I " -- (First publication March 26, 1936.) SALE BY SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY UNDER DECREE DOUGLAS CONES, SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY Public notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Nebraska. Norfolk Division, and in pursuance of the decree of said Court rendered at the September 1934 term of said Court, to-vvit: on the 17th day of June, 1935, in an action therein pending, numbered 277 Equity, wherein the Penn Mu tual Life Insurance Company is plaintiff, and Silas A. Schlotman, et al., are defendants, I, Douglas Cones, as Special Master in ( han cery of said Court, by virtue of the MISCELLANEOUS I HAVE taken for collection all of the accounts of the Chapman Style Shop.—Mattie Soukup._ [X] GREEN for Lieutenant Gov ernor. 44tf YOUR big bargain! ! OMAHA BEE-NEWS, 3 months, daily and Sunday, by mail on rural routes in Nebraska and Iowa, .and McCalls Magazine,Hunting & Fishing, and Country Home., one year each, only $2.10. 41tf FOR SALE SEED CORN—Roy Cole, O'Neill, Phone 7-F6. 4i-2p k_^ HOME grown Black Ember Cane Seed; also one good Hereford yearling bull.—Charles Morton, Opportunity. 47-2p FOUR small houses, priced right. —Mattie Soukup. 4>uf SEED corn; also baled hay. Have 3 farms for rent.—R. H. Parker. 45tf PART Shetland pony, 2-ycars-ol-6P REGISTERED Hereford Bulls. A few good yearling calves.—W. G. Sire, Inman, Nebr. 45-4p TWELVE room building, now lo cated on new postoflice site. Must be moved.—W. G. Beha. 45t{ BABY CHICKS from purebred free range flocks. Custom Hatching. Order early—Atkinson Hatchery. 37tf USED Farm Machinery for sale: One slightly used Stewart sheep shearing machine with grinder; 1 Karmall tractor; 1 McDrg 15-30 tractor; horse and tractor plows, cultivators, grain binders; one 4 row lister cultivator; also some horse and tractor mqwers, etc.— F. M. Keating & Sons, Atkinson. 45-4 Bankers Life Ins. C o. f of Nebraska Leads the World in Insurance | written in its own state. . IVAN C. PRUSS, A*ent | O’Neill. Nebraska Successor to Robert J. Marsh | TRAVEL BY BUS via Grand Island-O'Neill Stages Lv. 8:00 O’Neill Ar. 8:45 Ar. 12:15 Grand Island Ly. 4:15 Service thru to Hastings, Lincoln, Kearney, North l’latte. Denver, Salt Lake, Boise, Portland. Los Angeles and San Francisco. For information call GOLDEN HOTEL Phone 35 We Carry Express HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG Dr. J. L. SHERBAHN Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South of the Ford Garage—West Side of Street Diamond —Watches—Jewelery Expert Watch Repairing 0. M. Herre—Jeweler In Reardon I)rue Store W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O'Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 [authority in me vested as such Special Master in Chancery under the decree and order of sale issued to me as Special Master in Chan cery, will, on the 25th day of April. 1936, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the County Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, the County Seat of Holt county, Nebraska, at the usual place where Sheriff’s sales of land are made in suid County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to wit: , The Southeast Quarter (SE '-*) of Section numbered Twenty three (23), Township numbered Twenty-seven (27), North, Jiange numbered Nine (9), West of the 6th P. M., contain ing 160 acres, more or less, ac cording to Government Survey, situate in Holt county, Ne bm.sk ei to satisfy said decree, interest and costs. DOUGLAS CONES, Special Master in Chancery of the United States Dis trict Court for the District of Nebraska. Norfolk Di 45-5 vision. (First publication March 19, 1936.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds or its authorized represent ative will offer for lease at public auction on the 17th day of April* 1936, at 10 o’clock A. M„ at the office of the county treasurer of Holt county, in O’Neill, Nebraska, on educational lands within Holt county, upon which the contract of sale or lease has been forfeited or canceled. At the same time and place, all movable improvements on such lands will be sold at public auction. Said public auction is to be held open one hour. The right to redeem the wdthin described lands ceases to exist upon the com pletion of this advertisement. S e */4 —S E Vi S W1 i, 16-25-9 LEO N. SWANSON, Commissioner of Public 44-4 Lands and Buildings. (First publication March 26, 1936.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2526 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska. March 19, 1936. In the matter of the Estate of George Geary. Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is July 16, 1936, and for the payment of debts is March 19, 1937, and that on April 16, 1936, and on July 17, 1936, at 10 o’clock A. M„ each day, ,1 will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hear, allow or ad just all claims and objections duly filed. C. J. MALONE. County Judge. (County Court Seal) 45-3 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney EMMET ITEMS (Continued from page 5.) Mrs. Howard McConnell and son returned home from Rose, Nebr., where they have been visiting rel atives. Howard McConnell and Joe Luth made a business trip to Ricket, Io., Monday. They returned home on Tuesday night. Herman Janzing. Sr., is quite ill this week. Maryann Winkler was the only Sophomore to be exempted from six weeks exams, held Friday. Mrs. Mary Plants returned to the Frank Sesler home Mopday, after spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Clarence Farr. Mrs. Charles Vogel and daughter arrived in Emmet Sunday from Tilden to spend a few days with Mrs. Vogel's daughter, Mrs. Arthur Dill. They returned home Mon day morning. KING OF KINGS” Superb Sound Motion Picture COMING TO O'NEILL Beautiful, Reverent, Awe-In spiring and Immortal is this story of the greatest triumph the world has ever known. Pre-eminently the greatest production ever shown on the screen. Acclaimed by world-famed di vines as the most reverent pic turizationof the supreme trag edy of the ages. SEE THIS PICTURE AT METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, April 12 8:00 P. M. No admission charge but a SILVER OFFERING will be taken EVERYONE WELCOME Bring the entire family. This picture is worth driving miles to Rev. A. J. MAY, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. William Hersh berger and John O Donnell were business callers in Stuart Saturday afternoon. MEEK AND VICINITY John A. Robertson had quite a bad accident last Friday while helping his son Dick but hay in the barn. He fell through a trap door, striking on the manger, breaking his collar bone, cracking a rib and there were several minor injuries. While the injuries are very pain ful we are glad no worse injury was sustained. This community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Carl Grant at Dorsey. While the family never lived in this immediate neighborhood he was quite well known here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyer are now living in O’Neill and Charlie is hauling cream from the country to O’Neill. Frank Griffith had the misfortune to lose one of his best horses last week. Mrs. A. L. Borg spent Friday at the -Sam Robertson home attending to the work there while Mr. and Mrs. Robertson were at Stuart with Mrs. Robertson’s father, Will Walters. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Frank Nelson on Thursday. Quite a few were not able to attend on account of sickness and the roads were far from being good at that time. Miss Hazel McDonald and Mrs. Goldie Liddy motored to Columbus and Genoa on Saturday to visit relatives, also to bring Mrs. Mc Donald home. She has been visit ing at Genoa for some time. They visited at the Hans Egger home at Columbus, Mrs. Eggers being the former Anita Liddy. Mr. and Mrs. Mariedy Hubby motored down front Atkinson Sun day evening bringing a group of young people for the Mission. They put on a very interesting program at the Paddock Union church. Quite a large crowd attended, the roads kept some from attending who would otherwise have been there. Mrs. Ralph Ernst has been staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Robertson, for several days helping with the work since her father’s injury. Mr. and Mrs. Mariedy Hubby and children and Miss Helen Mur ray of Atkinson spent the first of the week visiting at the Eric Borg home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald are the proud parents of a ten i pound boy, born on April 7th, at I Lynch. AH concerned are doing nicely. "Happy” is really happy I now. Mrs. McDonald was formerly Velma JChamers, of Lynch. Funeral service? for Will Walters j were held at the Pleasant Valley church Tuesday afternoon. A large crowd attended. Mr. Walters was taken to the Stuart hospital a week ago Saturday and under went an operation. He suffered a great deal of the time from the operation until death claimed him. He was a good friend and neighbor and will be greatly missed. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their loss. Albert Kaczor has been having serious sickness among his cattle and has lost some and has several sick at this writing. They se«m to think it is caused by poison of some kind in the feed. Miss Maude Rouse, of O’Neill, was an overnight guest at the Howard Rouse home on Monday. PLEASANT DALE Quite a few farmers attended the soil conservation meeting at the court house in O'Neill on Sat urday afternoon. Donald Scott, of Atkinson, did practice teaching in district 7b last week. Miss Helen Dvorak is the regular teacher. George Weber and daughters, Pauline and Attilia, of Stuart, were dinner guests at the Joe Winkler home Thursday. Mrs. Carl Lorenz and son, Glenn, Mrs. William Ernst and daughter, Evelyn, Mrs. Clarence Ernst 'and son, James and Mrs. Margaret Gray visited Mrs. Verne Beckwith in O’Neill Tuesday. Superintendent Clarence Mc Clurg visited Pleasantdale school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Coleman and family of Pjloenix visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith Sunday afternoon. A baby boy was bivn to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Segar on Tuesday March 31. Glenn Lorenz has infection in his left hand. He had to stay home from school for several days last week. A prize winning letter written by Herman Janzing is published in the last issue of the Nebraska Farmer. Congratulations?, Herman. Harold Segar and Kenneth Fro hardt drove up from Norfolk Sat urday evening to get Mrs. Segar and children, who had been visiting here for some time. They returned home Sunday evening. • Overwork, illness, wrong food, lack of exercise—all collect their 1 toll. Now’s the time to get back to normal. I Are yon feeling discouraged and “run down” these days? It may be I because indoor living, worry and overwork haveconspired to wear down | your resistance—and reduce the iron content of your blood. An iron | deficiency can weaken energy and make a man or woman imagine I almost everything is wrong when really the condition is not serious. I If you are “below par" just start taking Pursang. See how much I better you feel in two or three days. Pursang contains iron and copper compounds — effective in increasing hemoglobin, the substance that makes red blood red. At the same time it stimulates appetite and aids digestion. Pursang contains no sugar. Begin your Pursang treatment today! BECKMAN’S DRUG ) O’NEILL. NEBRASKA /M THE true use of the mouth is not merely to make a noise, any more than the proper use of money is to make a show of the spender. The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and This Rank Carrie*. No Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Officers $125,000.00 or Stockholders. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION BRIEFLY STATED H. G. Asher, of Page, was trans acting business in this city Tues day. George Van Every has been stationed at Burwell the last week on highway work. Miss Helen Murphy came up from Omaha Wednesday for a few days visit with the home folks. Fred Woods, of Fremont, visited here last Saturday at the home of Chief of Police and Mrs. Chester Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. John Lydon visited j here several days at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lydon, leaving j for home Monday. Mrs. W. J. Biglin and children left this afternoon for Jackson, where they will spend Easter with j relatives and friends. Mary Joan Finley, who is attend ing Duschene college in Omaha, came up Wednesday night to spend the Easter vacation with the home folks. Edward Kirkpatrick spent the week end here Saturday. Edward is stationed in a CCC camp within the corporate limits of Madison, Nebr. — Ed O’Donnell came up from1 North Platte last Friday and spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with relatives and friends in the old home town. Glenn J. Bragg and Miss Clara Cook, both of Venus, were granted a marriage license in the county court last Friday and thereafter (Political Advertisement) were united in marriaee by County Judge Malone. Crist Anderson was over from Bristow Tuesday interviewing the voters in behalf of his candidacy for the nomination for member of the unicameral legislature. Mr. and, Mrs. Francis Dempsey, of North Bend, are the proud par ents of a 10% pound son, born on Thursday, April 2, at Neligh. Mrs. Dempsey- was formerly Miss Violet Pinkerman. Mrs. Goldie Liddy and Hazel Mc Donald went to Columbus last Sat urday and spent the week-end at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Egger, returning to O’Neill Sun day night. (Political Advertisment) L. G. Gillespie Candidate for the Legislature I am a candidate for the Unicameral Legislature on the non-political ballot from the 28th district, comprising Holt, Rock, Boyd and Keya i Paha counties. If nominated and elected, it will be my purpose to voice the wishes of my constituents, as I en j deavored to do as a House | member from Holt county in j the 193.) session. Your vote and support at the primary April 14. will be appreciated. DANCE AT K. C. Hall, O’Neill SATURDAY EVENING April 11 at 9:00 p. m. BENSON & MOORE ORCHESTRA BARNHART’S MARKET A Joyous Easter to All EASTER LILLIES Per Plant $1.501» $2.50 Suggestions for £aster Dinner Sugar Cured HAM Per Pound ... Cauliflower Carrots Tomatoes Peppers Green Onions Cabbage Radishes Lettuce Asparagus Cucumbers Parsley Rhubarb Strawberries FREE! Blue Sapphire CUP and SAUCER with ! 2 Bars Ol-o-Pine J Hand Soap - - - - Idaho RUSSETS Ur Per Peek EARLY OHIOS Per Peck ... —.. , ' • • i ‘ ’ That's all you pay for the leading quality motor oil in the Middle West ISO=VIS "D" THAT TWO-FISTED FRICTION-FIGHTER One... Staying Power You won’t find any other oil that can outlast Iso=Vi* "D." Its unusual dura bility keeps youj.pil level up and your oil costs down. f Anti-Carbon l Anti-Sludge Special refining processes have removed carbon-forming, sludge4orming impuri ties from Iso*Vis "D." It keeps your en gine clean and smooth-running. Got it at Standard Oil Stations or Dealers anywhere in Nebraska