1 < . CHAPTER XII—Continued —17— A letter from the Count of Yor 411 Ground the House Ink spots on the fingers may be Instantly removed with a little am monia. Itlnse the hnnds after wash ing in clear water. • • • Icing for cake may be prevented from cracking by adding one tea spoon of cream to each unbeaten egg. Stir all together, then add sugar until the Icing Is ns stifiT as desired. • • • Set your alarm clock to notify you when baking period Is completed You may then continue your work In the other part of the house without worry. • • • To remove egg stains from a linen tablecloth soak it In cold wnter be fore putting It Into hot soapsuds. • • • If dirt becomes ground Into a waxed floor moisten a cloth with turpentine and rub the turpentine well Into the floor until the wnx Is removed, then wnsh the floor anew and polish It. © Associated Newspaper!.—WNU Service. of 35-Inch fabric, plus % yard of contrasting. The Barbara Bell Pattern Book featuring Spring designs Is ready. Send fifteen cents today for your copy. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pnttern Dept., 307 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. © Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. DON'T SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE, AFFECTS HEART Gas Pressure May Cause Dis comfort. Right Side Best If you toss in bed and can’t sleep on right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart so you sleep soundly all night. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels and brings out foul matter you would never believe was in your system. This old matter may have poisoned you for months and caused GAS, sour stomach, headache or nervousness. Dr. H. L. Shoub. New York, reporta: “In addition to intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli.” Mrs. Jas. Filler: “Gas on my stomach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart hurt. The first dose of Adlerika brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better.” Give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just ONE dose relieves GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by all druggists and drug departments. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Rcmoraa Dandruff-Stop* Hair Falling I m Darts Color and Boaut? to Gray and Faded Hair 60c and f 1 00 at Druggists. rwKuiun stiAMruu-meti ror om in connection with Parker'* Hair Balaam.Makea the hair aoft and fluffy. CO rente by mail or at drug gist*. Hiacox Chemical Worlca, Patcbogua, N Y. Bromus Grass Seed Home grown (11 00 per cwt. Write for free circular* and sample (IVY. 8. BOWMAN flOOX*.NEBRASKA □OUT ITCH mo SCRATCH No need to endure the irritation of externally niAini EC caused skin eruptions. Cuticura Ointment applied r l/Vlr UCw to irritated surfaces cuts suffering short—helps # soothe, heal and bring astonishing comfort. Use DACLJCC together with pure, mildly medicated Cuticura Soap IviwrlW / that soothes as well as cleanses. Never be with- ,• U/fU. out these products. Over a half-century world- IRRITATIONS OF 7 -*• wide success. Be sure you get Cuticura today. T~f*m7t“kL A QCL Sold everywhere. Ointment 25c. Soap 25c. Cvfct/Y\A Me RCHANDISE BUY I must be good to be ADVERTISED consistently advertised GOODS TURN* A &ROREN WINDOW INTO 4QOE LU£K SURE,6E>APE-NUTS Yty FLAKES. I EAT 'EM )k% EVERT DAY. DAD SAYS FOOD LIKE THAT Jffl helps you sock / a .THOSE HOME I , Rums. GIVE 'EM PLENTV Op THESE CBuMCHV GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES, LADV. >TMBV'LL LOVE'EM. ' AND GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES ARE MIGHTV GOOD FOR 'EM. _ SAY/ THAT WAS A REAL. ) KICK. WMADDA YOU SAY \ WE FORM A CLUB TO DO ) ? THINGS LIKE THAT? ) 7 SURE. THE \ _JOE E. BROWN / CLUB. BOYi 1 WE'LL HAVE PLENTY OF \ > FUN. / CWEY, KIDS' ( / JOIN MV ) L CLUB] <_ J OBT SWELL pi /poizes frm! I • Send the top from one red-and-blue Grape-Nuts Flakes package to Grape-Nuts Flakes, Battle Creek, Mich., and get the swell membership pin shown here. Also manual telling how to work up to higher ranks and how to get 36 dandy prizes freel So start eating Grape-Nuts Flakes and saving the tops, urape Nuts Flakes is mighty good eating — and mighty nourishing, too. A dishful, served with whole milk or cream and fruit, contains more varied nourishment than many a hearty meal. (Offer expires December 31, 1936. Good only in U. S. A.) A Post Ceraa! — mads by General Poods II Club Membership Pin Wear this swell pin — gold finish with blue letter, actual size shown here. Free for 1 Grape - Nuts Flakes package top. In order ing pin be sure to ask for Prize No. 301. SEE JOE E. BROWN'S LATEST MOTION PICTURE - SONS 0 GUNS-A WARNER BROS. PICTURE