^*1 ^ Over the County MEEK AND VICINITY A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Sanders at the George Sanders home last week. Dorothy Harrison and Elmer, Walter and Clarence Devall spent Friday evening at the Frank Grif fith home. Mildred Hansen was a guest Sun day at the Fred Lindberg home. The severe cold weather of the past ten days, has put a stop to all kinds of work, except chores, around the farms. Helen Spindler of O’Neill, spent the week-end in this locality with her cousin, Leone. Mrs. Louisa Peterson and child ren were visitors at the Harry Fox home Sunday afternoon. Ralph Rausch is visiting with Leonard Young this week. The Sam Yenglen family have moved onto the place recently vac ated by Jim Abbott. Ardis and Bobby Worth ^ere guests at the Roy Karr home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil visited at Roy Spindler’s on Tuesday, Elmer and Clarence Devall and Cecil Griffith spent Tuesday even ing at the Will Devall home. Mrs. Albert Kaczor returned home last week from a visit of sev eral weeks with her daughter and family, Mrs. Ben Freeburg, and with her sister and family, Mrs. Ed Larson, both of Mead, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby called at the Howard Rouse home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby called at Albert Kaczor’s and William Hubby’s Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith and Cecil called Saturday evening at the Rouse Bros. home. Ralph Rausch came here Satur day after a weeks visit with Leon ard Young. Charlie Linn drove to Meadow7 Grove Sunday after some baby chicks. He purchased 500. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby, Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby and Mr. K and Mrs. Howard Rouse and sons, Lawrence, Lloyd and Delbert, were guests Sunday at the Eric Borg home. George Hansen recently invested in a new piano. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoyer were overnight guests Friday at the George Hansen home. Snow and cold weather make □ small chance for news. The mail man can only get out as far as Midway. We are hoping the weather changes for the better soon, tho the ground hog did see his shadow. INMAN NEWS On account of the heavy snow fall and subsequent blocked roads ihe school busses were not able to make their rounds, therefore school has been dismissed for several days. E. E. Clark, the rural mail carrier, has also been having con siderable difficulty in making his route. County Superintendent C. J. Mc Clurg, of O’Neill, spent the week end here at the Warren McClurg and Harold Miller homes. The Quilt N Chatter Club will meet with Mrs. Art Renner on Fri day of this week. Mrs. C. J. Malone, of O’Neill, spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Hancock. Work has been suspended on the new school house for a few days, owing to the cold weather. The Inman High School cagers play at Page Wednesday night. This promises to be a fast game. PLEASANT DALE A crew of men from O’Neill are working, as often as the weather permits, making fence that is to enclose a strip of land ten rods wide across an eighty acres of James Carney’s land, preparatory to setting out Shelter Belt trees in the spring. School District 192 reports that their two eight graders, Thomas McNally and Cecelia Heinowski, passed their grades with high honors. Mrs. Gray is at home again and celebrated her eighty-second birth day on February 3. Her farm is rented to Roy Wayman for this year. A correspondent in Ponoma, Cal., writes as follows: “The weather is fine her now; we have had our doors and windows open for the past week.” This sounds good to us who are enduring sub-zero weather and shoveling snow. John Conard, says there are many who have entered the contest put on by the Gurney company, some one of whom may soon be seen riding in a new Chevrolet car. INMAN TOWNSHIP FINANCIAL REPORT FOR YEAR 1935 Recepits: Balance on hand Jan. 16. 1935 .. $ 65.36 Received from County Treasurer 1,050.00 Refund on Compensa tion Insurance _ 39.69 $ 1,155.05 Disbursements: Warrants Paid.—- $ 1,083.27 --- -1 ■ RfEVERY night ALL DAY SUNDAY > Special rates on station-to-station calls now are in effect not only after 7 o'clock every night but also all day Sun day. These rates apply on station-to-station calls for which the day rate is 40 cents or more. Also, there now are special rates on person-to-person calls every night after 7 o'clock and all day Sunday. These rates apply, in general, on person-to-person calls for which the day rate is 55 cents or more. TYPICAL THREE-MINUTE RATES Station-to-Station Rates Person-to-Peraon Rates Week Night and Week Night and AirtUe Mllta Pi> __ Sunday_Day_Sunday 100 $ .60 $ .35_$ .90_.5 -65_ V 200 1.05 .60_1.40_.05 __ 300 1.40 .80 1.80_1.20 . ~ 400 1.75 1.00 _2.20_MB 500 2.05 1.15 2.55 1.65 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Interest on Registered Warrants _ 20.80 Cash on hand. Jan. 9. 1930 60.98 $ 1,155.06 Registered Warrants Outstanding_ 111.33 Robert Colman, trucking $ 24.60 L. A. Davis, trucking _ 16.10 H. McGraw, board service 2.00 A. G. Clark, board service 2.10 H. J. Harte, board service 11.25 Paul Bittner, road work. 27.00 I. L. Watson, bonds _ 67.00 John Walmer insurance 96.00 Rob Colman, trucking _ 40.60 L. A. Davis, trucking_ 35.70 Paul Bittner, road work. 33.00 H. J. Harte, board service 5.25 A. G. Clark, board service... 2.00 H. McGraw. board service 2.10 John Sobotka, repairs .75 Paul Bittner, road work 9.00 Clyde Ross, road work 3.20 John Young, road work _ 3.75 Art Thompson, road work 3.20 Bill Hartigan, road work 5.60 Ted Hopkins, road work _ 6.85 W. E. Kelley, road work 23.40 R. M. Colman, trucking 14.00 L. A. Davis, trucking_ 14.00 Finkbine Bros., Lumber and posts_ 27.79 The Frontier, printing_ 23.90 Paul Bittner, road work_ 36.00 W. E. Kelley, road work 23.65 John Young, road work 17.60 Walter Hopkins, road work 17.60 Ted Hopkins, road work 6.40 Finkbine Bros., lumber. 3.85 H. J. Harte, board service _ 3.95 A. G. Clark, board service 2.10 H. McGraw, board service 2.00 H. McGraw, oils.. 2.10 R. B. Geary, road work _ 5.25 H. McGraw, board service 2.10 Bill Hartigan, road work— 4.00 Ted Hopkins, road work 5.00 Anthony Sobotka road work _ . 4.00 Robert Colman, road work 3.60 C. M. Fowler, blacksmithing 2.50 J. B. Fraka, road work 3.20 John Young, road work 2.50 R. E. Moore, road work .... 1.25 Howard Brady, road work 7.15 A. G. Clark, board service 2.00 James Kelley, road work 6.00 H. J. Harte. board service 6.25 Ed Boyle, road work 8.00 Henry Schacht, road work 8.00 Walter Hopkins, road work 13.50 Bill Young, road work 11.75 W. E. Kelley, road work *10.45 Paul Bittner, road work .... 21.00 Danie Lines, road work 8.00 Ted Hopkins, road work... 8.00 Finkbine Bros., lumber-25.04 Paul Bittner, road work - 126.00 Austin Road Machinery Co., repairs_ 21.84 Walter Hopkins, road work 2.00 Bill Hartigan, road work 1.20 Ted Hopkins, road work 5.26 John Young, road work 2.50 James Kelley, road work 8.00 Art Gorec, road work 2.50 Paul Bittner, road work 8.10 Rob Colmnn, trucking 0.50 Geo. Bittner, road work 15.00 James Hoxie, road work- 2.50 Otto Retka, road work 2.40 Beryl Conger, road work 9.90 Joe Bittner, road work 2.50 Bill Young, road work 1.00 Chas. Kline, road work 4.80 A. G. Clark, board service 2.15 H. McGraw, board service 2.00 IT. J. Harte, board service 5.25 Leo Mossmnn, road work .. 25.45 W. E. Kelley, road work 37.80 Finkbine Bros., lumber 18.08 II. McGraw, board service 2.00 A. G. Clark, board service 2.50 H. J. Harte, board service 3,15 A, N. Butler, rent 10.00 $1,194.60 Registered Warrants Outstanding . 111.33 Warrants Paid $1,083.27 H. J. HARTE, Clerk. ■’ v % ! HOPE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE HEART —DETERMINATION IN THE TOP OF THE HEAD—HAVE RESULTED IN MAKING MANY WEALTHY. . The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $125,000.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION i • ■ • * •• ’ ‘M‘ T • ■ ■ ■! O'Neill residents who were shiv ering Wednesday morning when in formed that it had got down to 21 degrees below zero some time during the night, felt a lot better when informed that it went down to 30 below in Norfolk the same night. PUBLIC AUCTION 1 will hold a public sale at my place 1 f/z miles east of the Opportunity, store, or 14 miles north and 2Yt west of Page. Nebr., at 12 o’cloct sharp on Thursday, February 13,1936 5 Head of Horses One gray gelding, sworn th mouth, wt. about 1,300; I sorrel gelding, 10-years-old, wt. 1,300; 1 black mare, smooth mouth, wt. about 1,100; 1 gray gelding, smooth mouth, wt. 1,400; 1 brown gelding, smooth mouth, wt. 1,200. 34 Head of Hereford Cattle Twenty head of steers, some coming 2 years, and some coming 1 year; 10 cows and 4 bucket calves. 16 POLAND CHINA BLACK FALL PIGS FARM MACHINERY AND FEED One McCormick Peering 10-ft. Tractor grain binder, new; 1 McCormick Peering 2-row tractor lister, new; 1 John Deere 15-ft. tractor disc, brand new; 1 John Deere 2-row tractor eli; 1 McCormick Peering 2-row tractor cultivator, new; 1 M-c Cormick Peering end gate seeder, new; one 1 -horse Moline grain drill, new; one 4-section harrow; one 2-section harrow; 1 hay stacker; 1 wagon with rack; one 4-wheel trailer with box; one 2-wheel trailer with box; 1 horse grinder; 1 Vi h. P. McCormick Peering gas engine; 1 grindstone for engine; I pump jack; 2 sets of harness; 600 bu. of yellow ear corn; 400 bu. of rye; 300 bu. of good Gophor seed oats; 200 bu. of good Reed barley; som** good 90-day yellow seed corn, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash. Lunch Sold on the Place JOHN JURACEK, Owner BUV WANSER, Auctioneer MAX WANSER, Clerk GASOLINE We'll help you to the Texas Centennial. Full tour information free. Write Conoco Travel Bureau, Denver, Colorado - - - — - - ARBUTHNOT & REKA SERVICE STATION Dealers in Conoco Bronze Gasoline Across the street from the Public Library O’NEILL, NEBRASKA