
it takes the hope, the cheerfulness,
the romance and the poetry out of
life, with a view into the future of
only stark dread if not dispair.
Not alone a township, a county or
a state is facing it, but the occu
pants of the many hitherto splen
did farms in many states. Ameri
ca has faced calamity always with
fortitude and bravery and if a way
through is not found it will be the
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graham
and children and Arthur Rouse
were callers at the Frank Griffith
home on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Charles Griffith and daugh
ter, who are here from North
Platte, are visiting at the home of
her brother, A. L. Borg this week.
Oscar Lindberg, who has been
running the garnge at Midway for
some time, closed up shop this
week. We understand that he will
leave for California in the near
A son was born to Mr and Mrs.
Jim Abbot July 18, at O’Neill.
Mrs. Abbott was formerly Opal
Gerald, Hansen and Elverton
Hayden were dinner* guests of Cecil
Griffith on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rimousky
and daughter, Betty Helen, of
Wichita, Kansas, Miss Elberta
Spindler and Audy Rimousky, of
Norfolk, were guests at the Roy
Spindler home on Sunday. Callers
there in the afternoon were, Helen
Spindler and Bill Fosberg, of
O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Grif
fith and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Borg, Gerald Hansen, Elverton
Hayden and Ralph Rausch
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen
were guests at the Arthur Henifin
home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Borg and
Marvel were dinner guests at the
A. L. Borg home on Sunday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs
Sam Shults last week. The Shultj
HPhe ability to make
money belongs to
all. The strength of
will to accumulate it
belongs to few
Capital, Surplus and
Undivided Profits,
This Bank Carries No
Indebtedness of Officers
or Stockholders.
family formerly lived in this lo-1
Horace Rouse purchased a Chev-1
rolet car of Walter Stein last week.
Mrs. Roy Spindler left Sunday
night for a visit with her mother
at Glemvood, Iowa, and ulso with
her son, James, and other relatives
at Omaha.
An alfalfa stack burned Satur
day evening on the Birmingham
place It caused quite a lot of ex
citement as it was hard to locate
the exact place where the fire was,
it being about 10 p. m. The Prich
ett family farm the place but they
did not know how it started as
there was nothing near the hay.
It was stacked about July 4.
Guests at Mrs. Walters on Sun
day were, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Claus
sen and children, of O’Neill; Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Robertson and child
ren; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters
and children; Mr. and Mrs. George
Nelson and ehilden; Laverne and
Helen Borg and Opal Jean Griffith.
, Last Wednesday afternoon shout
0 p. m , several clouds of grass
hoppers passed over this section.
At first they looked like smoke,
then as one accustomed their eyes
to watching they could easily he
seen to movo their wings in rapid
flight. Those came from the south
east and traveled north and west.
Some in this locality saw some
fly over at noon.
Dick Robertson and Lavcrne
Hartford were married at O’Nedl
on Saturday and left for a honey
moon at Sioux City. Dick was
born and grew to manhood in this
locality and has many friends;
while his wife is not so well known
in this immediate locality she also
has made friends here. The best,
wishes of the community go with
the young couple for a long and
happy married life.
One O’Neill automobile dealer
reports the sale of six new <;,rs
this month.
Follow the lead of big tire users who buy
only on proof of performance.
Last year Greyhound buses traveled 138,000.000
miles from Coast to Coast and from Canada to the
Gulf across deserts and over winding mountain
They have won the National Safety Council’s
highest award in inter-city bus operation for the
past four years. This is indeed a tribute to careful
driving, efficient equipment and the reserve
safety of Firestone Tires made possible by the
Firestone Patented Process of Gum-Dipping which
prevents internal friction and heat.
Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires run up to 28°
cooler and give greatest blowout protection—the
scientifically designed non-skid tread will stop
your car up to 25% quicker and give you 50%
longer non-skid mileage.
Take no chances! Buy your tires on proof of
performance. Let us equip your car today with
Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires, the Masterpiece of
| Tire Construction!
• • •
Vi*it the Firestone Exhibits at the Great Lakes Exhositum
in Cleveland and the Texas Centennial in Dallas.
"Firestone sealtyte tubes
A special compound on inside of tube
seals (be inner surface against leakage.
By maintaining a constant air pressure,
Firestone Sealtyte TuFtes will increase ydur
tire mileage 25^
4.75-19....;... 7*10
5.50-17. ll.%» |
Sf».00-17H.D.... 15.9& (
6.00-20. ||
30x5 Tmck Trt» ... I ia.7*> I
■ 32x6 H. D. ***-1 •» I
Oitwi Sins Piicxl Propwt>n>v ty lov I
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.
Phone 100 C. E. LUNDGREN, Mgr. O’Neill, Nebr.
We are open evenings and Sundays.