The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 16, 1936, Image 3

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    Royal Danish Castle Is Razed by Flames
The royal castle of Prince Axel at Bernstorffshoj, Denmark, was totally destroyed by fire.
Prince George and Prince Fleming, sons of Axel, who were living there with their mother, Princess
Margaretha, discovered the blaze and rescued some of the art treasures.
Los Angeles Judge
Refuses to Ask
for Vets’ Bonus
Not criticizing payment of the
bonus to veterans who need the
help, District Judge Yankovich
of Los Angeles declared he had
not asked for his bonus and did
^ not anticipate submitting an ap
plication. “Undoubtedly the
bonus will be a life-saver to
many veterans,” he said, “but
I have never felt the nation owed
me anything for my war serv
Honor Pioneer American Flyer
Rep. Melvin J. Maas (left), a marine flyer during the World
war, is awarding the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieut. Col.
Francis Thomas Evans of the United States Marine corps at Wash
ington, D. C. Evans was the first airman in the world to loop the
loop in a seaplane. . .
7-Year-Old Is Prodigy in Chemistry
Confounding elders with a remarkable knowledge of chemicals
and the ability to solve intricate problems, David Manning, seven
years old, of Sawtelle, Calif., hungers for more equations to master.
David’s knowledge of chemistry now equals that of a junior in
university. The boy can draw a map of Europe on a blackboard
with precise accuracy. He is also a mechanic, likes tinkering with
pipes and old carburetors. He has been interested in chemistry
since the age of five.
Maxim Gorky,
Famous Russian,
Dies in Moscow
Regarded as the literary demi
god of Soviet Russia, Maxim
Gorky, world-famous novelist,
died in Moscow. Born in 1868 in
Nijni Novgorod, since rechris
tened Gorky in his honor, the
novelist was banished during the
era of the czars. He was repa
triated by the Soviet republic and
raised to the pinnacle of national i
fame. His novels achieved inter
national fame and he was a wel
come visitor in many capitals of
the world.
Democrats Hail Roosevelt’s Renomination
Scenes of wild enthusiasm marked the renomination of Franklin D. Roosevelt for the Presidency ]
at the Democratic National convention at Philadelphia. Inset shows Senator Albin Barkley of Ken- i
tucky, Democratic keynoter.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Scene at the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia which renominated President Roose
velt. 2—Further outbreaks of violence in Jerusalem result in fatal wounding of an Arab school teacher. I
3—James A. Farley, chairman of the Democratic National committee, opening the convention.
Miss Ardis Manney, seventeen
year-old University of Chicago
brunette from Northport, Mich.,
has been selected queen of the
National Cherry festival at Trav
erse City, Mich. She is studying
to be a librarian but will assume
a lighter role at the Michigan
| fete.
Thousands at National Glider Meet
Thousands of spectators gathered for National Glider week at
Elmira, N. Y., sponsored by the Soaring Society of America. In
this group are, left to right, Youston Sekella, president of the Elmira
Gliding club; Dr. Earl Lange of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, contest manager; Larry Lawrence (in rear), secretary;
Jack Summers, United States Chamber of Commerce inspector;
Charles Gale, official timer; and Franklin J. Iszard, director of the
Soaring Society of America.
Riggs Is Clay Court Tennis Champ
Robert Riggs of Los Angeles, snapped in action during the
match, reveals the forehand drive with which he upset Frankie
Parker to win the national clay court tennis championship in
straight sets in Chicago. He then came back to share in the
doubles title.
Rep. William Lemke
of North Dakota
Seeks Presidency
Representative William Lem
ke of North Dakota, who is a
candidate for the Presidency, is
being supported by the newly
organized Union party. Father
Charles E. Coughlin, radio priest
of Detroit, is the leading spon
sor of Lemke’s candidacy.
Stratosphere Flyers Get Mackey Trophy
Foe their achievement in flying into the stratosphere to the highest altitude ever attained by man ,
(72,395 feet), Capts. Albert W. Stevens and Orval A. Anderson were presented with the coveted Clar- !
ence H. Mackey trophy. Left to right: Captain Anderson. Charles F. Horner, president of the
National Aeronautical association, Captain Stevens and Major General Oscar Westover, who made th* ;
»" ■ — .
The people who t*dk
of their worries
rkke everyone5
troubles increase.
A policeman should'
simply arrest them
Decfcuse they re. /
disturbing \
the pe/fc-ce /
WNU Service.
Key to Man
The key to every man is his
thought. Sturdy and defying
though he look, he has a helm
which he obeys, which is the idea
after which all his facts are classi
fied. He can only be reformed
by showing him a new idea which
commands his own.—Emerson.
Rigid Puritanism has soma
good points if it isn’t compulsory.
Sprinkle Peterman'* Ant Food along window
*ill«, door*, *ny place where ant* come and go.
Peterman'* kills them—red ante, black ant*,
other*. Quick. Safe. Guaranteed effective 2A
hour* a day. Get Peterman's Ant Food now.
25c, 35c and 60c at your druggist'*.
nr pimples
from surface conditions^
nood not be endured. A■
^Make your skin clearer
wana smootner wan
Roll Developed—11# *lie or smaller, I
i beautiful enlargement* from your roll 25c.
Wiaronaln rhotoshop, West Halem, W'l*.
Lack of exercise and injudicious eating
make stomachs acid. You must neu
tralize stomach acids if you would sleep
soundly all night and wake up feeling
refreshed and really fit.
Milnesia, the original milk of magnesia
in wafer form, neutralizes stomach acid.
Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk
of magnesia. Thin, crunchy, mint-flavor,
tasty. 20c, 35c & 60c at drug stores.
DO you suffer burning, scanty or
too frequent urination; backache,
headache, dizziness, loss of energy,
leg pains, swellings and puffiness
! under the eyes? Are you tired, nerv
ous—feel all unstrung and don't
know whet is wrong?
Then give some thought to your
kidneys. Be sure they function proper
ly for functional kidney disorder per
mits excess waste to stay in the blood,
p and to poison and upset the whole
Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for tha
kidneys only. They are recommended
the world over. You can get the gen
uine, time-tested Doan's at any drug