Stalin, the Iron Dictator, Can Smile Being a dictator, be it In Italy, Germany or Russia, is a grim business and there is not much opportunity for smiles. In this instance, Dictator Josef V. Stalin of the Soviet is finding his "Iron Man” reputation being pierced by a little school girl, Mamlakat Nakhangova, who is asking for his autograph. On the extreme left is M. A. Chernov, people’s commissar of agriculture, and on the right is Ene Geldiyeva, president of the Farabsky district executive committee of Turkmenia. Tugwell Visits “Tugwelltown*” Hex Tugwell, undersecretary of the Department of Agriculture, is talking to Jesse Trimble, PWA worker, during Hex’s visit to “Tugwell town,” a new building project at Berwyn, Md. Fosdick Now Heads Rockefeller Foundation Raymond D. Fosdick, brother of Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, pas tor of the Riverside church In New York, who has been elected presl dent of the Rockefeller foundation and of the general education board of that organization. Mis will be the task of administering the many millions granted by the fund every year. Dr. Euwe Is New World’s Chess Champ Dr. Max Euwe won the chess championship of the world in the recent tournament in Amsterdam. He took the title away from Dr. Alexander Alekhine of Paris. Giant Plane Spans South Atlantic The French seaplarte, Lieut, de Vaisseau Paris, largest in the world, which landed at Natal, Brazil, after n swift transatlantic flight from Dakar, Senegal, French West Africa. A crew of six manned the 37 ton, six-motored craft on Its first transatlantic hop, made to test Its poten tialities for regular service between France and the United States. Where the Republican Convention Will Be Held Interior view of the $7,000,000 Public Audltorijm In Cleveland, Ohio, which will house the Republican national convention next June. The hall has a seating capacity of 9.000. Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Republican national committee In Washington selecting Cleveland for the convention city. 2—Mer maids of Venice, Calif., bringing the New Year In from the sea according to custom. 3—(Jen. John J. Pershing entering the White House to call on President Roosevelt. New Job and Woes Begin Next April George (Tiny) I’arker of Miami, Fla., Is the latest addition to Presi dent Ford Frick's National league umpiring stuff. I’urker was seven yenrs an International league um pire, receiving Ills promotion at the recent National league meeting. Oklahoma Town Is Quarantined .V.-.W.VS '■ ■■ —'■ An outbreak of spinal meningitis In Snyder, Okln., necessitated a quarantine that closed up most of the business places ns well ns the schools. National Guardsmen enforced the regulations. Cockpit Devised for Motorcycles Milady may now have the equivalent of a town car, or airplane cock pit, attached to the side of her motorcycle.This was displayed in London. Demerjl Made Premier as Greek Kin" Returns Constantine Demerjl, appointed as the new premier of Greece with the return to the throne of King George, Is shown here Just after being appointed to the post. Greece's play-boy king was welcomed back with ovations (and protests) which jarred the ruins of the Par thenon. From America, but They May Die in Africa The spirit of adventure, or perhaps the love of a land they had all but forgotten, motivates the soldiers of the Tiber divlsimi of the Italian army. They are soldiers drawn from the United States who are fight ing for II Duce In his war against Ethiopia. They are shown standing at attention during their review by the kina and crown orinee of Italy. PONY IS 49 A llttie Shetland pony, eating oat ft* days In a paddock at Darby, Notts, Is believed to be the oldest horse In England. Dot, pet of the illbbs family. Is known to be at least forty nine. She may be older. , “PIIT") |YOU,S|?C rgg _ SIMPLE SIMON MET A PIEMAN AND ORDERED THREE OR FOUR» HE NOW EATS TUMS WHEN HEARTBURN COMES . . . | DON’T SUFFER ANY MORI I Stop SAYING "NO" TO FAVORITE FOODS r[* isn't only pie that disagrees with some people. Many say that even milk gives them a gassy stomach. The very best foods may bring on acid indigestion, sour stomach, gas, heartburn. Millions have found that Turns quickly relieve acid indigestion. Munch 3 or 4 after meals or whenever smoking, hasty eating, last night's party, or some other cause brings on add indigestion. Turns contain no harsh alkalies, which physicians have said may in crease the tendency toward acid indigestion. Instead an antadd which neutralizes stomach add, but never over-alkalizes the stomach or blood. You'll like their minty taste. Only 10c. m WANTED TO BUY several 38 calibre Colt Army Biz Shooters such as used In Civil War. Would also ba Interested In 44 calibre Colt Plaint Pistole and 4 and 6-shot pepper-box pistols. Please write describing weapons, stating condition and price for which you will sell. DAVID MAGOWAN 310 East 45th Street New York City PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Remorse Dandruff-Stupe Heir Palling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair 60s and SI 00 st Druggists. Biscuit Chcm. Wka.. Patehotros.N.Y. FLORESTON SHAMPOO — Ideal for use in connection with T'srker'sHsir Balsam. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug gists. Hlscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. I, Try Cuticura—for all akin blemisbas due to external causes. Ointment 26c. Soap 26c. FREE trial sizes If yon write ‘'Cuticura,’’ Dept. 3, Malden, Mass. No Need to Suffer “Morning Sickness” “Morning sickness”—is caused by an acid condition. To avoid it, acid must be offset by alkalis — such as magnesia. Why Physicians Recommend Milnesia Wafers These mint-flavored, candy-like wafers are pure milk of magnesia in solid form— the most pleasant way to take it. Each wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct acidity in the mouth and throughout the digestive system and insure quick, com plete elimination of the waste matters that cause gas, headaches, bloated feelings and a dozen other discomforts. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and 48, at 35c and 60c respectively, and in convenient tins for your handbag contain ing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All good drug stores sell and recommend them. Start using these delicious, effective anti-acid, gently laxative wafers today Professional samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request is mada on professional letterhead. Select Products, Inc., 4402 23rd St., Long Island City, N. Y. Tfco Original Milk of Magnmala WTafore Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood WOUR kidneys are constantly filter T ing waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not act as nature in i tended—fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging back I ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent $ urination, getting up at night, puffiness under the eyes; feel nervous, misera ble—all upset. Don’t delay? Use Doan’* Pill*. Doan’s are especially for poorly func tioning kidneys. They are recom 4 mended by grateful users the country over. Get them from any druggist