The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 30, 1936, Image 7

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    New Hair Dressing Styles for the Women
Ferdinand Graff, movieland hair stylist, presents the new hair styles of 1930 for American women as
adopted by the National Hair Dressers association. Left to right are: Helene Fckland of "At Home Abroad,”
who displays the “Kinglet” style; Violet Carson ot "Jumbo” wearing the “Dubonnet” style; Hazel Bofinger,
platinum blonde artists’ model, displaying the “Dizie”; “Hardee Hoff, recently chosen as the girl with the
most perfect figure, wearing “Personality” as a crown, and Ethel Summerville, of “Anything Goes,” going high
hat with the “Park Avenue.” These girls, it is true, are all New Yorkers, but it is predicted that tin* fash
ions In coiffure they arc demonstrating will be seen ere long from coast to coast. Which is all right, too, eh?
Mexico Honors an American Officer
The Cross of Military Merits was accorded by the Mexican govern
ment to Lieut. Col. Herbert Edgar Marshburn, military attache to the
American embassy in Mexico City. Tills is the first time that a foreigner
has received this great honor. The photograph shows Gen. Salvador
Sanchez pinning the decoration on Colonel Marshburn.
World Amateur Champion
Joins Pro Ring Ranks
Louis Nova, twenty-one, six feet
two, weighing 20 pounds, world’s
amateur heavyweight boxing cham
pion, who, after two years as a
simon-pure, lias turned to profes
sional boxing. As an amateur lie
rolled up six knockouts in 10 fights.
Maybe this lusty rookie will provide
the opposition sorely needed by Joe
Maj. Gen. Reed Made
Inspector General
In the recent army promotions
Walter L. Reed was made Inspector
general with the rank of major gen
eral. There were quite a few pro
motions made along the army staffs
recently. These came about for no
special reasons, but were simply
routine promotions, moving men
with long service records a step
higher up the ladder.
Modest Birthplace of Alf Landon
This is the Methodist church parsonage in Middlesex, Pa., where Alf
Landon, governor of Nebraska and receptive candidate for die Republi
can Presidential nomination, was born. His maternal grandfather, Rev.
William If. Mossman, was at that time the pastor of die church. Gov
ernor London’s popularity has been steadily gaining in the West.
Plane That Can Cross Atlantic in 12 Hours
This queer-looking but speedy craft is the “Crusader,” newly-built plane which could get you to Europe
In 12 hours, if you so wished. The craft, designed by Thomas M. Shelton, will travel ai a height of 26,000
%eet and will make 300 miles an hour at cruising speed. The plane will make a Miami-Chicago hop shortly.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Vice Admiral Arthur .T. Hepburn, commander of the navy scouting force, who has been named to be com
mander-In-ehief of the United States fleet with the rank of admiral. 2—John Pierpont Morgan, right, and
his partner, Thomas \V. Lament, at the senate munitions committee hearing where they were questioned on llnan
clal operations during the World war. 3—View of the Philadelphia convention hall In which the Democratic
national convention will be held starting June 23.
After Holing-Through Longest Tunnel
Interior of the Kast Coachella tunnel In California, the longest tunnel
In the world, after a charge of dynamite tore out the last barrier of
rock and holed through the 212 mile-long bore. The tunnel will carry
water from the Colorado river to Los Angeles. Shown in the picture are
some of the engineers and workmen on the project.
Brig. Gen. E. T. Conley
Made Adjutant General
Brig. Gen. Edgar T. Conley, who
was appointed adjutnnt general of
the United States army with the
rank of major general. lie suc
ceeds MaJ. Gen. James F. McKinley,
retired. General Conley, nearly six
ty-two, lias been several times Ign
ored for meritorious service In the
Spanlsh-Auierienn war, the Philip
pine Insurrection and with the A.
E. F. In France. He Is the author
I of several books on army tactics.
Making an Island of Southern Florida
Trucks, tractors and every conceivable dirt remover tire helping cut a 20.r>-mlle water path through north
Florida, thereby saving many days In shipping between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic ocean. Part of the
machinery is pictured here. The Anal has caused a great dispute among agrarians In Florida who believe
that the salt water will ruin their streams. Army geologists point out that the streams may flow into the
canal, but not the canal into the streams.
Uruguay, II.S.S.R.Break; 1
I Minkin Given Passport
■■■' ■ --
Alexander Minkin. Soviet minister
to Uruguay, who was given his
passport when Uruguay severed re
lations with Russia. South Amerl
can newspapers charged that Min
kin was responsible for the upris
ings in Brazil and other parts of
the continent.
“Boy Orator” Is Now a House Page
Speaker Joseph W. Byrns of the house of representatives is pictured
with Robert (Bobby) Parrish, fourteen, newest member of the page per
sonnel of the house, and Bobby’s mother, Mrs. Marie Kesler, just after
the boy t^nl been enrolled In his new Job. Young Parrish, Four-11 club
member from West Terre Haute, Ind., gained considerable fame as the
“Boy Orator of the Wabash.’’
All-Occasion Frock
That Is Flattering
Here’s an all-occasion frock of
great charm nnd versatility which
you can make with very little effort,
and at a surprising saving. There’*
tlnttery—there's loveliness. In every
line, whether you’ve a naturally
youthful silhouette, or one more gen
erously proportioned. Don’t you love
the smooth simplicity of a V-shaped
yoke, and the dnlnfy bit of rich lace
at the throat? It’s grand and warm
In sheer wool—dressy in novelty
crepe, lustrous or dull satin.
Pattern 2388 is available In sizes
10, 18, 20. 34, 30, 38, 40. 42 and 44.
Size 30 takes 3% yards 39 inch fabric,
and ’4 yard 4 Inch lace. Illustrated
step-by-step sewing instructions in
coins or stamps (coins preferred) for
this pattern. Write plainly name,
tddress and style number. BE SURE
Address orders to the Sewing Cir
cle Pattern Dept., 243 W. Seventeenth
St., New York City.
Follow Nature’* Plan
It were happy if we studied na-i
ture more In natural things; and!
acted according to nature, whose
rules are few7, plain end most rea
For years he suf
fered with constipa
tion. Blamed it on
his work. Then a
friend told him
about the natural
all-vegetable corrective. Nature a Remedy. Wl«
Tablets contain a balanced combination of the
laxatives provided by nature in plants and
vegetables. See for yourself. Note "OW differ
ently they work. Nogriping.Gentle but thorough
action, leaving you refreshed, alive. Wonderful
for headaches,
bilious spells.
Non-habit form- |
ing. Only 250
all druggists.
Don’t be BALD!
Don't give up!
Faithful use of
Glover's Mange
Medicine and Glover'*
Medicated Soap for
the shampoo has saved
many from Baldness.
Kills Dandruff germs;
stops excessive Falling
Hair, promotes scalp
health. Ask your Baiber. Start today!
At alt
ur complexions
^ improved, and smooth skin often re
stored by daily treatment with aa
— needs more
than cosmetics
Beauty of skin tomes
from within. W ben con
stipation dogs the pores
with intestinal wastes.
NALLY with Garfield
Tea. Helps relieve the
I dogged system prompt
k ly,mildly,effectively.At
■ yomrJrus start 25c &lOt