The Frontier D.H. Cronin. Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postofficc at O’Neill, Nebraska as Second Class Matter. One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska $2.25 Over the Count; MEEK AND VICINITY Mr. and Mfs. Blake Benson spent Tuesday at the Horace Rouse home. Mrs. E. H. Rouse spent Thurs day afternoon at the Orville Har rison home. A large crowd attended the Ladies Aid at Mrs. George Nelson’s on Thursday and officers were elect ed for the coming year. Mrs. A. L. Borg was elected president; Mrs. Frank Nelson, vice president; Mrs. Roy Karr, secretary; Mrs. Sam Robertson, treasurer. Mrs. Nel son served a delicious lunch. The next meetings will be with Mrs. .McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil called at the Orville Har rison home Thursday evening. Mrs. Libbie Nelson called at the Orville Harrison’s and George Nel son’s on Thursday. A crowd of nearly one hundred attended the shower and charivari treat at the Frank Nelson home on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson. The young, couple received many beautiful and useful gifts and all enjoyed the treat furnished by the newly weds. Mrs. Ed Thomas and baby spent Thursday night at the home of her parents. Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Woodward, of Madison, mother and niece of Mrs. Charles Linn, came up on Wednesday for a few days visit at the Linn home. A. L. Borg took I)r. Bennett to O’Neill Saturday evening as the Doctor had trouble with hie car ir. this locality. Dinner guests at Eric Borg’s on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. How ard Rouse and children; Maude Rouse; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grif fith and son; Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg and children called there in the afternoon. Virgie Hartland, young e s t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hartland, who underwent an oper ation for appendicitis at the Lynch hospital last week is somewhat Un proved. She was in a very serious condition for several days as there were other ailments besides the one mentioned. Joe Harrison, of near Pneoenix, visited his brother Orville last week. Clarence Hicks, of Pape, also visited him the same day. Mr. Harrison, who has been ser iously ill, is somewhat improved, for which his many friends are thankful. Guests at Mrs. E. H. Rouse's on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Arden Johnson and children, of near Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sanders and children, of Oppor tunity, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Langan and children. Miss Maud Rouse came out from O'Neil] Saturday and visited at the home of her brothers, Ar thur and Howard Rouse, Dr. Brow»n was called Saturday for Mrs. Paul Nelson, who w?as taken suddenly ill. Her nerves seemed to go back on her, but we are glad to report her much im proved. Mae McGowan called on Mrs. Rouse the first of the week. Clarence Devail purchased a Model A roadster recently. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graham and children were g jests at George Hansen’s on Sunday. Ralph Rausch n ently purchased a Model J car of Blake Benson. George Bay, of O’Neill, called at the Morris Graham home on Sun-J day. The heavy rai of Thursday night and Sunday has put the gTound in excellent condition ar.d the farmers are either planting corn or getting ready to plant. , . , . „ .J Margaret’s Beauty Shoppe Miss Elsie Wells OF CHICAGO A Registered Dermatologist will be at our Beauty Parlors on May 18,19 & 20 and Presents as A Gift to You A COURTESY SKIN TREATMENT WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION! In one Audrea I)u Val treatment you will see dull, palled skin developing a glowing radiance. We want i to give you definite evidence i of the value of Audrea Du Val treatments. FOR GRATIS APPOINTMENTS Phone 102 FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY , Does Your Blood LACK IRON? ^ That dragged-out feeling l may be the result of an iron r deficiency in your blood. Try Pur ang. Its iron and copper | compounds increase hemoglo bin—the substance that makes 1 | red blood red. I Pursang not only helps to i | build red blood corpussles. It | " stimulates appetite. Aids di | gestion. I ' If you are run down get a ’ | bottle today. j BECKMAN’S DRUG O’NEILL, NEBRASKA INMAN NEWS Harold Killinper, of Hebrcn, Ntbr., was here Sunday to spend the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Killinger. Miss Ruth Fraka, who works in. O'Neil], is home for a two weeks visit. Loyd Spence and Charles Ack ney, of Atkinson, -were visitors at the J. B. Fraka home on Satur day evening. (Continued on page 5, column 1.) J1) ■l3j|i[jW|pbLA4|'Pjiiirtl ffjftJf iial f BUY ON PROOF OF PERFORMANCE A MILLION miles on Firestone Tires without an accident. That is the record of Ab Jenkins, famous driver, who has driven on all kinds of roads and in all kinds of traffic in every state in the union. What a tribute to safe, dependable, tire equipment! Make this proof of performance your guide in choosing new' tires' to protect yourself and your family. s *$»«• who hold, more 1 | >*«n any man i* aatomatfya hitlwy. J ■* ^ —— a There are three important facts you shcr.ld kr.ou’ about ’ the tires you buy— 1. THE FACTS on TRACTION and NON-SKID SAFETYy A leading university in 2,350 tests has found that the new, scientifically designed tread on the Firestone High Speed Tire stops a car up to 25% quicker. 2. THE FACTS on BLOWOUT PROTECTION V Ab Jenkins used Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires when he drove his 5,000-pound car over the hot salt beds at Bonneville, Utah, in the record-breaking time of 127 miles per hour, covering 3,000 miles in 23Vi hours without a blowout or tire trouble of any kind. S. THE FACTS on ECONOMY and NON-SKID MILEAGE The largest transportation companies in the country, such as Greyhound, to whom safety and tire economy mean business efficiency, use Firestone Tires from Coast to Coast and from Canada to the Gulf. And our own test fleet records prove that the new Firestone High Speed Tire for 1936 gives you up to 25% longer non-skid mileage. The Firestone High Speed Tire for 1936 proves by performance its superiority in all of these three qualifications. Make this proof of performance your yardstick of safety and value. Decide today to equip your car with new Firestone High Speed Tires for 1936—the safest driving equipment money can buy. End of cord in Gum-Dipped Tiro magnified 11 times, showing ecery fiber insulated with liquid rubber tnd of cord from ordinary lirt magnified 11 times, showing nnpro tectea cotton /tiers inside card Gum-Dipping not only strengthens the eords bni pres ents heat inside the cords, where it insulates the tiny fibers against friction and protects Firestone High Speed Tires from blowouts. This heavy, broad, traction and non-skid tread is held to the cord body of the tire with Two Extra Layers of Gum-Dipped Cords, a patented construction, malting the cord body and tread an inseparable unit. V SIZE PRICE 4.50- 21 . $8.00 4.75-19.. 9.10 5.25-18. **T***:.. 10.8$ 5.50- 17. 11.90 6x»-i6.:^rrr.. 13.2s i 6.00- 17 Hi).. 15*90 6.0019 HP.-.*** • 10.90 1 6.50- 17 H.D . 18.40 7.00- 17 H.D . .’T". * 21.30 7.50- 17 H.D . 31.75 ! FOR TRUCKS „ i 6.00- 20.^. $18.85 7.50- 20. , 39.10 30x5 Truck 1 vdc .... 18*75 32x6 H.D. 40.25 Ocher sites priced proportionately low "m" 'T1 The angles in the scientifically designed Firestone High Speed tread are so placed as to stop a car quicker and without side swerve. Its super - traction and non-skid efficiency have also been proved in the famous Pike’s Peak Race where for eight consecutive years it has been used on the winning cars. Tirestone STEWART-WARNER AUTO RADIO Auto Polish, 1 Pt. con— Wax, 7 ox Polishing Cloth.. 15c**» Sun Glasses 10c"» Flash Lights, 2 cell 29c «» SEAT COVERS C UP COUPES COACHES *4 AO .n ond SEDANS Ol«Qy ,p AUTO CUSHIONS a 395p MICRO HORNS 69c BRAKE LINING $430 %Jup S PER SET I u»« Em* SPARK PLUGS 58c EACH IN SETS FAN BELTS _ RADIATOR HOSE a 21* I P.iFool _ STANDARD TYPE SIZE_PRICE 4.50- 21... $7.75 4.75-19... S.20 5.25-18... 9.75 5.50- 17... 10.70 6.00-16.. ■ H.9S Oiiiw Sum ftmBrtwiauiy low SENTINEL TYPE SIZE_PRICE 4.50- 21... $6.05 4.75-19... 6.40 5.00-19... 6.85 5.25-18... 7«60 5.50- 19.., 8.7S Otbor Sim Proportionately Low COURIER TYPE SIZE_PRICE 4.40*21... $5*08 4.50-21... 5.8© | 4.75-19... 5.91 ! 30x3 Vi Cl. 4.33 , - - Listen to the Voice of Firestone featuring Richard Crooks or Nelson Eddy—with Margaret Speaks, Monday evenings over Nationwide N. 13, C.—WE At Network Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. Phone 100 C. E. LUNDGREN, Mgr. We are open evenings and Sundays. O’Neill, Nebr. REICHERT FA M SALE Tuesday, June 2, 1936 At 2 o'clock P. M. AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE COURT HOUSE O’NEILL, NEBRASKA The following described real estate situated in Holt county, Ne braska, eight miles East and four miles North of O’Neill on the main highway between O’Neill and Opportunity, will be offered for sale, to-wit: Northeast Quarter (NE1^) of Section Thirty-one (31), and Northwest Quarter (NWRjj of Section Thirty-two (32) and Southwest Quarter (SW14) of Section Thirty-two (32); all in Township Thirty (30) North, Range Ten (10; Southwest- Quarter (SWV4) of Section Four (4); North west Quarter (NWV4) of Section Five (5); Southeast Quarter (SE14) of Section Five (5); Northeast Quarter (NE14) of Section Five (5); all in Township Twenty-nine (29) North, Range Ten (10); all West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Holt county, Nebraska. This is an excellent farm, well located, adequate buildings, good soil, and would make a splendid home or fine investment. There are a five room house, granary and crib combined, and a barn, located on the Northeast Quarter (NEV4) of Section Five (5). TERMS: This property is to be sold at auction at the Front Door of the Court House in the City of O'Neill by Referee to the highest bidder for cash by Order of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska. Purchaser to pay 10% cash on day of sale and balance upon confirmation of sale. Sale to remain open for one hour. Said land will be offered both by quarters and as a whole. There are abstracts of title to each of said quarters. ANYONE DESIRING A REAL GOOD FARM WOULD DO WELL TO INSPECT AND CONSIDER THE PURCHASE OF THIS LAND OR SOME PART OF IT. For F'urther Information Inquire: JULIUS D. CRONIN, REFEREE, O’NEILL, NEBR. SLOANS, KEENAN & CORBITT, ATTORNEYS, GENEVA, NEBR. Are You Using Electricity Our electric system is designed to carry the maximum annual load which occurs during the winter months. This load drops off sharply in the spring due to chang ing seasons with the result that we have considerable excess capacity in plants and lines in the period from March to June. Therefore, during these four months we are passing on to our customers the use of this excess capacity by selling all electricity over and above last year’s bill, pins 5%„ at 2c per K.W.H. Many of our customers have taken advantage of this exceptional offer and are now enjoying the use of 2c electricity. A con siderable number have purchased Electric Ranges or Refrigerators and applied the savings to their pur chases. Others have used electricity freely at this exceptionally low rate to lighten the labors of the home. It will pay you to investigate this offer. Ask Any Employee How You Can Purchase This 2c Electricity Which Will Be Available Only to June 30th, 1936 Interstate Power Company