I ■■ ..... (, Over the County SOUTHWEST BREEZES Bv Romaine Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Baker made a trip to Albion a week ago. E. E. Young has been confined to his bed the past week doctoring , for the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker. i «• The Elliott Carpenter family spent an evening last week at the Art Hazelbaker home. : . i j _ Along comes rain and sets at naught the drought predictions of weather prophets. Too wet in many spots in the southwest. Raymond Bly recently lost a three-year-old heifer from pneu monia, the malady taking hold of the animal soon after dehorning. Miss Doolittle closes her term of school in district 243 Friday with a picnic to which parents of the pupils are invited as guests of the 1 school. —- — ? Unnecessary alarm has invaded a few editorial sanctums. The vot er has the same privilege with re spect to highly colored political matter as with a cigarette ad. i _ , s ~ , Seven, hundred head of steers gwere started Monday from the Peterson ranch for summer range on the Calamus, Charley himself, mounted on a grey gelding, being about the most efficient cowboy among the five moving the herd. In this day of university degrees in order to be considered educated costly public school buildings are rather a useless luxury. Public school certificate of graduation had an importance at one time, but means little now as so-called edu cation goes. The Berry greyhounds were down the other morning and scoop ed up a rabbit for our Shepherd pup, which can run about fast enough to make a black-tailed jack laugh. It’s no laughing matter to him when Howard’s hounds get into the chase. Loyal partisans of Nebraska’s senior senator select him as winner against the field in the event he becomes a candidate by petition. Many of his former siyjporters, however, are no longer such and are now numbered with the Sim mons following. George Holcomb is back among his friends of the great southwest after a .hard winter spent at his eustomery quarters in Iowa. George is always glad to get back and drink deep from the refreshing flow of Amelia’s artesian wells, of which there are about forty. Boys, girls, heads of families, rich and poor, learned and unlearn ed—all alike have succombed to the pressure for the release of a winter’s suppressed recreation and joined in reckless abandon in roller skating at “the hall” in Amelia— Sunday afternoon and evening. At one time the printing indus try at the county seat, with less than half its present population, furnished employment for eight to ten journeymen printers, some ap prentices and the bosses. The in dustry in the entire county today with seven plants in operation hires four men. Dust clouds are being sucked from the great dry plains far to the southwest and are spreading this way similar to the season of ’34; With the cheerful optomism of the Holt county farmer it will not now be predicted that the dis tressing conditions of that famine season will be repeated. ' ’ ii > .' , ,1 ‘ i . . .* Reminiscent of a long gone era when cattle barons strung their ;herds from Texas to Canada, south west Holt is to be the pasture grounds this season for several thousand head of white faces from Texas. It is understood that pas ture land in this neighborhood has been arranged for at present to take care of 7,000 head. Some things coming to light in connection with disbursements un der the AAA are causing cold chills in certain quarters.' Sums ranging from many thousands of dollars to a million are said to have been paid certain corporations, ope bank being designated which secured three-quarters of a million. What i ever graft may be involved in the program of the New Dealers the past few years no doubt will have a thorough airing within the next few months. As is too frequently the case when the expenditure of public funds is involved, much of the shelter belt is doomed to failure. Had trees been planted in this county in communities where there are three-foot cotton woods stand ing as tangible evidence that trees will grow instead of on the dry gravel flats where there is every evidence that trees will not grow in the few scrub specimens that were planted fifty years ago, de sired results would have been at tained. Heads of such undertak ings are disposed to follow their own theories rather than get prac tical help from the residents of long experience. INMAN NEWS Mrs. Naylor of O’Neill, was here Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. E. R. Riley. She was accompanied home by her niece, Mrs. Jack Alex ander and little daughter who will visit there for a few days. The members of the Inman Workers Extension Club attended the annual achievement day exer cises at O’Neill Thursday. Mrs. Charles Sobotka, who has been ill with pneumonia, is report ed as greatly improved at this time. The Misses Grace and Nellie Wood and Mrs. Roy Haynes and children were here from Page Sun day visiting their sister, Mr>. Mary J. Flora. Mrs. W. E. Brown and daughters Wilma, Muzetta and Mrs. Martin Conard and little son, Loyal, and Mrs. Eckelberry drove to Norfolk Thursday, where they spent the day shopping. Rev. C. Raymond Wylie attended the District Conference of the M. E. church at Stanton Thursday Jjnd Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorlin Lockman went to Stuart Saturday where they [spent the day. They were accom panied by Miss Helen Anspach who visited at the M. H. Claridge home. Plans are being made for a special Mothers day service to be held at the M. E. church the second Sunday in May. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Claridge and daughters, Frances, Mae and Shir ley Jean, of Stuart, were here Sun day visiting among friends. Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Wylie, Miss Gladys Hancock, Mrs. Karl Keyes and daughter, Arvilla, Mrs. Walt Jacox and daughter, Donna Rae, attended the “fun feed’’ and lecture at the M. E. church at Page Monday evening. Miss Dwig gins, a national officer of the W. C. T. U. was the speaker. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith on Monday, April 27, an eight pound baby girl. Mother and daughter are doing fine. D. R. Bryant and Jack Reece, of Omaha, were here Saturday look ing after the furnace in the new school house. MEEK AND VICINITY Miss Maude Rouse, of O’Neill, spent the week end at the Frank Griffith home. School district 225 closed on Fri day with a picnic dinner and a very nice program. A good time was had by those present. Miss Susan Ames, of Atkinson was the teacher. Paul Nelson, of Meek, and Miss Marjorie Hendricks, of Celia, were married at the home of the bride’s parents on Friday, April 24. Paul has lived here all his life and, altho his bride did not live in this lo cality, she spent quite a bit of time here the past few years. Hearty congratulations go to this young couple for a long and happy mar ried life. Mr. and Mrs. Duffy, of Lincoln, were guests of Mrs. Christina Wal ters the last of the week. School closed at Meek district 27 on Saturday, April 25. A pic nic dinner was enjoyed by all and, although it was a cold day, a large crowd was in attendance. The teacher was Miss Dorothy Harrison who has taught two very success ful terms at the Meek school. Judge Cones, of Pierce, was a (Continued on page 7, column 1.) BOYS! When you buy a Bike, you get one year’s insurance and a swell Bike Lock for only $1.00 extra at Gambles—See the new Streamline Models now on display, $24.95 and up. Trade in your old Bike. Free aviator style goggles with each Streamline Tricycle or Coaster Wagon—Trikes, $1.89 and up. Wagons, $1.29 and up. Triennial Conference Tentative plans for Nebraska being represented at the Triennal Conference of Acssociated Country Women of the W’orld the first week in June, were being completed this wee. Approximately 33 farm women are expected to be in the Cornhusker delegation. Miss Mary Ellen Brown, in charge of home demonstration work in Nebraska, said this week that the Nebraska delegation will probably leave Omaha on May 25. Tentative plans call for overnight stops at Battle Creek, Michigar), St. Thomas, Canada; Niagara Falls and Easton, Penn. The first 33 Nebraska women to register will be taken on the trip. International relations, gardens, bread making, home landscaping and general economic problems and other important topics will have the attention of the 1500 women attending the gathering from practically all nations in the world. Already delegates from 12 different countries have registered. Details of the conference are available at the office of Agricul tural Agent F. M. Reece. Some of the Big Pay For Doing Nothing At last convinced that congress is determined to wrest from his hitherto confidential files the names of all recipients of big AAA bene fit checks, and realizing that he is unable to conceal all the facts. Secretary of Agriculture Wallace has finally consented to give to congress and to the country a full accounting showing where the “big money”went. The secretary dis covered that his letter to the senate committee on agriculture, that cited a few payments, did not sat isfy; he saw the senate intent on having a real show-down. So he reluctently abandoned his ridiculous alibis and announced that he would px-oduce the record. The record thus far forced from Wallace contains an imposing array of large AAA checks, but the list is far fiom complete; it reveals the name of only one big benefi ciary. The record .thus far avail able lists the following large checks issued by AAA: Largest individual payment, a Florida sugar planter, $1,067,665. Second largest, a Hawaiian sug ar corporation, $1,022,037. On corn-hog contract to a Cali fornia corporation which feeds gar bage to hogs, $157,020. To a British owned cotton cor poration in Missippi managed by Oscar Johnston, an AAA official, $177,947. An Arkansas cotton corporation, $84,000. On a wheat corttract to a Cali fornia corporation, $78,634. A Florida tobacco corporation, $41,45-1. A Connecticut tobacco corpor ation, $20,530. To a Puerto Rican sugar pro ducer, $961,064. To another Puerto Rican sugar producer, $103,000. A Colorado beet sugar operator, $65,505. A California sugar producer, $92,267. A Louisiana sugar producer, $256,010. To a rice producer, $63,768. A New Jersey corporation, which feeds garbage to hogs, $49,194. To a California hog-raising com pany, $22,623, To a New York bank on a sugar control contract, $705,000. A Massachusetts hog producer, $19,098. To a Washington wheat grower, $26,022. A California bank on wheat con tract, $23,845. In a single check to an Hawaiian sugar producer, $470,313. To a Louisiana sugar grower, $197,333. A Louisiana sugar grower, $181, 523. A Louisiana sugar grower,$170, 676. An Arkansas cotton corporation, $80,000. Missippi State Penitentiary on cotton contract, $43,200. To Missippi State Penitentiary on another contract, $25,500. On 1934 contract of an Arkansas cotton corporation, $115,700. A Montana wheat grower* $22, 325. SEED CORN HIGH TEST—1934 GROWN Yellow Dent. £4 rft Bushel Sacks 7 H.D. PR ICt $ 7-75 8.20 9.75 10.70 11.95 14.30 15.20 10.55 19.15 28.00 FOR TRUCKS_ SIZf 6*00-20. .. 7.50-20.... 30x5 Truck Typu ..... 32x6 H.D. PRICE 016. OS 35.20 10.00 30.25 Other tizes priced proport iof lately low , Ab Jenkins, the famous driver, used Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires on his 3000-mile run over the Salt Beds of Utah, which he covered in 23V£ hours —a record of 127 miles per hour. He has driven more than a million miles on Firestone Tires, in every state in the union, on all kinds of roads, in all kinds of traffic, without tire failure or accident of any kind. What a tribute to safe, dependable, economical tire equipment. f a*, When you drive at today’s higher speeds, your life and the lives of others are largely dependent upon the degree of safety built into the tires of your car. Take no chances—equip your car with new Firestone High Speed Tires today and be sure of the safest driving equipment money can buy. # End of cord in Gum-Dipped Tire showing every fiber insulated with liquid rubber fnd of cord from ordinary lire ibowing unpro tected cotton fibers imide cotd The body of the New Firestone High Speed Tire is made from selected long-staple cotton dipped in liquid rubber, absorbing eight pounds of rubber in every hundred /rounds of coflon. This patented CJum-Dipping process insulates every fiber in every cotton cord, preventing internal friction which creates the heat so destructive to tire life, and giving to the tire added strength. F"no swerve: iin|k ^Wl| This heavy, broad, traction and non-skid tread it held to the cord body of the tire with Two Extra Layers of Gum-Dipped Cords, a patented construction, making the cord body and tread an inseparable unit. A leading university in 2350 tire tests has found that the new, scientifically designed Firestone High Speed tread stops a car up to 25% quicker. Its super-traction and non-skid efficiency have also been prosed in the famous Pike’s Peak Race where for eight consecutive years it has been used on the winning curs. STEWARTWARNER AUTO RADIO BATTERIES $£25 Qup EX. BRAKE LINING $430 t) OP 1 PER SET SPARK PLUGS 58c EACH IN SETS FAN BELTS _ RADIATOR HOSE 21S* P»i Fool STANDARD TYPE 4.50- 21.. . 4.75-19... 5.25-18... 5.50- 17... 6.00-16... rKll_c $6.65 7.05 8.40 9.20 10.25 | Othei Sizes Pioportionately Low SENTINEL TYPE I SIZE 4.50- 21... 4.75-19, .. 5.00-19 . .. 5.25-18 5.50- 19 PRICE $5.75 0.10 0.50 7.20 8.30 I II Qthi Sues Picpmttonitoly Low \ COURIER TYPE SIZE 4.40-21... 4.50-21 .. . 4.75-19 .. 30*3>/2CL PRICE $4.75 5.25 5.55 4.05 _ SEAT COVERS 7Qc up # COUPE COACHES *4 AO«n and SEDANS #1 -OY »P Wax, 12 oz-45c Chamoit. 29cW Sponges.10c**p Polishing Cloths 15cBP Top Dressing, % pt.40c Spoke Brushes .. 11cut Flashlights.. 29c«P Kozak Polishing „ Cloth. 49c Windshield Wiper Blade.. 9cbp Listen to the Voice of Firestone featuring Richard Crooks or Nelson Eddy—with Margaret S/teaks, Monday evenings over Nationwide N. B. C.—WEAF Network Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. C. E. LUNDGREN, Mgr. Phone 100 O’Neill, Nebr. We are open evenings and Sundays