The Frontier D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postoffice at O’Ne ill, Nebraska, as Second Cl One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly re moved from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid for, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between pub lisher and subscriber. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion, sub sequent insertions, 5c per line. THE NEBRASKA SCENE (Continued from page 1.) from WPA or some other federal agency. In order to speed flood control program, Governor Cochran an nounces that his state planning board will make a survey of the valley for additional sites within a short time. The state-owned air plane may be brought into use on this job. If construction funds cannot be dug up this year, the gov ernor has high hopes that the next session of congress will make the necessary appropriation. Robert G. Simmons, republican nominee for the U. S. senate, is making a series of radio addresses and is making some construetive suggestions. He proposes to take the postoffice out of polities by tie ing the "can” on nil postmasters, then promoting all qualified civil service assistant postmasters to the top job and keep them within the civil service. bimmons also suggests two bene ficial steps fox* lighting drouth, altho he doesn’t believe there is any permanent solution for the problem. He would, speed up water conservation under a sound pro gram, and would plant more crops that are drouth resistant. Terry Carpenter, democratic nominee for the senate, was en dorsed by the Townsend old-age pension forces, but he has as yet failed to indicate whether he will back up the present national admin istration or adopt theTownsend plan attitude. I)r. Townsend, speaking at Lin coln, termed the Roosevelt admin istration “the most gigantic bribery in the world” and exhorted his Nebraska followers to “turn out the Washington gang—it is no bet ter than the gang which preceded 1 ham ” Congressman Luckey of the First district, arrived home from Wash ington earlier this month, told his constituents that “President Roose velt will be re-elected because the new deal has been a Godsend to the home-owner, farmer and laborer.” Luckey’s republ^iam opponent in the First district, Judge Perry, is just as sure that Roosevelt will not be re-elected, and predicts Gover nor Landon of Kansas will roll up a comfortable majority over Presi dent Roosevelt in Nebraska in the November election. Congressman Coffee of the Fifth district, speaking at the Callaway Old Settler’s picnic a week ago, urged a $-10,000,000 federal expen diture to purchase Nebraska cattle as a drouth relief measure. He would maintain a “fair price level” by diverting the meat from "drouth cattle" into relief channels. An exhaustive study of drunken driving in connection with high way accidents is being made by A. L. Stuart, executive secretary of the Nebraska Safety Council, and while it shows conclusively that gasoline and booze don’t mix, liquor is blamed for only 6.8 per cent of the accidents. Automobile fatalities have been climbing year after year in Ne braska, as elsewhere, and due to the larger number of ears in the state this year along with the [greater number of tourists going I thru, it appears that last year’s [record of 320 automobile deaths will be surpassed in 1§36 despite 'the intensive safety drive that is now in progress. Deuths in 1034 totaled 296. Speed is responsible for 31 per cent of the traffic fatal ities in this state. Seventeen per cent are due to driving on the wrong side of the road, the driver either being asleep or preoccupied. The records show that while only 3.1 of all automobile acci dents are due to drunken driving, 6.8 per cent of all fatal accidents can be blamed on liquor. Five per cent of all pedestrians hit by cars are under the influence of liquor, and ten per cent of all the pedes trians killed by automobiles were intoxicated Nebraska has long been conver sant with producer-co-opertive en terprises but the consumer-co-op erative is somewhat of an inno vation, and there is a tendency to make it a political issue. Never theless, state university officials are intent upon studying the idea. The consumer-co-operative is viewed in some circles as a social istic movement borrowed from Europe by the Roosevelt adminis tration. Co-operative boosters, however, say the system has been here some time and consumers’ co operatives in this country now do an annual business of $35,000,000. These boosters declare that the co-operative movement does not destroy the profit system, but transfers profits from the distrib uting few to the consuming many in proportion to their purchases. It is upheld as the middle way be tween' private monopoly and state socialism. The idea has much in common with Farmers’ Union stores. Meanwhile, James F. Lawrence, extension marketing specialist at the college of agriculture, has sailed for Europe where he will study the consumer and producer co-op eratives in the British Isles and Scandinavian countries where the system is being used extensively. The consumer-co-operative was founded in Scotland. The state tax levy to be decided upon within the next two weeks by the state board of equalization will be slightly less than 2 mills, judg ing from present indications. The rate imposed in 1935 was 2.15 mills. factors that will help to reduce the 1930> levy include an increase in the grand assessment roll which The New— Ben Franklin Store Is now open for business ••••• I You will find BARGAINS I in every depart ment. Come in and see us. You will be delighted. J j ■ BOWENS t : •. 'i V • • V , ' . • , * will be at least $35,000,000 higher than a year ago; and the fact that an item of $403,000 included, in the 1935 impost to take care of emer gency and claims appropriations made by the legislature, was a de mand upon the 1935 levy. A 2 mill tax on the 1936 grand assessment roll would yield approx imately $4,130,000 for state govern mental purposes—a sum that prob ably would be sufficient to meet all needs. Social security funds are raised from special revenue sources and hence need not be figured in the state tax levy The joint federal-state social program cost $1,260,087 for the second quarter period ending the first of this month. State funds amounted to $758,018, while federal contributions added to $512,069. Receipts for the second period amounted to only $1,041,561, this being due to the fact that there were balances on hand from the preceding quarter. Book balances on hand as the third quarter start ed were $2,151,436 in the state as sistance fund and $35,445 which came from Washington. FAMILY DEBT INCREASES ABOUT $10 PER MONTH In a recent address, Robert G. Simmons, republican candidate for United States Senator, gives some interesting facts about the increas ing national indebedness and what it actually means to the average American family. Mr. Simmons said: “The condition ot the federal treasury, running a deficit now of over tc milion dollars a day, is giving grave thought and concern to the people of America. You and I know that, within our own busi ness, we cannot continue to spend more than we earn without de pleting our capital and eventually going into bankruptcy. “Roughly, on a per capita basis, our national debt has increased during the last six years between $140 and $150 per capita Bring ing it down to a point where you and I can understand the amount of the increased debt, it means that my share for a family of five is $720 for the six years, or an aver age increase for my family of $10 per month. It goes without say ing that 1 don’t want any debt of my family increasing at that rate. “The government does not have this money; it borrows from the thousands of citizens (who have small sums in postal savings or government bonds, as well as from those who have large sums to in vest in government bonds. Upon it the government pays interest, so that this increased debt is a mort gage upon the American people to these thousands of money lenders. We are working day by day to pay the interest. “There are a number of answers to the problem. One of them is to adopt national policies that will restore confidence in government. Expansion of business, rebuilding factories, farms and homes, re pairs, new purchases of every kind are being retarded because people are afraid to take on new debt burdens. Restored confidence in our government will do more to put men and money back to work than any other thing. “Another way is to do what you and I would do in our own affairs; cut expenditures down as nearly us possible to our income. That will take courage on the part of govern ment officials to withstand the de mands for spending, but it is a program that must be followed. "Some of the spending, such as that for relief, will have to be con tinued until a new administration is able to bring order out of the ex isting situation But even relief spending can be much more ef ficiently and economically adminis tered more fairly to both the re cipient and the taxpayer." Gov. Alf M. Landon frolics with his son, John Cobb, 3. "Pay-as you-go,” says the Republican nom inee. "then your children won't bear the burden of your mistakes.” SHAKE WELL BEFORE READING Washington.—Now one of the New Deal’s federal bureaus is going to tell you how much gin to put into a martini or how much “sing” goes into a “Singa pore Sling.” Alcohol Control Ad ministrator W. S. Alexander has called in the nation’s outstand ing experts on the art of mix ing cocktails to determine for him the proper standard of con tents for various highballs, fizzes and other mixed drinks. The re sulting testimony will be pub lished in a sort of federal "bar tender's guide,” to sell for five cents. Maybe the experts will tell the bureaucrats what to do for a headache after November 3. Canadian Farm Exports to U. S. Rise Sharply Ottawa, Ont.—As a result of President Roosevelt’s trade agree ment with Canada, Canadian ex ports to the United States have shown marked increases during the lirst \ four months of 103(1, ac cording to the report of the depart ment of trade and commerce. Some of the Increases were as high as 300 per cent, heaviest gains being made in agricultural products and lumber. The number of horses shipped to the United States rose to S.700, compared with 1,600 during the cor responding period a year ago. The export value of swine increased from $3,000 to $300,000 and cattle exports Increased $1,400,000. Cheese exported to the United States rose from $21,000 to $107,000 and ex ports of patent leather increased $37,000. Advances In the export of lum ber were marked, soft wood lum her increasing from $1,642,000 to $3,227,000. Ilardwoodexports showed an increase of almost 100 per cent to $307,000, and square shingles in creased to $1,510,000. rayrollers Write Book; Ickes Collects Royalties Washington.—“Hack to Work,” a hook published about a year ugo as the work of llacohl L. Ickes, sec retary of the interior, and upon which Ickes collects the royalties, was really written by press agents for the PWA, working on federal government time ami paid with the taxpayers’ money, tt was revealed here. At the suggestion of Clark Fore man, Roosevelt foundation employee who planned the book, Ickes Import ed a young writer, Michael Ross, from England, to write the story of "recovery" in America. He went on the PWA payroll at $6,000 a year. Ross’ efforts were then re written by Jonathan Latimer, also on the federal payroll. Parts of the book were written by K. Sewell Wingfield, assistant director of the power division of PWA, and Mi chael Straus and David Wolfsolin of the PWA publicity staff. Robust Spring Zephyrs Reveal Federal Waste Chicago, 111.—There was some thing in the wind in the neighbor hood about the warehouses on North Water street Here, and it wasn’t lilacs. Investigators discov ered that the aroma, robust and overbearing, emanated from the Federal Surplus Commodities cor poration's storage rooms where 38 carloads of onious were stored. Twenty WPA workers were load ing spoiled onions, which had sprouted and rotted while waiting for the FSCC to distribute them to families on relief. Workers said the stuff was being hauled away to be dumped, but John Thompson, the foreman, denied It, explaining that it was being distributed to ‘‘people with gardens" for planting. How ever, wheu a reporter started fol lowing one of the trucks Thompson called it back. Warehouse officials refused to let anyone into the build ing to find out how much of the supply was spoiled. Sick? -Then come to O’Neill next Tues day, July 28, and visit my free clinic at Golden Hotel and find out jusl what is causing your sickness. II doesn’t cost a cent and places you un der no obligation. Be there early and avoid a long wait. Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Married wo men should bring their husbands. DR. FRANK CURRIER Clinician Newai k, N. J.—Chester C. Davis, agricultural adjustment administrator of the New Deal, almost succeeded in covering up a statement by him which laid wide open the fallacy of the new soil erosion measure conjured up to take the place of the unconstitutional AAA. Almost—but not quite. Davis’ statement, which was is sued from Berlin while he was on his six-weeks’ agricultural survey of 11 European nations, claimed that there was little hope for a revived European market for American farm products. It was understood that administration forces attempt ed to recall It from newspapers to which it had been issued, but one, a daily In Newark, printed it and let the cat out of the hag. For the Davis statement, it devel oped, was inimical to the reciprocal treaty policies of President Itoose velt and to the new erosion control program, In which much stress is placed upon the necessity of de veloping foreign markets for Amer ican farm products. “All over Europe,” read the sup pressed statement, “there Is bad news for the American farmer and exporter who hopes to regain the great market he enjoyed in this part of the world a decade ago. “Under the rising surge of na tionalism and the continued threat [ of war, with the possibility of food supplies choked off by blockade, the leading countries in western Europe nre striving to become self-suffi cient and, as far as possible, to pro duce their own foodstuffs . . . “I am concerned with what these changes mean to the American farmer. We plowed up 50,000,000 acres to grow wheat and meat for Europe from 1914 to 1019. They will not be needed to the same extent for that purpose again. “I see no sense wasting our soli resources and great national herit age of productive and fertile soil to produce for a market which we cannot have because of circum stances far beyond our control. Nearly every country we have vis ited has supplemented Its tariffs by import quotas on some commodities. Some nations have put in effect rigid exchange-control systems which put the government in charge of every item of foreign trade. Ger many is a notable example. Some countries have invoked outright em bargoes/] PeoDle Are * Going Places Again Easterners are going West by the trainload for a vacation in the mountains. Westerners will flock to the East, to the seashore; to the sky-blue lakes and to the woods and waters from Michigan to Maine -- the Peekskills, the Catskills, Adirondacks, Niagra, Atlantic City, Washington -- to the historic shrines and the bright lights of the big cities. Special round trip fares almost everywhere. No surcharge tc pay anywhere. Travel costs ’way down; rail transportation greatJy Im proved. All principal trains are air conditioned. This is a Travel Year Join the carefree crowds ... treat yourself and your family to a vacation this summer NFORMATION RESERVATIONS TICKETS L. E. DOWNEY, Ticket Agent 4-H Club Members Win Prizes Thirty-two 4-H Club members and leaders from Holt county at tended the Club camp at Long Pine last week. Attendance from other counties brought the total up to 72. All members made nature study booklets under the direction Mr. Rosenquist of the Agricultural college. Mabelle Osenbaugh, of O’Neill, won first and Wallace French second for having the best booklet. When the best all aiound campers were selected, Holt county had thre out of four first awards. Wallace French, of Page, was chosen the best boy camper and Marion Ickes, of Page, the best girl camper. Maurice Grutsch, of O’Neill, was given second place as best boy camper and second place among the girls went to Mabel Kuhl from Knox county. The members returned Saturday evening tired but in good spirits feeling the time spent was well worth while. 4 m Cooling! Invigorating! Re freshing! That’s what you'll say about Storz Beer. After a day in the open—when the sun bears down — when you feel tired and fagged — brace up with this smooth, mellow, “slow-aged” beer. Keep some in the refrigerator at all times! GATZ BROS., Distributors , Phone 97 O’Neill, Nebraska