The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 11, 1936, Image 1

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    ■ >d Nab. Stata Historical loeiety^ _
r The Frontier
Inman Minister Writes |
Bunch of Bum Checks
A warrant was sworn out in j
llfcounty court last Thursday for the |
Jfarrest of Rev. Charles Raymond
Wylie, 29, for the past year pastor
F of the Methodist church at Inman,
charged with issuing a no fund
chectc to Ralph Leidy. manager of
the O’Neill Hatchery. It is claimed
that Wylie left Inman a couple of
weeks ago. While the complaint
was sworn to for one check it is
reported that several other no fund
checks are in the hands of others in
Inman and elsewhere.
Page Youth Enters
Pro Boxing Ranks
Matt Rhodes, formerly of Page,
who last year won the A. A. O.
boxing tournament at Sterling,
Colo., joined the professionals and
last week won his first professional
bout. The fight was at San Luis,
Colo., and he won in the second
round, winning by a knockout. His
opponent was a negro. Mr. and
Mrs. Sidney Rhodes and Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Wilbur, all of Page.i
were present at the fight.
The Page Reporter adds the fol
lowing to its report of the fight:
“Matt Rhodes was born at Lake
Andes, S. D., and was reared in
the Page community. He has al
ways liked boxing and several years
ago became enthusiastic about it.
Many of the youths of this town
tried to help him train for his first
amatuer fight at Scottsbluff last I
fall and have closely watched the
results of his bouts as he climbed
the ladder of the A. A. U. tourna
ments by putting away one would
be-champion after another to win
I the A. A. U. at both Scottsbluff and
and Sterling.
Son of Rev. A. J. May
Is Married In Illinois
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. May return
ed Tuesday night from Galesburg,
111., where on Sunday Rev. May
performed the ceremony that un
ited in marriage his son, Foster
May, of Omaha, and Miss Marie
Bereckenmaker, of Galesburg. The
ceremony was performed in the
First Methodist church of Gales
burg, in the presence of about 300
friends and relatives of the con
tracting parties.
The groom is the popular radio
announcer of WOW and has visited
his parents at their home here
where he met many O’Neill people.
The bride is a resident of Gales
burg and for the past four years
had been English teacher in the
high school at Galesburg. The
young people w'ill make their home
in Omaha.
Rev. and Mrs. May left here on
Wednesday of last week and drove
to Omaha. On Thursday, accom
panied by their son, Foster, and
their daughter, Mrs. D. H. Van
Dahl and her husband, they drove
to Galesburg.
State Asking Bids For
Additional Road Work
The state Department of Roads
and Irrigation are advertising in
this issue of The Frontier for bids
for graveling six and seven tenths
miles of road on the Stuart-Naper
highway. They are also advertis
ing for bids for grading, sand
1 gravel surfacing and culverts on
three miles of the Lynch south
highw-ay. The bids are to be open
ed in, Lincoln on June 25, 1936, at
10 o’clock in the morning,
Grasshoppers A Menace
With prospects for a good crop
this year looking brighter every
day in the northern and extreme
•' eastern parts of the .state, the
grasshopper again enters the lists
as a serious bar to a good crop.
Reports from the southern parts of
the state are to the effect that J
grasshopper infestation is becom
ing serious in that section and de
mand has been made on the feder
al government for aid in control
ling the pest. We have heard of
no appearance of the pest in this
Hospital Notes
Earl and Evelyn Ressel, of
Cha nbers, had their tonsils re
moved Thursday the 4th.
Mrs. Lewis Sobotka, of Inman,
went home Thursday evening the
Mrs. Delbert Carl, of Dorsey,
went home Tuesday feeling fine.
Sister Carmella and two com
panion sisters, and Mrs. Malone
of Our Lady of Lourdes Mission at
Porcupine, S. 0., visited the Misses
Shomemaker at the hospital Mon
day and Tuesday of last week. They
were on their way to Cleveland,
Ohio. '
by James R. Lowell
The gasoline tax diversion ques
tion is coming rapidly to the fore
as the business of curculating peti
tions for a proposed constitutional
amendment to prohibit the use of
state gas tax funds for other than
road purposes nears completion.
More opposition is developing to
the proposal than had been antic
ipated by its instigators. The op
position points out that Nebraska
would have been in a predicament
last year when the necessity of
financing old age pensions con
fronted the legislature if the one
cent gas tax increase for state as
sistance had not been possible.
Attorney General Wright has
thrown a bomb into the diversion
objectors' camp reecntly when he
released an opinion that if the con
stitutional amendment were ad
opted it would “at once strike down
all existing legislation of the kind
and character described in the
amendatory matter” and would
immediately impound funds re
ceived from license fees and driv
ers’ licenses, as well as from gas
taxes, to be used solely for high
way purposes.
This opinion upsets the one giv
en by Assistant Attorney General
Ayres some time ago wherein it
was stated that the adoption of
the amendment would not prevent
use of gas tax money to pay off
bonds “heretofore or hereafter is
sued for road construction pur
Another argument of the peti
tion circulators has been hit by the
state highway department which
denies that any federal highway
funds have been lost to Nebraska
because of the inability of the state
to match dollars. The Nebraska
Good Roads association had issued
literature stating that “since 1933
our road funds have been diminish
ing until they are short $1,000,000
of meeting federal aid.”
State Engineer Tilley 3ays that
while Nebraska has been unable to
match federal funds as fast as
they become available, the federal
funds are available for one year
beyond the fiscal year in which
they are appropriated, and hence
have not been lost.
Economic authorities also point
out that to find adequate revenues
for the support of the government
in Nebraska is a problem of great
In considering and dealing with
it, they say, it would be unwise to
impose a constitutional straight
jacket on the legislature. Future
conditions may arise that would
make 3uch procedure a grave mis
These same authorities say
further that the one-cent gas tax
allotted for state assistance will
raise approximately $2,000,000 of
the $5,000,000 required annually
for old age pensions, etc.
If the one-cent gas tax is with
drawn, the full $5,000,000 will have
to be raised by other taxes such
as increased property assessment
or a general sales tax. This, it is
claimed would impose severer hard
ships than the modest tax of one
cent on gasoline.
The Nebraska State teachers
association is actively oppsing the
proposed constitutional amendment
on the grounds it would hamper
the social security program and
necessitate new taxes, would at
tach matters of an administrative
nature to our constitution at the
suggestion or whim of special in
terest groups, and that the prac
tice of tying the legislature’s hands
is contrary to the better theories
of economy and efficiency in taxa
Those who are backing the pro
posed amendment, mainly persons
affiliated with the road building
and automotive industries, also
have some good arguments.
No taxes are sounder than the
two principal motor vehicle tax
levies, namely the registration fee
and gasoline tax, they say, and
these taxes measured by the mile
are entirely proper for road con
struction, but indefensible as a
(Continued on page 4, column 4.)
- Marriage Licenses
The following marriage licenses
have been issued in the office of
the county judge during the past
Donald L. Allen, of Page, and
Miss Clarice Edson, of Venus.
Gustal E. Peterson, of Laurel,
and Miss Eleanor Seeck, of Creigh
ton. This couple were united in
marriage by County Judge Malone.
Howard G. Churchill, of Keswick,
Iowa, and Miss Wilma G. Picker
ing, of Redbird.
June Rainfall So Far
Is Nearly Two Inches
This section was visited with an
other nice rain last Friday when
1.19 inches of moisture fell, and
Saturday added .19 of an inch,
making the rainfall for June 1.90
inches up to noon today. Crop
prospects and pastures never look
ed finer than (hey do today and
farmers say that the last rain will
make the rye crop, and oats look
better than they have for year.
Farmers are of the opinion that
there will be a bumper crop.
It has been a little cool for corn
but it is making good headway.
W'. F. Grothe, of Emmet, one of
the hustling farmers in that sec
tion, was a caller Saturday and he
said that he had a forty acre field
of corn that was about ten inches
high then and that it would be laid
by before the Fourth.
High Low Mois.
June 5 .. 68 54 1.19
June 6 75 54 .19
June 7 84 56
June 8 ’ 82 64
June 9 81 50
June 10 65 45
Will Check Up On
Auto Licenses
Deputy State Sheriff T. J. Rob
erta, of Lincoln, arrived in the city
last evening and will spend a few
days here checking up on automo
bile licenses for 1936. If you have
not secured your 1936 license bet
ter visit the county treasurer’s
office and secure one, before the
Deputy State Sheriff gets you.
Child Loses Finders
Little Jane Simmons, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Simmons,
had two of her fingers accidently
cut off .by a sister, who was play
ing with the axe. She was taken
to Omaha. Her father was sum
moned again Tuesday, as it was
reported she was not doing so well.
—Page Reporter.
The Fourth of July will be cele
brated at Summerland park near
Robert Biglin came home last
Thursday afternoon for the sum
mer vacation.
Frank Latenser, architect for the
new court house, was up from Om
aha Tuesday inspecting the work
on the new building.
Jerome O’Connell arrived last
Monday night from Elgin, III., for
a weeks visit with old friends in
this city and vicinity.
Mary Joan Finley, who is a stu
dent at Duschene college in Omaha,
came home last Thursday night for
the summer vacation.
Ivan Callen, who has been at
tending Creighton University,
came home the first of the week
for the summer vacation.
Work on the new court house is
progresing rapidly and every day
the workmen have a bunch of spec
tators watching the work.
Ralph Oppen went to Creighton
Tuesday evening for a visit at the
home of his parents, returning to
this city Wednesday morning.
Mary Jean Hammond, who has
been attending Creighton Univers
ity at Omaha, came home Tuesday
evening for the summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Oppen left
this morning for Aurora, Nebr.,
where they will spend a few days
visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Wal
Little Thomas Harty fell from
a trapeze in the yard at his home
Wednesday afternoon and cracked
a bone in hi3 left arm. Tom i3 now
carrying hi3 arm around in a sling.
The American Farmer—Trapped!
By Karl Stefan
The house took its first real
stand against usfless spending to
day when it refused to accept a
conference agreement to spend mil
lions of dollars for reclamation in
northwestern states. The house
bill for irrigation carried around
eighty million dollars. When the
bill came back from the senate it
had been boosted an additional six
ty million dollars. Hundreds of
irrigation reclamation projects, in
cluding some it.'y Washington and
Oregon and other northwestern
states, were in the bill. Some
members of the committee claimed
a lot of the projects included had
never been authorized, and some of
(them had not even been surveyed.
The intent is to put millions of
acres of new land into production.
Money is proposed to be loaned to
those owning land up to $200 per
acre without interest.
Those members who are still
stinging over the beating they re
ceived on the Frazier-Lemke farm
mortgage refinance bill voted
against accepting the conference
report, on the grounds that they
opposed loaning money to irriga
tion farmers for no interest and
turning down other farmers who
wanted to pay interest. They also
opposed the report on the grounds
that they felt it was not “common
sense” to put into cultivation mil
lions of acres of new land through
irrigation at tremendous taxpay
ers' expense when a plan was al
ready in operation ta take out of
cultivation thirty million acres of
Many members are interested in
the cereal grain bill because they
feel that the great sugar and mol
asses lobbies are trying to stop the
bill from being considered during
this session of congress. This was
indicated a few days ago when an
effort was madei by grain farmers
to put an amendment into the In
ternal Revenue Act, through which
they hoped to force the use of
grain alcohol for blending whiskies
and have the bottles, of liquor
labeled properly so those who drank
the liquor would know they were
drinking whiskey made from grain
rather than whiskey made from
molasses or petroleum.
The amendment, however, was
defeated in the senate without a
record vote and the future of
grain, so far as its use for alcohol
is concerned rests with the out
come of the cereal grain bill now
in committee. The evidence pre
sented in the senate shows that
whiskey for a hundred years has
been known to be a product of
grain. The blackstrap molasses
kings want whiskey to be defined
a3 something made out of most
anything. The chemists are mak
ing a high-grade alcohol out of
petroleum and molasses. It can
be made cheaper than alcohol from
grain. As a result, industrial
market has been captured by these
The lobby working against the
cereal grain bill is said to be
headed by the powerful molasses
kings who are said to have their
headquarters in London, England;
but it is known that American
capital w'ith sugar interests in Cuba
are among the leaders. For every
ton of sugar cane produced, there
remains 600 pounds of blackstrap
molasses. That’s why hundreds of
millions of gallons are pouring into
our country annually. Giant dis
tilling plants are going up in the
east to manufacture alcohol from
this blackstrap molasses. Thous
ands of gallons of alcohol are being
made ft-om petroleum.
If grain is not protected, the
dream of those who thought some
day alcohol would be made from
surplus corn and grain on Americ
an farms is shattered.
Flowers, which are about the
cheapest thing around here, are
now in bloom and people buy them
in huge quantities. The season for
flower sales is on. Sale day was
held yesterday, and a dozen roses
of the finest variety w'ith long
stems sold for twenty-five cents.
A short time ago a colored Con
gressman named Mitchell, from
Chicago, made references to Ab
raham Lincoln. Today a Republic,
an Congressman answered him.
The colored man got the last word
and one member of congress from
the south said it looked peculiar to
him to see a colored Congressman
shaking his finger in the face of a
white congressman, with the south
ern Democrats applauding.
It was a partisan battle in which
the white congressman made a vig
orous and eloquent denunciation of
the colored congressman’s attitude
on the record of Abraham Lincoln
as the emancipator of slavery.
Believe it or not, a ten-cent store
in Washington is now selling chick
ens. You can buy any part of the
chicken you want. The breast is
50c a pound; the dark meat on the
drumsticks is 25 cents a pound; the
backs and necks are 15c a pound;
and the livers and gizzards are 30
cents a pound.
The Treasury Department this
month is going to borrow over a
million dollars from the public.
The department says that small in
vestors are going to get a chance
to borrow part of this money, but
others claim that small investors
very seldom have such an oppor
tunity. Many of these govern
ment bonds which are tax-free, get
into the hands of speculators in
blocs of hundreds of thousands of
dollars, and very seldom is the
small investor given a chance to
loan money to his Uncle Sam, be
cause in many cases, the specu
lators want the tax-free bonds
which go on the market at a pre
mium which the small investor
must eventually pay.
The navy bill came out of con
ference committee on Friday, and
it carried over half a billion dol
lars for the navy. While there
was an attempt by those fighting
against heavy expenditures for the
army and navy during peacetime,
the conference report on this gi
gantic bill was passed without a
record vote. There were very few
members on the floor when this bill
was passed, and there was no pos
sibility of getting a roll call on it.
Photographs of revetment work
on the Missouri river at Niobrara
have been received in the Third
congressional office, and are being
displayed so that other members
of congress can see w'hat work has
been accomplished up to this time.
Letters from Norfolk asking for
action to extend the river work to
the point that it will be a perman
ent job, have been received. The
question of further funds appears
to be taken care of by a specific
appropriation made in the War De
partment Appropriation Act for
the fiscal year, 1937.
J. D. Cronin, one of the dele
gates to the Republican national
convention at Cleveland, left last
Saturday morning for that city.
According to the daily press Gov
ernor Alf Landon, of Kansas, will
be the republican nominee, and will
probably receive the nomination on
the first ballot, which will be taken
either late tonight or tomorrow
morning. The past couple of days
the eastern delegates are flocking
to the standard of the Kansas gov
ernor and it is conceded on all
sides that he will be the nominee
of the convention. He will make a
splendid candidate and it will in
sure the middlewest being in the
republican column next November.
Dr. F. J. Kubitschek returned
Wednesday evening from a. two
weeks trip and a visit with rel
atives in the south. Mrs. Kubit
schek, who accompanied him on the
trip stopped over in Omaha on
their return and will visit her
mother there for a few days. Dr.
and Mrs. Kubitschek visited with
his brother, Dr. Paul and family,
at St. Louis, and his brother. Dr.
Leo and family at Kansas City,
Kans. Dr. Kubitschek says he had
a delightful trip and splendid vis
its. He says that it is quite dry at
St. Louis and was also geting very
dry around Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Roberts, of
Lewis, Iowa, and their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. H.
Marlow, 6f Phoenix, Ariz., were
here last Friday visiting old time
friends and looking after some of
Mr. Roberts real estate northeast
of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts
were residents of this county for
several years, living on the old
Polk farm northeast of this city.
They disposed of their ranch here
in 1918 and moved to Iowa where
they have since made their home.
The Frontier acknowledges a pleas
ant call from Mr. Roberts.
Radio broadcasts of convention
news have been eagerly listened to
the past week. And the listening
was not all done by republicans,
either. Many hard shell democrats
have been very attentive listeners
to the proceedings of the conven
tion, some of them hoping that a
weak man would be nominated, so
he would be easily defeated, and
others hoping for a good strong
candidate that they could support
at the election in November.
Mr. and Mrs.Lod Janousek drove
down to Brainard last Sunday
morning and attended the Catholic
Workmen convention held in that
city that day and also had a nice
visit with relatives. Lod says that
crops look finer in this county than
they do in that section of the 3tate,
as it has been dry there this spring.
They returned home Monday even
W. B. Slate, state manager for
the state of Nebraska for the Trav
elers Insurance company, and M.
Wilkins, of Hartford, Conn., one
of the officers of the company, were
in the city Tuesday meeting with
their local representative here, R.
E. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Colman and
son, Donald, accompanied by Mrs.
M. J. Enright, spent the week-end
visiting with friends and relatives
at Columbus and Norfolk.
Money Safe Resists Attempt of
Parties Who Broke In And
Opened The Vault.
An attempt was made to rob the
Emmet State bank last Thursday
night, but the robber or robbers
got away with only $30.80. The
peace officials are working on the
case and Sheriff Duffy says that
they have not yet secured a good
lead, but he hopes that they will
be able to run down the culprits
in a short time. The officials are
of the opinion that it was the work
of local talent.
They selected a good night for
the robbery, as most of the resi
dents of the village were attending
a double wedding dance in Atkin
son that evening, which convinces
the officials that it was the work of
local talent.
The robberor robbers entered the
building by prying up a rear win
dow. After entering they used a
tire puller to pull the dial off the
door and then had access to the
vault, but they were unable to gain
access to the money safe inside
the vault, altho they broke the
combination off they failed to get
it open. The money secured in
the robbery was in the cashiers till
in the counter.
Several safety boxes inside the
vault were opened, but as none of
them contained money, a careful
checkup of the contents of the
boxes by the owners failed to re
veal anything missing.
The robbery of the Emmet State
bank was th third in this county.
About thirty-five years ago the
bank at Page was robbed. Then
in February, 1933, an attempt was
made to rob the Chambers State
bank, but that attempt was frus
trated by the president, Edward
Adams, who captured the would-be
robber and a few days later he
was sentenced to fifteen years in
the state penitentiary, where he is
now confined.
Jefferson Democrats
Don’t Want F. D. R.
While going up Fourth street the
other day we met one of our old
time democratic farmer friends.
He asked us who we thought would
be nominated for president at
Cleveland. We informed him that
from the late press reports that it
looked like Landon. He said, I am
an old Jefferson democrat and have
voted the ticket consistently for
many years. I was hoping the re
publicans would nominate Borah as
I would like to vote for him. But
one thing is certain I will never
vote for the man now in the White
house and there are a dozen more
old tune democrats in my neigh
borhood who will not either. We
are going to support the republic
an nominee at the coming election.
When it comes to a question of
saving our country or our party we
will take our country and for that
reason will vote republican.
There are many democrats over
the county who will follow suit and
vote for the republican for presid
ent at the coming election and if
sentiment is the same in other
counties of the state as it is here
the republican nominee will carry
Nebraska next November, and it
will not be by a small majority
Looks Like Aif Landon
Radio reports at noon are to the
effect that Senator Borah, Senator
Vandenburg, Knox and Senator
Dickinson had released their dele
gates and that their names would
not be presented to the convention.
It looks now as if Governor Alf
Landon, of Kansas, would be the
republican nominee for president
and that the nomination would be
made by acclamation. The nomina
tion will probably be made tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Yarnell and
children elft last Friday for Hold
rege, Nebr., where Mr. Yarnell will
attend a meeting of the managers
of the various Golden Rlue stores
in Nebraska, and Mrs. Yarnell and
children will visit some of their
old friends in and near Holdrege.
Next Sunday afternoon Redbird
and the Atkinson base ball team
will cross bats on the new Redbird
diamond near Scott town hall. Both
teams are playing good ball and
this promises to be a good one.