(First publication May 28, 1936.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No, 2553 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, May 26, 1936. In the Matter of the Estate of Lawrence H. Snell, Deceased. Notice is hereby jriven to all per sons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Hazel Snell as Administratrix of said estate, and will be heard June 18, 1936 at 10 o’clock A. M„ at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. C. J. MALONE, County Jud>?e. (County Court Seal) 2-3 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney MISCELLANEOUS^ AMAZING OFFER! Delineator, Pathfinder, Pictorial Review, one year each and OMAHA BEE NEWS, 3 months, Daily and Sun day, by mail on Nebraskan and Iowa rural routes, only $2.65. ORDER HERE TODAY!! 48tf I HAVE eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. I also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 2tf WANTED TO BUY ~ WHEN you have butcher stuff, cither hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart's Market. 48-tf FOR RENT IMPROVED 160 acres, 14 miles cast of O’Neill.—Farmers Nation, al Co. 312 So. 12th, Norfolk. 3-2p 6-ROOM modern house in O’Neill. —Write W. F. Kintigh. Atkinson, Nebr. 2-2p FOR SALE PASTURE and Hay Lands in Holt county for sale. Write P. H. Gil. Ian, Columbus, Nebr. 2-3p ONE IHC 15-30 Tractor and one 22-38 MeCormlck-Deering Separ ator.—Georg* E. Collins, Atkin son. 2-2p FARMALLS FOR SALE We have several used. Farmalls and a 10-20 Mc-Drg. One of these Farmalls all complete with mowing outfit. All of these Farmalls have gone thru the shop with new pistons and sleeves, and reconditioned just like new. Also have a used C-l ’34 International pick-up.—Farm ers Lbr. & Sup. Co., Bassett, Neb. 2^2 USED FARM MACHINERY— Farmall tractor, McDrg 10-20, McDrg 15-30, McDrg 22-38 all steel thresher; 1 No. 2 all steel cylinder corn shellar, manure spreader, grain binder, 10-ft trac tor binder, Farmall cultivator, Farmall mowers, horse mowers, rakes and sweeps. Ford coach, Chevrolet coach, International H>0 inch grain truck equipped with stock and grain body; Internation al heavy duty truck, suitable for sheller or hay press.—F. M. Keat ing & Sons, Atkinson. 1-4 Doctor FREEDA M. CLARK Physician and Surgeon CHAMBERS. NJ2PRASKA Office in Lee Hotel Bankers Life Ins. Co. of Nebraska Leads the W orld in Insurance written in its own state. IVAN C. PRUSS, Agent O’Neill. Nebraska Successor to Robert J. Marsh HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South of the Ford Garage—West Side of Street Diamond---Watches --Jewelery Expert Watch Repairing O. M. Herre—Jeweler In Reardon Drug Store W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office PIiopp 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 (First publication May 21, 1935) SHERIFFS SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein The Federal Land Bank of Omaha, a corporation, is plaintiff and Jeremiah P. Hanley', are de fendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Ne braska, on the 22nd day of June, 1936, at 10 o’clock A. M., the fol lowing described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: The south half of section 15, in township 29 north of range 11 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, all in Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $8880.92 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $20.70 costs of suit and accru ing costs. listed this 16th day of May, 1936. 1-5 PETER W. DUFFY, Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska. NOTICE The Holt County Board of Equal ization will meet at their office in the court house in O’Neill, Nebras ka, on June 9, 19.16 and be in ses sion not less than three days nor more than twenty days. AH complaints or protests on valuation or assessments must be made during the first three days of this session. JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 3-1 County Clerk. (First publication May 21, 1936) Williams & Williams, Attorneys. NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to an order made by the District Court of Boone county, Nebraska, in an action of parti tion pending in said court, wherein R. J. Mullin, et al„ are plaintiffs, and Della Palmer, et al., are de fendents, the undersigned, T. D. Mullin, sole referee, duly appointed in said cause, was ordered to sell the foliowring described real estate, to-wit: South half of Section 20, Township 28, North, Range 11, W’est of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, and the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 29, Township 28, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M„ Holt County, Nebraska. Now', therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of said order, judgment and decree, the under signed, T. D. Mullin, sole referee in said action, having taken oath required by law, and having given bond as provided by the order of ''court, will, on Tuesday, June 29|.4il3B, at the hour of one o’clock m., of said day, sell at public auction, the above described real estate, at the west front door of the court house in O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, as a whole, to the highest bidder, for cash. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated May 21, 1936. T. D. MULLIN', 1-5 Referee. EMMET ITEMS (Continued from page 5.) where they will spend a few days visiting with Mr. Jurgensmeir’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Margaret Cuddy were Sunday din ner guests of Grandma Cole. Helen Peterson, of Atkinson, is visiting at the John Bonenberger home this week. Guy Harris, of O’Neill, is spend ing the summer with his grand mother, Mrs. Clara Cole. Pete Banks is visiting at the Bill Grothe home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox of O’Neill, were Sunday visitors at the John Bonenberger home. Bety Harris, of O'Neill, is spend ing this week at the Guy Cole home. Frankie, Edna Mary and Jackie Neil Sesler spent Sunday at the Clarence Farr home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole and child ren and Pat McGinnis left Tuesday for Omaha. ' _» _ METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Services at 11:00 a. m. when Rev. Earl Dix, of Butte, Ne braska, a returned Missionary from Africa will deliver the sermon. In connection with this service the Missionary Society are taking a thank offering. Evening Services at 8:00 p. m. when Rev. Dix will give a Lantern Lecture at the church on Africa. A silver offering will be taken. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School at 10:00— C. E. Y'antzi, superintendent. Morning Worship at 11:00. Evening Service at 8:00—Y'oung People’s Choir. H. D. Johnson, Pastor. BRIEFLY STATED S. J. Weekes returned Tuesday night from a short business trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Downey, of Omaha, drove up last Saturday for a couple of days visit with realtives and friends here. Miss Robertha Arbuthnot went down to Lincoln Tuesday morning on official business. Douglas Cones, ^n atorney and banker of Pierce, was in the city on business Tuesdiy. Sheriff Peter Duffy was in Oma ha over the week end, and of course took in the races while in the city. John McCarthy came up from Hastings last Saturday for a couple of days visit with the home folks. Bennett Gilligan came up from Sioux City last Tuesday night for a short visit with relatives and old friends. Grady Corbitt and William Sloan attorneys of Geneva, Nebr., were in the city on legal business last Tuesday. Miss Nancy Dickson, who recent ly graduated from the Wayne Normal, cdme home the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell came up from Randolph at the end of the week for a short visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. H. Meredith returned Wednesday night from a three weeks visit with relatives at Omaha and Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Owen McPharlin came up from Omaha last Satur day for a short visit with his moth er, Mrs. J. H. McPharlin. Mrs. Ted McElhaney, daughter and son, went down to Orchard last Saturday for a weeks visit at the home of her mother. Kenneth Templeton, of Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Temple ton formerly of this city, was here last Saturday visiting ''old time friends. The Tigers Club held their first picnic of the season in the McDer mott grove south of this city last Tuesday eevning. An enjoyable time is reported. , -—rrms -- Mr. and Mrs. James Walling came up from Aurora Saturday for a short visit with relatives. Mr. Walling returned home Sunday, but _____ ■ BMi I I i 192K CHEVROLET SEDAN —In good running condition. All glass in shape, and up holstery in good condition. A low price on this one for this sale of $**3 1931 CHEVROLET TRUCK —Long wheelbase, dual tires in rear. This truck is now in the shop and being recondi tioned. Priced on COCA this sale at 1934 CHEVROLET TRUCK —Long wheelbase, dual 10 ply tires, new pistons, rinRs and pins, propellor shaft and joints overhauled. This truck is ready to ro to PACE work for you at V*TU»J 1927 CHEVROLET TRUCK —Has 32x6 tires, motor runs srood and you will find that this truck is well worth the money. Price reduced to yl 3 193.*, CHEVROLET MASTER SPORT SEDAN—In perfect condition, Fisher body with turret top and no draft vent ilation complete with radio and heater. Garries an OK warranty. Special at yUJv 1935 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN—Fisher Turret top body, No draft ventilation, new tires, upholstery in per fect condition.' Knee action and all late improvements. With radio and CCCO heater. Sale price yUUU 1930 PLYMOUTH SEDAN— Has been refinished with nesv DuLux paint. In good con dition, and good upholstery. See this one for low priced ttOOE transportation. ytfcU 1930 PONTIAC COACH — Car has had very good care. Upholstery in good condi tion. Car has been checked over and otfers many miles of transporta- fl*1QE tion as yet. y I OO 1930 FORD MODEL A—Has a very good 4-cylinder motor, good, tires, and upholstery has been renovated. Has new DuLux paint finish. 004 E Special at, yt*TU 1925* FORI) MODEL A SE DAN—This car has had ex ceedingly good care and is in the best condition of any Model A that we have had for some time. Car C17C speaks for itself. ^ I I 0 1910 CHEVROLET COACH —Car has been refinished, wire wheels, new seat cov ers, all adjustments have been checked. A very pop ular model. fljOQE Reduced to yfctO 1927 OLDS COUPE—There are lots of miles left in this car. Runs nicely, and car is in very good condi- ff7E tion. Low priced at V * J 19510 CHEVROLET COACH —Is now being reconditioned in our shops. Will have new' paint, upholstery will be ren ovated and it will make you a good low priced later mod el at this low G 1 QC price of I ww You can purchase any of the above cars on the low GMAC plan. Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. Phone 100 C. E. LUNDGREN, Mgr. O’Neill, Nebr. We are open evenings and Sundays. * Mrs. Walling remained for a couple of weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Star lin. Art Turner, who is now engaged in the poultry business as an in dependent dealer at Ainsworth, was in the city visiting friends last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Nellie Toy, who has been teaching at Herman for the past two years returned home last w’eek. She will return to Herman in the fall for another school year. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmer man and children came up from Norfolk last Saturday morning for Decoration Day services and to visit with old time friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chap man came up from Omaha last Fri POTATOES EARLY OHIO SEED— Last We Will Have This Season SMALL SIZE *7 7C Per 100-Lb. Bag LARGE SIZE 7 7C Per 100-Lb. Bajf A## 9 Red Triumphs 7 *7C Per 100-Lb. Bap BUM 9 15-Lb. Peck . 45c New California SHAFLERS 7£r 5 Pounds FRESH FISH HALIBUT 7f|r Per Pound alVw FILLETS 7Hj» No Bone—Per Lb. . BARNHART’S MARKET We Deliver Phone 144-Wr day afternoon for Decoration Day services here. They returned to their home Saturday afternoon. According to the last issue of the Gregory Times - Advocate, of Gregory, S. D., Harold Baker and Miss Irene Bellar, both of O’Neill, were granted a marriage license there last week. George Reichert, of Herford, S. D., was in the city Tuesday attend ing the sale of his father’s old ranch northeast of this city. George says that it is very dry in hi3 sec tion of South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Credle and daughter, Judith, and Hugh O’Don nefl, came up from Omaha last Friday and spent the week-end at J the home of their parents. Mr. and ] Mrs, J. F. O’Donnell and with other relatives here. tires : Be your own Tire Dealer instead of hav ing the dealer ordeh for you. Buy from the Gamble Store and get a price lower than'deal ers’ net billing price. • i' •' , i V. ■' V : < 'If! 1 EV EN in Summer you cannot make hay without grass, and even with a large income a man cannot become rich unless he saves. ■ ’ • . .'« The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK r. 1 . . : . i! *: •* : Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $125,000.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FLASH!! 1 Again your Food Center comes to the front to offer more ASTOUND ING VALUES for YOUR BENEFIT! It’s getting to be a known fact that the HIGHEST QUALITY merchandise at the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE is obtainable at the O’NEILL FOOD CENT ER! So why not fall in line, and be on hand to take advantage of the following values? ■« • » * No. 10 Can PURPLE PLUMS 27c Maxwell House COFFEE 27c BULK ; i Vinegar Per Gallon 30c Delicious Summer DRINK-MIX ALL FLAVORS Concentrated— (Joes 4 Times As Far! Per Bottle 13c FRESH MEATS —FRESH FISH j CUBED STEAKS OF VEAL Tender and Delicious Per Lb. 25c PORK CHOPS Per Lb. 27c BOLOGNA Per Lb. 14c FRESH FISH Per Lb. 15c Also Any Kind of COLI) MEATS { FULL LINE of FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Guaranteed FLOUR 48-Lb. Bag: $1.19 10 Lbs. SUGAR 54c GOOD GRADE of GRAHAM and CRISPY SODA Crackers 2-Lbs. 17c Fresh Fig Bars 2-Lbs. These prices are available only at the O’Neill Food Center and will con tinue thvuout the next week. YOUR GROCER, W. N. MORRIS.