The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 02, 1936, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D.H. Cronin. Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the Postolficc at O’Neill,
Nebraska as Second Class Matter.
Display advertising on pages 4,
6 and 8 are charged for on a basis
of 25c an inch (one column wide)
per week; on page 1 the charge is
4ft cent an inch per week. Want
ads, 10c per line, first insertion,
subsequent insertions, 5c per line.
One Year, in Nebraska $2.00
One Year, outside Nebraska $2.25
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of
subscribers will be instantly re
moved from our mailing list at ex
piration of time paid for, if pub
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Every subscriber must understand
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lisher and subscriber.
Supervisors’ Proceedings
(Continued From Last Week.)
County Board of Supervisors of
said Countv have caused this bond
to be executed on behalf of the
County of Holt by being signed by
the Chairman of its County Board
and attested by its County Clerk
and by causing the official seal of
the County to be affixed hereto,
and have caused the interest ou
pons hereto attached to be execut
ed on behalf of the County by hav
ing affixed thereto the engraved
facsimile signatures of its Chair
and Clerk and the Chairman and
Clerk do, by the execution of this
bond adopt as and for their own
proper signatures their respective
facsmile signatures affixed to said
Dated this first day of December,
By -
Chairman of the County Board of
(Seal.) County Clerk.
On the first day of December
(June) 19— The County of Holt,
State of Nebraska will pay to bear.
or- Dollars at the office
of the County Treasurer in O'Neill,
Nebraska, for interest due on that
date on its Court House and Jail
bond dated December 1, 1935, No.
Chairman of County Board.
County Clerk.
6. After being executed by the
Chairman of the County Board and
the County Clerk, said bonds shall
be delivered to the County Treas
\irer who shall be responsible there
for under his official bond. The
County Treasurere shall cause said
bonds to be registered in the office
of the Auditor of Public Accounts
of the State of Nebraska and in the
office of the County Clerk of Holt
County. The County Clerk is di
rected to make and certify in dup
licate transcripts of the proceed
ings of the County precedent to
the issuance of said bonds, one of
which transcripts shall be filed
with the Auditor of Public Ac
counts of the State of Nebraska,
and the other shall be delivered to
the purchaser of said bonds.
7. Said bonds shall be sold at
not less than the par value thereof
as the County Board may by reso
lution provide, and the County
Treasurer is authorized to deliver
the bonds to the purchaser upon
receipt of full payment of th<? pur
chase price there|or.
8. All of the proceedings of this
Board, including the resolution call
ing the said election and submitt
ing said proposition, the proof of
publication of the notice thereof,
and the other publications required
by law and the canvass of the
votes cast at said election and this
resolution and the record of the
passage there of, and all other pro
ceedings of this County Board in
relation to the issue of said bonds,
shall be entered at large in the
book containing the record of the
proceedings of this County Board.
9. Money raised from taxes
levied for the payment of said
bonds in specifically appropriated
and shall constitute a fund, distinct
from all others, in the hands of
the County Treasurer until said
bonds shall be fully discharged and
The foregoig resolution having
been read, Supervisor Steinhauser
seconded the motion for its passage
and adoption, and after consider
ation thereof, the roll was called
on the passage and adoption of
said resolution and the following
supervisors voted in favor of the
passage and adoption of said reso
lutionrlution: Sullivan, Matousek,
Carson, Stein, Steinhauser, Walter
and Reimer. The following voted
against the ame: None. Said
resolution having received the
affirmative vote of more than a
majority of all the members elect
ed to the County Board was by the
Chairman declared passed and
Supervisor Carson offered the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION Declaring the Re
sult of the Special Election held
November 12, 1935, on the ques
tion of issuing $61,000.00 Court
House Bonds.
WHEREAS, There was duly and
legally called a special election to
be held on the 12th day of No
vember, 1935, to vote upon the pro
position of issuing $61,000.00 Court
House bonds and taxes of Holt
County, Nebraska, and
WHEREAS, Said special election
was in all respects held and con
ducted as according to law on the
day and date as was set out in the
Notice of said Special Election,
WHEREAS, The Canvassing
Board consisting of the County
Clerk and two disinterested elect
ors appointed by the County Clerk,
did canvass the result of said
election, and examine the poll
books and find that there was a
total of 4554 votes cast on the
proposition, 2,374 being for and
2,175 against the proposition.
SECTION 1. That there were
cast at the Special Election held on
the 12th day of November, 1935,
4554 votes, there being 2,373 votes
cast for the issuance of Court
House bonds and levying a tax,
and that according to laws relating
to the issuance of Court House
bonds and taxes, said proposition
carried, there having been more
than a majority of all votes cast at
said election voting for the pro
position, and that the County
Board do find and declare that said
proposition carried and that bonds
be issued.
SECTION 2. That the County
Clerk be and he is hereby author
ized to publish the result of said
election for two weeks in some
legal newspaper printed and of
general circulation in the County
of Holt.
SECTION 3. That all resolu
tions and parts of resolutions in
conflict with the provisions hereof
be and the same are hereby re
The motion to adopt said reso
lution was seconded by Steinhauser.
Upon roll call the following
voted Aye, Sullivan, Matousek,
Carson, Steinhauser, Stein, Walter
and Reimer. Nay: None. The
Chairman declared said resolution
duly carried.
Mr. Euhling and Mr. Raynor ap
peared before the Board in regard
to the purchase of the Court House
bonds and presented proposals on
purchase of same.
Motion by Steinhauser, seconded
by Walter, that the Board accept
the proposal of Greenway-Raynor
ACompany for purchase of Court
House bonds, $61,000.00 3% inter
est at par value and accrued inter
est as specified in proposal. Car
Supervisor Stein introduced the
following resolution and moved its
WHEREAS, the County of Holt
has accepted the offer of the Unit
ed States of America through the
Federal Emergency Administrator
of Public Works of aid in financing
the construction of a Court House
and Jail, and
WHEREAS, the rules and regu
lations of the Federal Emergency
Administration of Public Works re
quire the adoption of a minimum
wage schedule in connection with
the construction of said buildings.
SOLVED: That in conformity with
Section 4 of the rules and regula
tiions relating to projects under
the Emergency Relief Appropria
tion Act of 1935, there shall be
paid each employee engaged in the
trade or occupation listed below
not less than the hourly wage rate
set opposite the same, viz.,
Brick Mason $0.80
Plasterer .80
Carpenter, Finish .70
Carpenter, Rough .50
Painter .60
Painter Helper .40
Cement Finisher .80
Electrician .80
Plumber .80
Plumber Helper _ .40
Steam flitter .80
Steam fitter Helper .40
Lather .50
Roofer, Tile and Slate .80
Roofer, Flat__ .50
Roofer Helper_ .30
Sheet Metal Worker .75
Sheet Metal Worker
Helper . .50
Steel Worker .70
Concrete Mixer Operator
up to 21 cu. ft. .50
Truck Driver, lVi to
or under .40
Teamster .30
Teamster and Teams_ .50
Common Labor ... .30
Supervisor Steinhauser seconded
the motion. The roll was called
with the following result. Those
voting Aye: Sullivan, Matousek,
Carson, Stein, Steinhauser, W’alter
and Reimer.
Motion by Steinhauser, seconded
by Carson that County of Holt
Advertise for bids for the excava
tion of the basement for the new
Court House building and that the
clerk be instructed to give notice
to contractors and that said notice
be published in Theh Frontier for
two weeks.
Motion by Walter, seconded by
Steinhauser that County Clerk be
instructed to advertise for bids on
the present Jail Building exclusive
of cells, and also bids for the tear
ing down and removal of same,
and clearing of premises.
5:00 p. m. On motion, board ad
jorned until November 26, 1935,
10:00 a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Nov. 26, 1935, 10:00 a. m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman. Minutes of
previous meeting were read and on
motion were approved as read.
Board spent forenoon in discus
sion of Court House bond issue and
sale of Bonds.
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Nov. 25, 1935, 1:00 p. m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as peradjaurnment. All
members present. Meeting" called
to order by Chairman.
Board continued discussion of
Court House Bond issue and dis
posal of bonds.
On motion the following claims
were allowed on the County Road
Relif fund:
S. E. Adrian $ 73.20
Alder Bros. 28.80
Bailin Bros. 22.50
A. E. Bucklin — 14.40
Council Oak, O’Neill 6.00
Thos. Brennan 3.00
Clover Farm Store 21.60
W. H. Chicken 96.82
Cowles Store 5.10
Farmers Union, Page 1.80
W. S. Goree .. 22.80
Greenstreet Bros. _. 10.20
Ilaskinson Merc. Co. 35.40
Mrs. Harry Kopp 56.80
K B Market 7.80
Roy Karr 4.00
Thos. Salem 20.00
R. R. Morrison 5.20
J. P. Protivinsky 14.40
1). Stannard 19.20
.1. H. Wunner 32.00
Frank Wilson 3.30
Vaughn’s Merc. Co. 2.90
Chace & Chace _ .70
S. E. Adrian 95.40
Atkinson Lbr. Co. . lit
Bailin Bros. 26.40
Council Oak, O’Neill 177.90
Council Oak, Atkinson _ 23.40
Council Oak, Atkinson 33.60
W. H. Chicken _ 4.80
Chace & Chace 4.80
Joe Daas 22.80
Fair Store, liman .. 13.80
Chace & Chace 108.20
J. I. Gray 61.20
Hoskinson Merc. Co. 38.10
Mrs. Harry Kopp 14.60
K B Market 28.00
H. Marble 12.00
George Syfie 20.00
R. R. Morrison 25.60
George L. Smith 47.70
J. 11. Wunner 30.00
Vaughn’s Grocery 15.30
Clover Farm Store _ — 5.70
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on Salary fund in payment
of same:
John P. Sullivan $ 50.00
Marjorie Dickson 65.00
Clarence J. McClurg 158.33
Harry Bowen 10.00
I. orctto Phalin 104.17
Harry Bowen 75.00
Ira II. Moss 1*8.86
C. J. Malone 183.33
Luree Abart 65.00
Ed. Hancock 65.00
Teresa Connelly 65.00
Julius D. Cronin 108.88
Harold Weier 65.00
Esther Cole Harris 125.00
John C. Gallagher 166.66
Grace O’Donnell 65.00
Inez O’Connell 83.33
Ruth S. Oppen ., . 65.00
B. T. Winchell 166.66
Geo. Shoemaker 104.17
Petor W. Duffy 150.00
C. C. Bergstrom 65.00
5:00 p. m. On motion, Board ad
journed until Nov. 27, 1935, 9:00
a. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Nov. 27, 1935, 9:00 a. m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjuornment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman. Minutes of
previous meeting were read and on
motion were approved as read.
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on Road Fund in payment
of same:
John A. Carson .$ 35.00
Richard Minton 100.00
Elmer Ernst 84.00
Dan Sullivan 84.00
Louis W. Reimer 27.50
J. H. Gibson 37.60
Louis Olberding 31.20
L. H. Steinhauser 22.00
Louis Olberding 14.00
Charles H. Allman % 18.90
John Steinhauser 27.93
Clinton McKim . 72.00
John Sullivan 40.50
Ronald Carson 100.00
Lyle C. McKim 63.00
Sid Faulhaber _ 16.00
J. W. Walter 22.50
Wm. J. Thramer 53.15
Sam Kaup 22.50
Louis Olberding 47.60
John Haskin 15.00
Wilbur Shoal 86.00
Ed. J. Matousek 28.96
W. L. Ulrich . ... 68.00
12:00 noon. On motion, Board
'adjourned until 1:00 p. m.
John Sullivan, Chairman.
John C. Gallagher, Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebraska,
Nov. 27, 1935, 1:00 p. m.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by Chairman.
The following claims were aud
ited and approved and on motion
were allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on Bridge fund in payment
of same:
J. H. Gibson ___ $ 2.50
Paul S. Bittner _ 0.60
John Steinhauser _ 6.00
Ed. J. Matousek 13.80
John A. Carson 33.50
J. H. Gibson 7.50
Paul S. Bittner 5.20
Ed. J. Matousek 14.20
John Steinhauser 11.10
John A. Carson 15.34
John A. Carson 45.50
P. C. Peterson 8.75
Leonard Peterson . _ 12^00
Deep Rock Oil Co. . 23.49
Harley Bros. 42.15
Lawrence Smith 6.00
Alec Frickel 6.00
Levi Yantzi 3.50
J. J. Krska 17.85
R. R. Grubb 16.66
Frank Connelly . 42.00
O. L. Hansen . 3.00
John Kellar ..... .. 6.25
Oliver Jenkins__ 6.25
John Vandersnicht _ 5.00
Frank Howard _ _ 5.75
Fred Fox . 7.50
Bernard Kaup _ 24.00
Tom Green_ 13.00
Fred Ermer.... 16.25
Ronald Carson _ 13.20
J. C. Stein 29.00
Elmer Ernst.. 16.00
J. W. Walter 12.65
Dan Sullivan _ 64.00
W. Rodgers _ 6.00
Leo Burival _ 6.00
Robert Williams_ 3.00
Robert Williams_ 13.50
Harley Bros. Hdw. Co. 16.60
Charles H. Allman.. 5.20
John V. Vitt _ 3.60
Charley Linn . 10.40
Henry Hull . 12.40
James Hoxsie _ 2.00
Peter Peterson 29.00
R. R. Grubb . 11.50
Levi Yantzi .._. 3.00
Newhouse Hdw. Co... 12.37
Cecil Hartford 5.00
Donald Ofe 1.40
C. L. McKim .. 10.00
Louis Olberding _ 23.00
John Walter Sr. _ 6.00
Sam Kaup . 22.00
L. H. Steinhauser .. 26.00
John Haskin .—. 20.00
Lyle C. McKim . 16.00
Wm. J. Thramer . 8.00
Dan Sullivan _ 16.00
The following claims were audit
ed and approved, and on motion
were allowed and warrantes order-,
ed drawn on Road Fund in payments
of same:
Wm. Friend _ $ 25.20 |
John M. Grutsch_ 19.80
Geo. Post Jr.___i'l 23.10
Ray Wilson..:.— 36.00
Ray Osborn_ 3.00
R. E. Gallagher ... .. 3.50
Earl Shannon_ 2.50
Phillips Pet. Co.i_..... 86.35
Frank Pribil, Jr. 49.50 1
Frank Howard . 13.60 ^
George A. French__ 8.25
Supervisor Dist. No. 1 187.50
W. A. Smith . 30.03
Paul S. Bittner ,|(,4.80
Leo Mossman .. 6.40
Chester Fees _ 18.25
Mrs. M. Crosser . 6.00
Harry McGraw ..._l. 2.04
Supervisor Dist. No. 7 187.50
Harry F. Miller . 91.00
Wm. Clauson . 24.00
Joe Jurgenmeier_ 21.60
Clyde Brainard _ 2.50
(Continued on page 5, column 5.)
■ ' I Hi |
Phone 74
Successor to J. H. McPharlin
I Am Now Making Loans
Diamond — Watches—Jewelery
Expert Watch Repairing
O. M. Herre—Jeweler
In Reardon Drug Store
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
: Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
Is AL i, It Takes!
To Pay A Year’s Subscription
The Frontier
Covers the County of Holt Like A Blanket
All the News All the Time—and will be sent again to subscribers in
Holt and adjoining counties for $1.00 per year!
rr^HE FRONTIER is the oldest newspaper in
this section of the state, and publishes 8 more
columns of news each week than the other O’Neill
paper. Eight and ten seven column pages each
week, filled with news of this section of the state
and the nation. Old readers can take advantage
of this offer by paying all arrearages, if any, at the
regular rate and then a year in advance at $1.00.
If your subscription is paid in advance you ^
can have the date extended one year by the pay
ment of $1.00. Subscribers outside of Holt and
adjoining counties are not eligible for this rate.
....---— ----