Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1936)
ANNUAL STATEMENT OF B. T. W1NCHELL, COUNTY TREAS URER OF HOLT COUNTY', NEBRASKA, SHOWING RECEIPTS, ■DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES FOR THE EAR BEG1N J^’ING JULY 1, 1935, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1936. RECEIPTS I To Balance on hand July 1, 1935 J ^340 ^03 21 To Total Tax Collected --- mSBtI , To Total School Land Funds Collected 1609 96 To Total University Land Funds Collected iq’oo8 27 To State Apportionment for Schools Received . . 1 To State Aid for Schools Received -- 2511 To Miscellaneous Collections for SD No. 50 .. To Miscellaneous Collections for Schools 0 Jl'o Miscellaneous Collections (General Fund) J r22 08 jAro Miscellaneous Collections (Bridge Fund) ^■o Miscellaneous Collections (Road tund) 7“"';!, To Miscellaneous Collections (Village Gas Tax) T° Miscellaneous Collections (Motor Vehicles) To Miscellaneous Collections (Inheritance Tax) .>777 10 Ro Miscellaneous Collections (Redemption Fund) . 2’J,‘H9 o Miscellaneous Collections (Fees Fund) okiooi ■To Miscellaneous Collec.tions (County Officers hees hund) ®To Miscellaneous Collections (Fines and Licenses) m To Miscellaneous Collections (Drivers’ Licenses) _- - I To Miscellaneous Collections (County Road Relief ^ ^ I ^Miscellaneous Collections (state and federal assistance) 27,510.46 \ To Miscellaneous Collections (Court House Bond Fund) one no ■ To Misc. Collections (Repairs and Improvement Fund) ■ To Miscellaneous Collections (County Fair Fund) 1 To Miscellaneous Collections (Mothers’ Pension Fund) * $676,258.94 DISBURSEMENTS By Treasurer's Receipts (Consolidated Fund) --f By State Treasurer’s Receipts (School Land Fund) _ By State Treasurer’s Receipts (University Land Fund) By State Treasurer’s Receipts (Highway Supervision *d.) By State Treasurer’s Receipts (Highway Maintenance By State Treasurer’s Receipts (Driver’s License Fund) , By State Treasurer’s Receipts (Old Age Pension Remit.) By County General Fund Warrants Paid By County Bridge Fund Warrants Paid *77 o? By County Road Fund Warrants Paid - i’Soqbo By County Road Dragging Warrants Paid 1 ^nn'nn f By County Soldier’s Relief Warrants Paid -- in 20000 By County Judgment Order JPaid . ~ . 16,222’J2 By County Special Emergency Bridge Warrants Paid * By County Fair Orders Paid . ----- - J’Soo By County Mother’s Pension Warrants Paid By Countv Unemployment Relief Warrants laid By District School Orders Paid By District School Bonds and Coupons Paid By Free High School Orders Paid . . 3 lannn By School Judgments Paid --- - jqc'cn By Township Orders Paid —- - i7«cnn By Township Library Orders Paid ' By Village Orders Paid 9 qmj'qi By Village Gas Tax Orders Paid . . i*’?9n'oR By Refunding W’ater Bonds and Coupons Paid ®’jsoo Kn By Electric Light Bonds and Coupons Paid °«iKnn By Fire Truck Bonds and Coupons Paid - - , By O’Neill Paving Bonds and Coupons Paid Bv Coleman Rail Road Bonds and Coupons Paid 5f;Ai By Spec. Bee Tax Remit, to State Dept, of Agn. 14.1U By County Road Relief Orders Paid - - , Sconce By Salary Warrants Paid 991070 By Poor Fund Warrants Paid - 97771 n By Redemption Certific ates Paid - - q 9r By Refund Orders of the County Board ... By Escrow Balance Remitted to Clerk Dist. Court ‘’ innn Mv Chambers School Dist. Athletic Fund 40.0U Ify State and Federal Assistance Warrants Paul 1 lilcqq By Prior Discrepancy Account '™,t By Balance O11 Hand 155,258.31 »' $676,258.94 } ' : 1' BALANCES State Consolidated Fund .—-. . .$ State School Land Fund ...-. . 1’6qqou State University Land Fund 9914 State Highway Supervision Fund - --- State Highway Maintenance Fund i-tate Driver’s License Fund 7®-j?" 'State County Highway Fund. County General Fund County Bridge Fund . Coudty Road Fund County Soldier’s Relief Fund .. -. 553.46 County Judgment Fund .. .. County Special Emergency Bridge Fund ---- wiAt * County Fair Fund ---__- 591.01 County Mother’s Pension Fund - - 601.94 County Repairs and Improvements Fund - 1,246.79 County Unemployment Fund -- 1,808,I8 Labor Cash Fund--- 4’o?.‘o* County Old Age Pension Fund, - 314.36 Township Fund ....1-- 10,465.17 Township Library Fund -- -- ^’2I2'2^ District School Fund _—- 75,482.94 District School Bond Fund -- 7,603.60 Free High School Fund -- 2,723.40 Village and Village Gas Tax Fund- 12,289.33 Refunding Water Bond and Coupon Fund _ 3,157.57 Electric Light Bond and Coupon Fund - 845.20 O’Neill Fire Truck Bond and Coupon Fund_ 580.97 O’Neill Curb and Gutter Fund _ 362.49 O’Neill Intersection Paving Bond and Coupon Fund _ 1,054.50 Coletnan Railroad Bond Fund (Bonds all Retired) _.... 20.25 Special Bee Tax Fund__ _1_____ 5.10 Coupty Road Relief Fund _ 146.62 Salary Fund (Fees) _____ _ 7,689.75 Redemption Fund 1,158.65 Stuart Sewer\ Bond Interest Fund ...... 366.56 Stuart 'Sewer Bond Fund _.......... 356.94 Chambers School Athletic Fund __ 70.66 State and Federal Assistance, Consisting of Old Age Pension, Blind, Dependent Children, Relief and Admr. Expense .._......... 9,369.34 HoltrCounty Court House Bond Fund _ .. 525.12 $156,934.93 OVERDRAFTS School Judgment . .. _... $ 42.52 Poor Fund ....... 189.07 Prior Discrepancy Fund 1,445.03 1,676.62 I , ! 1 ’ 1 ! 11 ’ 155,258.31 Cash in Banks .. $135,074.22 Checks and Cash in Office' ..'.'.‘.1. _ 1,111.89 Warrants in Trust . 19,072.20 $155,258.31 REGISTERED WARRANTS General Fund .-_--- 47,788.30 Bridge Fund 7,266.06 Road Fund 8,540.60 $ 63,594.96 UNALLOWED CLAIMS ON FILE IN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE General Fund .'... $ 24,760.51 Bridge Fund — —. 8,294.14 Road Fund 6,240.64 Road Dragging Fund 90.80 f $ 39,386.09 State of Nebraska,) iS8 v (>1. .. . County of Holt j' I. B T. Winchell, County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of Receipts, Disburse •^kT belief a™ces a,*l correct to the best of my knowledge B. T. WINCHELL, 1 iJnW.ii, j 1 County Treasurer. h:<36, A D ^ *>’ m my pi;esenc<> on this l3th day of July, | JOHN C. GALLAGHER, • ^ ; V; County Cle<*. INMAN NEWS L. 1). Hutton, C. and N. W. stat ion agent here, is ill at his home. William Spence, of Atkinson, is here as relief agent. Anella Butler, of Neligh, is here visiting among relatives this week. W. H Fowler, of Norfolk, was here Thursday visiting his sister, Mrs. A. N. Butler and family. Elmer Crosser returned home Sunday after spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Erwin Vargi son and family at Basset. Mrs. E. J. Enders is quite ill at her home here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie and little daughter, Margaret, went to Or chard Tuesday to look after busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins re ceived an announcement Saturday of the birth of a baby daughter to Hr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins, of Indianapolis, Ind. The mother was formerly Miss Carita Gifford and was a teacher in the Inman schools. Dr. Tompkins is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Riley received word of the birth of a baby daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Batsch of Royal. Mr and Mrs. Mart Harkins and daughters and H. E. Smith drove to Sioux City Sunday, taking with them Mrs. Foi'est Harkins and little daughter, Beverley, of Fort Dodge, Iowa. They were met in Sioux City by Forest Harkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harkins and daugh ters and Mr. Smith returned home Sunday evening. Levi Morsbach was here from Neligh Wednesday evening visit ing relatives. Manuel Crosser spent the week end in Newport visiting friends. Mrs Horace Wills, of Seattle, W’ash., is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Outhouse. The W. C. T. U. and L. T. L. enjoyed a picnic at the river Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Spence ar rived here Sunday to relieve at the C. and N. W. station during the illness of L. D. Hutton. A niece, Mary Ann Ruby, of Ewing, is spending the week with them. PLEASANT DALE Miss Velma Johnson was a din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Ulrich the Fourth of July. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz were, Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spangler and Lavern, Mr. and Mrs. John Kee and family, Mrs. Ted Herring and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence W'ilkinson and son. Harvesting is in full swing, with binders running early and late and some Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilkinson and little son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spangler this week. Mrs. Henry Segar and son Ger ald, were dinner guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. John Silver strand in Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Dan O’Connell are the parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski and daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pongratz and Duane, and Eddie Winkler were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrss. George Pongratz Thursday even ing. A lady from this vicinity who visited relatives near Platte, S. D., last week gave a vivid description of the grasshoppers and drouth conditions in that territory. While visiting at her brother's home one evening she admired, a beautiful Chinese elm which grew in front of the house, but when the house hold awoke the next morning they found the elm stripped of its leaves and bark. The people don’t even hang their washings out because the grasshoppers would eat it. All clothes are dried indoors. The lady said to look about one was like looking into a kettle of lively popping corn. The people in that community were optomistic, how ever. They received money from the relief organization an l believed in spending it. This was evident at an Old Settlers picnic where people were well dressed and gay. Mr. and Mrs. John Shald and family, of Stuart, called on the Joe Winkler family Sunday after noon, Mary Ann returning home with them. BACK in the old location across the street from Chevrolet garage Gillespie Radio Service PHILCO ::: FRIGIDAIRE Phone 114 ..O’Neill . -"’i1-—■ - — — COMING TO O’NEILL, The Hazel McOwen Players 4 Big Nights STARTING TONIGHT, THURS., JULY......16 BIG TENT THEATRE Opening Play r'THE FAMILY SAP" Vod-Vil Acts Nightly SPECIAL FEATURES The Harmony Quartette and Rythm Rambler Orchestra ?g,pcuELsAR 10 and 25c One Lady FREE Opening Night With a Paid Adult Ticket Doors Open 7:30 Curtain 8:30 'T'he ability to make lj money belongs to all. The strength of will to accumulate it belongs to few The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and This Bunk Curries No Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Officers $125,000.00 or Stockholders. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION APPRECIATION I wish to tender my sincere thanks to the many friends for the patronage extended me in the Clas sic Beauty Parlors and can assure all old patrons that they will re ceive the same courteous treatment' and quality service from the new management. Mrs. Gertrude Streeter.. I $100.00 CASH PRIZE!!! Coupon with every KODAK FILM Developed and 8 Del.uxe Print* ana professional en larirenient oil painted by at if tlsts all for only M nil to .1ANK8VI LLR FILM SK.11VICF Janesville. Wlseinislu Mail this ud with roll for Individ Xtn ual at tent Ion if - 1 * A HAND TELEPHONE now costs ONLY IS* A MONTH —and payable lor only 36 months A new iow charge of 2 5 i cents a month for a hand telephone, in addition to i the regular charge for serv-| ice, is now in effect. This charge is discontinued after 36 monthly payments have been made. There is no charge for changing from desk or wall type telephones to hand telephones. To order a hand telephone, just call our Business Office or give your order to any telephone emyloyee. f vid-i i , _ . . IT'S some thing of ? hdbby with me—cross ing the continent is! But. old experienced continent-crosser that I am. do I have my eyes opened this Spring? 1 do! “Alwavs before. I make the trip by foot, figuring I’m money ahead if other folks buy the gasoline. This time, though, I get reckless. I decide to forget expense and go in my own car. ‘But, Kermit,’ I says to myself, ‘don’t go completely nuts all at once. Take it easy and gradual,’ 1 says. “That’s sensible, so I start it off with just one tea-,cupful of gasoline in the tank. And right there is where 1 get my eye-opener: It happens to be Red Crown gasoline that I buy. And' do I have to make another single stop for gas the whole way across? 1 do not! That one cupful takes me coast to coast, and I even have trouble stopping the car when I get to . the Golden Gate!’ ► -■ * We don’t believe Kermit could really have been serious about this matter. In fact, we don't believe there is any such person.' It is a fact, though, that many motorists do have false or exaggerated ideas about gasoline mileage. That’s why Standard Oil is conduct ing a great public road test this summer, in which thousands of motorists art taking part. Reports already indicate that many are learning valuable new facts about the econom ical operation of their cars—discovering how to use gasoline more efficiently—finding out which brand of motor fuel does the best and cheapest job for them. Even if you aren’t entered in the World’s Greatest Road Test, it will pay you to HAVE YOUR STANDARD DEALER FILL YOUR TANK WITH STANDARD RED CROWN. Then note carefully hole many miles you drive before you need gasoline again. Compare that mileage with any you’ve ever gotten before. We know from our own tests that Standard Red Crown is good for fully as Jong a mileage as any regular priced gasoline on the market. But rather than make claims, we prefer to let Standard Red Crown speak for itself. LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT GASOLINE MILEAGE • i »i^' •» ■ • ' ! *«» ; t. • i ‘ » * • > • . BE SURE YOUR CAR IS SAFE TO DRIVE , THEN DRIVE SAFELYI.