The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1936, Image 3

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    Coast Artillery Roars First Time in Eight Years
1,400-pound projectiles being fired from the United States army’s 14-inch railway rifles during
target practice on a range 70 miles south of Los Angeles. It was the first time such maneuvers
have been held since 1928.
John Rowan Reid of San Diego
is the grandson of Capt. Chester
i Reid, famed American naval
hero, who suggested the pattern
of the American flag which con
gress approved on April 3, 1818.
Captain Reid was named to a
commission by naval affairs com
mittee of congress to design a
flag of “proper dimensions.”
Chief G-Man Is Now Honorary LL.D.
Chief G-Man J. Edgar Hoover (left), received an honorary de
gree of doctor of laws at the one hundred and fifteenth commence
ment exercises of Pennsylvania Military college at Chester, Pa
Right Rev. Francis M. Taitt, Protestant Episcopal bishop of Phila
delphia, who is president of the board of trustees of Pennsylvania
Military college, made the formal presentation of the degree.
Gen. Pershing at West Point Graduation
Gen. John J. Pershing presents an award to honor man Oliver
Garfield Haywood, Jr., at the graduation exercises held at the
United States Military academy at West Point. Following gradua
tion the newly commissioned officers were assigned to duties with
the regular army, the future generals starting with the rank of
second lieutenant.
Henry Verdelin
of Minneapolis Is
Chief of Bankers
Henry Verdelin of Minneapolis
who was selected without opposi
tion as president for 1936-37 of
the American Institute of Bank
ing, at the convention of the in
stitute held in Seattle. The insti
tute is a division of the American
Banker" association.
Virginia Celebrates Patrick Henry Bi-Centennial
.vs ’*W*'WOT«WW« ^ .
Gentry of Hanover, Va., gather to map out a scene in “Liberty
or Death,” a spectacular pageant which will be presented July 15,
16 and 17, marking the bi-centennial of the birth of Patrick Henry.
Inset depicts Patrick Henry as a boy, when with hounds and gun
he led many a chase over the Hanover fields and woods. In the
pageant, milestones in the life of the great Virginian will be dram
atized. The story will include Henry’s rise to immediate fame after
- his speech in a celebrated case known as the “Parson’s Cause”
when, as an obscure lawyer, he boldly denied the right of King
George III to abrogate the acts of the colonial legislature.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, now a refugee in London. 2—President Roosevelt shown
with Andrew Jackson Houston, son of Gen. Sam Houston, on visit to battlefield of San Jacinto,
Texas. 3—Count Galeazzo Ciano, newly appointed Italian minister of foreign affairs.
Admiral Cook
Assumes Post as
Air lltireau Head
Rear Admiral Arthur B. Cook,
who commanded the Airplane
Carrier U. S. S. Lexington until
last April 6, became chief of the
navy’s bureau of aeronautics.
Rear Admrial Ernest J. King re
linquished the aeronautic bureau
post to Admiral Cook, and he will
soon assume command of air
craft, base force, U. S. S. Wright,
at San Diego, Calif.
Sunday School Founder.
Robert Raikes, founder of the
Sunday school movement, was
^ n in 1735.
New Germicidal Lamp Is Invented
Dr. Robert F. James, research physician of the Westinghouse
Lamp company, who developed the new germicidal lamp, exam
ining some of the shapes into which it may be made. Its radiations
retard mold growth. ;rL
Coeds Indulge in Rough Sport
A tense moment in a game of field hockey on Bovard field at
the University of Southern California finds this group of shin-guard
ed coeds in a furious fight for possession of the ball. Tennis, golf
and other outdoor sports are included in the women’s athletic pro
gram at the Trojan institution.
....Jt ——II.Will III!
This is a recent portrait of Gil
bert K. Chesterton, one of Eng
land’s most noted men of letters
and famed for his use of the par
adox in his writings, who died in
England, at the age of sixty-two.
He suffered a heart attack at his
home at Beaconsfield.
Manchester Has England’s Most Modern Church
Without buttresses, gargoyles, Gothic filigree or stained glass windows, the Church of St. Chris
topher at Withington, Manchester, lays claim to being the most modern in England. It forms a
striking contrast to the more familiar type of church. Notice the long, rectangular windows which
add to the modern effect. The plans were made by B. A. Miller, Liverpool architect, and the church
was built at a cost of $55,000.
wzs rjyvxs-ayj: ^
The Mind L0*LL
© Bell Syndicate—WNU Service.
Syllables Test
In this test there are two col
umns of syllables. Take a syllable
out of the first column and unite
it with one in the second column
to form a word. When you are
finished, you should have ten com
plete words.
First Column: Second Column:
1. ser 1. lot
2. cul 2. tion
3. con 3. duce
4. pi 4. prit
5. pre 5. geant
6. ac 6. same
7. lo 7. duct
8. ex 8. gain
9. pro 9- cal
10. bar 10. pert
1. sergeant. 6. action.
2. culprit. 7. local.
3. conduct. 8. expert.
4. pilot. 9. produce.
8. presume. 10. bargain.
1 tl*L* I LI I I c.p B.u,h ,
suck u»r «o
i -1
Callous Heart
One can conquer sorrow, but!
who wants to make his heart'
than 50 Years^k
■ Fly Paper has been the clean- 1
1 eat, moat convenient, moat
: affective and least expensive fly |
1 exterminator. Don't be careless 1
1 about dirty, health-menacing M
% flies. Use Tanglefoot. Obtain
^ able at your nearest grocer in
regular or junior and ^^^k
in fly ribbons ^^^R
Four Things to Be
Be gentle, genteel, genuine
and generous.
Hay Fever-Asthma-Help II
Natura’s own produot to pravant lrri- II
tatlon while alaaping.
Write today—Don t delay
1218 Harnay St. • Omaha. Nab. |l
Eczema in Big
Watery "Bumps"
Burning and Itching
Relieved by Cuticura
The records abound with grateful
letters of praise like the following.
Name and full address are printed
to show that Cuticura letters are
genuine beyond question.
‘‘.My eczema began with an itching
t my hands, arms and feet, and
when I scratched, big, watery bumps
came. They burned and Itched so,
that I scratched nnd irritated the
affected parts. It worried me so I
could not sleep.
“I had this eczema for five years
before I started to use Cuticura.
I After using three cakes of Cuticura
Soap ami three tins of Cuticura Oint
ment the irritation wns relieved.”
(Signed) Mins G. E. Reid, 850 Central
Av., Hamilton, O.
Get Cuticura Sonp and Ointment
NOW. Amazing also In relief of
pimples, rashes, ringworm nnd other
externally caused skin faults. Soap
25c. Ointment 25c. At all druggists.
Samples FREE. Write “Cuticura,”
Dept. 21, Malden, Mass.—Adv.
WNU—U 28-^36
WHEN kidneys function badly and
you suffer a nagging backache,
| with dizziness, burning, scanty or too
i frequent urination and getting up at
night; when you feel tired, nervous,
all upset... use Doan’s Pill;.
Doan’s are especially for poorly
working kidneys. Millions of boxes
are used every year. They are recom
mended the country over. Ask your