The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter,
One Year, in Nebraska $2.00
One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of
subscribers will be instantly re
moved from our mailing list at ex
piration of time paid for, if pub
lisher shall be notified; otherwise
the subscription remains in force
at the designated subscription price.
Every subscriber must understand
that these conditions are made a
part of the contract between pub
lisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want ads
10c per line, first insertion, sub-1
sequent insertions, 6c per line.
by James R. Lowell
Aviation is definitely in the
saddle again in Nebraska after hav
ing taken a bad pommeling at the
hands of the depression since
1929. During the last year com
mercial airlines traversing the
state have increased schedules and
personnel, a million dollars worth
of improvements to Nebraska air
ports have been started or con
tracted for (largely thru WPA and
PWA), a state aeronautics com
mission has been formed and a
state airplane purchased.
Six airplane manufacturing com
panies, three of them in actual pro
duction, were in existence in the
state when the crash of 1929 came.
Now comes word that commercial
production was resumed this month
in the only surviving factory, the
Arrow Aircraft & Motors Corpor-1
ation’s $450,000 plant at Havelock
where the new Arrow Sport V-b
has been in development since 1933.
This plan is powered by a con
verted Ford V-8 motor and has
juBt been issued an approved type
certificate by the United States
Department of Commerce, Burdcau
of Aviation.
It is expected that by fall u pro
duction schedule of four planes a
day will he reached and maintained
with a factory personal of 200
persons, according to F. Pace
Woods, executive vicepresident.
The main building at the Arrow
plant is 418 feet long, 240 feet
wide, two stories high, and is one
of the largest and most modern
airplane manufacturing plants in
the country.
Production of the Arrow Sport
biplane was halted in 1931 after
having reached u production of
four planes per day in 1929 prior ;
to the depression which knocked
the prop out from under private
A “Repeal The Liquor Cominis
_ I
sion” movement is getting under
way under the direction of Chris
Kuhl, veteran Omaha and Lincoln
newspaperman and for many years
an executive in the malt manufact
uring and distributing business.
Disciples of this crusade are to
be turned-down-applicants for
liquor and beer licenses as well ns
persons interested in any way in
correcting the "abuses of the pres
ent liquor law.”
Objectives are to test the con
stitutionality of the liquor law thru
the courts, to make the law ar.
i.’cue in the November lection, and
to work for new legislation on the
liquor subject in the next legisla
Mr. Kuhl and his followers are
not seeking to outlaw liquor—on
the contrary they believe that any
reputable person who so desires
should be given a license to go into
the hard liquor or beer business.
Restriction such as is practiced
in many communities is no less
than building up o monoply in the
liquor business with the possibil
ity of a political machine ensuing,
says Mr. Kuhl, and defeats the
very purpose for which liquor was
legalized in Nebraska,
"A majority of Nebraskans voted
for liquor a a means of remedy
ing the bootlegging situation and
to provide revenue for the state
and its subdivisions of govern
ment,” de declares. “The position
taken by such communities as Lin
coln, where the number of liquor
establishments is held down for the
Joint purpose of creating better
business for those dealers who are
given a license and to promote
‘morality’, is utterly lacking in
“We offer no objections to re
fusing a license to a person whose
reputation doesn’t warrant it, or
to confining such establishments to
certain sections of a city for reas
ons of simplifying the policing
problem,” continues Mr. Kuhl, ‘‘but
it is obvious that refusing such
license to a reputable person isn’t
an aid to morality.”
Mr. Kuhl points out that the
more dealers there are in a com
munity, the greater will be the
competition, thus reducing the
price of liquor and beer so as to
make it unprofitable for the boot
legger. Furthermore the greater
the number of dealers, the greater
will be the revenue from li ense
fees, and the greater the number
of persons given employment.
On the other hand, Mayor Bry
an of Lincoln has said that the
reason he has insisted on curtail
ing the number of dealers in Lin
coln is because the dealers now
licensed are adequate in number
to take care of the demand of the
to take care of the demand of the
citizenry. Mr. Kuhl agrees with
Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10
of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on
June 30, 1936.
Published in response to call made by Comptroller of Currency, under
Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.
Loans and discounts $ 87,045.64
Overdrafts , ' 68^9
United States Government obligations, direct
and-or fully guaranteed 198,541.00
Other bonds, stocks, and securities 87,562.40
Banking house, $3,050.00. Furniture and
fixtures, $1,620.00 4.570.00
Real estate owned other than banking house 1.00
Reserve With Federal Reserve Bank $102,079.43
Cash, balances with other banks,
and cash items in process of collection 206,879.52 308,968.95
Other assets ( 1,038.65
Total Assets.. $688,375.89
Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations _ $283,174.37
Time deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations 114,788.93
State, county and municipal deposits 125,023.76
United States Government and. postal
savings deposits 953.S'
Deposits of other banks, including certified and
cashiers’ checks outstanding. 29,756.32
Total of above five items:
(a) Secured by pledge of loans
und-or investments $ 40,577.61
(b) Not secured by pledge of loans
and-or investments . .. 513,119.61
(c) Total Deposits $553,697.22
Capital Account:
Common stock, 500 shares, par $100
per share 50,000.00
Surplus . 50.000.00
Undivided profits—-net —. . 34,678.67 134,678.67
Total Liabilities $688,375.89
MEMORANDl M: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities
United States Government obligations, direct
and-or fully guaranteed ... $ 46,000.00
Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) $ 46,000.00
Against public funds of states, counties, school districts
or other subdivisions or municipalities 46.000.00
Total Pledged § 46,000.00
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss:
I, S. J. Weekes, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief- S. J. WEEKES. President.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of June 1936
[Seal] MARJORIE DICKSON; Notary Public.
My Commission expires June 5, 1941.
Correct—Attest: Emma Dickinson Weekes. E. F. Quinn, F. N.
Cronin, Directors.
(This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders.)
the mayor that a large number ol
dealers would not result in the
sale of more liquor or beer except
as legal sales were increased, by
as legal sales were increased by
the elimination of the bootleg
ger thru lower and competitive
price .
What Mr. Kuhl and his “repeal
ers” do want is less of monoply
and more of the opportunity to
compete in a lawfully authorized
business, just as the number of
drug stores or other retail estab
lishments in a community is de
trmined by competition. A legal
staff is now being assembled to
handle the suit to test the monoply
phase of the state law as inter
preted by many city and village
governments and the state liquor
A prediction made six months
ago by State WPA Administrator
Fulton that by midsummer 10,
000 of Nebraska’s needy would be
taken off WTA employment rolls
thru outside employment, has al
ready been fulfilled and some over.
Six months ago there were nearly
26.000 persons on work-relief pro
jects in the state, while the pres
ent count is .slightly less than
Highway construction has been
the prime factor in reducing the
WPA rolls, according to officials,
while considerable employment
also is being given thru seasonable
work of an agricultural nature.
The state WPA recently an
nounced that the organization paid
wages totaling $5^487,863 to an
average of 16,800 Nebraska WPA
workers between the start of the
program last July and May 1, 1936.
Labor expenditures accounted for
75.25 per cent of all money spent
by Nebraska WPA.
Figuring on the basis of this re
port, the total amount spent by
WPA in its first year in Nebraska
is approximately $8,000,000, of
which about $6,000,000 was paid
out for labor.
Action of the recently adjourned
congress assures Nebraska of con
tinuation of the WPA for another
year, with about $10,000,000 to
spend. Already $2,499,875 of this
amount has been allotted to this
state, and numerous new projects
are due to get underway in the
near future. State and local gov
ernments have contributed 20 per
cent of the total cost of WPA pro
jects in Nebraska for the past year
bringing total expenditures to well
over $10,000,000.
Figures compiled from the re
turns of 31 of the state’s 93 count
ies show that in 193G, motor ve
hicles numbering 08,404 have been
taxed at a valuation of $(>,505,409
as compared to 01,873 in 1936
valued at $4,079,426, the increase
ni valuation being 59 per cent or
The increase in value in individ
ual counties varies from 21 per
cent in Brown county to 135 per
cent in Blaine county. The report
indicates motor vehicles in many
counties have either escaped tax
ation in the past or have been un
der assessed, according to State
Tax Commisioner Smith.
Mr. Smith also points out that
the law of 1935, under which the
1936 assessment with its big in
crease in motor vehicle values is
made, will doubtless make Nebras
ka taxpayers more tax conscious
than he has ever been before.
The automobile is the biggest
taxable item many persons possess,
and now that they really have to
pay taxes on the full worth of the
vehicle, these persons will look
with new interest at theid local tax
rates and begin comparing them
with neighboring communities
where taxes may be much lower.
The state house week in review:
All persons who operate trucks
for hire must now secure licenses
in order to continue in business.
However, this does not include
farmers who operate trucks only
in connection with their own busi
ness. or truckers operating solely
within a single city. Bids to be
taken late this month on SI.000,000
worth of highway paving will
close a 30-mile gap on No. 6 be
tween Fairmont and Hastings.
Six other important stretches of
paving will be included in the let
John G. Aldrich, president of
the Nebraska safety council, has
appointed a legislative committee
to draft amendments to state traf
fic laws to he presented at the next
session of the legislature which
opens January 5.
Action was started in district
court Wednesday to recover $1,
389.98 with interest at 7 per cent
[from February 15, 1936, and
$147.89 penalty alleged to be due
the -'ate of Nebraska from the
jN e\v > 'cal Oil company. Ten in
dividual.' comprising the company
are made defendants. J. D.
Cronin as county attorney files the
Topeka. Kas.—Kansas, whose
Gov. Alf M. Landon's policy is
"deeds, not deficits," was ex
pected to close Us books on a
balanced budget at the close of
the fiscal year, with a bigger
amount of cash on hand than it
had at the end of the 1935 fiscal
year, according to the report of
.1. J. Rhodes, state treasurer.
Rhodes reported that the unen
cumbered cash balance in the
state’s general fund May 31 was
SI.572.481, compared with *889,
591 at the same time last year.
Wallace Paid 300
Firms 38 Million
Bares Names of Producers
Who Received More Than
$10,000 from AAA
The AAA paid $38,460,000 to
some 300 producers in three
years for not raising crops they
were in business to raise, Sec
retary of Agriculture Wallace
revealed in a report. This is
an average of approximately *128,
200 a producer, but far larger lumps
of the New Deal "sugar’’ went to
the large sugar producers.
Here are a few disclosed by Wal
lace in response to a senate re
quest made at the vigorous insist
ence of Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.) that names of those
who received more than *10,000 each
be bared:
Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar
Company. Ltd., *1,022,037; Oahu
Sugar Company of Hawaii, *904,562;
Lihue Plantation company, Hawaii,
*815,409; Ewa Plantation company,
Hawaii, *751,843; Waialua Agri
cultural Company, Ltd., Ir.waii,
Bank Gets 705,488.
Even the National City Bank of
New York apparently got paic by
the AAA for not raising sugar, for
it received *705,488 on the same con
tract by which the Eastern sugar as
sociates of Puerto Rico received
Largest sugar payments on the
mainland went to the United States
Sugar Corporation of Florida, which
was paid *785,038.
Lee Wilson and Company, Missis
sippi county, Arkansas, received the
largest cotton payments—*392,702,
while the Delta and Pine Land com
pany of Mississippi received *318,
287. Oscar Johnston, manager ol
the AAA cotton pool, is the Delta
Largest Hog, Wheat Payments.
The largest hog payment went
to Fantana Farms in California,
*155,575. The average corn-hog ben
efit payment to farmers of Iowa,
a leading agricultural state, was
Among the large wheat payments
were *51,066 to the Campbell Farm
ing Corporation of Montana, and a
total of *134,834 to the Sutter Basin
Corp., Ltd., and the Sutter Improve
ment Company of California.
Landon Takes First
Vacation in 4 Years
Topeka, Kas.—When Gov. Alf M.
Landon and his family left Here for
Estes Park, Colo., it was the start
of the first vacation in four years
for the Republican nominee for the
presidency. He was to spend two
weeks resting in preparation for the
campaign and in writing the speech
with which he will accept his formal
notification of the nomination, in
Topeka, July 23. In between he
hoped to sandwich a little horse
back riding, of which he is fond.
With the governor were Mrs. Lan
don and the three children, Peggy
Anne, nineteen; Nancy Jo, three,
and John Cobb, two, and Mrs. Sam
uel E. Cobb, mother of Mrs. Lan
don. In addition there were a few
members of Governor Landon’s
The governor was to return for
the opening of the special session
of the state legislature the second
week in July, but Mrs. Landon is
to remain until the notification cere
monies. The children will stay all
- .— i ■ ■»
1,814,000 Acres
In 1932 there was imported into
ihe United States a total of 344,340
bushels of corn. In 1935, under the
Roosevelt acreage reduction pro
gram, the importation of corn from
foreign farms amounted to 43,242,
239 bushels, the production of 1,814
GOO acres.
The Toor Pay the Bill
Washington, D. C.—Despite the
claims of loading most of the cost
burden of the New Deal on the
shoulders of the rich: Income taxes
paid for 55 per cent of the govern
ment spending from 1928 to 1932; in
ihe years since 1932 they have paid
for only 26 Der cent of it
State President Mrs. G. A.
Miles, Miss Henrietta Schrier and
Lanone Miles returned Tuesday
night from Hollister, Mo., where
they had attended the second Regi
onal District meeting of the Wood
men Circle.
Mrs. Florence Jensen, of Omaha,
regional director, presided over the
A beautiful pageant, “Wheels of
Progress,” was put on by twenty
teams from the twelve states rep
resented there. Mrs. Jeanne Wil
lard, national vice president of
Omaha, wrote the paegant.
Other outstanding events were
the memorial program, honoring
the departed members of the Wood
man Circle; the ritualistic work
and group meetings of the different
officers. There was a representa
tion of 100 from Nebraska.
A baby girl was born ao Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Babl on Monday, June 28.
She was christened Rose Mary.
John and Eileen Tenborg, of
Omaha, spent the Fourth visiting
their folks and Mrs. Clarence Ten
borg. The young folks returned
to Omaha Sunday morning.
Mary Ann Shald, of Stuart, is
spending two weeks with Leona
and Florence Winkler.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Beckwith
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Shellhammer and son, Wallace,
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz and
Glenn at their home Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaaf at
tended the Monahan-Gilg wedding
last Monday morning. They spent
the rest of the day visiting with
Hr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keeney
and daughter, Shirley, of Norfolk,
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Seger.
A nice crowd celebrated the
Fourth at Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Shaaf’s near Atkinson.
A hay shed, used as a turkey
shelter at the Joe Winkler farm
burned Saturday afternoon. The
fire was caused by spontaneous1
combustion. If I
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Coleman and family spent Sunday
afternoon at Mrs. Vera Hickman’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Brittell and
family, of Laurel, were Sunday
visitors at the William Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Earl spent
Sunday at the E. C. Hammer home
in Chambers.
Cooky Special
A large round cooky, lemon flavored. Average 30 to
the pound. For this sale 2 pounds for only 25c.
Fancy Bon Bons
This nch tender confection is filled with cocoanut.
Very special value at our week-end price of 15c per
lb. r
No. 10 Fruits
whe® «Urt now to npMk
No. 10 fruits in glass jars for next winter
Pure Black Pepper
Real quality pepper is most necessary if the fried
potatoes, meats and other foods have the desired fla
vor. The full yt pound spout can for 14c this week
VinoCTjkr ®ou^e Filtered ^
I IllC^ai Apple Cider, Quart Bottle ... X JmC
pArn Cream style O No- 2 4 C
VWm Evergreen Cans ....Xd€
Council Oak Tea
Teas selected with greatest care for flavor, strength
and aroma. Week-end special, ^-lb. Green Tea for
23c and y^-lb. Orange Pekoe for 27c.
Kellogg’s Biscuit ^ 10c
Pa flan Couitcil 0ak Whole Berry A P ^
V 0 I I 66 Special for This Sale. Lb.
Black Flag
The liquid spray that is sure death to flys, ants
and other insects. To be had at your nearest
Council Oak in ^2 pint, pint and quart cans.
See our new low prices.
Charley O’Donnell,2who has been
working in Iowa, visited at the Con
O’Connell home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sesler made
a business trip to Norfolk Sunday
•Joe Luth, Richard O’Conneil,
Ruth Wagnon and Dorothy Luben
spent Saturday at Bonesteel, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills spent
Saturday in Long Pine.
Mrs. Ed Bridge and children, of
'West Point, are visiting- at the
Guy Cole home.
Mrs. John Conard and Helen
Anspach spent Thursday in Inman
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Anspach.
Missionary meeting was held at
the Charley Abart home Thursday.
4.50-21. $ 7*75
4.75-19. 8.20
5.00- 19. 8.80
5.25-18. 9*75
6.00- 17 H.D. 14*30
6.00- 19 H.D. 1S»M
Oth«c Suts Pitctd
FIRST LINE QUALITY—The new Firestone Standard Tire
has been designed and constructed by Firestone skilled
tire engineers—it is a first quality tire, built of high
grade materials, embodying exclusive Firestone
patented construction features. ,
is backed by the Firestone name and guarantee—your
assurance of safety, dependability and economy.
LONGER NON-SKID MILEAGE—The wider, flatter tread in
scientifically designed with more and tougher rubber
on the road for long, even wear, and thousands of
extra miles.
GUM-DIPPED CORD BODY—Eight extra pounds of
rubber are added to every one hundred pounds
of cotton cords by the Firestone patented process of
Gum-Dipping. This not only provides greater strength,
but gives greatest blowout protection.
TREAD—Cushion road shocks. Afford extra protection
against punctures and bind the whole tire into one
unit of great strength. *
Tire is the greatest tire value ever offered car owners—volume production, efficient factories ai
the most economical distribution system make it possible to sell this new tire at these low prices.
WHETHER you operate one truck or several,
dependable service is your greatest asset. In hauling
produce to market, operating fast local deliveries, in
heavy cross-country hauling, operating school buses,
or in any type of trucking service, you need a first
quality tire, built of first grade materials to give you
long, trouble-free mileage. Now, for the lirst time, you
can get such a tire at prices you can afford to pay.
Come in today and let us show you how the new
Firestone Standard Truck and Bus Tire will give you
better service and save you money.
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.
Phone 100 We are open evenings and Sundays. O'Neill, Nebr.